Concrete Carbonation

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Vol. 1 Nm. 1


Paulo Roberto Do Lago Helenea & Pedro Castro-Borgesb
AbstrAct Although the causes, mechanisms, and factors which promote concrete carbonation have been widely studied, factors that come into play during concrete fabrication such as mix proportioning combinations a critical factor influencing the rate of carbonation have not been properly researched or modeled. The present work involved the fabrication of concrete samples with different slumps, cement contents, and water/cement ratios which were subjected to tests of accelerated carbonation. As reported in previous studies, the water/cement ratio had the greatest influence on concrete carbonation rates. Cement content did not influence the carbonation rate when the water/cement ratio was kept constant; however, if the workability was fixed, an increase in cement content led to a reduction in carbonation depth. By conducting this experiment, the main objective of the present study was to demonstrate how a mix design nomogram, a side from being a powerful tool for the practitioner, can serve to predict and reduce the degree of concrete carbonation by identifying the most appropriate mixture parameters. Keywords: Carbonation-C; Corrosion-C; Durability-C; Concrete-E; Mixture Proportion resumo Embora as causas, mecanismos e fatores que promovem a carbonatao do concreto tm sido amplamente estudados, os fatores a considerar durante o fabrico do concreto, tais como as combinaes da mistura fator crtico que tem influncia na taxa de carbonatao ainda no foram adequadamente nem pesquisados, nem modelados. O presente trabalho abrangeu o fabrico de amostras de concreto, com diferentes assentamentos, contedo de cimento e diferentes propores dgua / cimento, e essas amostras foram submetidas a testes de carbonatao acelerada. Como j foi exposto em estudos prvios, a maior influncia na taxa de carbonatao do concreto tem sido dada pela proporo gua / cimento. O teor de cimento no influenciou na taxa de carbonatao quando a proporo gua / cimento foi mantida constante, porm, se a trabalhabilidade foi fixada, um acrscimo no teor de cimento levou para uma reduo na profundidade da carbonatao. Ao realizar esta experincia, o principal objetivo deste estudo era demonstrar que um nomograma de desenho de misturas, alm de ser uma ferramenta poderosa para o profissional, pode auxiliar para predizer e reduzir o grau de carbonatao do concreto, atravs da identificao daqueles parmetros da mistura que sejam os mais adequados. Palavras-chave: C-Carbonatao; C-Corroso; C-Durabilidade; E-Concreto; Proporo da Mistura resumen Si bien las causas, mecanismos y factores que promueven la carbonatacin del concreto han sido ampliamente estudiadas, los factores a considerar durante la fabricacin de concreto, tales como las combinaciones en la proporcin de la mezcla que es un factor que influye en la tasa de carbonatacin - no han sido investigados ni modelados adecuadamente. El
Ingeniero Civil por la escuela politcnica de la Universidad del Especialista de So Paulo e ingeniero civil en Patologa de las Construcciones para el Instituto Eduardo Torroja de Madrid, Espaa. Doctor en ingeniera con posdoctorado en la Universidad de California en Berkeley. Actualmente es Vicepresidente del Instituto Brasileiro do Concreto Ibracn, Msd, PhD. Profesor de Tiempo Completo de la Escola Politcnica de Universidades de Sao Paulo as como Coordinador Internacional de la Red Rehabilitar CYTED de Education, Research & Consultancy on Concrete Materials & Structures. Correo elecrnico:

concreto y cemento

Investigador titular del Centro de Investigacin y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politcnico Nacional, Unidad Mrida, en Yucatn (CINVESTAV). Adscrito al Departamento de Fsica Aplicada. Su lnea investigacin est relacionada con los aspectos bsicos y aplicados de la durabilidad y deterioro de estructuras de concreto por efecto del medio ambiente. Correo electrnico:, y

