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Fascculo 06
Patrcia Goloni Lolo
Sandra Braid

Reported (Indirect) Speech

Resumo Terico ..................................................................................................................................1

Gabarito.......................................................................................................................................... 11
Reported (Indirect) Speech

Resumo Terico

H duas formas de relatar o que algum disse:

Discurso direto (direct speech) He said, Im so confused!!
Discurso indireto (indirect / reported speech) He said (that) he was confused.
Compare as duas sentenas:
Direto He said, I am so confused!!

Indireto He said (that) he was so confused.

Discurso direto He said, Im so confused!!

vem entre aspas
narrador repete exatamente as palavras de quem falou

Discurso indireto He said that he was confused.

sem as aspas
narrador usa as prprias palavras, mas o significado da mensagem
permanece o mesmo
o tempo verbal muda
h tambm mudanas em outros componentes da sentena

So dois os verbos mais comuns que introduzem o discurso indireto (reporting verbs /
verbos introdutrios), say e tell. Observe como suas estruturas so diferentes:

Sujeito Verbo Nome ou (that) Discurso indireto

He told the teacher the test was very
He told her (that) he was feeling
worn out.
He said he had been under

Grammar Note

Se voc disser com quem voc est falando, use tell. Caso contrrio, use say. Se voc quiser
mencionar com quem est falando e estiver usando o verbo say, dever acrescentar to.


He said to
the boss

Conforme explicado acima, ao relatar o que algum disse, no discurso indireto, h

tambm mudanas em outros componentes da sentena, tais como o tempo verbal, o advrbio e, s
vezes, o pronome:

Discurso direto Discurso indireto
She said, Simple present Simple Past
I live in San Francisco. She said (that) she lived in San Francisco.
Simple Past Past Perfect
I moved here in September. She said (that) she had moved there in September.
Present Continuous Past Continuous
Im living in the dorms. She said (that) she was living in the dorms.
Present Perfect Past Perfect
Ive just started school. She said (that) she had just started school.
Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
Ive been feeling homesick. She said (that) she had been feeling homesick.
Simple Future Conditional
Ill stay here for about four She said (that) she would stay there for about four
weeks. weeks.
I may be able to graduate in She said (that) she might be able to graduate in three
three and a half years. and a half years.

I have to try and do my best She said (that) she had to try and do her best always.

I must call home as often as I She said (that) she had to call home as often as she
can. could.

I ought to take some She said (that) she ought to take some extra-curricular
extra-curricular courses. courses.

I should purchase a second-hand She said (that) she should purchase a second-hand
computer. computer.

Grammar Notes

1. Se o verbo introdutrio do que est sendo relatado estiver no presente, no h mudana no tempo
The weatherman says, There will be some scattered showers in the afternoon.
The weatherman says there will be some scattered showers in the afternoon.

2. H outras situaes em que a mudana no tempo verbal opcional.

a. Quando relatamos algo que acabou de ser dito:
Cathy: Im freaking out. Time is flying and I still have tons of things to study for vestibular.
Kevin: What did you say?
Cathy: I said Im freaking out. Time is flying and I still have tons of things to study for vestibular.

b. Quando relatamos algo que ainda verdadeiro.

The manager said the paycheck is in the mail. ou
The manager said the paycheck was in the mail.

c. Quando relatamos uma verdade universal ou lei cientfica.

Mr. Donalds told his students that water boils at 100o Celsius. ou
Mr. Donalds told his students that water boiled at 100 Celsius.

Outras mudanas: expresses de tempo

Discurso direto Discurso indireto

now then
here there
today that day, yesterday
tonight that night
yesterday the day before
tomorrow the next / following day
this week / month / year that week / month / year
last week / month / year the previous week / month / year
next week / month / year the following week / month / year
a year ago the year before


Discurso direto Discurso indireto

I he / she
we they
me him / her
my his / her
this that
these those

Reporting Verbs (Verbos Introdutrios)

Existem outros verbos alm de say e tell para introduzir o discurso indireto.

1. Alguns seguem a estrutura do verbo say, ou seja, no necessrio mencionar com quem se est
falando. Se voc quiser, dever acrescentar to.
Exemplo: I explained (to John) that it was OK

admit confess point out shout

announce explain remark state
comment indicate reply swear

2. Outros seguem a estrutura do verbo tell, ou seja, menciona-se com quem se est falando
conforme a estrutura demonstrada no exemplo.
Exemplo: He reminded me that I had an appoitment at three.

assure notify
convince persuade
inform remind

Uso do infinitivo

Quando relatamos uma ordem, instruo, sugesto ou pedido usamos o infinitivo.

