Caso Clinico Equino PDF
Caso Clinico Equino PDF
Caso Clinico Equino PDF
J.H. Fonteque1, M.C.S. Granella2*, A.F. Souza², R.P. Mendes², J. Schade3, V. Borelli1,
A. Costa3, P.G. Costa4
Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina ˗ Lages, SC
Aluno de graduação - Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina ˗ Lages, SC
Aluno de pós-graduação ˗ Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina ˗ Lages, SC
Médica veterinária autônoma ˗ Curitibanos, SC
This report describes the case of a mare, of the Campeiro breed, used as an embryo donor, which had
recurrent cystitis and urinary incontinence crisis. Clinical signs evolved to progressive weight loss,
anorexia, apathy, and isolation from the group. Physical examination showed tail hypotonia, perineal
hypalgesia, rectal and bladder sagging compatible with signs related to cauda equina syndrome.
Complementary laboratory and sonographic assessment, and necropsy confirmed the diagnosis of chronic
renal failure (CRF), which was attributed to the ascending pyelonephritis. The examination of urine
culture showed growth of bacteria of the genus Streptococcus sp. This is a rare case in the equine species
where the lower motor neuron dysfunction led the development of infectious process in the urinary tract,
progressing to renal chronic condition incompatible with life.
Descreve-se o caso de uma égua, da raça Campeiro, utilizada como doadora de embriões, que
apresentava quadros de cistite recorrente e incontinência urinária. Os sinais clínicos evoluíram para
emagrecimento progressivo, anorexia, apatia e isolamento do plantel. Ao exame físico, foi identificada
hipotonia da cauda, hipoalgesia da região perineal, flacidez retal e vesical, compatíveis com sinais
relacionados à síndrome da cauda equina. Exames complementares laboratoriais, exame
ultrassonográfico e necropsia confirmaram o diagnóstico de insuficiência renal crônica (IRC), a qual foi
atribuida à pielonefrite ascendente. O exame de urocultura demonstrou crescimento de bactérias do
gênero Streptococcus sp. Este é um caso raro em equinos em que a disfunção de neurônio motor inferior
propiciou o desenvolvimento de processo infeccioso no trato urinário, progredindo para um quadro
crônico renal incompatível com a vida.
Figure 1. Equine, female, Campeiro breed, 15 years old, with chronic renal failure due to ascending
pyelonephritis predisposed by cauda equina syndrome showig evident ribs and posture (1. A.) and
evidence of coxal tuberosity, in a caudal view, characteristics of animal with lean nutritional status.
348 Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec., v.70, n.2, p.347-352, 2018
Chronic renal failure…
sediment in the sample (Figure 2). The revealed a reduction of parenchymal thickness
microbiological examination allowed, through and multiple hyperechoic points distributed
uroculture, the isolation of bacteria of the genus through the cortical layer of both kidneys.
Streptococcus sp. Ultrasound examination
Table 1. Values for complete blood cells and serum biochemistry tests performed on the first, fifth and
eighth day of hospitalization of a female horse with chronic renal failure secondary to pyelonephritis
First day Fifth day Eighth day
RBC (x10 /µL) 6,43 5,52 5,38
PCV (%) 32 21 23
Hemoglobin (g/dL) 11,6 7,6 8,0
MCV (fL) 49,8 38,0 42,8
MCHC (%) 36,3 36,2 34,8
Platelets (x10³/µL) 396 102 117
TPP (g/dL) 10,8 10,3 11,1
Fibrinogen (mg/dL) 800 600 500
WBC (x10³/µL) 24.850 13.410 14.330
Neutrophils (x10³/µL) 21.868 11.130 11.034
Lymphocytes (x10³/µL) 2.485 1.207 2.436
Monocytes (/µL) 497 134 573
Eosinophils (/µL) 0 939 287
Basophils (/µL) 0 0 0
Serum biochemistry
Urea (mg/dL) 352,18 207,03 244,10
Creatinine (mg/dL) 6,73 3,70 3,87
Total serum protein (mg/dL) 10,06 9,80 10,73
Albumin (mg/dL) 2,00 2,45 1,70
Globulin (mg/dL) 8,06 7,35 9,03
Fonteque et al.
exudate was evident through the cut (Figure 3). Histopathological examination revealed the
No alterations compatible with trauma, kidneys with intense corticomedullary
neoformation or stenosis were observed in the degeneration characterized by the marked
lumbosacral region of the spine. No alterations multifocal infiltration of neutrophils, diffuse
were observed in the other organs either. The - interstitial macrophages and thickening of
bladder and ureters musculature were thickened, Bowman's capsule.
containing yellow, turbid-looking urine inside.