investigacin y desarrollo

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presente trabajo abarc la elaboracin de muestras de concreto con diferentes asentamientos, contenido de cemento y diversas proporciones de agua / cemento, muestras que fueron sometidas a pruebas de carbonatacin acelerada. Como ya se inform en estudios previos, la mayor influencia en la tasa de carbonatacin del concreto la tuvo la proporcin agua / cemento. El contenido de cemento no influy en la tasa de carbonatacin cuando la proporcin agua / cemento se mantuvo constante; sin embargo, si la trabajabilidad se mantena constante, el incremento en el contenido de cemento dio lugar a una reduccin de la profundidad de carbonatacin. Mediante la realizacin de este experimento, el principal objetivo del presente estudio fue demostrar cmo un nomograma de diseo de mezcla, adems de ser una herramienta poderosa para el profesional, puede servir en la prediccin y reduccin del grado de carbonatacin del concreto, mediante la identificacin de los parmetros ms adecuados para la mezcla. Palabras clave: C-Carbonatacin, C-Corrosin; C-Durabilidad, E-Concreto; Proporcin de Mezcla 1 INTRODuCTION Structural concrete deterioration can take place due to a reaction between hydrated cement paste products and atmospheric CO2, which can occur in all environments, but mainly in dense urban cities where pollution and certain climatic conditions favor such process. This reaction reduces the pH of the concrete pore solution, leading to the corrosion of the embedded reinforcement steel bars and subsequent formation of cracks in the concrete which, in the end, results in a decrease in the residual service life of the structure. Carbonation rates vary depending on factors such as: type and amount of cement used, concrete porosity, curing time, and type and quantity of minerals added1,2. Additionally, carbonation rates in concrete structures can also be influenced by macro and microclimatic conditions, architectural design, environmental conditions such as humidity and insulation3, and the structures position relative to sea level4. As a consequence of carbonation, concrete structures may exhibit changes in concrete properties such as compressive strength, superficial hardness and resistance to aggressive agents such as sulfates and AAR5. In this study, we refer to microclimatic conditions as those which affect specific portions of a concrete structure, while macroclimatic conditions pertain to a much larger spatial scale (city, region) and their effect is relevant for larger concrete extensions. Concrete structures exposed to humid and/or warm environments, mainly in dense urban areas such as So Paulo, Brazil, suffer more from degradation due to carbonation. Detailed inspections of concrete structures belonging to public schools showed that 96% of the corrosion damage present in steel bars was caused by concrete carbonation6. This condition is also evident in other cities where carbonation of concrete structures has shown to cause corrosion of the reinforcement steel7. Several models have been developed to predict the effect of several of the above-mentioned factors on carbonation rates8,9. However, each model is limited to a specific set of conditions present only in the study system for which it was designed, and for this reason have shown to be of limited application. In this sense, mix design nomograms have been successfully implemented to predict concrete compressive strength and fracture toughness10, and more recently have been used to study durability parameters such as resistance to carbonation. The objective of this investigation was to develop a new method to predict concrete carbonation depth as a function of cement content, water/cement ratio, or aggregate/cement ratio. In addition, we discuss the feasibility and limitations of nomograms, as well as step-by-step procedures which can be used to apply this methodology under different conditions. Research significance Because carbonation of reinforced concrete can lead to corrosion of reinforcement steel bars, it is highly relevant that the concrete technologist specifies the appropriate concrete mixture proportion in order to minimize carbonation rates. This work proposes the use of a nomogram to determine the carbonation depth of concrete structures built with a wide range of concrete mixtures. This procedure represents a new tool to avoid, control, or reduce carbonation rates in concrete structures by determining which concrete mixture conditions such as water/cement ratio or cement content favor a reduction in carbonation depth. 2 MIx DEsIgN NOMOgRAM Mix design nomograms can be used to determine appropriate concrete mixture proportions according to fabrication purposes. They are based on Abrams law11 which correlates concrete compressive strength with the water/cement (w/c) ratio for a determined level of cement hydration. This relationship can be extended to other properties, such as elasticity modulus and fracture energy10, as well as durability parameters such as carbonation which was the variable measured in this study.

