Reis 2016
Reis 2016
Reis 2016
Three-Dimensional Electrospun
Constructs for Wound Healing
Outubro 2016
Copyright © Tiago André Cunha Reis, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova
de Lisboa.
To my family: Vasco, Natália,
Diogo and Sofia
Family always comes first. Pai, obrigado por ensinares-me os valores da vida e de que nunca
devemos desistir. Mãe, obrigado pelo esforço e sacrifício de uma vida, que mesmo assim levou-
te a ajudar e muito este teu filho. Diogo, thank you for being an awesome and loyal brother that I
can rely no matter what or when. Sofia, you are the best part of all this MIT-Portugal experience.
Thank you for the support and love that we share.
I would like to thank my supervisor Prof. Ana Aguiar Ricardo (FCT-UNL). I would also like to thank
Prof. Paula T. Hammond (MIT) for the unique opportunity to conduct part of my research in her
lab. Her co-supervision was key in many moments of this thesis, something that she would always
add her smile and outstanding analytical capabilities. Thank you Professor!
I have to say a few words about Prof. João Paulo Borges (FCT-UNL), a man that I deeply respect
for his personality and professionalism. Prof. João Paulo Borges is the type of a Professor that
inspires his students to be better, and if today I am deeply in love with material science is because
of him. Thank you Professor!
In my mind, polymer science is equal to Prof. Ana Ramos (FCT-UNL). I miss so much her lectures
and the way that she introduces her students to this fascinating field. Attending the polymer sci-
ence course was one of the best decisions in my life. I recall that I had already exceeded the
maximum number of courses that one could attend during a master’s program, but I attended her
course anyway. Once again, one of the best decisions in my life. Thank you Professor!
There are others that take an important role in my life – not only during my PhD – being role
models regarding their ethics, personality and engineering skills. These are my role models: Prof.
Pedro Simões (FCT-UNL), Prof. João Paulo Crespo (FCT-UNL), Prof. Rui Oliveira (FCT-UNL)
and Prof. Manuel Carrondo (FCT-UNL). Thank you all!
I would also thank Prof. Ana M. Rego (IST-UL) for her support regarding the use and interpretation
of the XPS analysis. It was a pleasure to meet you and work with you. Thank you Professor!
Someone that is truly underappreciated by the MIT-Portugal Program is Prof. José Silva Lopes.
Prof. José Silva Lopes was outstanding in interacting with the MIT-Portugal Program PhD stu-
dents. His dedication is beyond any doubt. Thank you Professor!
I am also thankful to meet people like: Rita Restani and Steven Castleberry, thank you both for
the friendship.
I need to thank to the American Red Cross. If there is a written thesis today is because I survived
a house fire while I was in the United States. Although this traumatic experience was hard to deal
with, the American Red Cross staff was always present to help me. Among previous tears and
blood, thank you!
As someone that never attended private schools, it is a privilege to acknowledge the Portuguese
Government for providing me a costless education with high standards of quality since 1992.
Finally, I thank the financial support from Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Fundação para a Ciên-
cia e a Tecnologia (FC&T), through the projects PEst-C/EQB/LA0006/2013, MIT-Pt/BS-
CTRM/0051/2008, PTDC/EMETME/103375/2008, the doctoral grant SFRH/BD/51188/2010,
MIT-Portugal Program (Bioengineering Systems Focus Area) FEDER and FSE.
This thesis embraces the opportunity to develop a wound dressing substrate that not only at-
tends the functional requirements of a wound dressing, but also avoids the need of secondary
dressings. Novel electrostatically driven self-assembled fibrous based materials made of poly(ε-
caprolactone) are manufactured, resulting in asymmetrical materials with enhanced topogra-
phies. Such constructs are characterized by a flat bottom side and a top side populated with
fibrous-based microsized protrusions, which have a median inter-protusion distance of 528 µm
and a median peak density of 73 peaks per cm2. For the first time, it is provided a full explanation
of the underlying fabrication phenomena, suggesting new routes to other polymers such as gelatin
or chitosan. After the characterization of the proposed substrates, such materials are functional-
ized by layer-by-layer. Several combinations of polyelectrolytes (chitosan, gelatin, alginate, hya-
luronic acid, poly-1, linear polyethyleneimine and dextran sulphate) and layer numbers (n = 1, 3,
5 or 10) are tested regarding the physicochemical properties of the generated multi-layered films,
as well as the cellular adhesion on these constructs. It is intended to formulate, test and control,
the underlying phenomena that avoids the cellular adhesion and proliferation within the used
dressing. As prepared these materials are capable of withstanding (11.0 ± 0.3)×10 4 kg per m2
after 14 days of hydration. Their unique asymmetry promotes unidirectional liquid uptake (from
the top side towards the inner structure of the materials), while being impermeable to potential
external liquid-forms of infection at its bottom side. Nevertheless, such constructs also observed
the high porosity (89.9%) and high surface area (1.44 m2.g-1) characteristic of traditional electro-
spun mats. The selected coating reduced cellular adhesion on the constructs throughout the gen-
eration of a rubbery film layer, which would also provide a means to tailor water vapor transmis-
sion and swelling ratio for different wound environments specifications (e.g. ischemic wounds,
I/II/III-degree burns, etc.). As a showcase, functionalized wound dressing substrates were able to
achieve 90 ± 0.5 % of wound closure within 48 hours.
Esta tese abraça a oportunidade de desenvolver uma base para pensos de feridas que não só
atende aos requisitos funcionais de um penso, mas que também evita a necessidade de pensos
secundários. São fabricados novos materiais fibrosos auto-formados electrostaticamente de
poli(ε-caprolactona), os quais resultam em materiais assimétricos com topografias melhoradas.
Tais construções caracterizam-se por uma base plana e uma parte superior preenchida com
microssaliências fibrosas, as quais têm uma distância inter-saliência média de 528 µm e uma
densidade média de picos de 73 picos por cm2. Pela primeira vez, é fornecida uma explicação
completa dos fenómenos da fabricação subjacente, sugerindo novas vias para outros polímeros
como a gelatina ou o quitosano. Após a caracterização dos substratos propostos, tais materiais
são funcionalizados segundo a técnica camada-a-camada. Várias combinações de polieletrolitos
(quitosano, gelatina, alginato, ácido hialurónico, poli-1, polietileneimina linear e sulfato de dex-
trano) e números de camada (n = 1, 3, 5 ou 10) são testados quanto às propriedades físico-
químicas dos revestimentos em multicamadas gerados, bem como quanto à adesão celular so-
bre estas construções. Pretende-se formular, testar e controlar, os fenómenos subjacentes que
evitem a adesão celular e proliferação dentro do penso utilizado. Como preparado, estes mate-
riais são capazes de suportar (11,0 ± 0,3) × 10 4 kg / m2 após 14 dias de hidratação. A sua assi-
metria única promove a absorção unidirecional de líquidos (do lado superior em direção à estru-
tura interna dos materiais), sendo impermeável a potenciais formas líquidas de infeção externas
no seu lado inferior. No entanto, tais construções também observaram uma porosidade elevada
(89,9%) e uma área superficial elevada (1,44 m2.g-1), as quais são características de materiais
eletrofiados tradicionais. O revestimento selecionado reduziu a adesão celular nestes materiais,
segundo a geração de uma película de viscosa, a qual também fornece um meio adequado à
transmissão de vapor de água e absorção de líquidos para diferentes especificações de feridas
(feridas isquémicas, por exemplo, feridas, queimaduras I/II/III grau, etc.). Além disso, o penso
melhorado foi capaz de alcançar 90 ± 0,5% de oclusão da ferida num período de 48 horas.
Table of Contents
Abstract ……………………………………………………….……….………………..……… IX
Resumo ………………………………………………………………..……………………….. XI
2.2.2 Morphological characterization …………………………………………..... 35
2.2.3 Electrodynamic simulations ……………………………..…………………. 37
2.3 Results and Discussion ………………………………………………………............. 37
2.3.1 3DEC morphology …………………………………………………………… 37
2.3.2 Electrodynamic simulations ………………………………………..…….… 37
2.3.3 Experimental validation ………………………………………………….….. 46
2.4 Concluding Remarks …………………………………………………………............. 53
2.5 Chapter References ……………………………………………………….................. 54
Index of Figures
Figure 2.15 Topographic morphology comparison of equivalent electrospun mem-
branes processed under different temperature and humidity levels ……………………… 49
Figure 2.16 Evidence of the need to extend the production time of the electrospun ma-
terial (35 wt.% PCL in 40AA/60FA processed at 1.375 with a flow rate of 0.07
mL.h-1 during 24 h, the surrounding environment was set for 20 ºC and a humidity level
of 31 ± 1%) for the sake of obtaining closed cells. On the right it is highlighted the smooth
appearance of new MAFs ……………………………………………………………………… 50
Figure 2.17 Morphology comparison of electrospun membranes processed from paren-
tal polymer solutions with different concentration under the same processing conditions
(PCL in 40AA/60FA at 1.5 during 24 h with a flow rate of 0.07 mL.h-1, the sur-
rounding environment was set for 21 ºC and a humidity level of 32 ± 1%) ………………. 50
Figure 2.18 Example of a dextran electrospun mesh, where the experimental conditions
where defined as follow: 50 wt. % DEX in Distilled Water at 1.667 with a flow
rate of 0.2 mL.h-1, in a surrounding environment set for 40 ºC and a humidity level of 24
± 1% …………………………………………………………………………………………...... 53
Figure 2A.1 Flow curves of PCL polymer solutions in 40AA/60FA at different concentra-
tions ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 98
Figure 2A.2 SEM micrographs of poly(ε-caprolactone) and chitosan 95/5 % wt. poly-
meric blend ……………………………………………………………………………………… 98
Figure 2A.3 SEM micrographs of poly(ε-caprolactone) and chitosan 90/10 % wt. poly-
meric blend ……………………………………………………………………………………… 99
Figure 3A.1 Example of a three-dimensional electrospun constructs within the radio fre-
quency tubular reactor for plasma treatment, placed on a non-porous metallic plate …… 102
Figure 3A.2 3DECs fiber diameter distribution in the bottom side ………………………… 102
Scheme 3A.1 Resting droplet assay in a 3DEC construct …………………………………. 102
Figure 3B.1 Spray Layer-by-Layer (spray LbL) for surface coating of biomedical relevant
scaffolds …………………………………………………………………………………………. 110
Figure 3B.2 Chemical structures of the used polycations (+) and polyanions (-) ………. 112
Figure 3B.3 LbL film characterization ……………………………………………………….. 113
Figure 3B.4 LbL film physicochemical characterization for the (X/Y) n architectures
where, X is Gelatin, Poly-1 or Chitosan, Y is Alginate or Hyaluronic Acid, and n is 5, 3 or
1 layers …………………………………………………………………………………………... 115
Figure 3B.5 Cellular proliferation and covering dynamics on the assembled LbL films.
