Anexos - 0402
Anexos - 0402
Anexos - 0402
Present Simple
1) Affirmative:
3ª pessoa do singular – acrescenta um – s
Ex: He runs (Ele corre) ; She sees (Ela vê) ; It (the dog) eats (Ele, o cão, come)
Paul runs (o Paulo corre) ; Alice sees (a Alice vê) ; the pen writes (a caneta escreve)
Verbos terminados em: sh – ch – x – ss – o ; acrescentam – es na 3ª pessoa do singular
Ex: He watches (Ele olha) ; She misses (Ela sente falta de) ; It (the dog) goes (Ele, o cão, vai)
Verbos terminados em: -y precedido de consoante, o –y passa a -i e acrescentam – es na 3ª
pessoa do singular
Ex: to worry (preocupar, preocupar-se) He worries (Ele preocupa-se)
Mas: to play (jogar, brincar, tocar) He plays (Ele joga)
2) Negative:
Na 3ª pessoa do singular, como se acrescenta –s, usa-se does e o verbo principal NÃO leva –s,
ou seja, fica no bare infinitive
Ex: Affirmative: She likes the book. – Negative: She doesn’t like the book.
Sujeito + aux + not + verbo
I do not work = I don’t work
He does not work = He doesn’t work
to work (trabalhar) to be (ser, estar)
3) Interrogative:
Usa-se sempre um auxiliar: do à excepção do verbo to be
Na 3ª pessoa do singular, como se acrescenta –s, usa-se does e o verbo principal NÃO leva –s, ou
seja, fica no bare infinitive
Há inversão de sujeito to work (trabalhar) to be (ser, estar)
Aux + sujeito + verbo do I work ? am I ?
do you work ? are you ?
do I work ?
does he work ? is he ?
does he work ? does she work ? is she ?
does it work ? is it ?
do we work ? are we ?
do you work ? are you ?
do they work ? are they ?
Past Simple
1) Affirmative:
Os verbos regulares formam-se acrescentando –ed ; os que já terminam em –e, apenas
acrescentam -d
Ex: to work – he worked (trabalhar – ele trabalhou) ; to like - he liked (gostar – ele gostou)
3ª pessoa do singular NÃO acrescenta um – s
Ex: He ran (Ele correu) ; She saw (Ela viu) ; It (the dog) ate (Ele, o cão, comeu)
Verbos terminados em consoante, precedidos de vogal única, dobram a consoante ao juntar –ed
Ex: to stop (parar) – he stopped (ele parou) ; to travel (viajar) – he travelled (ele viajou)
Verbos terminados em: -y precedido de consoante, o –y passa a -i e acrescentam – ed em todas
as pessoas
Ex: to worry (preocupar, preocupar-se) He worried (Ele preocupou-se)
Mas: to play (jogar, brincar, tocar) He played (Ele jogou)
2) Negative:
3) Interrogative:
Usa-se sempre um auxiliar: did à excepção do verbo to be
Há inversão de sujeito to work (trabalhar) to be (ser, estar)
Aux + sujeito + verbo did I work ? was I ?
did you work ? were you ?
did I work ?
did he work ? was he ?
did he work ?
did she work ? was she ?
did it work ? was it ?
did we work ? were we ?
did you work ? were you ?
did they work ? were they ?
