Manual Operação - Aclin Check
Manual Operação - Aclin Check
Manual Operação - Aclin Check
Cnpj 23.614.816/0001-00
Tel 31 3566-0802
2017- 001
Patente - 2016
Sumário .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Apresentação ................................................................................................................................. 5
Aplicação ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Navegação e Interface ................................................................................................................... 7
Configuração do Simulador ............................................................................................................ 8
Lista de acessórios.......................................................................................................................... 9
Iniciando o uso: verifique a bateria ............................................................................................. 10
Como ligar? .................................................................................................................................. 10
Como desligar? ............................................................................................................................. 11
Religar: ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Reset............................................................................................................................................. 11
Bateria .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Ativação/Recarga de Créditos: ..................................................................................................... 13
Liga/Desliga Bluetooth ................................................................................................................. 14
Escolhendo uma função ............................................................................................................... 14
ECG/SpO2 (BPM) .......................................................................................................................... 16
Press (mmHg) ............................................................................................................................... 22
Press (cmH2O) .............................................................................................................................. 29
Desf (J) .......................................................................................................................................... 32
Surgery(W) ................................................................................................................................... 37
Temp (°C)...................................................................................................................................... 44
X-ray (kVp) .................................................................................................................................... 46
Ilum (klx) ....................................................................................................................................... 51
Flow (l-min) .................................................................................................................................. 53
Cond (uS-cm2) .............................................................................................................................. 57
E. Safety........................................................................................................................................ 59
Olá! Parabéns! Você está diante da revolução em engenharia clínica! O ACLIN Check
consiste de um simulador e analisador para calibrações e verificações através de testes rápidos
de desempenho nos principais e em quase todos os equipamentos hospitalares. Trata-se de
instrumento de medição fundamental para controle de qualidade ao longo de intervenções
técnicas tais como inspeções, manutenções corretivas, manutenções preventivas, etc.
Muito portátil, pode ser facilmente transportado pelo hospital para aplicação em
engenharia clínica beira de leito. Ele também permite a garantia da segurança do paciente
através de testes interconectados em múltiplos equipamentos médicos de um dado ambiente
hospitalar, como o bloco cirúrgico, o centro de terapia intensiva, o pronto atendimento, etc.
Por fim, para melhor experiência com o nosso produto, recomendamos o uso de toda a
plataforma da ACLIN, que inclui o sistema de gestão de tecnologias disponível na internet e o
aplicativo Aclin Check para smartphones Android.
O uso profissional do ACLIN Check está relacionado ao universo da engenharia clínica e
da engenharia de infraestrutura hospitalar. O usuário do ACLIN Check desempenha papel de
monitoramento do desempenho e da segurança de equipamentos médicos em suas rotinas de
trabalho. Por isso este profissional deve ter como requisitos formação e treinamento para
diagnósticos que evitem a retirada do equipamento médico de uso sem necessidade,
promovendo assim a solução mais efetiva e eficiente.
É importante enfatizar que o uso do ACLIN Check não se destina a substituir na íntegra
instrumentos específicos para a calibração científica em ambiente fabril ou fiscalizações em
instrumentos alvo de metrologia legal. Ao contrário, ACLIN Check representa a aplicação
inovadora e focada no ambiente hospitalar, de modo a complementá-los através da adoção de
boa prática de monitoramento contínuo por meio de calibrações/verificações. Tal
monitoramento, como já é conhecido internacionalmente, proporciona redução da frequência
Navegação e Interface
Configuração do Simulador:
Sub-função Versão
Lista de acessórios :
*Acessórios Premium são ofertados juntamente com as atualizações inéditas para os usuários
que já utilizam plenamente todos os recursos da plataforma ACLIN Check. Para maiores
informações, regularmente consulte a ACLIN.
O ACLIN Check vem com bateria instalada e do tipo recarregável. Conecte o ACLIN Check em
uma porta ou carregador USB para iniciar a carga.
O ACLIN Check também pode ser energizado pelas portas USB de computadores, aeroportos,
sistemas de som automotivo, monitores multiparâmetros ou carregadores comerciais de
Ao ser ligado à USB, o equipamento indica que está recebendo energia através do led vermelho
correspondente no painel.
O ciclo de carga ocorre por 10 (dez) horas, por isso, recomendamos colocar o ACLIN Check para
recarregar logo ao final do dia de trabalho a fim de permitir a recarga durante a noite e o uso
durante o próximo dia. A duração da bateria dependerá dos tipos de testes aplicados aos
equipamentos médicos.
Nota: O Aclin Check possui descarga lenta de bateria em modo hibernação para permitir
transporte aéreo com segurança. Proceda com nova recarga quando necessário.
Como ligar?
Uma vez energizado, aperte e segure a tecla “ENTER” por dois segundos até que o display LCD
acenda. Solte a tecla assim que a mensagem aparecer na tela. Esta é a tela inicial.
Caso seja a primeira utilização, é normal aparecer a mensagem SERVICE. Ela indica que o ACLIN
Check precisa ser ativado por um usuário cadastrado no sistema de gestão da plataforma para
garantir que o mesmo chegou até o destino em caso de transporte de carga. Para maiores
informações, entre em contato com a ACLIN.
Se a tecla ENTER for mantida pressionada, o ACLIN Check irá perguntar se o
usuário deseja o desligamento.
Como desligar?
NOTA: Se a tecla ENTER for mantida pressionada, o ACLIN Check irá perguntar
se o usuário deseja o desligamento.
Esta função é válida apenas para as versões inferiores a 5.08. Para resetar, proceda com uma
das seguintes ações:
NOTA: A função Surgery demanda maior consumo de bateria e não deve ser usada com
cabo USB ligado ao Aclin Check.
NOTA: A função Desf não deve ser usada com cabo USB ligado ao Aclin Check.
Ativação/Recarga de Créditos:
Ao ser ligado pela primeira vez, aparecerá a mensagem SERVICE. Esta mensagem indica
que o Aclin Check está bloqueado e necessita da recarga de créditos para operar. O valor do
crédito será conforme contrato e a manobra visa prover ao usuário controle da utilização do
ACLIN Check.
Para iniciar o uso do Aclin Check, é preciso estar conectado à internet e ter uma conta
de colaborador no sistema de gestão WEB. Siga os seguintes passos para iniciar:
Caso já tenha o aplicativo configurado, proceda da seguinte forma para fazer a recarga
de crétidos:
• Toque nas três barras horizontais no canto superior esquerdo da tela para
abrir a aba lateral com os dados do técnico;
• Toque em Scan, depois em Buscar;
• Ao ser identificado um dispositivo HC-06, toque nele e digite uma das senhas
indicadas pelo Aplicativo para fazer o pareamento do smartphone;
• Após o pareamento, volte na aba e toque em Recarga de Créditos;
Caso seja da sua vontade, aperte o botão ESC para sair da função e depois pressione e
segure o botão Func- até exibir o número de créditos no display do Aclin Check. A exibição será
automática quando o número de créditos for inferior a 50.
Liga/Desliga Bluetooth:
Quando o Bluetooth estiver ligado, o símbolo β estará visível no canto superior direito
do display. Tenha certeza de que o seu smartphone está pareado com o Aclin Check para
prevenir consumo desnecessário de energia e interferência nas medições.
Se o Aclin Check não estiver pareado com o smartphone, o Bluetooth do Aclin Check irá
procurar o smatphone aumentando o alcance das ondas de rádio. No processo, a
bateria poderá ser drenada mais rapidamente, o display pode cintilar a iluminação de
fundo e erros de medida podem ocorrer.
Na tela inicial, pressione Func+ por meio segundo para exibir a função.
Opcionalmente, pressione e segure Func+ para avanço rápido.
Para retornar para a função previamente mostrada ou para a tela inicial, pressione
Se a tecla Func+ for mantida pressionada, todas as funções serão exibidas em loop
ascendente de forma continua para rápido acesso.
Grandeza SI:
Selecionando a Função:
1. Para selecionar esta função, na tela inicial, pressione Func+ até que a função
seja exibida;
2. Confirme com Enter;
3. Será iniciado o item de função Sinusal 60 (onde 60 significa 60 BPM);
Importante: O sinal de ECG gerado desta forma favorece testes rápidos porém
mais detalhados e é propriedade intelectual da ACLIN:
O ACLIN Check visa atender aos requisitos essenciais apontados pelo Ministério da
Saúde através da publicação Equipamentos Médico-Hospitalares e o Gerenciamento da
Manutenção (página 349), que cita:
Desta forma, o sinal gerado pelo ACLIN Check é dedicado a identificar falhas nos cabos
paciente ou no pré-amplificador, validando assim a coleta de sinais fisiológicos.
