CAOLINE-Projeto EPCAR Tag Questions

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Progressão Educação – EPCAR

Profº.: Caroline

Data: ____/____/______ - Nome: _______________________________________________________________

Aula : Tag Questions (Você pode/consegue falar Francês, não pode/consegue)?

He couldn’t swim when he was 5 years old, could he?
(Ele não podia/conseguia nadar quando ele tinha 5 anos
Question tags de idade, podia/conseguia)?

São pequenas perguntas que vêm no final das Com imperativo afirmativo, a tag question é usado
will you?
frases com o intuito de questionar/confirmar algo. É
como uma confirmação do que se diz. Ex: Come over here, will you?
Try and be quiet, will you?
1. Question tag com verbos auxiliares.
Don´t tell him,I told you, will you?
São regras gerais: Mas, como toda boa regra tem suas exceções, não é?
* Os question tags devem vir sempre após vírgulas; Vejamos quatro delas:
*Quando a 1ª pessoa do singular é utilizada com o verbo
* Para defini-los é necessário antes de tudo perceber em to be, devemos ter atenção à TAG QUESTION a ser
que tempo verbal se encontra a oração principal, para utilizada. Seria normal pensarmos que na negativa, a tag
assim saber qual auxiliar deverá ser usado no question seria “am I not?”; porém, a forma correta é “aren’t I?”.
I am not a suspect, am I? I am the winner, AREN’T I?
* Se a oração principal estiver na afirmativa, o question
tag deverá vir na forma negativa. Mas se a oração
**Quando utilizamos “Let’s” para sugerir alguma coisa,
principal estiver na negativa o question tag deverá vir na
a TAG QUESTION será sempre “shall we?”:**
forma afirmativa.
Let’s go to the beach, shall we?
**Quando o sujeito for: nobody, somebody, everybody,
You like to dance, don’t you? no one, someone ou everyone, usa-se "they" no tag
(Você gosta de dançar, não gosta)? question.**
Ex.: Nobody asked for me, did they?
No exemplo acima, a frase se encontra no presente **Quando o sujeito for:nothing, anything,
simples, na forma afirmativa. Sabe-se que os auxiliares something,everything usamos o “it”**
do presente são: do/does. Como o sujeito da frase é
“you” devemos utilizar o “do” no question tag. Ex:
Nothing wrong, is it?
Something wonderful is going to happen today,isn´t it?
She loves pizza, doesn’t she?
(Ela ama pizza, não ama?). **Quando usamos o May na tag question?**
Como o may não possui forma contraída, escrevemos
They didn’t send us letters, did they? a full form. O might aceita a short form, então, não há
(Eles não nos enviaram cartas, enviaram?). nenhum problema em escrever mightn’t .
No exemplo acima, a frase se encontra no passado
simples, na forma negativa. Sabe-se que os auxiliares do Ex:
passado é: did. It may not rain, may it?
It may rain, may it not?
Bob is going to travel to Japan next year, isn’t he?
(Bob irá viajar para o Japão no próximo ano, não irá?).
**Podemos usar a oração principal na afirmativa e a
Janet will buy a car this year, won’t she? question tag também na afirmativa?**
(Janet comprará um carro este ano, não comprará?). A resposta e sim. Isto ocorre apenas quando queremos
expressar uma reação como interesse, preocupação ou
Quando houver modal verb (can, could, might) na oração surpresa.
principal, esses verbos também deverão ser utilizados na
construção dos question tags. Ex:You have been making notes about this, have you?

You can speak French, can’t you? He has lost all his money,has he?What tragedy!
Exercises a) has he b) is it c) have you

1) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à sequência de d) have we e) haven't you

"question tags" adequados para completar as frases a
seguir: 8) Jimmy has left his book at school, __?

1. He isn't at home, _______? a) has he b) hasn't he c) doesn't he

2. That will happen, _______? d) didn't he e) hasn't Jimmy

3. She hasn't a cue, _______? 9) They were cleaning the room when I arrived, ___?

4. It rains a lot, ________? a) did they b) were they c) didn't they

a) isn't; won't; has he; doesn't it d) weren't they e) were they not

b) is it; will it; does she; has it 10) The teacher prefers the red pen, _____?

c) isn't he; will it; has she; hasn't it a) doesn't she b) don't he c) hasn't she

d) is he; won't it; does she; doesn't it d) didn't he e) does he

e) isn't he; won't he; has she; does it 11) Complete as orações a seguir com Question Tags:

2) He doesn't study here, .......... he? a) Brazil is a wonderful country, ______?

a) doesn't b) do c) did b) I am a demanding teacher, _______?

d) does e) don't c) You don't cheat on tests, ________?

3) Reescreva completando com a forma verbal adequada: d) Your teacher can speak English, ________?

a) He will do it for you, .won’t he? e) You've been studying English for one year, ________?

b) You wouldn't say it again, .would. you? f) A good student doesn't forget to do his homework,
4) Your name is Mary, ______?
g) A good teacher likes to teach a lot, ___________?
a) isn't you b) isn't it c) aren't it
h) You mustn't be corrupt, ___________?
d) aren't you e) isn't he
12) Relacione as colunas A e B, completando-as com o
5) Politics is a science, ______? Question Tag:

a) weren't they Coluna A

b) isn't it ( ) aren't they

c) wouldn't he ( ) aren't you

d) wasn't it ( ) aren't I

e) won't they ( ) doesn't he

6) Complete com "question tags": ( ) does she

a) Mathematics became his best subject, ...isn’t it...? Coluna B

b) We'd be more comfortable here, ..would we..? a) I am your teacher, __________?