Present Continuous
1) Affirmative:
Sujeito + to be (Present Simple) + verbo principal + -ing
I am work ing = I am working
You are work ing = you are working
He is work ing = he is working
She is work ing = she is working
It is work ing = it is working
We are work ing = we are working
You are work ing = you are working
They are work ing = they are working
Ex: to run: I am running (eu estou correndo); to swim: I am swimming (eu estou nadando)
Verbos terminados em –e, perdem o –e e acrescentam –ing
Ex: to make (fazer) I am making (eu estou fazendo)
2) Negative:
Como o Present Continuous se forma usando o verbo to be, não se usa outro auxiliar
I am not working
to work (trabalhar)
I am not
You are not = you aren’t
He is not = he isn’t
She is not = she isn’t working
It is not = it isn’t
We are not = we aren’t
You are not = you aren’t
They are not = they aren’t
3) Interrogative:
Como o Present Continuous se forma usando o verbo to be, não se usa outro auxiliar
Past Continuous
1) Affirmative:
Sujeito + to be (Past Simple) + verbo principal + -ing
I was work ing = I was working
You were work ing = you were working
He was work ing = he was working
She was work ing = she was working
It was work ing = it was working
We were work ing = we were working
You were work ing = you were working
They were work ing = they were working
Ex: to run: I was running (eu estava correndo); to swim: I was swimming (eu estava nadando)
Verbos terminados em –e, perdem o –e e acrescentam –ing
Ex: to make (fazer) I was making (eu estava fazendo)
2) Negative:
Como o Past Continuous se forma usando o verbo to be, não se usa outro auxiliar
to work (trabalhar)
3) Interrogative:
Como o Past Continuous se forma usando o verbo to be, não se usa outro auxiliar
2) Negative:
Como o Present Perfect se forma usando o verbo to have got, não se usa outro auxiliar
Sujeito + to be + not + verbo -ing
I have not worked = I haven’t worked
He has not worked = He hasn’t worked
3) Interrogative:
Como o Present Perfect se forma usando o verbo to have got, não se usa outro auxiliar
Há inversão de sujeito to work (trabalhar)
(o sujeito fica entre to have e o verbo principal) have I worked ?
have you worked ?
to have + sujeito + verbo
has he worked ?
have I worked ? has she worked ?
has it worked ?
has he worked ?
have we worked ?
have you worked ?
Past Perfect have they worked?
1) Affirmative:
Sujeito + to have (Past Simple) + verbo principal(Past Participle)
I had work ed = I had worked
You had work ed = you had worked
He had work ed = he had worked
She had work ed = she had worked
It had work ed = it had worked
We had work ed = we had worked
You had work ed = you had worked
They had work ed = they had worked
2) Negative:
O Past Perfect funciona da mesma forma que o Present Perfect, mas com o auxiliar (to have got) no Past Simple: - had
3) Interrogative:
O Past Perfect funciona da mesma forma que o Present Perfect, mas com o auxiliar (to have got) no Past Simple: - had
Future Simple
1) Affirmative:
2) Negative:
Como o Future Simple se forma usando o auxiliar will, não se usa outro auxiliar (will+not= won’t)
Sujeito + will + not + verbo (infinitivo)
I will not work = I will not work (ou: I won’t work)
He will not work = He will not work (ou: He won’t work)
3) Interrogative:
Como o Future Simple se forma usando o auxiliar will, não se usa outro auxiliar
1) Affirmative:
2) Negative:
Como o Conditional se forma usando o auxiliar would, não se usa outro auxiliar
Sujeito + would + not + verbo (infinitivo)
I would not work = I would not work (ou: I wouldn’t work)
He would not work = He would not work (ou: He wouldn’t work)
3) Interrogative:
Como o Conditional se forma usando o auxiliar would, não se usa outro auxiliar
Present Simple
Past Simple
Present Continuous
Past Continuous
Present Perfect
Past Perfect
Future Simple
Extra - Exercises
Last weekend at half past eight in the morning, there ________ six children in the hotel.
Three of the children _________ boys and three _________ girls. Two children _______ in bed,
one child _______ in the disco, and one boy ________ in the restaurant. One of the boys _______
in the swimming pool and one of the girls _______ in the hotel shop. Tom ______ not in bed and he
________ not in the restaurant. Susanna _______ not in bed. Maria ______ not in the restaurant and
Lisa _______ not in the hotel shop. Juan and Philip _______ not in bed and Philip ________ not in
the swimming pool or the disco.
3. Change into the Past tense.
3.1. He gets up late.
3.2. I do not know the way.
3.3. She puts a hat on.
3.4. I give lessons.
3.5. They pay sixty pence.
3.6. He chooses a hot drink.
3.7. They feel sad, don’t they?
3.8. Do they know what happens?
3.9. Doesn’t he get all he wants?
3.10. They know how old they are.
3.11. You don’t like him, do you?
3.12. I’m sure you don’t.
3.13. They spend a long time there.
3.14. She sells everything, doesn’t she?
4. Complete with the Simple Past or the Present Simple.
Conversation: I Need a Ticket to Osaka. Traveler Activity Sheet
B: Business, please.