concreto y cemento

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For a given workability, the equation which best fits the tendency predicted by this law, generalized by Powers12, is: (1)

where fc is compressive strength (MPa), while k1 and k2 are constants that depend on the materials used. Lyses law13 correlates the water/cement ratio with the ratio between the amount of dry aggregate (fine + coarse) and the amount of cement. The equation that best fits this law is given by: (2)

where m is the dry aggregate/cement ratio, and k3 and k4 are constants which depend on the materials used for a given workability. Molinaris law correlates the cement content, C, with the aggregate/cement ratio, m. The equation that best fits this behavior is given by: (3)

where C is the cement content (kg/m3), and k5 and k6 are constants. Figure 1, shows how these laws can be combined to create a useful mix design nomogram for compressive strength, which can be applied for other concrete properties such as carbonation depth.

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Fig. 1. mix design nomogram for compressive strength.

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3 ExPERIMENTAL PROCEDuRE 3.1 Materials Type I blended Portland Cement was used according to (SM) ASTM C-595; cement characteristics are given in Table 1. Natural river sand, which met ASTM C-33 standards, was employed as fine aggregate, with a maximum particle size of 4.8 mm (0.19 in), fineness modulus of 2.97, bulk specific gravity of 2,620 kg/m3 (4,418 lb/yd3), and water absorption of 0.05% by mass. On the other hand, coarse crushed granite, which met ASTM C-33 standards, was used as large aggregate, with a maximum particle size of 19 mm (0.75 in), fineness modulus of 6.76, bulk specific gravity of 2,680 kg/m3 (4,519 lb/yd3), and water absorption of 0.6% by mass. 3.2 Concrete mix proportions Concrete mix proportions were defined in the concrete durability laboratory according to a pre-established methodology14. The water/cement ratio was adjusted for a slump of 80 10 mm (3.15 0.39 in). The dry aggregate/cement ratio was fixed at 3, 4, and 5. Three water/cement ratios and three different slumps (workability), were tested. Table 2 specifies all of the concrete mix proportions used in this study. This work reports results using different concrete mix proportions without the use of a plasticizer, because any kind of admixture can have an influence on the carbonation rate and, therefore, on the nomogram. 3.3 Specimens According to the procedure outlined in CPC-18 RILEM15, 10 x 10 x 10 cm [3.9 x 3.9x 3.9] cubic concrete specimens were used to conduct the carbonation tests, using four specimens (replicates) per mixture proportion combination.
Table 1. Physical and chemical cement characteristics (measured).

Physical Fineness # 200 Blaine Fineness

Results 1.2 (%) 3600 (cm2/g) (253636 in2/lb) 3030 (kg/m3) (5110 lb/yd3) 0.27 6:25 (h:min) 8:15 (h:min) 3.9 mPa (566 lb/in2) 17.6 mPa (2553 lb/in2) 28.4 mPa (4119 lb/in2) 44.2 mPa (6411 lb/in2)

Chemical loss of ignition sio2 al2o3

Results 1.89 (%)

23.40 (%) 5.94 (%)


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W/c for cement paste initial setting time Final setting of cement compressive strength 01day compressive strength 03days compressive strength 07days compressive strength 28days

Fe2o3 cao mgo na2o

2.48 (%) 56.68 (%) 3.90 (%) 0.12 (%)

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0.55 (%)

0.19 (%)

insoluble residue

0.95 (%)