Figure 3. Urinary tract organs of an equine female with chronic renal failure due to cystitis and ascending
pyelonephritis. A) Reduced left kidney and increased right kidney in size, with thickening of the ureters.
B) Kidneys with purulent exudate.
The diagnosis of chronic renal failure was result in neurogenic urinary incontinence (Hines,
established, which was attributed to ascending 2015; Sponseller, 2015).
bacterial pyelonephritis, predisposed by the
cauda equina syndrome, in which primary cause The affection of the LMN in the case described
cannot be determined. is related to the CES, evidenced by signs of
motor incoordination characterized by ataxia and
DISCUSSION paresis of the pelvic limbs, tail hypotonia,
hypoalgesia of the perianal region, relaxation of
Primary and/or secondary disorders of the renal the anal sphincter and pneumorectum observed
functions in equines are rare and can be in the physical examination. According to Hines
attributed to the fact that this species has a (2015), motor incoordination and muscular
greater number of nephrons than other mammals, atrophy of the pelvic limbs are uncommon, but
favoring compensatory mechanisms (Schott, may be observed along with signs of CES if the
2007; Toribio, 2007; Schott, 2010), which may spinal cord affection extends cranially to the
justify the long period of evolution of the cauda equina.
reported picture.
Among the causes of CES, the most frequently
According to Toribio (2007), Budras et al. reported causes are equine herpesvirus type 1
(2009) and Dyce et al. (2010), renal physiology (EHV-1) encephalomyelopathy, equine protozoal
is coordinated by sympathetic and myeloencephalitis (EPM), equine tail
parasympathetic autonomic innervation along polyneuritis, degenerative myeloencephalopathy,
somatic branches of the central nervous system sacral and spinal traumas, sorghum intoxication
(CNS). Budras et al. (2009) afirm that the and neoplasms (Schott, 2010; Hines, 2015;
coordination of the tonicity of the sphincter Sponseller, 2015). However, in the present
muscles and adjacent organs are performed by description the cause of the CES could not be
the LMN, which is responsible for determined due to the lack of information from
interconnecting the CNS to the effector organ, so the previous owner, since the animal was
dysfunctions in these nerve conduction pathways acquired already under this condition.
350 Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec., v.70, n.2, p.347-352, 2018
Chronic renal failure…
The bacterial cystitis and pyelonephritis Antimicrobial therapy to treat secondary cystitis
observed in the case come from the atony of the would have been more effective if it had been
sphincters, which allowed the upward migration performed earlier, since at the stage in which the
of the microorganisms to the upper portions of animal was, with renal parenchyma destruction
the urinary tract, considering that this is the most and extensive involvement of the urinary tract
frequent route of the infections described in this organs, therapeutic strategy was inefficient,
system (Kunin, 1994). The isolated bacteria were although the animal showed an improvement.
Streptococcus sp., which according to Newman
(2012), is the most commonly agent involved. Other diagnostic methods for evaluation of renal
function include biopsy and ultrasonography,
Another secondary condition that could be which is the technique of choice to provide
associated with the animal's clinical condition is information on renal dimensions and structures,
idiopathic bladder paralysis (sabulous allowing for the confirmation of CRF (Schott,
urolithiasis). It is described as the presence of 2007; Schott 2010; Newman, 2012; Hines, 2015;
abnormal amounts of crystalloid sediments Sponseller, 2015).
within the bladder resulting from detrusor muscle
dysfunction, since incomplete emptying of the Animals that manifest CES due to the
organ occurs during urination (Schott, 2010; repercussion of the disease must be monitored
Newman, 2012). since there can be compromising of vital organs
and result in intense and irreversible lesions,
In the case described, cystitis is diagnosed due to especially in the urinary tract, as in the case
the neurogenic disorder involved in urinary reported. In this way, the importance of the
incontinence, accompanied by ascending interference of conscious professionals who are
infection, and consequently, urinary vesicle careful to avoid the progression of the ascending
mucosa constant irritation and accumulation of infection, as well as, to associate effective
sediment, characterizing sabulous cystitis treatments to prevent CRF is reinforced.
according to Rendle et al. (2008).
Anemia may be associated with the low body
condition and with renal parenchymal Although rare in equines, dysfunctions
degeneration, which interferes with associated with the cauda equina predisposes the
erythropoiesis, since erythropoietin is ascending infections of the urinary system. Thus,
insufficient or absent (Alpers, 2005). early clinical interventions are recommended in
order to obtain a better prognosis.
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