B: Not yet. I have a few more places to check and then I’ll get
back to you.
Ticketing Agent Activity
Conversation: I Need a Ticket to Osaka. Sheet
A= Airline Ticketing Agent B=Traveler
You are a ticketing agent for an airline.
A: Welcome to Nappon Airlines. How may I help you? Potential customers will see you about
purchasing tickets. Find out what kind of tickets
B: I need a ticket to Osaka, Japan? they want and give them the information that
they ask for.
A: We have three flights to Osaka weekly: Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday. The flights on Monday and Friday are direct and the one on Economy/
Wednesday has a stopover in Tokyo. When were you thinking of City Travel Date Roundtrip/ Business/ Companions
flying to Osaka? One Way 1st Class
B: I would prefer Wednesday. Osaka Wednesday Returning business none
following Monday
A: Will this be round trip or one way?
B: Business, please.
B: Not yet. I have a few more places to check and then I’ll get back
to you.
Sample Conversation
Are there any vacancies?
Did Mr. Smith want a single room?
Was he alone?
How long will they stay?
What did the receptionist need?
Where is room 212?
What could they take to get there?
What did Mr. Smith’s family want to do after checking in?
When is breakfast served?
Where is it served?
Is the dining room on the top floor?
Is lunch served after 3 pm?
May they use the main bar?
Will they benefit of a 20% discount?
Is the Museum within walking distance?
Should they turn left when they get out of the hotel?
What turning should they take?
Where should they call if they need anything?
Sample Conversation
The travel agent is asking Mr Clarke for more information. Write the questions in the correct
Travel agent:__________________________________________________________________
Travel agent:__________________________________________________________________
Travel agent:__________________________________________________________________
Travel agent:__________________________________________________________________
Travel agent:__________________________________________________________________
Travel agent:__________________________________________________________________
Travel agent:__________________________________________________________________
Mr Clarke: Not too early in the morning. About midday would be good.
Travel agent:__________________________________________________________________
A) Read the dialogue and complete the booking form.
Customer: A week
Customer: Two
Travel agent: How do you wish to travel, by air or by coach, or do you want to take the train?
Name: ________________________________________
Destination: ______________________________________
Number of days: ____________________________________
Number of people: _____________________________________
Date of departure: ____________________________________
Travel: ___________________________________________
In a Motel / Hotel
Getting a Room for the Night
A. Certainly. We take Visa, Master Card and American Express. Could you fill in this form, please?
B. Do you need my passport number? No, just an address and your signature.
A. Thank you.
B. Thank you. If you need anything, dial 0 for the reception area. Have a good stay!
Key Vocabulary
Can I help you
I'd like a room
single, double room
Can I pay by credit card?
fill in this form
passport number
room number
At the Airport
Checking In
Passport Control
Key Vocabulary
Can I have your ticket?
smoking, non-smoking
window, aisle seat
baggage, suitcase, carry-on bag
boarding pass
Can I see your passport?
tourist, business
Telephone English - Important Phrases
There are a number of phrases and idioms that are only used when telephoning. Let's first take a look at an
example dialogue: Here are the most common:
Frank: I'm afraid he's out at the moment. Can I take a message?
Peter: Yes, Could you ask him to call me at 873 938 244. I need to talk to him about the Nuovo line, it's
Peter: Yes, that's 873 938 244, and this is Peter Jackson.
Frank: Thank you Mr Jackson, I'll make sure Bob gets this asap.
Frank: Bye.
As you can see, the language is rather informal and there are some important differences to everyday
English. Look at the chart below for key language and phrases used in telephone English:
Introducing yourself
This is Ken.
Ken speaking
Connecting Someone
I'll put you through (put through - phrasal verb meaning 'connect')
Can you hold the line? Can you hold on a moment?
Taking a Message
Could (Can, May) I take a message?
Could (Can, May) I tell him who is calling?
Would you like to leave a message?