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Three 10 cm x 20 cm [3.9 x 7.8] cylindrical specimens per mixture proportion, were tested for compressive strength. All specimens were cast and demolded 24 hrs later. The surface of the specimens was polished and cleaned to remove residual demolding agent. Next, specimens were stored for six days in a fog-room at 21oC and 98% RH. Subsequently, in order to reduce and stabilize internal humidity, specimens were exposed for three hours to 50 5C (122 41F) and 50 10% RH. This assured that the concrete pores were unsaturated and not totally dry. Finally, specimens were kept for seven more days in a chamber at 23 2C (73.4 3.5F) with 65 5% RH. Carbonation tests were then conducted 14 days after casting the specimens. 3.4 Carbonation tests Carbonation depth, using phenolphthalein (pH indicator 8.2 to 9.8) and timolphthalein (pH indicator 9.3 to 10.5), was measured 21, 28 and 42 days after the concrete specimens were cast, which was equivalent to seven, 14 and 28 days of exposure to a carbonation chamber. The carbonation chamber kept a constant temperature of 23 2C (73.4 3.5F) and RH of 65 5%, as well as a gas CO2 effective concentration of 10%. Carbonation depth was measured according to the CPC-18 RILEM procedure15. Compressive strength was determined according to ASTM C-39. Average carbonation depths based on measurements taken from each of the four faces of every specimen are presented in Table 2 (values presented are after 7, 14 and 28 days of exposure to carbonation chamber conditions). 4 REsuLTs AND DIsCussION Figure 2 shows a mix design nomogram built for 21, 28, and 42 days after casting the specimens. When mixture proportions are known, mix design nomograms are a useful tool to estimate the carbonation depth of any concrete structure, since the parameters employed fall well within the range used for concrete fabrication. The mix design nomograms used in this study represent two concrete families: one with a constant slump (same workability), and the other with a constant water/cement ratio (same compressive strength). The ability to predict carbonation depth based on a variety of different mixtures depends on the possibility of testing a variety of available cement types, including

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Fig. 2. mix design nomogram for carbonation depth, timolphthalein tests.

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Table 2. concrete characteristics and properties (measured). Mix 1 Mix proportion 1:3 Mix 2 1:4 Mix 3 1:5 Mix 4 1:3 Mix 5 1:5

W/C=0.3 6

W/C=0.4 5

W/C=0.5 4

W/C=0.4 5

W/C=0.4 5

cement (kg) or (lb) Fine aggregate (kg) or (lb) coarse aggregate (kg) or (lb) Water content (kg/m3) (lb/yd3) cement content (kg/m3) (lb/yd3) entrapped air (%) slump (mm) (in) fc
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1.96 197 332 550 927 1.2 80 10 3 48 6,962 4.0 (0.16)

1.45 197 332 440 742 1.3 80 10 3 40 5,801 8.0 (0.32)

2.94 196 331 360 607 1.4 80 10 3 32 4,641 9.5 (0.37)

1.96 242 408 538 907 1.1 210 20 8 39 5,656 7.5 (0.29)

2.94 164 277 365 615 1.8 10 5 < 1 41 5,946 7.5 (0.29)

at 28 days

(mPa) (psi)

eco2 timolphtalein 21days, mm (in) eco2 timolphta lein 28days, mm (in) e co2 timolphtalein 42days, mm (in) eco2 fenolphtalein 21days, mm (in) e co2 fenolphtalein 28days, mm (in) e co2 fenolphtalein 42days, mm (in)

5.0 (0.19)

9.0 (0.35)

12.0 (0.47)

8.5 (0.33)

9 (0.35)

5.5 (0.22)

10.0 (0.39)

13.0 (0.51)

9.5 (0.37)

10.0 (0.39)

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3.5 (0.14)

7.0 (0.28)

9.0 (0.35)

6.5 (0.26)

6 (0.24)

4.0 (0.16)

8.5 (0.33)

11.5 (0.45)

8.0 (0.32)

8.0 (0.32)

5.0 (0.19)

9.5 (0.37)

12.5 (0.49)

9.0 (0.35)

9.5 (0.37)


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Table 3. Predicted properties of concrete using the mix design nomogram.

fc at 28 days MPa (psi)

slump mm (in)

cement content kg/m3 (lb/yd3)

accelerated eCO2 mm (in)

carbonation coefficient kCO2 mm/year (in/year1/2)

carbonation depth eCO2 50 years mm (in)

10 5 (< 1) 50 (7,252) 80 10 (3) 210 20 (8) 10 5 (< 1) 40 (5,801) 80 10 (3) 210 20 (8) 10 5 (< 1) 30 (4,351) 80 10 (3) 210 20 (8)