A, Cellular densi-ty up to 10 days …………………………………………………………….. 116
Figure 3B.6 Schematics illustrating the cell circularity determination and on how to in-
terpret the calcu-lated values accordingly with cell shape …………………………………. 117
Figure 3B.7 Cellular shape assessment and LbL films degradation behavior for the
baselayer [(LPEI/DS)10] and (Cht/HA)10 LbL coatings ……………………………………….
Figure 3B.8 Cellular shape assessment and LbL films degradation behavior for the
(Gel/Alg)n LbL coatings, throughout the same analysis protocol of Figure 3B.7 …………. 119
Figure 3B.9 Phase contrast micrographs of cultured cells on PO substrates (plasma
cleaned glass slides) and (LPEI/DS)10 multilayered coatings up to 10 days …………….. 120
Figure 3B.10 Phase contrast micrographs of cultured cells on (Gel/Alg) n multilayered
coatings up to 10 days, where n is 1, 3, 5 and 10 layers ………………………………….. 121
Figure 3B.11 Phase contrast micrographs of cultured cells on (Poly-1/Alg)n multilayered
coatings up to 10 days, where n is 1, 3, 5 and 10 layers ………………………………….. 122
Figure 3B.12 Phase contrast micrographs of cultured cells on (Cht/Alg)n multilayered
coatings up to 10 days, where n is 1, 3, 5 and 10 layers ………………………………….. 123
Figure 3B.13 Phase contrast micrographs of cultured cells on (Gel/HA)n multilayered
coatings up to 10 days, where n is 1, 3, 5 and 10 layers ………………………………….. 124
Figure 3B.14 Phase contrast micrographs of cultured cells on (Poly-1/HA)n multilayered
coatings up to 10 days, where n is 1, 3, 5 and 10 layers ………………………………….. 125
Figure 3B.15 Phase contrast micrographs of cultured cells on (Cht/HA)n multilayered
coatings up to 10 days, where n is 1, 3, 5 and 10 layers ………………………………….. 126
Figure 3B.16 Dynamic substrate area coverage up to 10 days, represented as the area
percentage according to the initial substrate area, for all the in vitro tested samples
plasma cleaned glass slides (PO), used LbL baselayer (LPEI/DS) 10 and (X/Y)n LbL coat-
ings, with the corresponding profile curves …………………………………………………... 127
Figure 3B.17 Flow curves of PCL dissolved in a 40/60 (v/v) solution of acetic and formic
acid at a de-sired concentration of 35 wt.% displaying complex viscosity and shear stress 129
Figure 3B.18 SEM images of three-dimensional (Cht/HA)10 multilayered electrospun
construct …………………………………………………………………………………………. 129
Figure 3B.19 MMP-9 inhibitors compatible with (Cht/HA)10 ……………………………….. 133
Figure 3C.1 Fabrication process of PCL based electrospun mats treated with NaOH …. 138
Figure 3C.2 Contact angles of untreated and NaOH treated wound dressing substrates 140
Figure 3C.3 Inter and intra-correlation between the contact angles and FTIR of untreated
and NaOH treated wound dressing substrates ……………………………………………… 141
Figure 3C.3 Photographs of wound dressing substrates differently treated to enhance
hydrophilicity ……………………………………………………………………………………. 142
Index of Tables
Table 3.1 Ideal specifications of a wound dressing and advantages in the use of poly(ε-
caprolactone) ……………………………………………………………………………………. 66
Table 4.1 Hansen solubility polar parameters database for future work …………………. 93
Table 3B.1 Inter and intra-comparison of growth rate values for the generated LbL mul-
tilayered coatings ……………………………………………………………………………….. 114
Table 3B.2 Kinetic parameters t* and t for the spreading and imbibition stages on the
LbL multilayered coatings tested ……………………………………………………………… 116
Table 3B.3 Sigmoid function parameters estimation of the dynamic substrate area cov-
erage behavior for the determination of the kinetic parameter t 50 ………………………… 128
Wound Pathophysiology and Wound
Dressing Conceptualization
The wound healing phenomena is a multipart and orchestrated process of bioevents and cell
lineages. In addition to its complexity, wound repair is also deeply affected by external conditions
that can compromise the healing rate of the injured tissue. The proper designed of a wound
dressing is challenging, since such constructs must attend a set of multivariable and dynamic
requirements in order to avoid the generation of non-functioning mass of fibrotic tissue or a
chronic wound healing stage. Herein, it is reviewed the most important aspects of wound patho-
physiology while highlighting the most important requirements to be fulfilled by a wound dressing
in a wound dressing.
1This Chapter was partially submitted for publication (Tiago C. Reis, “Wound Pathophysiology and Wound
Dressing Conceptualization”).
The human skin is the largest organ in the body, consisting of three layers: (i) epidermis; (ii)
dermis, and (iii) hypodermis (Figure 1.1). The epidermis is a multi-layered epithelium that starts
from the interface with the dermis and is about 80-100 µm thick, comprising four sublayers: the
stratum basalis, the stratum spinosum, the stratum granulosum and the stratum corneum. The
epidermis is deprived of extracellular matrix (ECM), with the exception of its stratum basalis, a
cellular configuration which its progenitor cells undergo a continuous self-renewal and differenti-
ation to keratinocytes. As the keratinocytes migrate towards the surface of the skin, they suffer a
terminal differentiation and maturation, resulting in a keratinized layer of dead cells which confers
the main barrier properties of the skin in its stratum corneum. The dermis is positioned bellow the
epidermis, being a connective tissue that encompasses vascular endothelial cells, ECM, fibro-
blasts and skin appendages such as sweat glands, hair follicles, etc., and it is responsible for
most of the mechanical properties and resilience of the human skin. Among the several dermis
constituents, fibroblasts play an important role on modulating the skin mechanical strength and
elasticity, throughout the secretion of collagen and elastin, respectively. The tensile strength of
the dermis can range from 3.4 MPa to 68.9 MPa,[1] depending on the type of species, orientation
of the skin specimen tested and the location on the body. Finally, underneath the dermis one will
find the hypodermis, an adipose like tissue that its main role is to act as an insulator and cush-
ioning layer between the skin and skeletal structures as muscles and bones.
Figure 1.1 Basic skin anatomy. 1, Epidermis. 2, Dermis. 3, Hypodermis. 4, Stratum corneum. 5, Stratum
granulosum. 6, Stratum spinosum. 7, Stratum basalis. 8, Melanocyte. 9, Langerhans cell.
As the outer covering of the body, the human skin is frequently exposed to different sources of
danger, which may contribute to the development of wounds. Wounds are within the main unre-
solved medical needs that affect treatment results, quality of life, length of hospital stay and re-
imbursement rates in healthcare.[2] A wound is defined as a disruption of normal anatomic struc-
ture and function.[3] In the specific case of skin wounds, this category of wounds comprises sur-
gical and accidental lacerations, burns, pressure ulcers, diabetic and venous ulcers. Just in the
United States, wound treatment and complications thereof surpasses $ 20 billion per year,[4]
whereas chronic wounds are especially costly since they require repetitive treatments. In a similar
fashion, the National Health Service of the United Kingdom spends annually £ 1 billion in the
treatment of wounds, being venous leg ulcerations, pressure wounds and diabetic foot ulcerations
the most expensive types of wounds to treat.[5] In the case of Portugal, Furtado et al.[6] estimated
that 1.42 out of 1000 Portuguese citizens has a chronic wound, and that number will increase due
to an existing correlation between poor healing and an aging society.[7] Furthermore, chronic
wounds are predisposed to complications that also have impact on the time of the reparative
process. Such complications of chronic wounds include infections, malignant transformation and
functional limitations. Cellulitis, osteomyelitis, abscess formation, gangrene and sepsis can result
from an infected wound, while some chronic wounds can potentially observe a malignant trans-
formation (for example, Marjolin ulcers).[8, 9] In addition, functional limitations include, for in-
stance, gait impairment.[10]
Figure 1.2 Schematics of the five basic models of healing and corresponding wound depth.
