Microbiologia de Silagens
Microbiologia de Silagens
Microbiologia de Silagens
2017 Volumen 18 Nº 9 - http://www.veterinaria.org/revistas/redvet/n090917.html
bacteria that produce organic acids (lactic acid), resulting in the lowering of
pH. Different factors such as dry matter content and soluble carbohydrates,
content of buffer substances and, mainly, the microbiological composition of
the forage, can alter the final product of this silage process. Silage forage may
favor the growth of different types of microorganisms that may or may not
degrade food, although some procedures during silage may contribute to the
reduction of losses from undesirable fermentations. The objective of this
review is to describe the main factors that influence the production of silage
and the development of the microbial groups that develop in the ensiled
material. The main microorganisms found in silage are homo and
heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria, acetic acid bacteria, enterobacteria,
clostridia, yeasts and filamentous fungi. The activity of each microorganism in
the forage mass depends on the conditions found, such as pH, moisture
content and fermentable substrates. For the quantification of the populations
of microorganisms in the silage. Although it presents some positive results for
the animal production, the use of technologies related to the microbiology of
the silage still has to be much more studied.
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