Discurso Discurso
Direto Indireto
Subject Reporting Direct Speech Subject Reporting Noun / Reported Speech
verb verb Pronoun

Dont listen to not to listen to

music in class. told the students music in class.
Open your books to open their
to page 17. He asked them books to page 17.

He said, Can you please

stop talking?
Why dont you sit to stop talking.
closer to the
invited them to sit closer to
advised the board.

Grammar Notes

Se a ordem ou pedido for para no fazer algo, observe que a negativa feita
colocando-se not antes do infinitivo.

Reporting Questions

Discurso Direto

Yes / No Questions
Subject Reporting verb Direct speech
She asked, Has the school bus come yet?

Discurso Indireto

Yes / No Questions
Subject Reporting verb Noun / Pronoun If / Whether Reported speech

She asked him if the school bus had

Linus whether come.

Discurso Direto

WH - Questions
Subject Reporting verb Direct speech
He asked, Why dont you open your eyes and see for

Discurso Indireto

WH - Questions
Subject Reporting verb Noun / Pronoun Question word Reported speech

He asked her why she didnt open

Sally her eyes and see
for herself.

Grammar Notes

1. Podemos notar que quando relatamos perguntas, em geral, o verbo que introduz o reported
speech ask.
2. Yes / No Question - Quando a pergunta iniciada com um auxiliar (pergunta cuja resposta ser
yes ou no), use if / whether.
3. Watch out !! Relatando perguntas, use a ordem de uma sentena afirmativa., e no ordem de
Direct question: He asked, Does Lucy take the school bus?
Indirect question: He asked if Lucy took the school bus. NOT He asked does Lucy take the school



Assinale a alternativa que corresponde ao discurso direto da mensagem acima.

a. I say I cant meet you because I was going to take a plane to Sydney tonight.
b. He said, I cant meet you because I was going to take a plane to Sydney tonight.
c. I cant meet you because I am going to take a plane to Sydney tonight.
d. I say I cant meet you because I am going to take a plane to Sydney tonight.
e. I couldnt meet you because I was going to take a plane to Sydney.


Changing his question to the reported speech, the correct answer would be:
a. His father asked him how did he explain that test score.
b. His father asked him how did he explained that test score.
c. His father asked him how does he explain that test score.
d. His father asked him how he explained that test score.
e. His father asked him how do you explain this test score.

03. Mayor to reporter: So Paulo needs better and cheaper public transport.
Newspaper story: Mayor says that So Paulo ______________________
a. need better and cheaper public transport.
b. needs better and cheaper public transport.
c. needed better and cheaper public transport.
d. had needed better and cheaper public transport.
e. was needing better and cheaper public transport.

04. The doctor advised your friend Phillip, who has been feeling out of breath lately, Dont eat fattening
foods. A few days later, you see him at Mac Donalds eating french fries and chicken nuggets. What
do you say to him?
a. The doctor told you not to eat fattening foods, isnt it, Phillip?
b. The doctor told you dont eat fattening foods, isnt it, Phillip?
c. The doctor told you eat fattening foods, isnt it, Phillip?drink
d. The doctor told you to not eat fattening foods, isnt it, Phillip?
e. The doctor told you not eat fattening foods, isnt it, Phillip?

05. Your uncle Harry went to hospital yesterday. Your Aunt Sally is very worried about him.
The last time my mother wrote to me, she said my uncle Harry ________________ to hospital
________________. My Aunt Sally ________________ very worried about him.
a. had been / the day before / was
b. had gone / yesterday / was
c. had gone / the day before / is
d. went / / was
e. had gone / the day before / was

06. Is there anything I can do to help you with the arrangements for tomorrow?
Sally wanted to know if there was something she could do to help you with the arrangements for
1 2 3 4
There is/are mistake(s) in numbers:
a. 5
b. 2, 4, 5
c. 2, 5
d. 2, 4 ,5
e. 1, 3

07. Some of Hollywoods brightest stars arent happy with their lives of fame and fortune. Gwyneth
Paltrow has been quoted, Im sick to death of it. Im sick of this Gwyneth Paltrow person that I see
everywhere and I hate her and wish she would go away. But theres nothing I can do about it.
Gwyneth Paltrow __________________she __________________sick of __________________ Gwyneth
Paltrow person that she __________________ everywhere and she __________________ her and
__________________ she would go away.