By definition, a chronic wound is a lesion of a tissue that failed to continue through an timely and
orderly reparative process – named wound healing – which aims to restore and produce the an-
atomic and functional integrity of the injured tissue, leading to a stage of pathologic inflammation.
In this way, the healing process is interrupted, delayed and therefore incomplete, resulting in a
poor anatomical and functional outocome.[11] Currently, there are five basic models of healing
and one can find similarities in all, whereas such similarities guide the development of better
wound dressings.[12] The five basic healing models are: (i) superficial wound healing; (ii) primary
intention wound healing; (iii) delayed primary intention wound healing; (iv) partial-thickness wound
healing, and (v) secondary intention healing (Figure 1.2).
Superficial wound healing: An inflammatory repair process can result as an alteration of the skin’s
surface either by pressure (which includes friction and shearing, typically stage I pressure ulcers),
contusions and first-degree burns. The involvement of the skin surface may be associated with
deep tissue death, and consequently the tissue ruptures and generates a deep cavity, a common
problem observed in pressure ulcers and grade I neuropathic ulcers. This wounds usually shows
several alterations in the skin such in its temperature (warmth followed by coolness, an imperative
indication of tissue death), color, tension and sensation, all of them leading a clinician to conclude
tissue congestion. Despite soft tissues heal by themselves over time, medical intervention for this
type of wounds (for example, though the use of ultrasounds for reabsorption of hematoma) boosts
the recovery over functional activities and mobility.
Primary intention wound healing: This healing model consists in bringing closer the edges of a
wound in order to promote closure, a model frequently employed in surgical lacerations. Thus,
the usage of this healing model avoids the loss of subcutaneous tissue and the possible contam-
ination of the wound bed with microorganisms or debris. The outcome is a minimal residual scar-
ring with a full closure within 3-7 days for patients without functional impairments.
Delayed primary intention wound healing: However, when a wound is contaminated with micro-
organism or other foreign bodies, or where a significant tissue loss occurred and the employment
of the primary intention wound healing model would outcome in unbearable tissue tension, the
delayed primary intention wound healing model is preferential. Despite stiches are used in the
subcutaneous and fascial layers, in this model the wound is left open. After the risk of infection is
mitigated, or tissue loss is partially recovered, the wound will self-close within 5-7 days for patients
without functional impairments.
Partial-thickness wound healing: Partial-thickness wounds are skin injuries where partial-thick-
ness loss of the dermis occurred. Examples of this type of wounds are skin tears, second-degree
burns, abrasions and stage II pressure ulcers. The existent cavity is healed accordingly to the
resurfacing of the wound bed environment by new epidermal cells. The novel epidermal cells at
the wound edges and from the locally present dermal appendages (e.g. sweat glands), tend to
migrate towards the wound interior in order to repopulate the empty space.[13]
Secondary intention healing: This healing model diverges from the previous, since it is only em-
ployed in wounds where full-thickness loss of the dermis occurred and such loss may also be
extended to the underlying tissues. The secondary intention healing model, or also commonly
found in the literature as the contraction healing, results when myofibroblasts generate contractile
forces that draw together the wound. This healing approach leads to minimal epitheliazation and
to the production of scar tissue, and therefore the skin anatomic functionality and structure is not
replaced. Moreover, a wound that heals throughout secondary intention healing present elasticity
or tensile strength that does not match the native properties of the surrounding tissue. The con-
traction healing is the process commonly observed during the healing of chronic wounds, which
can be extended up to 6 months to 2 years.
Since the conception of wound dressings for non-healing partial-thickness wounds and non-heal-
ing full-thickness wounds is one of the main goals of this thesis, the reparative process of these
wounds it will be properly introduced and detailed in the Section 1.1.2 – Acute wound repair.
Moreover, Table 1.1 shows the differential diagnosis of the underlying etiology of a non-healing
wound, whereas 70 % of ulcers are caused by ischemia, secondary to diabetes mellitus, venous
stasis, and pressure.[14]
● Vascular
Lymphatic Lymphedema
Mixed (Venous-Arterial)
The inflammatory process associated with chronic wounds is significantly different from that as-
sociated with acute wounds (Figure 1.3). In the acute healing process, the inflammation is a self-
limiting biochemical cascade of events that aims to remove necrotic tissue, debris, microorgan-
isms and theirs contaminates, while it triggers the recruiting and activation of fibroblasts.[15] On
the other hand, in the case of chronic wounds, the inflammation process is not self-limiting, i.e., it
is responsible to further injure the wounded tissue while continuously reactivating and promoting
novel routes of inflammation. For example in chronic wounds, tissue trauma by continuous in situ
pressure, leucocyte trapping, bacterial populations or ischemic reperfusion injury, are potential
causes for recruiting and keeping neutrophils at the wounded site throughout long periods of time
(months up to years). This phenomenon leads to the up-regulation of the inflammatory cascade
and consequent abnormal inflammatory profile, while in comparison with acute wounds the neu-
trophils are only present in the first 72 h,[16] allowing the continuation of the wound healing cas-
cade without further problems. The presence of activated neutrophils at wound bed of a chronic
wound triggers the production of local ECM degradative matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), cal-
cium-dependent zinc-containing endopeptidases that are capable of degrading extracellular ma-
trix components.[17] While in acute wounds such MMPs are locally inhibited (e.g. by the nonspe-
cific proteinase inhibitor α2-macroglobulin) in proper stoichiometric ratios, at non-healing chronic
wounds the stoichiometric MMP:inhibitor ratio is unbalanced leading to the wound bed degrada-
tion.[17-19] Therefore, the secretion rate of ECM components, such as collagen, by fibroblasts,
is lower than the rate of degradation of these components, and consequently these cells are
incapable to make progress in depositing ECM.[19] Moreover, the extended inflammatory envi-
ronment in chronic wounds contributes to the predominant presence of cytokines (e.g. tumor ne-
crosis factor α), important biochemical cues for cell signaling.[20] As a result, it is observed a
considerable reduction of endogenous factors that should promote the proliferation of novel epi-
dermal cells at the wound edges (e.g. platelet-derived growth factor).[21] Other reported differ-
ence between the acute and chronic reparative processes is in the fibroblasts themselves. Brem
et al. demonstrated that fibroblasts within a chronic wounded environment have premature se-
nescence, which disrupts their normal functioning.[22] As a result, such fibroblasts report impaired
migration capacity as well as reduced response to local growth factors. In summary, the patho-
logic inflammation of chronic wounds results in more inflammation, turning out in an interrupted,
delayed and therefore incomplete healing process, due to intermittent feedback events that con-
verge towards an uncontrolled inflammatory positive feedback loop.
So far, it was only introduced the main differences between acute and chronic healing specially
in association with local inflammation. Nevertheless, the wound healing process is far more com-
plex, it is indeed a complex cascade of biochemical events that is orderly synchronized. The
understanding of each stage contributes to the development of better wound dressings, since
their imperative requisites become known and therefore can be attended from a dressing con-
ception point-of-view. The wound healing process can be divided into 4 overlapping stages: (i)
hemostasis, (ii) inflammation, (iii) proliferation and (iv) remodeling (Figure 1.4). This tissue repar-
ative process involves complex interactions of ECM constituents, different cellular phenotypes,
soluble mediators and infiltrating cooperative cells. Nevertheless, and accordingly to this PhD
thesis framework and intent, it is avoided the extensive biological detailed information over these
stages, since the main goal at this point it is only to contextualize the reader with the general
panorama of the wound healing process and to guarantee future references understanding.
Proper literature was selected and quoted in order to provide a source of information for those
whom seek more detail.
Figure 1.3 Acute wound healing model and comparison between the acute healing versus the chronic heal-
ing processes. A, Multivariable molecular and cellular model of a chronic wound in a chronic inflammatory
staged characterized by abundant platelets and polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMN) and macrophage
(Mϕ) infiltration. The presence of abundant inflammatory cells triggers the production of proinflamatory cy-
tokines (TNF-α, IL-1 and IL-6) inducing a pro-oxidant milieu, which leads to the degradation of ECM struc-
tural proteins (collagen) and to the degradation of excreted growth factors. The attracted leukocytes, mainly
neutrophils, are a rich source of reactive oxygen species (H2O2, O2-) whereas those species can actively
overregulate the production of matrix metallic proteinases (MMP-1, MMP-2, MMP-3, MMP-9 and MMP-13).
Moreover, in a bacterial context, excreted bacterial compounds such as the extracellular adherence protein
(Eap) may impair the repair mechanics by interfering with the current cell-matrix interactions and therefore
extend the inflammatory response. B, Summary of the acute versus chronic wound healing disequilibrium
and healing stages comparison.