475 (801) 565 (953) 750 (1,265) 350 (590) 440 (742) 550 (928) 250 (422) 340 (573) 430 (725) 13.5 (0.53) 4.87 (0.19) 35 (1.38)
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4.0 (0.16)

1.44 (0.06)

10 (0.39)

9.0 (0.35)

3.25 (0.13)

23 (0.91)

eco2 = carbonation depth using timolphtalein kco2 = carbonation constant for timolphtalein

(4) where eCO2 is the carbonation depth in mm (or in), and kCO2 is a constant expressed in mm/year1/2 (in/year1/2) which depends on the materials used and environmental conditions.

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those which contain slags, pozzolans, metakaolin, silica fume, calcite or fly ash. Based on the CPC-RILEM procedure, Figure 3 shows the influence of the water/cement ratio on the carbonation depth for concrete specimens built with each combination mixture, while Figure 4 shows the evolution of carbonation levels over time for the studied concrete specimens. Diffusion equations can be used to estimate the carbonation depth as a function of time, using the well-know model:


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To exemplify a complementary application of the nomogram used here it is possible to conduct a simplified transformation between accelerated and natural CO2 exposure. Assuming that the humidity level in the accelerated carbonation chamber can be extrapolated to a natural environment, it is possible to consider the product of time by gas CO2 concentration as a constant, as shown in eq. (5): (5) where t is the time (days) under natural environmental conditions. In this case, t would be of seven yr and eight mo. Using this transformation, the predicted carbonation depth after 50 years of service life is shown in Table 3.

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Fig. 3. carbonation depth by W/c ratio, phenolphthalein and timolphthalein tests.


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Another application of the mix design nomogram is the development of concrete structures with specific properties. For example, the cement content and water/cement ratio for an admissible carbonation rate can be estimated from the nomograms. Carbonation data from several concrete families exposed not only to accelerated, but also to natural environmental conditions, are desirable in order to achieve a more accurate and effective application of mix design nomograms. Fig. 5 compares the carbonation depth of concrete specimens cast with a constant slump (same workability), as well as concrete cast with a constant water/cement ratio (same compressive strength). As expected, the behavior of the former group indicated that cement content improves carbonation resistance if the slump is constant. On the other hand, the cement content has a negligible influence on carbonation penetration if the water/cement ratio is constant (see Fig. 5). This result is not contradictory since cement content is usually associated with changes in water/cement ratio and, therefore, in the carbonation rate. Previous studies have proposed that cement content can affect carbonation depths, assuming that can occur changes in alkaline reserve. This is true only when the slump (concrete workability) is held constant. If the water/cement ratio is held constant, the alkaline reserve does not change because the cement paste is always the same, regardless of the total amount of cement content used in the concrete mixture. Table 3 shows how concrete properties can be estimated from the mixture design nomogram. Although the data recorded in this study cannot be used to estimate carbonation rates for concrete made with other cement types or under different environment conditions, the method employed here to construct nomograms may represent a useful tool to understand the behavior of new concretes made with different materials. The water/cement ratio and slump are the most important factors in determining the properties of fresh and hardened concrete. Therefore, special caution must be taken in research studies in order to ensure that mixture proportion planning can, in fact, help to generate reliable results which allow generalizations. 5 CONCLusIONs First, it is important to underline that results reported based on the nomograms used pertain only to the materials and conditions tested here. If the methodology we used is not followed or environmental conditions vary with respect to this study, our predictions may change or even become invalid. For this reason, results obtained under different conditions should be used to design novel nomograms which are specific for the methodology and materials used (e.g., type of cement, aggregates, admixtures, etc.), as well as the environmental conditions present.

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Fig. 4. evolution of accelerated carbonation depth in time.

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Fig. 5. effect of cement content on the carbonation depth, for a same W/c ratio, and different ages.