Como preconizado pelo Ministério da Saúde, o ACLIN Check ainda inclui as formas de
onda quadrada, triangular e senoidal, sendo esta última para teste dos filtros de 60Hz (simulação
de ruído de rede elétrica).
Dica de produtividade:
Use o aplicativo Aclin Check para executar as Ordens de Serviço (OS) de
manutenção corretiva ou preventiva. Em cada OS será possível executar os itens de
checklist e fazer as anotações das indicações para posterior emissão de
documentos e relatórios na plataforma Aclin.
Dica de produtividade:
Embora cada marca e modelo tenha uma configuração proprietária que resulte em
intensidades diferentes de brilho de leds, é possível criar procedimentos de teste
de performance para estes produtos. Para isso, tendo em vista um produto
novo de mesma marca e modelo que esteja garantido pela fabricante, faça os testes com o
acessório de oximetria e anote as medidas de saturação. Estas medidas podem ser usadas para
verificar a performance de produtos de mesma marca/modelo/lote de fabricação por meio de
comparação dos resultados.
O ACLIN Check pode ter o hardware atualizado para realizar a simulação da Respiração
via ECG. A atualização poderá ser feita para variação via derivações precordiais e/ou para
derivações aumentadas. A frequência respiratória será alterada conforme se alteram os valores
de frequência cardíaca, de modo a permitir a simulação simultânea de ECG/Resp e SpO2
simultaneamente para a máxima produtividade. Para sair dessa função, pressione e segure ESC.
Press (mmHg)
Para pressões diferenciais, é possível usar ambos os canais (por exemplo, pressão de
transmembrana do dialisador em hemodiálise).
Resultado: fornece a leitura de pressão em display de LCD para ser comparada com a
leitura do equipamento a ter testado.
Grandeza SI:
Selecionando a Função:
4. Para selecionar esta função, na tela inicial, pressione Func+ até que a função
seja exibida;
5. Confirme com Enter;
6. Com os canais + e – soltos, pressione o botão ENTER para ajuste de zero por 1
segundo. Será iniciado o item de função com a leitura 000 na terceira linha do
Faça a conexão do equipamento a ser testado usando o acessório “T” para canal de
pressão (se necessário):
1. Conecte o “T” de pressão entre o monitor e a braçadeira;
2. Utilize o canal + do Aclin Check;
3. Coloque a braçadeira em tubo de PVC de tamanho
4. Ajuste a pressão no torniquete até 300mmHg.
5. Acione o torniquete.
6. Compare as indicações
Aspirador Cirúrgico/Lipoaspirador:
1. Desconecte a ponta de aspiração e limpe-a;
2. Utilize o canal - do Aclin Check para conectá-la;
3. Acione a aspiração até o display mostrar 300mmHg (equivalente a 160 inH2O ou a 11,8
4. Obs.: Mantenha o frasco coletor conectado para testar o vazamento do mesmo.
referência. Desta forma, é aceito pelo AAMI SP10 que a diferença entre a média obtida pelos
observadores e o resultado digital seja inferior ou igual a 5 mmHg e o desvio padrão seja menor
ou igual a 8mmHg. Outros protocolos permitem diferença de até 15 mmHg, como mostrado no
exemplo abaixo:
Dica de produtividade:
Para ajustar a válvula para melhor precisão, utilize um esfigmomanômetro digital
com selo do Inmetro como referência. Selecione os limites de pressão desejados no
Aclin Check. Gire a válvula pacientemente até obter ao menos 3 medidas
consecutivas aceitáveis.
Press (cmH2O)
Resultado: fornece a leitura de pressão em display de LCD para ser comparada com a
leitura do equipamento a ter testado.
Grandeza SI:
1. Para selecionar esta função, na tela inicial, pressione Func+ três vezes;
2. Confirme com Enter;
3. Com os canais soltos, aperte ENTER para ajuste de zero. Será iniciado o item de
função com a leitura instantânea 000 e a pressão máxima Pmx=0 (Nota: a
pressão máxima será atualizada após 5 segundos, aproximadamente, de modo
a memorizar o maior valor numa sequência de ciclos ventilatórios;
Faça a conexão do equipamento a ser testado usando o acessório “T” para canal de
pressão (se necessário):
NOTA : Esta função mede canais pressurizados com gases medicinais. Evite medir
líquidos diretamente
Dica de Produtividade:
vide a função Fluxo [L/min] para mais testes de ventilação mecânica.
Desf (J)
Grandeza SI:
▪ 1 J (Joule) [Energia]
As formas de onda podem ser visualizadas via aplicativo para Smartphone. Para
visualização da forma de onda com maior detalhamento, pode ser usado o acoplamento de um
osciloscópio digital compatível modo complementar.
Selecionando a Função:
1. Para selecionar esta função, na tela inicial, pressione Func+ repetidamente até
exibir o nome no display;
2. Retire/solte o cabo USB do carregador de bateria;
3. Confirme com Enter e aguarde a mensagem “Shock” após alguns segundos;
É recomendável medir usando os cabos/pás fornecidos com o equipamento.
Ao ativar o equipamento a ser testado e durante seu funcionamento,
recomenda-se evitar o contato físico com partes metálicas do simulador a fim
de prevenir acidentes.
Não use o carregador USB do Aclin Check durante os testes.
O Aclin-Check possui função autorange: não se preocupe se o desfibrilador é
monofásico ou bifásico.
1. Após realizar o teste de diagnóstico por software (anterior), aperte ESC para sair
da função ECG/SpO2 enquanto o equipamento médico sinaliza a aplicação do
2. Entre na função DESF e aguarde a mensagem “SHOCK” aparecer no display do
Aclin Check;
3. No equipamento médico, aperte o botão de tratamento;
4. O valor de energia entregue será mostrado no display do Aclin Check.
Caso o smartphone esteja pareado com o Aclin Check, é possível visualizar a forma de onda
após a aplicação de energia.
No aplicativo, entre em função gráfico. Depois disso, no Aclin Check, pressione e solte a tecla
Nota: Para avaliar a sensibilidade do algoritmo de diagnóstico do DEA, antes de usar a função DESF
assegure que N=1 na função ECG/SpO2. N=2 implicará em maior amplitude do sinal, o que poderá
interferir na indicação de choque.
Resultado: O LED de energia acende a cada disparo/pulso aplicado. O brilho do LED será
proporcional a energia aplicada.
Grandeza SI:
Pelo fato do valor mostrado no display do bisturi não ser o valor aplicado e sim
o valor desejado, pedimos que leia com atenção esta seção para realizar os
ensaios com sucesso.
Não utilize o carregador USB ligado ao Aclin Check durante a realização dos
ensaios e não toque nas partes metálicas externas do Aclin Check com o bisturi
acionado para evitar acidentes.
Selecionando a Função:
1. Para selecionar esta função, na tela inicial, pressione Func+ repetidamente até
aparecer o nome no display;
2. Usando a tecla Func+ e Func-, selecione a resistência total (R) e a resistência
externa (Rx)* para o teste. A resistência total é a combinação série da
resistência interna com a externa;
3. Confirme com Enter;
4. Selecione a função que será medida: PC(Corte puro), B1-3(Blend) ou Cg (coagulação);
5. Aplique os eletrodos em E+ e em E- e use o equipamento a ser testado.
É recomendável medir usando os cabos/pás fornecidos com o equipamento,
ligados a cabos banana-garra (não inclusos).
Ao ativar o equipamento a ser testado e durante seu funcionamento,
recomenda-se evitar o contato físico com o simulador a fim de prevenir
Exemplo de ensaio:
Para este exemplo, serão utilizados dados de bisturis reais. Para ligar o bisturi,
observe o diagrama de montagem abaixo:
Tabela 1 - Valores obtidos dos testes para impedância de 100 Ohms no Aclin Check
25 W 0W
150 W 125 W
300 W 150 W
Tabela 2 - Valores para impedância nominal de 300 Ohms selecionada no Aclin Check
25 W 0W
150 W 150 W
300 W 290 W
Dica de produtividade
Temp(°C )
Grandeza SI:
Recomendamos usar esta função antes das funções Surgery e Desf, uma vez
que tais testes aumentam a temperatura interna do ACLIN Check.