Tissue injury is often linked to the disruption of blood vessels and consequent extravasation of
blood constituents. After wounding, it is observed that the injured blood and lymphatic vessels
undergo a process called vasoconstriction, which allows to achieve local hemostasis within few
minutes.[23, 24] At this moment, in situ attracted platelets are activated by adhesive matrix pro-
teins (e.g., collage and fibronectin) in the vascular wall, while thus adhering and aggregating in
order to form a platelet plug. In parallel, platelets are continuously excreting soluble mediators
(thromboxane A2, serotonin and adenosine diphosphate) and other adhesive proteins (thrombos-
podin, factor VIII, etc.),[23] causing the stimulation of local thrombin production. It is this serine
protease that converts local fibrinogen in fibrin and consequently generates a fibrin clot. Later on,
the fibrin clot is plasmin cleaved.[25] The next stage of the wound healing process is inflammation,
an important step where chronic wounds accordingly to the above reported features cannot sur-
pass. This stage is characterized by the early recruitment of neutrophils and monocytes, which
evade from surrounding capillaries into the wound bed. The recruitment process is based in the
local present chemotactic factors previously generated by the platelets (e.g., kallikrein), and once
in the wounded environment the neutrophils are responsible to kill and phagocyte bacteria.[26]
On the other hand, local monocytes differentiate to macrophages and therefore are responsible
to kill and phagocyte bacteria, scavenge tissue debris and destroy residual neutrophils.[27] In the
absence of infection, it is observed a gradual decrease in the number of local neutrophils.[28, 29]
The wound healing process moves towards the execution of the biochemical events associated
with the proliferation stage, a phase that comprises the most prominent events of the healing
process. This phase tends to occur after 4-5 days of the wounding and may last up to several
weeks in patients with acute wounds.[30] The proliferation stage can be subdivided in the follow-
ing subsequent sub phases: granulation tissue formation, re-epithelization and ECM reorganiza-
tion. The granulation tissue comprises collagen type III and acts as ground substance for fibro-
blasts, macrophages and the newly replicated endothelial cells.[31] At this point, several capillar-
ies populate the novel tissue while fibroblasts are continuously producing glycoproteins (fibrin,
fibronectin and hyaluronic acid) that will reinforce the novel extracellular matrix. The cooperative
roles of fibroblasts and blood vessels allow to support cell in growth and oxygen and nutrient
supply, whereas the macrophages are mainly responsible to produce growth factors (such as the
platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and the transforming growth factor β1 (TGF-β1).) that con-
tinuously stimulate fibroplasia and angiogenesis. The provisional extracellular matrix generated
by the fibroblast is then hypothetical remodeled by TGF-β1 and/or TGF-β2, ensuring a more sta-
ble collagen based matrix.[14, 17, 32] After achieving a viable cellular scaffold within the wound
bed, keratinocytes migrate towards the wound bed and consequently proliferate and differentiate
in situ. Within 24 h, these epidermal cells are adjacent to the wound margin and become gradually
flattened, while demonstrating pseudopodium-like projections that will support their migration to-
wards the wound matrix. Due to the extensive amount of stimulatory growth factors in the newly
fabricated wound matrix previously provided by the macrophages, the keratinocytes proliferate
and differentiate in order to surface cover the wound through an epithelium layer. Posteriorly, the
fibroblasts will differentiate into a myofibroblast phenotype that is responsible to compact the con-
nective tissue and for further wound contraction. As briefly stated above, TGF-β1 and/or TGF-β2,
as well as PDGF, are hypothetically the main growth factors responsible to stimulate tissue re-
modeling through the integrin receptors and cross-links between individual bundles of colla-
gen.[33, 34] Nevertheless, collagen remodeling from granulation tissue (collagen type III) to scar
tissue (collagen type I), depends on the continuous fabrication of collagen by the present sub-
population of fibroblasts, as well as on its catabolic metabolization controlled by the local matrix
metallic proteinases. In addition, it is also observed in this tissue remodeling phase the proper
reorientation of collagen fibers, leading to a partial restoration of the wound original mechanical
strength. However, a scar is only 70 % as strong as normal skin.[30]
Figure 1.4 Wound healing overlapping phases and inter- and intracorrelation. Cell phenotypes and their
effects on acute healing.
Several strategies have been developed in order to better manipulate the wound repair process.
Such strategies comprise different approaches as the use of scaffolds,[35, 36] physical manipu-
lation of the wounded environment by negative pressure[37] or electrical stimulation,[38] admin-
istration of small molecules,[39] gene-therapy approaches,[40] and cell-based strategies such as
the local administration of stem cells.[41, 42] While all of these strategies have demonstrated their
potential benefit on in vitro and in vivo models,[43] many of them are being employed in combi-
nation with constructs – named wound dressings – which are conceptualized to partially fulfil the
main skin functions. For example, Kim et al.[44] demonstrated that alginate wound dressings can
be used to customize negative pressure wound therapy for intractable auricular defects. On the
other hand, Shan et al.[45] reported the in vivo use of silk fibroin/gelatin wound dressings func-
tionalized with astragaloside IV to elicit anti-scar effects on partial-thickness burn wounds,
whereas Wen et al.[46] demonstrated that bacterial cellulose dressing containing uniform silver
sulfadiazine nanoparticles for burn wound healing can promote a better epithelialization progress.
In addition, Falanga et al.[47] verified that autologous bone marrow–derived cultured mesenchy-
mal stem cells delivered in a fibrin dressing, were capable to boost the healing process either in
murine and human cutaneous wounds. In all of these examples, the usage of wound dressings
provides a protective environment for the injured tissue.[48] Nevertheless, there is a set of func-
tional requirements that a wound dressing must attend:
hydroxyapatite, methacrylate, acrylamides and silicone, have higher plasma concentrations of
myeloperoxidase (3.9-fold) and the chitinase-like proteins chitotriosidase (2.5-fold) and YKL-40
(2.0-fold), biomarkers of innate cell-related immune response,[56-58] in comparison with non-filler
subjects. On the other hand, hyaluronic acid alone elicited a small immune response. Besides
the potential inflammatory and immunogenic behavior of a wound dressing, its cytotoxicity is also
a key parameter one must control. Highly toxic wound dressings can lead to bulk tissue necrosis
due to apoptotic cell death in the surrounding tissues, which is further stimulated by ongoing
autophagy and pyroptosis.[59] These cell death events are highly regulated throughout signaling
networks caused by foreign chemical compounds, which can be the end product of the wound
dressing degradation process. Typically, their effects increase the production of reactive oxygen
species within the cell, leading to the oxidation of protein thiols and a shift in cellular redox sig-
naling.[60] Moreover, the effects of such end products are mediated by disruption/modulation of
cellular Ca2+ homeostasis. Ca2+ depletion or modifications in the Ca 2+ transport systems, are di-
rectly linked to the endoplasmic reticulum stress through the activation of procaspase-12, an en-
zyme that acts on effector caspases to induce apoptosis.[61]
1.2.4 pH management
The keratinocytes present in the epidermis are continuously secreting organic compounds that
acidify the intact skin tissue, turning it to a naturally occurring acidic medium with a pH ranging
from 4 to 6, a proactive action to avoid fungi and bacterial development. When the skin is injured,
and consequently local blood and lymphatic vessels are disrupted, the wound pH increases to
7.4. According to the wound pathophysiology, acute wounds tend to become acidic while chronic
wounds tend to become alkaline.[78] An alkaline pH is responsible to impair healing by favoring
bacterial colonization and proliferation (pH > 6), and proteolysis mediated by the in situ host and
bacterial proteases kinetically suppresses the healing bioevents.[79] Due to the wound pH role in
the healing period, the clinical community have relied in topical formulations and wound dressings
to control or modify the wound pH. In parallel with their thermal insulation provision, wound dress-
ings are mainly conceptualized to control pH through the prevention of the respiratory alkalosis
by preventing the loss of CO2 from the wounded environment, which in turn contributes to lower
the wound pH. Nevertheless, upon on the chosen wound dressing type, the wound pH tends to
evolve differently. The wound exudate of chronic wounds under non-permeable dressings is fre-
quently observed as more acidic, in comparison with chronic wounds were a permeable dressings
is utilized. Wilson et al.[80] studied the clinical outcome of tailored dressings into two groups both
suffering from chronic venous leg ulcers, whereas group 1 was set for a pH value 7.3 and group
2 was set for a pH value 6.0. Group 2 reported a rate of healing 3-fold higher than group 1.
Regarding the listing process of the functional requirements for a wound dressing, pH manage-
ment is a crucial one. In this way, local titration of the wound pH is currently understood as a
beneficial feature to accelerate the wound healing process. It is suggested that more acidic
wounds heal better, since a low pH value leads to an increase of local oxygen to the cells, a
common observation described in literature as the Bohr-effect.[81]
tend to accumulate at the wound surface, accelerating the directed neutrophil locomotion or in-
terfering with cell–matrix interactions.[101] At the wound bed, bacteria produce an exopolysac-
charide matrix, designated as biofilm, in order to function as a protective substrate and barrier for
the colony. Kierker et al.[102] demonstrated that just in 24 hours, biofilm communities of Staphy-
lococcus aureus significantly increased the apoptosis of human keratinocytes. In addition, Zhao
et al.[103] demonstrated that Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm-challenged wounds typically heal
in approximately 6 weeks, at least 2 weeks longer than nonbiofilm-challenged normal wounds.