7) He hasn't seen you lately, ......? b) Your mother doesn't work, __________?
c) All student are here, __________? c) won´t they?
d)aren´t it?
d) You're understanding me, __________?
3. They took the wrong bus, _______?
e) Your father works at Johnson & Johnson, a) didn´t it ?
__________? b) doesn´t they?
c) didn´t they?
13) Coloque Tag Questions: d) don´t it?

a) John is tired, __________? 4. You weren’t watching TV until late last night,
b) We must go home, __________? a) didn´t you?
b) wasn´t it?
c) I am late, ___________? c) weren´t they?
d) were you?
d) They should come, __________?
5. She has lived in NY city for 3 years, _________?
e) You called me yesterday, __________? a) couldn´t you?
b) haven ´t she?
f) You didn't study for the test, __________? c) hasn´t she?
d) doesn´t she?
g) John works a lot, __________?
6.Let´s go to the movie, _________?
h) Let's go dancing, __________?
a) shall you?
i) You can play the violin, __________? b) shall we?
c) doesn´t she?
j) You won't travel next weekend, __________? d) don´t it?

14) Stella can play the keyboards, __________? 7.Help your mother, _________?
a) aren´t you?
a) can she b) can't she c) doesn't she b) aren´t they?
c) won´t they?
d) isn't he e) is she d) will you?

15) Your new friend is very smart, _____? 8.(EFOMM-2012) Choose the option with the correct tag
questions for the sentences below.
a) aren't you b) is he c) isn't she 1. You weren’t listening, ____________________?
2. She doesn’t’ know him, __________________?
d) doesn't she e) hasn't she 3. I’m a bit overweight, _____________________?
4. Don’t open your eyes, ____________________?
16) Em qual das alternativas abaixo a 'question tag' está
errada? (a) weren’t you / does she / aren’t I / do you
a) Let’s go to a disco, shall we? (b) were you / doesn’t she / aren’t I / do you
b) Do the exercises, will you? (c) were you / does she / aren’t I / will you
c) Mariah put the book on the armchair, doesn’t she? (d) weren’t you / doesn’t she / am I not / do you
d) Let me go with you, shall I? (e) were you / doesn’t she / am I not / do you
e) The teacher came to help us, didn’t she?
9.(EFOMM-2011) Choose the option with the correct tag
LEVEL II Complete with tag questions: questions for the sentences below.
1. Come here _________________?
1. It doesn’t rain too much in Saara desert, _______? d 2. Let’s talk, _______________?
3. I’m late, ________________?
a) do it? 4. Don’t close your eyes, _______________?
b) does he? (A) won’t you / won’t we / aren’t / do you
c) won´t it? (B) won’t you / shall we / aren’t I / do you
d) does it? (C) will you /shall we / aren’t I / will you
2. They are studying in that room, _______? a (D) will you / won’t we / am I not / will you
a) aren´t you? (E) will you / shan’t we / am 1 not / do you
b)aren´t they?
10.(AFA-2012) One extracted fragment has its correct b) hasn't he
Tag Question. Mark the item. c) isn't there
d) is he
a) Nobody ever doubted the power of language, did they?
b) The bilingual experience appears to influence the brain “Nenhum obstáculo é tão grande se a sua vontade de vencer
from infancy to old age, don’t they? for maior. “
c) Bilingualism’s effects also extend into the twilight
years, has it?
d) These processes include ignoring distractions to stay 1. d) does it?
focused, aren’t they? 2. b)aren´t they?
3. c) didn´t they?
4. d) were you?
11. (AFA) Mark the option which contains the correct 5. c) hasn´t she?
Question Tag of the following sentence. 6. b) shall we?
7. d) will you?
8. (c) were you / does she / aren’t I / will you
"She has not yet demonstrated a link between increased 9. (C) will you /shall we / aren’t I / will you
brainwaves and suicidal tendencies..." 10. a) Nobody ever doubted the power of language,
did they?
a) hasn't she? 11.b
b) has she? 12. d
c) does she? 13. e
d) doesn't she? 14. c
15. a
12.(AFA) One extracted fragment has its correct Tag
Question. Mark the item.

a) The bilingual experience appears to influence the

brain from infancy to old age, don’t they?
b) Bilingualism’s effects also extend into the
twilight years, has it?
c) These processes include ignoring distractions to
stay focused, aren’t they?
d) Nobody ever doubted the power of language, did
13. (EN) Which of the options completes the sentence

Peter's got blue eyes, _____ ?

a) isn't he
b) does Peter
c) doesn't he
d) has Peter
e) hasn't he
14. (EPCAR) Mark the option to complete the sentence
with the correct tag question form. “They bring together
the parents of victims, ________” (lines 37-38)

a) do they?
b) are they?
c) don't they?
d) aren’t they?

15. (EPCAR) Mark the option that shows the appropriate

question tag for the sentence.

“He's right there in the back seat”, ______? (line 8)

a) isn't he

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