Selecionando a Função:
1. Para selecionar esta função, na tela inicial, pressione Func+ até que a função
apareça no display;
2. Confirme com Enter;
3. O valor à esquerda no display representa a temperatura interna do Aclin Check
e se inicia sempre em 25°C;
4. O valor à direita no display é antecedido por “O:” e representa a indicação de
temperatura do sensor externo.
Para uso em incubadoras neonatais com o sensor interno, o Aclin Check
deverá ser limpo externamente com álcool gel e nunca deverá ser usado junto
com o paciente. Após as leituras, sugira sempre que a incubadora seja
desinfectada antes de voltar ao uso.
Não insira o Aclin Check em estufas ou em freezers com temperatura abaixo de
0 °– para todos os casos, dê preferência ao módulo de expansão correspondente
para sensor de temperatura externo.
Acessórios Opcionais/Premium:
Nota: O identificador do sensor com a menor temperatura será exibido no display. Esse recurso permite
avaliar sua posição em câmaras de autoclave, estufas ou câmaras de conservação rapidamente,
indicando pontos frios independentemente do gráfico temperatura x tempo do aplicativo.
Para emitir o relatório de qualificação térmica, clique no botão `Calibração` do aplicativo Aclin Check.
X- ray(kVp)
O calor produzido pode ser medido em HU (Heat Unit). O HU é definido como sendo
como a produção de corrente (mA) e kVp e tempo (sec) para fontes com retificação de fase
simples. Os valores de corrente e de tempo são padronizados em 100mA e 0,1s (100ms)
respectivamente. Somente o valor de kVp é variável.
Através do Rating Chart, é possível determinar por exemplo que, para o tempo de
exposição de 20 s e corrente em 100mA, o kVp máximo possível é de aproximadamente 80 kVp.
Se a corrente aumenta, o valor de kVp e de tempo devem diminuir. Os valores selecionáveis de
corrente devem ser limitados internamente no gerador e calibrados através do uso de
miliamperímetros pelo fabricante.
Selecionando a Função:
1. Para selecionar esta função, na tela inicial, pressione Func+ repetidamente até
que o nome da função apareça no display;
2. Confirme com Enter;
3. Aparecerá no display “Get Ready”;
Valores muito baixos ou muito rápidos podem não ser detectados, assim como
o disparo de equipamentos analógicos muito antigos.
Utilize as proteções radiológicas disponíveis, procure um técnico de radiologia
para operação dos equipamentos médicos e evite permanecer na sala de
exames durante os disparos de raios-x.
Aparelho de RX odontológico:
3. No painel de controle do RX, ajuste a corrente para 100mA e tempo para 100ms.
4. Ajuste o valor desejado de kV;
5. Vá para a proteção radiológica e acione o disparador para preparar e depois
iniciar a exposição;
6. Compare o valor medido com o ajustado, tanto de kVp quanto de tempo. Caso
algum dos valores não esteja dentro dos limites aceitáveis, será necessário
intervir no gerador de raios-x.
Dica de produtividade:
Utilize a função gráfico do aplicativo ACLIN Check para exibir a forma de onda da
exposição. A interpretação deste gráfico por um especialista pode indicar
diferentes defeitos no emissor de radiação ionizante.
A distância entre o sensor Lux do Aclin Check e a fonte luminosa, assim como o
ângulo incidente, devem ser cuidadosamente observados para que a leitura não
flutue demais.
Selecionando a Função:
1. Para selecionar esta função, na tela inicial, pressione Func+ repetidamente até
que a função seja mostrada na tela;
2. Confirme com Enter;
Dica de desempenho:
Com boa iluminação, regularmente realize o White balance em processadoras de vídeo para
laparoscopia ou sistemas de imagem como vido endoscopia. Para conhecer métodos
adicionais de melhoria das imagens, utilize nossa plataforma.
Resultado: Realiza a leitura em tempo real do fluxo de gases, com posterior amostragem
do volume por ciclo e total em display.
O uso exige o acessório opcional sensor de fluxo. O tipo de sensor de fluxo pode
ser eletrônico autorange ou de plástico tipo Venturi de acordo com o nível de
fluxo (acessório infantil “Ch” para valores médios de fluxo e adulto “Ad” para
altos valores).
Selecionando a Função:
1. Para selecionar esta função, na tela inicial, pressione Func+ repetidamente até
que a função apareça no display;
2. Confirme com Enter;
3. Com os canais + e – soltos, pressione Enter para ajuste de zero;
4. Selecione e instale o sensor de fluxo em série com o pulmão de teste e ligue-o
através de mangueiras de silicone aos canais P+ e P- do Aclin Check.
13. Ao final, solte o sensor de fluxo e lave-o com água e álcool gel para próxima
utilização. Não esqueça de restaurar os alarmes de pressão.
Dica de produtividade:
Ao executar a Ordem de Serviço pelo Aplicativo Aclin Check com o smartphone
pareado, use o gráfico para exibir os valores de pico e calcular o volume minuto.
A indicação de volume minuto será exibida abaixo do eixo do tempo no gráfico
de fluxo por tempo.
Dica de produtividade:
Para medir a concentração de oxigênio e conferir a leitura de células de O2,
obtenha um Medidor de Concentração de Oxigênio no mercado. Além de ser
mais acessível, este instrumento poderá ser usado para mensurar usinas de
oxigênio, assim como a pureza deste gás em cilindros e reservatórios.
Fluxômetros de ar comprimido:
Dica de Produtividade:
Frequência Respiratória [Fr]: aparece do grafico de Pressão x tempo, no aplicativo, durante o uso da função
Volume tidal [Vt] : Mostrado no display. Consiste da média de vários ciclos respiratórios até que o ventilador
pulmonar estabilize o controle após o setup do fisioterapeuta. Para fazer a média mais rápido com poucos ciclos de forma
manual, pressione e segure por alguns segundos o botão ENTER.
Volume minuto [Vm]: é igual a Fr x Vt. Sua estimativa é mostrada no gráfico Fluxo x tempo no aplicativo.
Tempo Inspiratório/Expiratório e relação I:E : No aplicativo, clique no botão `Calibração` para acessar a
funcionalidade via internet. Preencha os campos para obter as medições.
Complacência estática/dinâmica e resistência: Utilizando o pulmão de teste recomendado pelo fabricante do
ventilador pulmonar, acesse o botão `Calibração` no aplicativo.
O uso exige o acessório opcional para este fim e está disponível desde a
versão 3.1.
Selecionando a Função:
1. Para selecionar esta função, na tela inicial, pressione Func+ dez vezes;
2. Confirme com Enter;
3. Acople o acessório e inicie a leitura seguindo as instruções do mesmo.
Dica de produtividade:
Nota: para máquinas de hemodiálise, é possível solicitar o sensor com encapsulamento para conexão como
dialisador ou bypass. Consulte a Aclin para saber condições.
E. Safety
Selecionando a Função:
1. Para selecionar esta função, na tela inicial, pressione Func+ repetidamente até
que a função ESA apareça na tela;
2. Confirme com Enter;
Desfibriladores, DEAs, Bisturis, Eletroestimuladores, e equipamentos médicos
que aplicam correntes elétricas no corpo, podem ser ligados ao Aclin Check,
porém em modo Standby (sem aplicação de tratamento).
Nunca use o acessório ESA acoplado ao Aclin Check a não ser para testes de
segurança elétrica.
Dica de produtividade
A leitura precisa ser calibrada de acordo com o tipo de fototerapia a ser medida
e não vem definida de fábrica. Consulte a ACLIN para maiores informações.
Selecionando a Função:
1. Para selecionar esta função, na tela inicial, pressione Func+ repetidamente até
que a função apareça no display;
2. Confirme com Enter;
Inf (mL/h)
Aplicação: esta função se destina a realizar o teste de bombas de infusão, sejam estas
do tipo seringa, peristálticas ou lineares. Também pode ser usado com bombas injetoras de
contraste em centros de diagnóstico por imagem.
Selecionando a Função:
1. Para selecionar esta função, na tela inicial, pressione Func+ até que o nome da
função seja mostrado no display;
2. Confirme com Enter;
9. Inicie a infusão.;
10. Aguarde alguns minutos para que o Aclin Check estabilize a leitura;
11. Repita o procedimento mudando a programação da bomba de infusão.
12. Ao final, retire o líquido do acessório e tampe novamente para proteção.
Dica de produtividade:
Especificações técnicas
corrente de 250mA.
