Língua Portuguesa:
“Sunflowers”, de Vincent Van Gogh. de 1888 (National Gallery/Wikimedia Commons). Acesso em:
A bouquet of art
“The public is hardly aware that Van Gogh created a series of paintings
of sunflowers”, says Leo Jansen, a curator at the Van Gogh Museum and editor
of the artist’s letters. “For nine out of 10 people tell, it’s news”. “A lot of people
know one of the sunflowers, and don’t even realise there was a series”, agrees
Martin Bailey, whose book The Sunflowers Are Mine: The Story of Van Gogh’s
Masterpiece was published in 2013.
Van Gogh painted sunflowers for the first time in the summer of 1886.
Two years later, his interest re-emerged after he settled at Arles, just north of
Marseille in Provence. Having invited the Post-Impressionost French artist Paul
Gauguin, whom he admired, to join his Studio of the South, he began painting
Estado da Paraíba
Prefeitura municipal de Serra redonda
Secretaria Municipal de Educação
Escola Municipal de Ensino Infantil e Fundamental
Severino Bernardo Marinho
Sítio Queimadas
sunflowers to brighten up the whitewashed interiors of the yellow house he was
renting at 2 Place Lamartine, not far from the town’s railway station and
https://exame-.com/carreira/treine-seu-ingles-com-o-quadro-mais-famoso-de-van-gogh/. Acesso
em 09/06/2020
Estado da Paraíba
Prefeitura municipal de Serra redonda
Secretaria Municipal de Educação
Escola Municipal de Ensino Infantil e Fundamental
Severino Bernardo Marinho
Sítio Queimadas
2— Encontre as seguintes palavras no texto:
a) Girassóis =____________________________________________________
b) Buquê = ______________________________________________________
c) Pessoas = ____________________________________________________
d) Obra-prima = __________________________________________________
e) Verão = ______________________________________________________
f) Ano = ________________________________________________________
g) Interesse = ____________________________________________________
h) Admirava = ___________________________________________________
i) Interiores = ____________________________________________________
j) Longe = _______________________________________________________
b) What was the name of the curator at the Van Gogh Museum and editor of the
artist’s letters? (Qual era o nome do cuidador do Museu Van Gogh e editor das
cartas do artista?)
c) When was the book The Sunflowers Are Mine: The Story of Van Gogh’s
Masterpiece published? (Quando o livro “Os girassóis são meus: A história da
obra-prima de Van Gogh” foi publicado?)
Estado da Paraíba
Prefeitura municipal de Serra redonda
Secretaria Municipal de Educação
Escola Municipal de Ensino Infantil e Fundamental
Severino Bernardo Marinho
Sítio Queimadas
https://pixabay.com/pt/photos/a-cria%C3%A7%C3%A3o-de-ad%C3%A3o-fresco-em-436007/. Acesso em
Língua Portuguesa:
(LP D7) Identificar o conflito gerador do enredo e os elementos que
constroem a narrativa.
(LP D8) Estabelecer relação causa/consequência entre partes e
elementos do texto.
(LP D12) Estabelecer relações lógico-discursivas presentes no texto,
marcadas por conjunções, advér- bios etc.
Estado da Paraíba
Prefeitura municipal de Serra redonda
Secretaria Municipal de Educação
Escola Municipal de Ensino Infantil e Fundamental
Severino Bernardo Marinho
Sítio Queimadas
1— Atividade pré-leitura: Você já viu esta imagem? A que história épica ela
2— Traduza o texto:
Acesso em 09 de jul. de 2020.
One day a terrible giant named Goliath started bragging to his soldier
friends that none of the Jews would dare to fight him. And he was right. The
Jewish soldiers were all afraid of big Goliath. What would happen to the Jewish
Then little David said: “I’ll fight Goliath. God will help me.” And he went
and got some stones for his slingshot.
The giant just laughed at him. David put a stone in his sling and flung it.