Therefore, an ideal wound dressing must not only prevent the initial contamination by endogenous
and exogenous bacteria, but it must also eradicate infection during the healing period. While the
initial contamination prevention can be mainly achieved by proper impermeability to foreign bod-
ies, the clinical community have pursued infection control either by the continuous elution of an-
timicrobial agents imbibed in the dressing inner structure[104] or the usage of polymeric materials
that are antimicrobial by nature.[105] For example, in a randomized comparative study, 20 pa-
tients with ulcers of vascular aetiology, wound duration ≥ 6 months and ankle brachial index >
0.6, where treated with a silver-containing hydrofiber dressing, which promoted a bacterial load
reduction of 41.6 %.[106] Alternatively, Moghadas et al.[107] reported that film-like wound dress-
ings based on chitosan and biofunctionalized montmorillonite could achieve killing efficiencies
over 99.6 % and 99.7 % towards Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus populations re-
spectively. Nevertheless, in the absence of drug eluting systems or natural antibiotic matrixes,
proper infection control can be achieved by promoting an adverse environment for bacterial
growth. For instance, by inducing a hyperosmotic environment, Connel et al.[108] were able to
reduce the Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis bioburden levels by 3 logs within 24 hours,
values that were similar to wounds treated with the control silver sulfadiazine. Adverse milieus
can be alternatively triggered by modulation of the wound environment pH,[109] or by promoting
the in situ production of hydrogen peroxide.[110]
The decrease of local vascularization and occlusion of blood vessels in a wound bed after a skin
injury contributes to reduce tissue oxygenation, leading to a hypoxic environment. The resultant
necrotic tissue is favorable to anaerobic bacterial colonization, where such bacteria generated
volatile fatty acids (e.g., proprionic, isobutyric, butyric, isovaleric or valeric acid) give rise to a
wound’s malodor. It has been reported the presence of other proteolytic bacteria that produce a
set of amines and diamines, such as putrescine and cadaverine, which also enhance a wound’s
potential malodor.[111] In addition, Shirasu et al.[112] observed the generation of dimethyl sulfide
in malignant wounds, an organosulfur compound also found in fermented milk and certain rotten
vegetables. Proper odor management practices have been recently explained under the acronym
RACE: removal of necrotic tissue, antibacterial agents, odor concealers, and education and sup-
port.[113] While the removal of necrotic tissue and posterior infection prevention are key for a
better odor management, odor concealers are also essential to capture and neutralize the gen-
erated volatile compounds usually under electrostatic interactions. In an international survey con-
ducted by Gethin et al.[114] regarding 1444 clinical professionals, activated charcoal dressings
were the most used type of wound dressings to manage a wound’s malodor (84.9 %). Neverthe-
less, such constructs present some limitations. For example, these wound dressings are not rec-
ommend to be cut or trimmed, otherwise charcoal particles will enter the wound, a constrain that
hinders their ideal fit to any wound.[115] Recently, Narayanan et al.[116] disclosed the production
of a poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL)/β-cyclodextrin functional nanofibrous wound dressings, which
were able to absorb and retain high amounts of odor compounds (butyric and propionic acid),
while preserving the typical flexibility of electrospun non-woven mats. Regardless the incorpora-
tion of antibacterial compounds in some dressings to control a wound infection, some hydrophilic
dressings produce a characteristic odor as they decompose in situ after gelling over the
wound.[63] Ideal wound dressings are then not only characterized by an appropriate wound exu-
date and moisture management, but also by their ability to retain and neutralize the malodor
agents generated by the wound milieu, especially when a reduced dressing change frequency is
the wound bed and periwound skin, 72.7 % of these pressure ulcers had developed an under-
mining condition. Several strategies have been utilized to warm wounded tissues at temperatures
~ 37 ºC. Khan et al.[134] utilized topical radiant heating to improve the wound healing rate in split-
thickness skin graft donor-site wounds, while Price et al.[135] reported a superior healing rate
when radiant heat dressings were used in chronic wounds. In this way, a functional requirement
of a wound dressing it will be its capacity to provide thermal insulation, supporting a wounded bed
temperature as close as to the core body temperature for proper healing.
As previously introduced, the concept of a unique “ideal” wound dressing is impossible to attend
due to the fact that each wound pathophysiology represents a specific set of functional require-
ments. For instance, regarding the wound exudate production rate parameter, diabetic foot ulcers
are commonly characterized by a poor exudate production, while in contrast third-degree burns
exhibit severe exudate production. The hypothesis to develop a wound dressing that can simul-
taneously be adequate, for example, for diabetic foot ulcers and third-degree burns, is unrealistic
from a clinical point of view. A high absorptive wound dressing can dry out a diabetic foot ulcer
promoting tissue adherence, while in the other hand a poor absorptive wound dressing can cause
the skin maceration due to locally and excessively accumulated exudate.
Wound dressings are frequently selected according to the following wound aspects: color, depth
and exudate. A wound color varies from black (necrotic tissue), to yellow (sloughy), to red (gran-
ulation), to pink (epithelization). A wound depth varies from deep cavity, shallow or superficial,
while exudation can be high, moderate, minimal or none. Other aspects with a strong influence
in choosing a wound dressing are: type of the tissue that surrounds the wound, presence of in-
fection, need to apply compression or current skin fragility. In this way, the conceptualization of a
wound dressing to attend all the potential aspects of a wounded environment is unpractical. Nev-
ertheless, upon the dynamic behavior of the healing environment, the dressing choice can also
vary according to the healing stages. A wound healing therapy can be initiated by using a certain
type of wound dressing that is the most appropriate at that time point, but accordingly to the
healing process evolution a new type of dressing can be used in agreement with the now occur-
ring wound characteristics at that time frame.
In summary, despite the absence of a unique and ideal wound dressing, two development strat-
egies may be followed: (i) conceptualize and conceive a single-based wound dressing that targets
a specific wound pathophysiology; and, (ii) conceptualize and conceive a common wound dress-
ing substrate that can be readily tailored throughout common techniques according to the patient
1.3.2 Chapter outline and thesis goals
This thesis embraces the opportunity to develop a wound dressing substrate that not only attends
the previously enumerated functional requirements, but also avoids the need of secondary dress-
ings. While the pursuit of an ideal wound dressing is technically unadvised, it was the intent of
this PhD work plan to elaborate a substrate that could offer the required structural, mechanical
and physicochemical characteristics (Figure 1.5). Upon the key pursued features, the author
highlights the achievement of each feature throughout Chapter 2 and 3, while quantifying their
contribution to the main goal of this thesis. From a potential technology transfer point of view,
econometric parameters such as production cost, production time and suitability score for full-
scale industrial processes, were also taken in consideration. In addition, the construct was inten-
tionally produced in such manner that could favor its functional modification by common industrial
practices, allowing to spin-off several wound dressing types from the proposed substrate. As a
showcase of this two-step based process, after the production of the wound dressing substrate,
such construct was properly modified to achieve high absorptive capacity and proper delivery of
healing promoting compounds. It is further provided modeling suitability of promising pharmaceu-
tical compounds with the proposed wound dressing substrate, being strongly encouraged the
execution of these leads as a future guidance. This thesis is mainly characterized not only by the
acquisition of extensive data sets from lab intensive activities, but also by the continuous provision
of theoretical and semi-empirical models proposed by the author. The author looked to validate
his models and equations either by the data reported in this document (properly referenced in
each chapter), as well as by the data published by others that were not fully understood until this
According to the multi-scientific domains of the present thesis, this document is divided in four
chapters, and each chapter goals are now summarized:
Chapter 1 aims to introduce the reader into the pathophysiology of the wound healing phenom-
ena, highlighting the complexity of the comprised biochemical events. It is also aimed to familiar-
ize the reader with the current functional requirements of a wound dressing, while in parallel it is
established the association of such requirements with the proper biochemical cues needed to
attend. This chapter has also as a primary goal to report the wound dressing state of the art,
completing such information with their advantages and disadvantages, while further information
is provided according to the clinical use of secondary dressings.
Chapter 2 is dedicated to report the fabrication method of the wound dressing substrate. It is
aimed to provide experimental information about the employed technique – electrospining – and
Figure 1.5 Thesis schematics and wound dressing key features pursued.
how such technique was used to manufacture asymmetrical substrates according to an electro-
static driven self-assembly mechanism. Proper process control through the experimental param-
eters is disclosed. Moreover, this chapter also aims to provide a theoretical model that cannot
only describe the self-assembly mechanism of the generated constructs, but can also describe
the data published by other peers.
characterization techniques, demonstrating therefore the good performance of these wound
dressings according to the functional requirements previously introduced.
Chapter 4 highlights the most important findings within the scope of the wound dressing substrate
fabrication and according to its functionalization. Moreover, upon the current state of the art and
achieved goals, it is further provided instructions for future work and guidance.
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Fabrication of Three-Dimensional Electro-
spun Constructs
The rational design of three-dimensional electrospun constructs (3DECs) can lead to striking to-
pographies and tailored shapes of electrospun materials. This new generation of materials is
suppressing some of the current limitations of the usual 2D non-woven electrospun fiber mats,
such as small pore sizes or only flat shaped constructs. Herein, it is pursued an explanation for
the self-assembly of 3DECs based on electrodynamic simulations and experimental validation. It
is concluded that the self-assembly process is driven by the establishment of attractive electro-
static forces between the positively charged aerial fibers and the already collected ones, which
tend to acquire a negatively charged network oriented towards the nozzle. The in situ polarization
degree is strengthened by higher amounts of clustered fibers, and therefore the initial high density
fibrous regions are the preliminary motifs for the self-assembly mechanism. As such regions in-
crease their in situ polarization electrostatic repulsive forces will appear, favoring a competitive
growth of these self-assembled fibrous clusters. Highly polarized regions will evidence higher
distances between consecutive micro-assembled fibers (MAFs). Different processing parameters
– deposition time, electric field intensity, concentration of polymer solution, environmental tem-
perature and relative humidity – were evaluated in an attempt to control material's design.
1 The content present in this Chapter was partially published (Tiago C. Reis et al., Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 7528)
Nanofabrication, associated or not with self-assembly, has led to a diversity of processing tech-
niques.[1-4] Among them, electrospinning is one of the few techniques that allow the continuous
fabrication of nanoscale fibers, generating fibrous constructs with high surface areas.[4, 5] More-
over, electrospun materials are regularly obtained as 2D flat non-woven meshes, evidencing
small pore sizes due to their dense fiber packing.[6] Regardless of the successful use of these
constructs as nerve agent sensors,[7] supports for ion battery anodes,[8] degradable scaffolds[9]
or catalysts,[10] some applications are hindered by the construct's restrictive inner morphology.