Consumo típico de
corrente de 50mA.
Bateria* Bateria 9V 260mAh mínimo 2X
Condições Temperatura e umidade Temperatura ambiente: 20
ambientais relativa para operação a 25°C
Umidade relativa: 40 a
BlueTooth** Alcance (m) Típico: 9 m
Alimentação (V) Vcc= 5Vcc
IP Índice de Proteção IP X-0
Peso (valor estimado com Máx: 1,1 kg
Dimensões Valores aprox. da carcaça 180x130x60cm
* A bateria utilizada pode ser alcalina ou recarregável do tipo Ni-MH ou Lítio Íon (LiOn).
* Uma recarga pode chegar até 9h de trabalho.
**ACLIN Check possui porta para conexão de módulo BlueTooth. Fica a critério do usuário a
compra e instalação opcional do módulo de transmissão compatível. A ACLIN recomenda que o
usuário somente adquira e instale módulos certificados pela ANATEL e tenha atenção especial
em utilizar a comunicação sem fio somente:
*** Valor de alta pressão disponível apenas em acessório com prendedor de artéria artificial
(anel de borracha de cor amarelo).
Treinamento de Operação
1. Via EAD (ensino a distância) para clientes que já utilizam o Sistema ACLIN para
gestão de tecnologia;
2. Presenciais em eventos organizados pela ACLIN;
3. Sob solicitação do cliente (neste caso, consulte as condições contratuais).
Troque o cabo
Tecla com mau contato Solicite a manutenção da
tecla para a ACLIN.
“Batidas” repetidas de relé ao Bateria parcialmente Deixe o equipamento
ligar carregada descarregar totalmente e
inicie novo ciclo de carga.
Para cada ordem de serviço é possível coletar os dados das medidas ou simulações via
Aclin Sistema. É altamente recomendável o uso do Aclin Sistema completo por que através dele:
O sistema pode ser acessado pelo engenheiro clínico e sua equipe administrativa para
programação das ordens de serviço que serão executadas pelos técnicos. Cada técnico pode
utilizar o aplicativo Aclin Check em seu smartphone Android para realizar as ordens de serviço.
Para maior rapidez e confiabilidade, o relatório de calibração com a
rastreabilidade dos padrões de fábrica está disponibilizado dentro do sistema
Aclin e as incertezas de medição são referenciadas automaticamente a cada
cálculo de incerteza.
Faça a calibração somente com a ACLIN ou com laboratórios da RBC. Para saber
mais, veja o seguinte vídeo:
Após completar
as informações solicitadas pelo
assistente de calibração, será
possível visualizar o certificado de
calibração gerado em formato do
Adobe Reader (PDF).
O certificado
seguirá a formatação padrão com
conteúdo alocado conforme
modelos orientados pelo Inmetro.
Porém, a logomarca e os dados são
Além desta
funcionalidade, outras vantagens e
diferenciais do Aclin o tornam o
mais avançado sistema para gestão tecnológica hospitalar da atualidade. Como seu acesso no
mercado é exclusivo à clientes com necessidade de alto nível de qualidade em seus serviços, ou
seja, consiste de uma plataforma exclusiva, consulte a ACLIN para saber mais sobre este
ONA Organização Nacional De Acreditação
ECG Eletrocardiograma
PA Pascal
J Joule
W Watt
R Resistência Interna
K Kelvin
KV Kilovolt
PRESS Pressão
DESF Desfibrilador
TEMP Temperatura
ILUM Iluminação
FLOW Fluxo
COND Condutividade
RAD Radiação
INF Infusão
MV Millivolts
X-RAY Raio-x
WEB Rede
D Derivação
V Volts
HZ Hertz
Cnpj 23.614.816/0001-00
Tel 31 3566-0802
2017- 001
Patente - 2016
Summary ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Presentation ................................................................................................................................... 5
Application ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Navigation and Interface................................................................................................................ 7
Simulator Configuration ................................................................................................................. 8
Accessories List .............................................................................................................................. 9
Starting to use: verify the battery ................................................................................................ 10
How to turn on? ........................................................................................................................... 10
How to turf off?............................................................................................................................ 11
Reconnect: ................................................................................................................................... 11
Reset............................................................................................................................................. 11
Battery.......................................................................................................................................... 12
Activation/Credit Recharge:......................................................................................................... 13
On/Off Bluetooth ......................................................................................................................... 14
Selecting a Function ..................................................................................................................... 14
ECG/SpO2 (BPM) .......................................................................................................................... 16
Press (mmHg) ............................................................................................................................... 22
Press (cmH2O) .............................................................................................................................. 29
Desf (J) .......................................................................................................................................... 32
Surgery(W) ................................................................................................................................... 37
Temp (°C ) ..................................................................................................................................... 44
X-ray (kVp) .................................................................................................................................... 46
Ilum (klx) ....................................................................................................................................... 51
Flow(l-min) ................................................................................................................................... 53
Cond(uS-cm2) ............................................................................................................................... 57
E. Safety........................................................................................................................................ 59
Rad(uW-cm2-nm) ......................................................................................................................... 61
Hi! Congratulations! You are facing the clinical engineering revolution! ACLIN Check is a
simulator and analyzer for calibrations and inspections through quick performance tests in
almost all hospital equipment, including the main. It is a fundamental measurement instrument
for quality verification through technical intervention such as inspections, corrective
maintenance, protective maintenance, etc.
Extremely mobile, can be easily carried through the hospital for bedside engineering
application. It also allows the guarantee of patient safety through interconnected tests on
multiple medical equipment in a given hospital environment, such as the operating room, the
intensive care unit, the emergency room, etc.
Similar to the multimeter, ACLIN Check covers multiple functions, being easy to handle
and therefore, capable of increasing the productivity of professionals in the field of medicine
while bringing gains in reliability in daily routines
Developed to promote on-the-spot verification, ACLIN Check allows you to assess the
environment in which medical technologies are being used providing greater contact between
clinical engineering professionals and other medical professionals, expanding their presence,
productivity and, finally, spreading knowledge to combat the error of operation and reducing
the risk to the patient and the hospital.
Finally, for a better experience with our product we recommend using the entire ACLIN
platform, which includes the technology management system available on the internet and the
Aclin Check application for Android smartphones.
The professional use of ACLIN Check is related to the universe of clinical engineering and
hospital infrastructure engineering. The ACLIN Check user plays a role in monitoring the
performance and safety of medical equipment in their work routines. For this reason, this
professional must be trained for diagnoses that prevent the removal of medical equipment from
unnecessary use, thus promoting the most effective and efficient solution.
It is important to emphasize that the use of ACLIN Check is not intended to fully replace
specific instruments for scientific calibration in a manufacturing environment or inspections on
instruments subject to legal metrology. On the contrary, ACLIN Check represents the innovative
application focused on the hospital environment, in order to complement them through the
adoption of good practice of continuous monitoring through calibrations / checks. Such
monitoring, as it is already known internationally, provides a reduction in the frequency
In summary, the daily application of ACLIN CHECK allows to rethink the role of each
member of the technical team. When each professional carries his ACLIN CHECK, he has the main
resources of a biomedical laboratory for calibration and tests at hand and immediate
application. Although there are many formats of the technical team itself, maximum
performance is achieved when each member has their own ACLIN Check. In this way, a
professional can dedicate himself to preventive maintenance and calibration scripts while
another professional can focus on solving the challenges of corrective maintenance, for
example. Such availability of resources implies the application of comprehensive quality control
application after each maintenance, which means that the preventive maintenance and
calibration schedule become inseparable. Likewise, the commissioning of new technologies and
the control of their performance before use with patients becomes routine, which results in the
highest degree of patient safety ever seen before in clinical engineering.
Simlator Configuration:
There are four factory default settings: Starter, Professional, Enterprise e Ultimate.
Starter [S] is geared to care in small clinics, emergency care units and health centers.
Professional [P] is recommended for small hospitals. Enterprise [E] is focused in more dense
hospitals with more technology density and Ultimate [U] it is the most complete configuration,
suitable for high-tech hospitals.
Sub-function Version
Accessories List:
* Premium accessories are offered together with new updates for users who already fully use
all the features of the ACLIN Check platform. For more information, regularly consult ACLIN.