The stone hit big Goliath on the head. Then David killed him with his sword. All
of Goliath’s friends ran away. The little shepherd boy had saved the Jewish
Estado da Paraíba
Prefeitura municipal de Serra redonda
Secretaria Municipal de Educação
Escola Municipal de Ensino Infantil e Fundamental
Severino Bernardo Marinho
Sítio Queimadas
Obs.: Para fazer o exercício proposto, você poderá utilizar a atividade impressa
ou copiá-la no caderno. É necessário o uso de um dicionário de língua inglesa
ou de um tradutor da internet.
Estado da Paraíba
Prefeitura municipal de Serra redonda
Secretaria Municipal de Educação
Escola Municipal de Ensino Infantil e Fundamental
Severino Bernardo Marinho
Sítio Queimadas
Língua Portuguesa:
(LP D7) Identificar o conflito gerador do enredo e os elementos que
constroem a narrativa.
Estado da Paraíba
Prefeitura municipal de Serra redonda
Secretaria Municipal de Educação
Escola Municipal de Ensino Infantil e Fundamental
Severino Bernardo Marinho
Sítio Queimadas
(LP D8) Estabelecer relação causa/consequência entre partes e elementos do
(LP D12) Estabelecer relações lógico-discursivas presentes no texto, marcadas
por conjunções, advérbios etc.
1— Translate the text below: (Traduza o texto abaixo:)
Protests Around the World
Police killed a black man in the USA last week. People around the world
protested. People do not agree with racism. Many people think that police
behave badly towards some people.
Many people protested in France. In 2016, French police arrested a black
man. The man later died. People in Australia protested, too. Australian police
killed 400 native Australians. Officials did not try to find out what happened.
Protests started in London, United Kingdom and in South Africa. Many
black people live in the United Kingdom and in South Africa.
Experts said that the USA has a lot of racism. The situation in the USA is
not easy. Black people say that white people have better lives. However, racism
is in many countries of the world.
https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/protests-around-the-world-level-1/. Acesso em: 09/07/2020.
Estado da Paraíba
Prefeitura municipal de Serra redonda
Secretaria Municipal de Educação
Escola Municipal de Ensino Infantil e Fundamental
Severino Bernardo Marinho
Sítio Queimadas
After translating the text, answer the questions in English: (Após traduzir o
texto, responda as perguntas em inglês:)
a) What happened last week in the USA? (O que aconteceu semana passada
nos Estados Unidos?)
b) What did people around the world do? (O que as pessoas fizeram ao redor
do mundo?)
c) What happened in France in 2016? (O que aconteceu na França em 2016?)
d) How many native Australians did the Australian police kill? (Quantos
Australianos nativos a polícia Australiana matou?)
Estado da Paraíba
Prefeitura municipal de Serra redonda
Secretaria Municipal de Educação
Escola Municipal de Ensino Infantil e Fundamental
Severino Bernardo Marinho
Sítio Queimadas
e) Where did the protests start? (Onde os protestos começaram?)
f) Where is racism? (Onde está o racismo?)
General Vocabulary ( Vocabulário Geral)
Para fazer o exercício proposto abaixo, você poderá utilizar a atividade
impressa ou copiá-la no caderno. É necessário o uso de um dicionário de
língua inglesa ou de um tradutor da internet.
1— Read the article about Kathryn’s pets. (Leia o artigo sobre os animais de
Kathryn’s pets
Kathryn Johns loves animals. She likes big animals and small animals
and even ugly ani- mals! Kathryn lives in a village and she has got a very big
garden. (1) ________________ At the moment, Kathryn has got four dogs, five
cats and three rabbits. (2) _____________________ That’s a lot of pets! How
did she get all these pets? (3)
__________________ The dog needed a
home, so she took him to her home. (4)
___________________ So she took the
kitten too! Later, a neighbour visited her. He
had a sick rabbit, so she took
it. The rabbit is fine now, and very
happy! Now, Kathryn looks after lots of sick
animals. (5)______________ They are the
happiest animals in the world!
3— Write sentences about these animals. Use the comparative form. (Escreva
frases comparando os dois animais. Siga o exemplo.)
Estado da Paraíba
Prefeitura municipal de Serra redonda
Secretaria Municipal de Educação
Escola Municipal de Ensino Infantil e Fundamental
Severino Bernardo Marinho
Sítio Queimadas
b) Lions / strong / monkeys