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Results from this study confirmed that a greater water/cement ratio causes an increase in carbonation penetration in concrete structures with the same workability. In addition, we found that for concrete specimens with the same compressive strength, and made with the same materials, cement content had a negligible effect on the carbonation depth when the water/cement ratio was held constant. Accelerated carbonation tests can be used to evaluate and predict the performance of a concrete mixture exposed to natural aggressive conditions when natural relative humidity (RH) is similar to that present in experimental conditions. New nomograms applicable to specimens constructed with a different concrete composition, as well as under different conditions can be fabricated if additional tests are performed. The effect of the mixture parameters on concrete properties can be easily evaluated if the analysis is performed under two main conditions: constant workability or a constant water/cement ratio. By using all the information available from such nomogram, it is possible to determine mixture proportions which comply with predefined performance criteria. In the present study, special attention was given to the relationship between the design of mixture proportions and degree of carbonation in concrete structures. This approach can be applied to other properties of concrete such as permeability, resistivity, elasticity modulus, among others. ACkNOwLEDgMENTs The authors are indebted to Fernanda Pereira for her valuable assistance with laboratory tests. Also, the authors wish to acknowledge their institutes as well as FAPESP and CONACYT for financial support to conduct this research. REfERENCEs [1] Baker, R., Initiation period, in: Corrosion of steel in concrete, P. Schiessl (Ed.), Chapman & Hall, London, UK, (1988), pp. 22-25. [2] Moreno, E. & Sags, A., Carbonation-induced corrosion on blended cement concrete mix designs for highway structures. CORROSION/98, Paper 636, NACE International, Houston, TX., (1998). [3] Castro-Borges, P.; Vleva, L. & Garca, J., Distribution of relative humidity and temperature in concrete exposed to a rural-urban atmosphere (in Spanish). Proceedings of the XII National Congress of the Mexican Society of Electrochemistry, Mexico. (1997), pp. 42-50. [4] Castro-Borges, P.; Moreno, E. & Genesc, J. Influence of marine micro-climates on carbonation of reinforced concrete buildings, Cement and Concrete Research, 30 (10) (2000), pp. 1565-1571. [5] Verbeck, G. Carbonation of Hydrated Portland Cement. Bulletin 87, Portland Cement Association (PCA), Washington, DC, (1958). [6] Levy, S. & Helene, P. Rehabilitation of reinforced concrete schools in the State of So Paulo, Brazil, (in Portuguese). Technical Report, Tchne, PINI, n. 47, (2000). [7] Moreno, E.; Castro-Borges, P. & Leal, J. Carbonation-induced corrosion of urban concrete buildings in Yucatan, Mexico. CORROSION/2002, paper 02220, NACE-International, Houston, TX., (2002) [8] Papadakis, V.; Fardis, M. & Vayenas, C. Effect of composition, environmental factors and cement-lime mortar coating on concrete carbonation. Materials and Structures, 25 (1992), pp. 293-304 . [9] Papadakis, V.; Vayenas, C. & Fardis, M. Fundamental modeling and experimental investigation of concrete carbonation. ACI Materials Journal, 88 (4) (1991), pp. 363-373. [10] Monteiro, P.J.M.; Helene, P. & Kang, S. Designing Concrete Mixtures for Strength, Elastic Modulus and Fracture Energy. Materials and Structures, 26, (1993), pp. 443-452. y. [11] Abrams, D., Design of concrete mixtures. Lewis Institute Bulletin No 1 (Structural Materials Research . Laboratory), Chicago, (1918). [12] Powers, T. The Properties of Fresh Concrete, Wiley, New York, (1968) [13] Lyse, I. Test on consistence and strength of concrete having constant water content, ASTM Proc. 32 (II), (1932): pp. 629-636. . [14] Helene, P. & Terzian, P. Concrete control and mix design manual (in Portuguese), So Paulo, PINI, ISBN 85-7266-007-0, 4th ed. (1992). [15] RILEM CPC 18, Measurement of hardened concrete carbonation depth, Draft RILEM Recommendation in Materials and Structures, 17, (1984).

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