ACLIN Check comes with rechargeable and pre-installed battery. Plug ACLIN Check into a USB
port or charger to start charging.
ACLIN Check can also be powered by USB ports on computers, airports, automotive sound
systems, multi-parameter monitors or commercial smartphone chargers.
When connected to USB, the equipment indicates that it is receiving power through the
corresponding red LED on the panel.
The charge cycle lasts for 10 (ten) hours, so we recommend placing the ACLIN Check to recharge
at the end of the working day in order to allow recharging during the night and use during the
next day. Battery life will depend on the types of tests applied to medical equipment.
Note: Aclin Check has a slow battery discharge in hibernation mode to allow safe air transport.
Proceed with a new refill when necessary.
Once energized, press and hold the “ENTER” key for two seconds until the LCD display
lit up. Release the key as soon as the message appears on the screen. This is the home screen.
If it is the first use, the message SERVICE is normal. It indicates that ACLIN Check needs to be
activated by a user registered in the platform management system to ensure that it arrived at
the destination in case of cargo transportation. For more information, contact ACLIN.
If the ENTER key is held down, ACLIN Check will ask if the user wants to shut
NOTE: If the Enter key is held down, CLIN Check will ask if the user wants to
shut down.
This function is only valid for versions below 5.08. To reset, do one of the following
• Press and hold the Func+ and Func- key for 10 seconds;
NOTE: Aclin Check already has an anti-lock system which automatically restarts
the device if necessary. However it is possible to perform a hardware reset:
• Connect the Expansion output to the Oscilloscope (OSC) and use the Reset button.
• Allow the battery to discharge until shutdown and recharge.
ACLIN Check can be used with 9V batteries commercially available in the market in order
to allow greater user mobility.
The battery used can be alkaline or rechargeable Ni-MH or Lithium Ion (LiOn).
The charge cycle will depend on the type of battery, but typically lasts 8-10 hours. The
battery life depends on the type of battery and the load of tests performed. For example, a
450mAh LiOn battery has two hours of continuous use in ECG mode> sinus rhythm 60 BPM.
Typical battery life until complete shutdown is 8-9 hours after full charge.
NOTE: Surgery function demands more battery consumption and it must not be used
with a USB cable connected to the Aclin Check.
NOTE: The use of Bluetooth implies higher battery consumption, especially when there
is no pairing between the Aclin Check and the smartphone. Only use Bluetooth when
necessary and with a smartphone with an active screen.
NOTE: Desf function must not be used with USB cable connected to ACLIN Check.
Activation/Credit Recharge:
When connected for the first time, the message SERVICE will appear. This message
indicates that the Aclin Check is blocked and requires recharging credits to operate. The credit
amount will be according to the contract and the maneuver aims to provide the user with control
over the use of ACLIN Check.
To start using Aclin Check, you must be connected to the internet and have a
collaborator account in the WEB management system. Follow the steps below to start:
If you already have the application configured, proceed as indicated to recharge credit:
• Touch the three horizontal bars in the upper left corner of the screen to open
the side tab with the technician's data;
• Touch in Scan, then after in Search;
• When an HC-06 device is identified, touch it and enter one of the passwords
indicated by the Application to pair the smartphone;
• After pairing, go back to the tab and tap on Credit Recharge;
The application will communicate with the Aclin platform and check your Aclin Check
information to recharge. After recharging, Aclin Check will display the ECG / SpO2 function
indicating that you are ready to start testing.
If you wish, press the ESC button to exit the function and then press and hold the Func-
button until the number of credits appears on the Aclin Check display. The display will be
automatic when the number of credits is less than 50.
On/Off Bluetooth:
When Bluetooth is on, the β symbol will be visible in the upper right corner of the
display. Make sure your smartphone is paired with Aclin Check to prevent unnecessary energy
consumption and measurement.
If the Aclin Check is not paired with the smartphone, the Aclin Check Bluetooth will
search for the smartphone by increasing the range of the radio waves. In the process,
the battery may drain more quickly, the display may flicker in the background and
measurement errors may occur.
To turn Bluetooth On/Off on the home screen where the message appears
“Aclin Check”:
If the battery is low, Bluetooth can automatically turn off when entering a test function
to save energy.
Choosing a role:
On the home screen, press Func + for half a second to display the function.
Optionally, press and hold Func + for fast forward.
To return to the previously shown function or the home screen, press Func-.
To return to the previously shown function or the home screen, press Func-.
If the Func- key is held down, the functions will be displayed in a downward loop until
the home screen and the display of the remaining credits.
Attention: Consult the supply contract documentation to find out which features of
the Aclin Check platform are enabled for your product.
NOTE: When a function is selected and confirmed for the first time, 01 (one) credit is
decreased. If the user leaves the function and deactivates / activates BT and returns to
the same function, another credit will not be consumed.
The tests and quantities of the international system with which they relate are shown below in
order to guarantee the traceability of the measures.
Application: this function is intended for testing cardiac monitors and multi parameters,
electrocardiographs that do not emit automatic diagnostics, cardio versors (synchronism
function), DEA, polygraphs and similar.
Result: provides a standard signal for display on screen or in print allowing assessment
of heart rate alarm limits, noise filter and sensitivity/amplitude.
Unit SI:
1. To select this function, on the home screen, press Func+ until the function is
2. Confirm with Enter;
3. The Sinusal 60 function item (where 60 means 60 BPM) will be started;
Note: in versions greater than 7.01, pressing and holding Enter changes the
amplitude of the ECG signal (1N or 2N).
Also, as usual, precordial leads receive the same signal for the purpose of
facilitating the checking of the quality of connections and signals for each
As the heart rate increases, it is expected that the artifacts will be filtered and
the tracing will become more curvilinear. Some medical equipment is also
expected to reduce/attenuate the signal if the curve of the low-pass filter is too
Important: The ECG signal generated in this way favors rapid but more detailed
tests and is the intellectual property of ACLIN:
The ACLIN Check aims to meet the essential requirements pointed out by the
Ministry of Health through the publication Medical-Hospital Equipment and Maintenance
Management (page 349), which cites:
In this way, the signal generated by ACLIN Check is dedicated to identifying faults in
the patient cables or in the preamplifier, thus validating the collection of physiological signals.
Figure 3 - Sinus 60 BPM with artifacts inserted via the Fourier series
By using the SpO2 extension module (optional), it is possible to generate the ECG signal
and simulate oxygen saturation in the blood, including testing the oximetry accessory. To use,
follow these:
• Clean the oximetry sensor of the medical equipment to be simulated and check if the
light is on.
• Place the oximetry sensor of the medical equipment on your finger and check the
indication on the medical equipment display of at least 95% to 100% (the value may vary
from person to person). If this test does not work, submit the sensor for maintenance.
• Clean the SpO2 extension module window if it is dirty.
• Connect the module to the Aclin Check.
The saturation indication may vary depending on the brand and model of the pulse
oximeter. However, the typical value of the Sp02 extensin module is approximately
80% for Novametrix equipment (example: Dixtal, Philips, Neocor and BCI). Currently
there are dozens of R curves (which relate the brightness of the LEDs), making it
possible to find differences between the same brand. Most of the well-known brands
operate with red led at 660nm ad infrared at 940nm.
The Extensor Module may come with selection keys for saturation reference values.
In this case, check the positions of the keys before performing the tests.
Consult the brand/model reference via Aclin system settings. There are hundreds of
R curve adjustments for different brands and models of pulse oximeters and it may
be necessary to adjust according to the batch of pulse oximeters to be tested. For
more information, consult ACLIN.
Productivity Tip:
Use the Aclin Check application to perform Service Orders (OS) for corrective or
preventive maintenance. In each OS it will be possible to execute the checklist items
and make notes of the indications for later issuance of documents and reports on
the Aclin.
Productivity Tip:
Although each brand and model has own settings that results in different brightness
intensities for LEDs, it is possible to create performance testing procedures for
these products. For this, with a view to a new product of the same brand and model
that is guaranteed by the manufacturer, do the tests with the oximetry accessory
and write down the saturation measurements. These measures can be used to
verify the performance of products of the same brand/model/manufacturing batch
by comparing the results.
ACLIN Check may have updated hardware to perform Breathing simulation via ECG. The
update may be made for variation via precordial leads and/or for increased leads. The
respiratory rate will be changed as the heart rate values change to allow simultaneous
simulation of ECG/Resp and SpO2 simultaneously for maximum productivity.