For instance, 2D fibrous meshes have been recognized as superior scaffolds for tissue engineer-
ing due to their unique feature to mimic the extracellular milieu.[11] However, their small pore
sizes tend to restrain cellular infiltration and therefore proper tissue regeneration does not oc-
cur.[12] In order to promote the presence of larger pores several approaches have been at-
tempted such as incorporation of porogens,[13] co-electrospinning of sacrificial polymers[14] and
polymer flow rate variations.[15] Still, the above described methods had led to non-uniform and
mechanically brittle 2D non-woven fiber mats, hampering their use in applications where mechan-
ical strength and structural integrity are mandatory.
Recently, a special focus has been given to the production of 3DECs rather than 2D non-woven
fiber mats.[16-21] 3DECs represent a new generation of electrospun constructs that aim to offer:
(i) novel topographical features, solving issues such as enhanced mass transfer performance,
cellular infiltration or energy storage; and (ii) suitable 3D designs, which may be tailored to have
a certain shape or volume necessary for case-dependent applications such as the production of
implantable devices.[20] These materials are currently produced under two different strategies:
post-modification or assembly mechanisms. In post-modification, after the electrospun constructs
being manufactured, they are further modified by independent techniques such as modulated
femtosecond laser pulses,[16] photopatterning[22] or stacking layered mats.[23] On the other
hand, the use of assembly mechanisms relies on taking advantage of electrostatic forces to direct
or selfassemble the continuously spun fibers. Direct-assembly mechanisms usually comprise a
tailor made collector that distorts the electric field, and hence the fiber deposition only occurs in
specific regions leading to 3D constructs that may be patterned[22, 24] or not.[25] Another direct-
assembly mechanism is direct-writing, in which due to a short tip-to-collector distance and a fast
motion of the collector, complex patterns are possible to be created through a precise fiber dep-
osition.[26] In contrast, self-assembly mechanisms rely on the establishment of electrostatic
forces between the already collected fibers and the aerial ones, which leads to a preferential fiber
deposition despite the random whipping motion of the continuously processed jet.[18, 19, 27, 28]
While direct-assembled 3DECs are uniform across the construct's thickness, self-assembled
3DECs are dual, that is, the top and bottom topographical properties are different. This spurring
advantage leads to the production of surfaces with different properties at the same construct.
However, the published literature[19, 28] does not take into consideration such advantages, fo-
cusing only on the texturization of the membrane's top side. Moreover, the literature does not
converge to a unifying explanation of the self-assembly phenomenon. Thandavamoorthy et al.[28]
reported self-assembled honeycomb polyurethane nano-fibers, hypothesizing that such structural
assembly was due to the electrostatic repulsion established between the collected fibers and the
aerial ones. They argued that the in situ electrostatic repulsions oblige the incoming fibers to be
deposited in nearby conducting regions for easier charge dissipation. Yan et al.[19] studied the
self-assembly of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), polyacrylonitrile (PAN) and polyethylene oxide (PEO)
fibers. They described self-assembly as a phenomenon that occurs due to a balance between
surface tension and repulsion. In contrast, Sun et al.[18] developed cone-like polystyrene fiber
stacks. They hypothesized that the underlying electrostatic phenomenon that leads to self-as-
sembly is not caused by repulsion, but it is due to electrostatic attraction. Bonino et al.[27] also
produced cone-like fibrous stacks of alginate-polyethylene oxide, but they supported their con-
clusions in electrostatic repulsion phenomena. However, they reported that lower humidity hin-
ders the self-assembly mechanism, which is in contrast to what was previously reported by Yan
et al..[19] In addition, Yan et al.[19] and Thandavamoorthy et al.[28] reported that the self-assem-
bly mechanism was possible even when using insulating collectors such as cotton, glass sheets,
plastic films and wooden boards. On the other hand, Sun et al.[18] reported that the fibers' self-
assembly was impossible when using insulating collectors, a result that was validated either by
using an insulating poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) collector or by using an electrostatic gen-
erator that controlled the discharging process of fibers. In this way, and regarding the potential of
these new constructs, the lack of consensus and contradictory scientific evidence, it was pursued
a clarification of the self-assembly mechanism in order to master it.
With the purpose to clarify the underlying phenomena, it was exploited the self-assembly of
poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) electrospun fibers into 3DECs. PCL was chosen as the polymer to be
studied because it is a biodegradable and biocompatible polyester with a major interest for tissue
engineering applications,[29] a field that can benefit greatly from the use of these microtexturized
constructs. Also, PCL has been already successfully electrospun into 2D nonwoven fiber
mats,[30-32] which offers a good comparison with the produced 3DECs. To the best of my
knowledge, it was the first time that electrodynamic simulations were used to provide an expla-
nation for the self-assembly phenomenon on the production of 3DECs. Special attention was
given to the influence of key parameters such as: deposition time, electric field intensity, polymer
solution concentration, environmental temperature and relative humidity. Moreover, the conclu-
sions were experimentally validated and extended to other authors' published data.
2.1.2 Thesis Alignment
For the sake of this thesis, in this chapter it is intended to develop innovative highly structured
electrospun materials that will be used as substrates for potential wound dressings. According to
the advantages reported in Chapter 1, this chapter is dedicated to explore, understand and master
the fabrication process of such constructs, allowing the rational design of their properties. Such
understanding of the versatile design of these materials, it will allow to tailor their structural prop-
erties towards the needs for an ideal wound dressing in future chapters.
The content present in this Chapter was partially published (Tiago C. Reis et al., Nanoscale, 2013,
5, 7528), where such article was mainly written to address the findings related to the self-assem-
bly mechanism. Nevertheless, it was my intent to broaden the scope of results and discussion, in
order to also include the findings related to the direct-assembly mechanism developed during the
R&D activities of my PhD work plan.
PCL with an average molecular weight of 65×103 g.mol-1 was used as received from Sigma-Al-
drich. Acetic acid (99.8%, AA) and formic acid (≥ 98%, FA) were also used as received from
Riedel-de Haën and Sigma-Aldrich, respectively. Predefined amounts of PCL were dissolved in
predefined mixtures of AA and FA. The polymer solutions were magnetically stirred for 4 h at
room temperature. The shear viscosities of the solutions were measured at 25 ºC, in a shear
range of 1–103 s-1 using a Bohlin (Gemini HRnan) rotational rheometer equipped with 40 mm
cone and plate fixtures. Prior to measuring the shear behavior, a pre-shear was applied to the
samples in order to ensure a steady state (Figure 2A.1).
Each polymer solution was pumped through a metallic capillary (21 gauge) by the use of a syringe
pump (Nexus 6000, Chemyx). The metallic capillary was positively charged by a DC power sup-
plier (Alpha Series II, Brandenburg) and a 25×25 cm ground aluminum plate was vertically dis-
placed. Both the capillary and collector were within a glass sealed box with a controlled surround-
ing temperature. The glass sealed box also comprised a ventilation system to control the humidity
and solvent content in the working atmosphere (Figure 2.1). The electrospun patterned features
were left to dry in air for 24 h.
The architectural patterned features were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
Each sample was displaced on an aluminum stub and sputter coated with gold. A Hitachi S-2400
Figure 2.1 Electrospinning apparatus description. 1, Temperature indicator. 2, Temperature proportional-
integral-derivative controller. 3, Resistance thermometer Pt100. 4, Flat heating elements. 5, Relative humid-
ity controlling agent container (the relative humidity controlling agent was chose accordingly with the exper-
imental conditions and literature guidance). 6, Outlet flow of the working atmosphere. 7, Metallic capillary
position to pump the polymeric solutions. 8, Inlet air flow. 9, Ground aluminum plate. 10, Contacting tip to
charge the metallic capillary. 11, Contacting tip to ground the aluminum plate. 12, Multimeter. 13, DC power
scanning electron microscope at an accelerating voltage set to 20 kV was used to analyze the
produced materials. The collected SEM images were analyzed using ImageJ software. Using this
software, shapes without a predefined geometry were fitted to each cell and their area, perimeter,
major and minor axes were recorded. The major axis is the longest distance between any two
points along the selection boundary, while the minor axis is the shorter one. These parameters
are described in the literature as Feret's diameter components.[33] Using these parameters, a set
of three shape descriptors was employed: circular equivalent diameter (CE Diameter), circularity
and aspect ratio. CE Diameter is the diameter of an equivalent circle with the same area as the
detected shape under analysis. Circularity gives how closely packed the shape is, while the As-
pect Ratio gives a notion of elongation and symmetry about the shape. The equations that de-
scribed the previous shape descriptors are:
CE Diameter = 2 × √ (Equation 2A)
4π × Area
Circularity = (Equation 2B)
Perimeter 2
Major axis
Aspect Ratio = (Equation 2C)
Minor axis
Each parameter was defined by the cumulative distribution value for 50% (d50) of the population
and its span value.