a. confessed the reporter / was / this / saw / hated / wished

b. confessed him / is / this / sees / hates / wishes

c. confessed to the reporter / was / that / saw / hated / wished
d. advised that / am / this / see / hate / wish
e. announced / had been / that / have seen / hate / wish

08. You share an apartment with a friend and she is traveling at the moment. She said she would call you
everyday to check with you if there were any messages left for her on the answering machine. When
she calls, how would you report to her the following message that you had transcribed?
This is Eric Martin from K-Mart. We can deliver the desk you ordered on Monday, October 23. Please
call if this is inconvenient.
a. Eric Martin from K-Mart called you yesterday. He said they can deliver the desk you ordered on
Monday, October 23. He asks you to please call if this is inconvenient.
b. Eric Martin from K-Mart called you yesterday. He said they could deliver the desk you had ordered
on Monday, October 23. He asked you to please call if that was inconvenient.
c. Eric Martin from K-Mart called you yesterday. He said they could deliver the desk you ordered on
Monday, October 23. He has asked you to please call if this was inconvenient.
d. Eric Martin from K-Mart called you yesterday. He told me we can deliver the desk you ordered on
Monday, October 23. Please call if this is inconvenient.
e. Eric Martin from K-Mart called you yesterday. He said they could have delivered the desk you
ordered on Monday, October 23. He asked you not to call if that was convenient.

09. My father often told me that every obstacle was a steppingstone to success. I should view problems in
my life as opportunities to prove myself.
My fathers words to me were
a. Every obstacle can be a steppingstone to success. We should view problems in our lives as
opportunities to prove ourselves.
b. Every obstacle will be a steppingstone to success. You shall view problems in your life as
opportunities to prove yourself.
c. Every obstacle is a steppingstone to success. I should view problems in my life as opportunities to
prove myself.
d. Every obstacle was a steppingstone to success. You should view problems in your life as
opportunities to prove yourselves.
e. Every obstacle is a steppingstone to success. You should view problems in your life as opportunities
to prove yourself.

10. Of the large e-publishers, the most famous are and Richard Tams . On an interview, Richard said that the web was the best place for writers who
had been or wanted to be published.
If we were to quote Richards exact words, we would have
a. The web is best place for writers who had been or want to be published.
b. The webs best place for writers who have been or want to be published.
c. The webs best place for writers who have been or wanted to be published.
d. The webs best place for writers who had been or wanted to be published.
e. The web is best place for writers who have been or want to publish.


01. Alternativa c.
As regras so as mesmas quando mudamos uma sentena do discurso indireto para
direto. Nessa sentena, temos que fazer a mudana verbal (could can; was is; ), a mudana de
pronome (he I) e de advrbio (that night tonight).

02. Alternativa d.
As respostas a, b, c e e no so possveis pois contm o verbo auxiliar (do, did e does) e
seguem a ordem estrutural de pergunta e no de sentena afirmativa.

03. Alternativa b.
Essa a nica possibilidade porque quando o verbo introdutrio est no presente (says)
no h mudana verbal.

04. Alternativa a.
O uso do infinitivo na negativa deve ser feito com a palavra not antes da forma infinitiva
(not to eat).

05. Alternativa e.
Quando o verbo no discurso direto estiver no simple past , no discurso indireto ele
passar para o past perfect (went had gone); e verbos no simple present vo para o simple past ( is
was). O advrbio de tempo (yesterday) tambm sofre mudana (the day before / the previous day)

06. Alternativa b.
A sentena correta seria: Sally wanted to know if there was anything she could do to help us with
the arrangements for the next day.

07. Alternativa c.
Alm das mudanas de tempo verbal e pronome, devemos notar que o verbo introdutrio confess
segue a mesma regra do verbo say: e se voc quiser mencionar com quem est falando e estiver
usando o verbo say ou confess, dever acrescentar to.

08. Alternativa b.
Lembre-se das mudanas que devem ocorrer quando passamos uma sentena do
discurso direto para o indireto:

Simple present simple past can could

Simple past past perfect ordered had ordered
Imperativo infinitivo call to call
this that

09. Alternativa e.
As regras so as mesmas quando mudamos uma sentena do discurso indireto para
direto. Nessa sentena, alm da mudana verbal (was is), j que should so deve ser mudado,
devemos fazer as mudanas de pronomes (I you, my your, myself yourself).

10. Alternativa b.
Como dissemos na questo anterior, as regras so as mesmas quando mudamos uma
sentena do discurso indireto para direto. Nessa sentena, as seguintes mudanas de tempo verbal
devem ser efetuadas:
was is
had been have been
wanted want


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