Press (mmHg)
For equipment that applies positive pressure, use the P + channel (example:
blood pressure devices, infusion pumps, tourniquets, CO2 insufflators, inflatable
mattresses in automated beds, hyperbaric chambers, etc.) leaving the P- channel
without connection (for comparison with ambient pressure);
Result: provides the pressure reading on the LCD display to be compared with the
reading of the equipment to be tested.
Unit SI:
4. To select this function, on the home screen, press Func + until the function is
5. Confirm with Enter;
6. With the + and - channels released, press the ENTER button to set the zero for 1
second. The function item will start with reading 000 on the third line of the
Connect the equipment to be tested using the “T” fitting for the pressure channel (if
1. Connect the pressure “T” between the monitor and the
2. Use the Aclin Check + channel;
3. Place de clamp in a PVC tube of compatible size;
4. Adjust the pressure in the tourniquet to 300mmHg.
5. Activate the tourniquet.
6. Compare the indications.
Surgical Aspirator/Liposuction:
1. Disconnect the suction tip and clean it;
2. Use the channel – from Aclin Check to connect it;
3. Activate the suction until the display shows 300mmHg (equivalent to 160 inH2O or
11,8 inHg);
4. Note: Keep the collection bottle connected to test its leakage.
3. Zero the pressure of the Aclin Check with the channels loose.
4. Reset the pressure value on the monitor;
5. Connect the Aclin Check + channel to the T;
6. Tighten the pear and adjust the pressure with the valve.
7. Note the value indicated on the display.
• Flexible Video-Endoscope: connect the Aclin Check to the + channel to perform the
leak test.
• Transesophageal cardiac ultrasound probe: perform a leak test, observing the
manufacturer's recommendations;
• CutOff device: connect the + channel to the pressure gauge and compare the
indications (pay attention to the measurement unit used and, if necessary, make the
Thus, it is accepted by AAMI SP10 that the difference between the average obtained by the
observers and the digital result is less than or equal to 5mmHg and the standard deviation is less
than or equal to 8mmHg. Other protocols allow a difference of up to 15 mmHg, as shown in the
example bellow
Productivity tip:
To adjust the valve for better precision, use a digital sphygmomanometer with an
Inmetro seal as a reference. Select the desired pressure limits in the Aclin Check.
Rotate the valve patiently until at least 3 consecutive acceptable measurements are
Important: some cuffs are not original or are made of very rigid material / fabric, which can impair
sensitivity. For these cases, we recommend changing the cuff to avoid folding over the artificial
artery or even changing the cuff type to a nylon or other soft and flexible material.
Press (cmH2O)
Application: this function is intended for testing equipment that provides positive
pressure, such as hyperbaric chambers, pulmonary ventilators, anesthesia machines, CPAPs,
BIPAPs, manual resuscitators (Ambu type), etc. In the case of equipment that assists in artificial
respiration, it can be used to validate pressure limits for alarms, in order to prevent Barotrauma.
For equipment that applies positive pressure, use the P + channel (example:
blood pressure devices, infusion pumps, tourniquets) leaving the P- channel
without connection (for comparison with ambient pressure);
Result: provides pressure reading in LCD display in order to be compared with the
reading of the tested equipment.
Unit SI:
1. To select this function, on the home screen, press Func + three times;
2. Confirm with Enter;
3. With the channels loose, press ENTER to set zero. The function item will start
with instantaneous reading 000 and the maximum pressure Pmx = 0 (Note: the
maximum pressure will be updated after approximately 5 seconds, in order to
memorize the highest value in a sequence of ventilatory cycles;
Make the connection of the equipment to be tested using the “T” accessory for the
pressure (if necessary):
NOTE: This function measures channels pressurized with medical gases. Avoid
measuring liquids directly.
Productivity Tip:
see Flow function [L / min] for further mechanical ventilation tests.
Desf (J)
Result: The power LED flashes rapidly with each shot/pulse applied, confirming the
shock has been applied. The approximate amount of energy delivered is shown on the display.
Unit SI:
▪ 1 J (Joule) [Energy]
The waveforms can be viewed via the Smartphone application. For more detailed
waveform visualization the coupling of a compatible digital oscilloscope can be used in
complementary mode.
The graph shows current values over time. It is essential to check the higher current
value because the higher the current, the greater the damage to the tissues and the
lower the chance of effectiveness in the first shock. To limit the peak current, many
manufacturers use inductors in series with the patient. Defibrillators at the end of
their life can present leakage currents, especially monophasic ones, resulting in
damage to the patient. If the current measured in the graph is greater than 45A using
the ACLIN Check at any time the instrument may reset or even have its protection
fuse activated, turning it off until the repair is provided. If this occurs, it is essential
to remove the defibrillator / Cardioverter from use until it is repaired.
1. To select this function, on the home screen, press Func + repeatedly until the
name appears on the display;
2. Remove/release the USB cable from the battery charger;
3. Confirm with Enter and wait for the “Shock” message after a few seconds;
It is recommended to measure using the cables/paddles provided with the
equipment. When activating the equipment to be tested and during its
operation, it is recommended to avoid physical contact with metallic parts of
the simulator in order to prevent accidents. Do not use the Aclin Check USB
charger during testing.
Defibrillator/Cardioverter (treatment mode):
To watch the video showing defibrillator performance testing, watch the video on our channel.
1. After performing the software diagnostic test (previous), press ESC to exit the
ECG / SpO2 function while the medical equipment signals the shock delivery;
2. Enter the DESF function and wait for the message “SHOCK” to appear on the Aclin Check
3. On medical equipment, press the treatment button;
4. The amount of energy delivered will be shown on the Aclin Check display.
If the smartphone is paired with Aclin Check it is possible to view the waveform after applying
In the application, enter the graph function. After that, in Aclin Check, press and release the
Func + key.
When using the OSC extension module (optional) the test can use a calibrated digital
oscilloscope to determine the waveform of the capacitive discharge of the medical equipment
and make more accurate calculations. It can also be used to visualize the waveforms of
equipment such as an external pacemaker and muscle stimulators. The signal attenuation factor
is 4000. Consult the module manual to learn more.
When using the resistive loads extension module, the test may vary the patient's
impedance value. The loads are connected in parallel to decrease the total value. Consult the
module manual to learn more.
Application: this function is intended for testing electrosurgical units, validating the
contact of cables and the level of power applied to tissue cuts, thus preventing burns and
unwanted damage to patients.
Result: The power LED lights up with each shot/pulse applied. The brightness of the LED
will be proportional to the energy applied.
Unit SI:
Because the value shown on the scalpel display is not the applied value, but the
desired value, we ask that you carefully read this section to perform the tests
Do not use the USB charger connected to the Aclin Check during the tests and
do not touch the external metallic parts of the Aclin Check with the scalpel
activated to avoid accidents.
The power delivered by the scalpel will depend on the tissue impedance for power
transfer and each scalpel brand / model has a characteristic curve that can be found in the
manufacturer's manual. For example, the typical load curve of an electro surgical unit can be
seen in the figure. The vast majority of surgical procedures occur below 200 W, in mucous
membranes and vascularized tissues, which indicates that the impedance is usually low, ranging
from 50 to 300 Ohms. Typically, around 300 Ohms
power stabilization occurs at the maximum capacity of the high power electro surgical unit, even
though the impedance continues to increase for other types of tissues, such as layers of fat and
In this way, ACLIN Check in its standard configuration allows impedance simulation to
be performed by means of pure resistances of 200 or 300 Ohms with a frequency response of
up to 100 MHz (with OSC expansion) or up to 500kHz (without OSC expansion). The 200 Ohms
value can be used for testing low power electro surgical units up to 200 W and the 300 Ohms
value for electro surgical units whose peak power value reaches 300W. For higher impedance
values, external resistors or other Aclin Checks can be coupled to the Aclin Check in series.
In case of need for greater precision, ACLIN Check allows the coupling of a compatible
digital oscilloscope to take the readings of average power, waveform, frequency, crest factor
and amplitude, as well as the resistance extension module. This data can be saved on the digital
oscilloscope and inserted in the ACLIN system via upload for complementary reports;
1. To select this function, on the home screen, press Func + repeatedly until the
name appears on the display;
2. Using the Func + and Func- key, select the internal resistance (R) and skin
resistance (REM) * for the test;
3. Confirm with Enter;
4. Apply the electrodes in E + and E- and use the equipment to be tested.
5. Connect the automatic trigger control accessory to the pen terminal and Aclin
Check (optional);
6. Wait for the message “Get Ready” appear on display;
7. Press ESC key;
8. The power will be indicated on the display.
It is recommended to measure using the cables/paddles supplied with the
equipment, connected to banana-claw cables (not included).