2.2.3 Electrodynamic simulations
The random fiber model was developed in Matlab R2011b, generating six sets of possible fibers
(total number of fibers of 600), in which the incremental number of fibers deposited (N) was taken
into consideration as a time-driven parameter. Posteriorly, the output scenarios were then trans-
ferred into the COMSOL Multiphysics 4.0 and the electric field configuration and intensity were
simulated. The considered geometry relies on a box full of air (length = 50 cm; depth = 50 cm;
height = 26 cm), which contains a grounded aluminum collector (length = 25 cm; depth = 25 cm;
height = 0.1 cm) and a steel tubular nozzle (external diameter = 0.1 cm; internal diameter = 0.07
cm; height = 4 cm). The nozzle-to-collector distance was set at 16 cm and the applied voltage in
the nozzle was set at 24 kV, unless otherwise stated. Preference was given to the software ma-
terial library: air (Air), aluminum (UNS A91050) and steel (UNS S31600). The electrodynamics
mathematical simulation was based on the Maxwell's equations for general time-varying fields.
The PCL 3DECs manufactured show a distinct topography compared to the 2D non-woven PCL
fiber mats reported in the literature.[30-32] Their topographical difference relies on the presence
of a diversity of cells at their top side (Figure 2.2). These cells were limited by thick boundary
constructs, resulting from the self-assembly of thousands of nanofibers named as MAFs. The
observed morphological differences between the top and bottom sides imply that the self-assem-
bly process was not happening from the very first moment. Through macroscopic analysis it was
possible to observe a rough surface topography, which resulted from the formation of these cells.
However, it was noticed that this roughness tends to decrease in peripheral regions of the col-
lected mat (Figure 2.3). Recognizing the importance of having different topographies in the same
construct, the static contact angle for each side was determined (Figure 2.4). It was possible to
verify a distinct glycerol permeation resistance depending on the construct's side, which therefore
states the potential use of 3DECs for, as an example, unidirectional mass flux applications.
To elucidate the physical phenomena behind the microtexturization development, it was simu-
lated the electric field over the three-dimensional processing space before and during the fiber
In all the reported cases of self-assembled 3DECs[18, 19, 27, 28] a stationary collector has been
used as also in our setup. To assess the initial influence of the resultant electric field, electrody-
Figure 2.2 Micropatterned electrospun membrane. A, Macroscopic image (scale bar = 1 cm). B, SEM mi-
crographs from the (B1, scale bar = 200 µm) top side, (B2, scale bar = 100 µm) bottom side, (B3, scale bar
= 20 µm) micro-assembled fiber cluster and (B4, scale bar = 3 µm) cell floor. The experimental conditions
were 35 wt. % PCL in 40 AA/60 FA (v/v) at 1.5 -1 (potential difference = 24 kV and nozzle–collector
distance = 16 cm) with a flow rate of 0.07 mL.h -1. The surrounding environment was set at 20 ºC and a
humidity level of 31 ± 1%.
simulations were previously performed for fiber deposition (Figure 2.5). In this initial stage, it was
possible to observe that the force lines are vertically displaced according to the collector. How-
ever, the electric field intensity is not constant across the collector x- and y-axes. It is 28% stronger
in the middle and its intensity profile remains similar even at a height of 1 mm. The field magnitude
is related to the inverse square of the distance (Coulomb's law). Therefore, by taking into account
this law and since the shortest distance possible is between the center of the collector and the tip
of the nozzle, inner regions will sense stronger fields. The high intensity in the collector's center
obligates the fiber deposition to occur there initially. Moreover, due to the characteristic whipping
and bending motion of electrospun jets,[34] the deposited fibers will form a circular flat mesh.
During this process the 2D non-woven mesh spreads towards the peripheral regions. Such ob-
servation was also previously verified by Thandavamoorthy et al.[28] and Bonino et al.[27] A non-
equal field intensity across the collector plane will lead to a non-uniform fiber deposition, and
therefore to a broad pore size distribution, since the stretching and binding susceptibilities are
space dependent (Figure 2.6). This observation underlines an important issue for those that are
using static collectors, since a wide fiber distribution across the collector is expected to be ob-
tained when these experimental conditions are used. Such a fact will always lead to non-uniform
materials, with a direct impact on the construct's properties (mean pore size: center, (3.5 ±
0.5)×102 nm; 3 cm from the center, (3.7 ± 0.6)×102 nm; 6 cm from the center, (3.8 ± 0.6)×102 nm;
9 cm from the center, (4.8 ± 1.2)×102 nm).
Figure 2.3 Surface roughness and morphology comparison of different localized portions of the same elec-
trospun membrane (35 wt. % PCL in 40AA/60FA at 1.5 -1 with a flow rate of 0.07 mL.h-1). The sur-
rounding environment was set for 20 ºC and a humidity level of 31 ± 1%. A, SEM micrographs (A1) center,
(A2) distance from the center of 3 cm, (A3) distance from the center of 6 cm and (A4) distance from the
center of 9 cm (scale bar = 200 µm). B, Shape analysis and comparison accordingly to CE Diameter, Circu-
larity and Aspect Ratio, showing their span values tabled below each bar chart. The span values were de-
termined as: (d90% – d10%)/d50%, where dX% is the cumulative distribution value for X % of the population.
Figure 2.4 Static contact angles assessment. The static contact angles were measured at room temperature
by a KSV Goniometer (model CAM 100) by applying the sessile drop method. The used liquid was glycerol
(≥ 99.0%, Sigma-Aldrich) whereas each droplet had a volume of 100 µL, while the acquisition time was
extended up to 5 minutes with a frame interval of 300 ms. At least four measurements were carried out per
sample and the shown data are averaged values.
Figure 2.5 Electric field simulation before the fibers deposition. The electric field configuration and intensity
was simulated in COMSOL Mutiphysics 4.0. The geometry relies in a box full of air (length = 50 cm; depth
= 50 cm; height = 26 cm), whereas within was placed a grounded aluminum collector (length = 25 cm; depth
= 25 cm; height = 0.1 cm) and a steel tubular nozzle (external diameter = 0.1 cm; internal diameter = 0.07
cm; height = 4 cm). The nozzle-to-collector distance was set at 15 cm and the applied voltage in the nozzle
was set at 24 kV. Preference was given to the software material library: Air (Air), Aluminum (UNS A91050)
and steel (UNS S31600). A, Electric field configuration and intensity coupled with isolines. B, Electric field
intensity assessment across de collector x axis between - 9 to + 9 cm, where z states the distance from the
collector’s plan towards the tip of the nozzle.
Figure 2.6 Pore size at different localized portions of the same electrospun membrane (35 wt. % PCL in
40AA/60FA at 1.5 with a flow rate of 0.07 mL.h-1). The surrounding environment was set for 20 ºC
and a humidity level of 31 ± 1%. A, SEM micrographs (A1) center, (A2) distance from the center of 3 cm,
(A3) distance from the center of 6 cm and (A4) distance from the center of 9 cm (scale bar = 3 µm). B, Mean
diameter comparison.
Initial fiber density, electric field and collector type influence on the collected fibers
Due to the initial random fiber deposition and accumulation, it is clear that the fiber density is not
constant across the collector plane, thus leading to the formation of high density fibrous regions
Figure 2.7 Arbitrary fiber deposition in the collector’s center. A, The random fiber model was developed in Matlab R2011b, generating six sets of possible fibers (Total
number of fibers, N=400). The output scenarios were then transferred into the COMSOL Mutiphysics simulation for further studies. B, Random fiber deposition, whereas
the incremental number of fiber deposited (N) was taken in consideration as a time-driven parameter. C, Fiber density representation, whereas the incremental number of
fiber deposited (N) was taken in consideration as a time-driven parameter.
(Figure 2.7). It was simulated such fiber deposition profile and evaluated its influence on the
electric field distribution and intensity (Figure 2.8). The highly populated fiber zones were able to
slightly distort the electric field, turning it more intense compared to the less dense fibrous zones
(Figure 2.8[3]). So far, the published literature has only focused on understanding the electric field
influence on the jet spinning process,[4, 5] underestimating the influence of the electric field on
the already collected fibers. Thus, it was simulated the fiber–field interaction (Figure 2.9). From
the simulation it was possible to verify a slight distortion of the electric force lines towards the
fiber's surface. After reaching a grounded collector, the electrospun fiber becomes neutral and
regarding the present electric field – which continues to be necessary to electrospin further fibers
– the collected fiber is then polarized. Due to the polarization phenomenon, the fiber accumulates
a negatively charged network towards the positively charged nozzle. Higher amounts of clustered
fibers will result in a higher in situ polarization degree, and consequently an increased impact on
positive aerial fibers will be placed preferentially on these regions driven by electrostatic attraction
(Figure 2.8[4]).
Indeed, Theron et al.[35] reported that most electrospun fibers were attracted to the sharp edge
of a rotating disk, due to a higher field strength compared to the other areas of the collector.
Hence, for the self-assembly phenomenon under study, the randomly generated high density
fibrous regions are the initial motifs for the self-assembly occurrence. Complementarily, the cu-
mulative and preferential fiber deposition on these fibrous clusters increases continuously the in
situ polarization degree, boosting the self-assembly mechanism. This phenomenon can be de-
scribed as a snow ball effect. In agreement, Bonino et al.[27] studied the growth evolution of PEO-
alginate 3DECs with time, where it is possible to observe the initial formation of small fibrous
clusters that turn into complex peaks as time goes by. In agreement, as a side validation experi-
ment, a polymer blend of 70/30 wt. % of PCL and gelatin (Sigma-Aldrich, 300 bloom) 40AA/60FA
was electrospun, resulting also in fibrous clusters that turn into complex peaks as time goes by
(Figure 2.10), a consequence of using polymers with high susceptibility to polarize (in this case,
Another issue rose when cross-validating published data was the reported inconsistent scientific
observations when using insulating collectors.[18, 19, 28] In our model, in order for the fibers to
polarize, such fibers must initially acquire a neutral state when collected. Therefore, it would be
expected that by using such a type of collector, the fiber's charge migration is hindered and con-
sequently the self-assembly mechanism cannot happen, which is in contrast to some published
reports.[19, 28] Sun et al.[18] proved that the discharge of fibers must happen for the self-assem-
bly to occur, otherwise they could not observe the formation of cone-like polystyrene fiber stacks.