When activating the equipment to be tested and during its operation, it is
recommended to avoid physical contact with the simulator in order to prevent
Test example:
For this example, data from real scalpels will be used. To connect the scalpel,
see the assembly diagram below:
Suppose that in Aclin Check the impedance of 100Ohms has been selected.
Observe the power transfer curve below:
The following table shows the adjusted value on the scalpel and the result on
the Aclin Check:
Table 1 - Values obtained from tests for impedance of 100 Ohms in Aclin Check
25 W 0W
150 W 125 W
300 W 150 W
Using the power transfer curve involves technical knowledge for its
interpretation. Many technical assistance only prefer to use the so-called
nominal impedance, in other words, the value to which the power is fully
transmitted. In the case of the example, the adjustment curves of 150 W and
300 W are stable at their nominal value at approximately 300 Ohms.
Table 2 - Values for 300 Ohms rated impedance selected in Aclin Check
25 W 0W
150 W 150 W
300 W 290 W
The internal impedances of 200 and 300 Ohms have thermal protection. If it is
activated the Aclin Check will need to cool down for a new test. To speed up the
process keep the environment at 20 ° C, use external coolers (not included) and
the scalpel automatic control accessory as an alternative to the pedal.
When using the OSC extension module (optional), the test can use a calibrated digital
oscilloscope to determine the waveform, fundamental and harmonic frequency, etc. Consult the
module manual to learn more.
When using the resistive loads extension module, the test may vary the patient's
impedance value. Consult the module manual to learn more.
When using the REM extension module, the test may vary the patient's impedance value
for a split plate. Consult the module manual to learn more.
Productivity Tip:
It is possible to test the current leakage to the frame using a special accessory. To do
this, connect a banana-claw cable (not included) between the 200R load and the Aclin-Check
(set to 200R).
Note: The functionalities have been modified since version 7.01. Follow the videos
on the Aclin YouTube channel for more information.
Temp(°C )
Attention: this function is intended for testing thermometers and sensors used in
environmental monitoring, neonatal incubators and similar thermo-controlled devices, allowing
verification of these devices.
Result: The temperature reading in Celsius will be shown on the LCD display.
Unit SI:
We recommend only using this function before the Surgery and Desf functions,
as such tests increase the internal temperature of the ACLIN Check.
The reading of the equipment needs a few seconds to stabilize its value.
1. To select this function, on the home screen, press Func + until the function
appears on the display;
2. Confirm with Enter;
3. The value on the left of the display represents the internal temperature of the
Aclin Check and always starts at 25 ° C;
4. The value on the right of the display is preceded by “O:” and represents the indication
of external sensor temperature;
For use in neonatal incubators, the Aclin Check should be cleaned externally
with alcohol gel and should never be used together with the patient. After
readings, always suggest that the incubator be disinfected before returning to
use. Do not insert the Aclin Check in greenhouses or freezers with a temperature
below 0 ° - for these cases use a specific thermometer or the corresponding
expansion module.
Optional/Premium Accessories:
The extensions consist of external temperature / humidity sensors, which can be placed
inside the equipment to be tested. Consult the module manual to learn more.
As of version 7.02 pressing the Func+ button will display the message Mode 1 (scan from
sensor 0 to sensor 7 for accessories with 8 sensors) and if the Func+ button is pressed again, the
message Mode 2 will appear (scan from sensor 0 to sensor 15 for accessories with 16 sensors).
Regularly follow the Aclin YouTube channel to view new videos about
multipoint accessories!
X- ray(kVp)
Result: The reading of peak radiation kilovoltage (kVp) and its duration (in milliseconds)
will be shown on the LCD display.
The readings are geared towards daily operation and are complementary to the
reports that must be obtained during the constancy test by medical physics.
Peak kilovoltage (kVp) is traditionally used for the maintenance of x-ray generators and
corresponds to the greatest potential difference applied to electrons within the x-ray bulb. The
beam produced will be more penetrating in the human body the higher the kV value at the high
voltage source.
An enormous amount of heat is also generated in the X-ray generation process. The
heat that can be safely supported determines curves that are depicted for each tube through
the Rating chart:
The heat produced can be measured in HU (Heat Unit). HU is defined as being the
production of current (mA) and kVp and time (sec) for single phase rectified sources. The current
and time values are standardized at 100mA and 0.1s (100ms) respectively. Only the kVp value is
in HU:
Through the Rating Chart, it is possible to determine for example that for the exposure
time of 20 s and current at 100mA, the maximum possible kVp is approximately 80 kVp. If the
current increases, the value of kVp and time must decrease. Selectable current values must be
limited internally in the generator and calibrated using milliammeters by the manufacturer.
1. To select this function, on the home screen press Func+ repeatedly until the
function name appears on the display;
2. Confirm with Enter;
3. “Get Ready” will appear on the display;
Very low or very fast values may not be detected, as well as the triggering of
very old analog equipment.
Use the radiological protections available, look for a radiology technician to
operate the medical equipment and avoid staying in the examination room
during X-ray shots.
older models);
3. On the RX control panel, adjust the current to 100mA and time to 100ms.
4. Adjust the desired kV value;
5. Go to radiation protection and set the trigger to prepare and then start
6. Compare the measured value with the adjusted value, both in kVp and in time.
If any of the values are not within acceptable limits, it will be necessary to
intervene in the x-ray generator.
• Computed tomography: position the Aclin Check on the examination table and
center the beam to pass between the keys. Adjust the technique to 100mA and
100ms and vary the kVp. Take the exam. The highest detected kVp value will be
shown on the display.
• Surgical/hemodynamic arch: position the Aclin Check on the examination table
and center the bundle to pass between the keys. Keep the distance between the
focal point and the Aclin Check about 30cm. Adjust the technique to 100mA and
100ms and vary the kVp. Take the exam. The highest detected kVp value will be
shown on the display.
• Bone densitometry: leave the Aclin Check on the examination table. Make the
technical adjustments and perform the exam by radiating the area between the
• Linear accelerator/telecobalt therapy: on the examination table, position the
Aclin Check on the location of the X-ray cassette holder. Adjust the beam to
generate a simulation (or positioning conference) image).
• Brachytherapy: place the Aclin Check on the exam table. Between the Aclin
Check keys, position the tip of the Iridium fountain applicator. Adjust the
distance between the applicator and the surface. Expose and collect the source.
Productivity Tip:
Imaging equipment generates files that can be submitted to the WEB system for
predictive diagnosis. For medical equipment such as ultrasound imaging, MRI and
cardiotocograph, consult the availability of premium imaging standards.
Use the graphic function of the ACLIN Check application to display the exposure
waveform. An expert's interpretation of this graph may indicate different defects
in the ionizing radiation emitter.
Application: this function is intended for testing visible light emitting equipment, such
as surgical foci, optical fibers from rigid and flexible endoscopes, and even some low-intensity
laser beams, allowing the verification of firing or emission of these devices.
Result: The radiation intensity reading will be shown on the LCD display in a quantified
The distance between the Aclin Check Lux sensor and the light source, as well as
the incident angle, must be carefully observed so that the reading does not
fluctuate too much.
1. To select this function, on the home screen, press Func+ repeatedly until the
function is shown on the screen;
2. Confirm with Enter;
Productivity Tip:
With good lighting, regularly perform White balance on video processors for laparoscopy or
imaging systems such as endoscopy. For additional methods of improving images, use our
Result: Reads gas flow in real time, with subsequent sampling of volume per cycle and
total on display.
Use requires the optional flow sensor accessory. The type of flow sensor must be
according to the flow level (infant accessory “Ch” for medium flow values and
adult “Ad” for high values).
Before doing the flow test, perform the pressure test in cmH2O to ensure that
the alarms are operating.
1. To select this function, on the home screen, press Func + repeatedly until the
function appears on the display;
2. Confirm with Enter;
3. With the + and - channels released, press Enter to set zero;
4. Select and install the flow sensor in series with the test lung and connect it via
silicone hoses to the P + and P- channels of the Aclin Check.
Through the flow in L / min it is possible to determine the volume. The ATPS volume
consists of the volume of gas collected in a room at room temperature (A = Room) and pressure
saturated with water vapor. It is the volume measured in the ambient conditions of a calibration
where the temperature is usually close to 20 ° C and the air collected for compression is filtered
and dried. However, physiotherapists consider the volume of water vapor present in the
patient's breath, which was usually heated to 37 ° C. Therefore, the ATPS volume needs to be
converted to the volume that the gas mixture occupies at the temperature of the human body,
which is called BTPS (B = Body).
Use the heated humidifier to heat the gas mixture to 37 ° C or set the Aclin Check
temperature sensor to “Y” to convert ATPS to BTPS. The Aclin Check always
shows the indications in BTPS, which is the standard of the vast majority of lung
13. At the end, release the flow sensor and wash it with water and alcohol gel for
next use. Don't forget to reset pressure alarms.
Productivity Tip:
When executing the Service Order via the Aclin Check App with the paired
smartphone, use the graph to display the peak values and calculate the minute
volume. The minute volume indication will be displayed below the time axis in
the time flow graph.
Productivity Tip:
To measure the oxygen concentration and check the O2 cell reading, obtain an
Oxygen Concentration Meter on the market. In addition to being more
accessible, this instrument can be used to measure oxygen plants, as well as the
purity of this gas in cylinders and reservoirs.
Productivity Tip:
Application: this function is intended for conductivity testing in water for reverse
osmosis or in some combinations of chemical solutions.
Result: Performs the real-time reading of the conductivity and shows it on the display.
Use requires the optional accessory for this purpose and has been available
since version 3.1.
1. To select this function, on the home screen, press Func + ten times;
2. Confirm with Enter;
3. Dock the accessory and start reading by following the instructions on the accessory.
Water is the primary resource for cleaning and fighting infections. In sterilization
centers, the presence of metals in water can lead to faster corrosion of surgical instruments,
reducing their useful life. In hemodialysis centers, the conductivity of the water must be kept
low so that the machine can correctly dose the basic and acidic solutions for the treatment. In
drinking fountains, the high conductivity of the water may indicate the need to change filters. It
is also common to use mineral water sources, such as artesian wells. In some cases, water quality
may change due to rain, pesticides and other contaminants. Therefore, regularly and always
after the maintenance of changing filters and membranes, it is necessary to measure the
conductivity until the level is safe for consumption.
Productivity Tip:
It is possible to monitor tanks/water tanks and the time it takes to reach the
level using the application. Place the sensor close to the desired level, start the
graph and let the water in. When the level is reached, conductivity will increase
and be stable on the graph.
E. Safety
Application: this function is intended to perform the electrical safety test on various medical
equipment following the concepts of IEC 62353 and 60601.
Result: Provides reading of electric current in microamperes and milliamps on the LCD
This function requires the use of the expansion accessory for electrical safety
1. 1. To select this function, on the home screen, press Func + repeatedly until the
ESA function appears on the screen;
2. Confirm with Enter;
7. After confirming the entry in the function, “START?” Will appear on the screen. Press
Enter to continue.
8. Aclin Check will perform all analysis sequences automatically.
9. The leakage measurements of direct current and applied part will be shown on
the display as to their maximum values.
Defibrillators, AEDs, Scalpels, Electro stimulators, and medical equipment that
apply electrical currents to the body, can be connected to Aclin Check, however
in Standby mode (without treatment application).
Never use the ESA accessory attached to the Aclin Check except for electrical
safety testing.
Productivity Tip:
The distance and angle of incidence of radiation on the Aclin Check Rad sensor
must be carefully observed to avoid reading errors.
1. To select this function, on the home screen, press Func + repeatedly until the
function appears on the display;
2. Confirm with Enter;
Inf (mL/h)
Application: this function is intended to perform the test of infusion pumps, be they
syringe type, peristaltic or linear. Can also be used with contrast injection pumps in imaging
diagnostic centers.
This function requires the use of the expansion accessory (optional). Refer to
the expansion module operation manual to learn more.
1. To select this function, on the home screen, press Func+ until the name of the
function is shown on the display;
2. Confirm with Enter;
Productivity Tip:
Technical specifications
* The battery used can be alkaline or rechargeable type Ni-MH or Lithium Ion (LiOn).
* A recharge can reach up to 9 hours of work.
** ACLIN Check has a port for connecting Bluetooth module, however this module is not
provided by ACLIN. It is up to the user to purchase and install the optional transmission module.
ACLIN recommends that the user only purchase and install modules certified by ANATEL and pay
special attention to using wireless communication only:
*** High pressure value available only in accessory with artificial artery clamp (yellow rubber
ACLIN is not responsible for any problems to patients and medical equipment that are caused
by the use of Bluetooth communication modules.
Operation Training
ACLIN recommends that the user take periodic update courses within the Web system
to remain aware of all the features and possibilities that ACLIN Check allows and for a better
1. Via EAD (distance learning) for customers who already use the ACLIN System
for technology management;
2. In person at events organized by ACLIN;
3. Upon customer's request (in this case, consult the contractual conditions).
Loss of Bluetooth signal Mobile/Tablet far from Bring equipment closer. Restart
the simulator the connection on both.
Presence of high
frequency noise.
Connect digital
oscilloscope to validate
or consult scalpel
Pressure reading in Lack of zero adjustment Enter the cmH2O
mmHg / cmH2O with function and with the
constant error channels loose press
Enter for 1 second.
For better experience and productivity, use the complete ACLIN platform!
Through the ACLIN system, the management of hospital technology and its performance
becomes easy and complete. It is possible to use it with tablets and cell phones, integrated with
the ACLIN Check simulator via Android application and Bluetooth communication (see technical
The doctor or nurse can request a corrective maintenance service order (OS) using the
camera of the Android phone: for this purpose, there is a resource within the system for reading
QR Codes or BarCodes used on stickers attached to medical equipment for the control of clinical
As soon as the opening is performed, the OS is available in the Control Panel and appears
to the field technician through the cell phone application to speed up the service.
For each work order it is possible to collect data from measurements or simulations via
the Aclin System. It is highly recommended to use the complete Aclin System because through
The system can be accessed by the clinical engineer and his administrative team to
program the work orders that will be executed by the technicians. Each technician can use the
Aclin Check app on their Android smartphone to carry out work orders.
Figura 26 - exemplo de tela do aplicativo In this way, the field technician performs exactly
what was planned, taking advantage of
In addition to closing the Service Orders intuitively and contributing to more realistic
statistics for the evaluation of the services provided, within each Service Order that is accessed
by the Aclin System Calibration Center, it is possible to access the assistant for the calibration of
medical equipment.
Through the Wizard, the measurements taken are shown for checking and subsequently
making the desired documents, such as calibration certificates. If the technician is inside the
physical laboratory where he performs the tests, at the company's headquarters or in the clinical
engineering sector, he can use the assistant directly, configuring the appearance of the test
tables, registering other measurement and calibration instruments in addition to the Aclin Check
and insert your electronic signature for quick inclusion in the documents that will be generated.
The Calibration and Performance Laboratory allows you to enter the measurements and
select the standards used, optionally insert the tolerances and check the measurement
uncertainty calculations for viewing the approval or disapproval.
The details of each test / test criterion can be found in auxiliary documents, as illustrated
For greater speed and reliability, the calibration report with traceability to
factory standards is available within the Aclin system and measurement
uncertainties are automatically referenced to each uncertainty calculation.
Calibrate with ACLIN or RBC laboratories only. To learn more, watch the following
After completing
the information requested by the
calibration wizard, it will be
possible to view the generated
calibration certificate in Adobe
Reader format (PDF).
The certificate
will follow the standard format
with content allocated according
to models guided by Inmetro.
However, the logo and data are
In addition to this
functionality, other advantages
and differentials of Aclin make it
the most advanced
system for hospital technological management today. As your access to the market is exclusive
to customers who need a high level of quality in their services, that is, it consists of an exclusive
platform, consult ACLIN to learn more about this service/product. I
ONA National Accreditation Organization
ECG Electrocardiogram
PA Pascal
J Joule
W Watt
R Internal Resistance
K Kelvin
KV Kilovolt
PRESS Pressure
DESF Defibrillator
TEMP Temperature
ILUM Ilumination
COND Conductivity
RAD Radiation
INF Infusion
MV Millivolts
X-RAY X-ray
WEB web
D Derivation
V Volts
HZ Hertz