Looking at the reported apparatus, the insulating collectors used by Yan et al.[19] were made of
glass, plastic and wood, while the ones used by Thandavamoorthy et al.[28] were made of cotton
and glass, and the PMMA plate used by Sun et al.[18] had a thickness of 5 mm. Despite the poor
electric conducting properties of all the above mentioned materials, they are in fact dielectrics,
which can be polarized when an intense electric field is applied. For instance, Zhao et al.[21]
observed that
Figure 2.8 Electric field simulation during the electrospinning process. 1, No fibers deposition. 2, 2D non-
woven fiber mats. Electric field distortion and intensity near: (3) a high dense fiber region and (4) a grown
fibrous cluster. Simulating parameters are fully described in the experimental section.
Figure 2.9 Electric field in the presence of one nanofiber. A, Orientation and contour lines. B, Field intensity
in x = 0 plane (No fiber at z=150 nm, ○ blue; No fiber at z = 1 µm, ○ red; One fiber at z = 150 nm, ■ blue;
One fiber at z = 150 nm, ■ red). It was simulated the polarization of one nanofiber under an intense electric
field. It is possible to observe that a nanofiber can be polarized and can cause a slight distortion of the
electric field due to the surface charge accumulation at its surface. Despite the electric field becomes
stronger near to the fiber surface, one single fiber does not have a significant impact at higher heights.
Figure 2.10 Photograph of a fibrous PCL-gelatin cluster that turn into complex peaks as time goes
by (70 wt. % PCL /30 wt. % gelatin in 40AA/60FA at 1.5 with a flow rate of 1.0 mL.h-1). The sur-
rounding environment was set for 20 ºC and a humidity level of 31 ± 1%.
when a gauze was submitted to an intense electric field, negative charge was induced at the
gauze's protrusions, favoring the attraction of the incoming positively charged aerial fibers.
The polarization of a dielectric material obliges its charges to segregate according to the electric
field orientation, leading to the formation of a superficial negatively charged network at the begin-
ning of the process. In this way, when the positively charged aerial fibers reach the insulating
collector, they will become neutral due to the presence of a superficial negatively charged collec-
tor, a fundamental condition that fits in our model. It is important to note that the polarization
occurs more easily as less work is required during the charge segregation process, which is pro-
portional to the collector's dielectric constant and inverse to its thickness. Summing up, higher
dielectric constants or thinner insulating collectors are more prone to be polarized at the same
electric field intensity, favoring the formation of a superficial negatively charged network that will
neutralize the incoming aerial fibers. Thus, that is why the use of cotton, glass sheets or plastic
films does allow the self-assembly mechanism, in contrast to the use of a thick PMMA plate. For
instance, despite PMMA and glass having close values for their dielectric constant – PMMA,
3.5;[36] and glass, 3.8;[37] – the used constructs had different thicknesses, and this particularity
was crucial to hinder the self-assembly mechanism in the PMMA's case, which had a lower col-
lector's surface polarization.
In this way, and after realizing that dielectric collectors can also guide the fibers deposition, it was
envisioned to use already patterned collectors to tailor the random deposition of electrospun ma-
terials. Despite metal-based collectors with engraved patterns had also been used for the same
end,[38] such substrates are usually rigid (e.g. stainless steel plates) and/or lack on reasonable
elasticity (e.g. aluminum foil), an important property for their use on mechanical roller pieces for
automated electrospun devices. Instead of having a non-patterned and conductive collector,
where preliminary fiber deposition must occur in order to acquire a subsequent polarized fibrous
layer, in this strategy, by providing an already patterned dielectric collector, the as soon electro-
spun fibers will be preferentially deposited directly on the polarized regions of the dielectric sub-
strate used, leading therefore to the copy of the same patterns on the electrospun materials that
were engraved on the paper-based collectors. After contacting the polarized collectors, those
fibers already deposited will be therefore polarized and attract the positive aerial fibers in a similar
fashion as observed previously in the self-assembly process. Since the work for polarization is
proportional to the collector's dielectric constant and inverse to its thickness, thin sheets of pat-
terned paper (mainly composed by cellulose, with a reported[39] dielectric constant of 7.6) where
utilized as dielectric collectors (Figure 2.11) in order to demonstrate the possibility to micropattern
electrospun non-woven meshes through direct-assembly.
substrate due to attractive forces, while bridging the substrate regular gaps forming micropores; 2, Photo of
a portion of an electrospun construct collected on the polarized substrate; 3, Micrograph of the previous
sample (scale bar = 400 µm). The white arrow shows the main orientation of the electrospun fibers within
the micropore established; 4, Micropore size distribution (mean pore size = (4.1 ± 1.0)×102 µm); 5, Grey
scale intensity across a micropore according to a peripheral micropore (black) and a micropore in the center
region of an electrospun mat (grey). Higher values of grey intensity represent denser fiber regions. B, Peel-
ing off an electrospun scaffold from a patterned paper-based substrate (1), whereas the peeled off mesh still
evidences the imprinted pattern (2). The black arrow denotes the contacting line between the two materials,
as the electrospun construct is peeled off. C, Electrospun construct where half of the collecting region was
covered with aluminum foil (1) and the other half with a patterned paper-based substrate. The black arrow
denotes the limiting line between the two used collectors. All the examples correspond to the following ex-
perimental conditions: 17 wt. % PCL in 40AA/60FA at 1.5 -1 with a flow rate of 0.07 mL.h-1.
In order to experimentally validate the concept of a transition state, from 2D low density fibrous
mats up to 3DECs, PCL was electrospun under different periods of time. It was observed that the
electrospun constructs have a maximum radius (Rmax), which is a function of the electric field,
polymer solution concentration and production time (Figure 2.12). Until the complete coverage
of a deposition area with a radius Rmax, a thin fibrous mesh is produced (Figure 2.13[1]). After
reaching this threshold, the self-assembly of the incoming electrospun fibers occurs (Figure
2.13[2,3]). Progressively, MAFs became thicker which emphasizes the preferential fiber deposi-
tion on these paths, and such observation is in agreement with the electrodynamic simulations
performed. It is important to notice that the polarization degree of a dielectric material within an
electric field can be expressed by the following equation:
P = ε0 × χe × E (Equation 2D)
where P is the dielectric polarization density, ε0 is the electric permittivity of the free space, χe is
the electric susceptibility, and E is the electric field intensity.
Figure 2.12 Variation of Rmax: A, According to the electric field intensity (35 wt. % PCL in 40AA/60FA with a
flow rate of 0.07 mL.h-1 during 24 h, the surrounding environment was set for 21 ºC and a humidity level of
31 ± 1%); B, According to the polymer concentration (PCL in 40AA/60FA processed at 1.5 -1 with a
flow rate of 0.07 mL.h-1 during 24 h, the surrounding environment was set for 21 ºC and a humidity level of
32 ± 1%); C, According to the production time (35 wt. % PCL in 40AA/60FA at 1.5 with a flow rate
of 0.07 mL.h-1, the surrounding environment was set for 20 ºC and a humidity level of 31 ± 1%).
Figure 2.13 Transition state for self-assembly (1) 2 h (Rmax = 3.4 cm), (2) 6 h (Rmax = 9.2 cm) and (3) 24 h
(Rmax = 9.5 cm). The experimental conditions were 30 wt. % PCL in 40AA/60FA at 1.5 (potential
difference = 24 kV and nozzle-collector distance = 16 cm) with a flow rate of 0.07 mL.h -1. The surrounding
environment was set for 21 ºC and a humidity level of 31 ± 1%.
According to Equation 2D, the polarization degree of a material is proportional to the electric field
intensity and so different field intensities were applied (Figure 2.14). It was possible to observe
distinct topographic morphologies in each case, despite all of them presented self-assembled
fibers. The electrospun material processed with the higher field intensity led to large (CE Diameter
= 439.6 µm) and elongated non-circular cells (aspect ratio = 2.3 and circularity = 0.46). This ob-
servation relies on the fact that stronger polarization degrees inhibit the deposition of nearby
MAFs due to repulsive electrostatic forces. In this way, despite our main findings being in line with
what was observed by Sun et al.[18] – which suggests that the assembly mechanism relies on
attractive forces – it was also validated the hypothesis wherein the self-assembly mechanism is
explained through repulsive forces, proposed by other authors.[19, 27, 28] More accurately, our
observations showed that the self-assembly phenomenon is driven by a balance between attrac-
tive (the black arrow in Scheme 2.1) and repulsive electrostatic forces (the white arrow in Scheme
Attractive electrostatic forces are established by the aerial positively charged fibers and the neg-
atively charged ones, which when collected tend to polarize regarding the present electric field.
On the other hand, repulsive interactions are present between nearby MAF clusters due to the
fact of their like charges (Figure 2.15). Since the clustered fibers are negatively charged, the
existent repulsion forces will play a major role under short MAF distances. Despite the initial pos-
sibility of having nearby high density regions, as the process continues only a few of the initial
clusters will prevail regarding the competitive repulsion phenomena. At the same time, the pres-
ence of such high polarization on the MAF surfaces does not allow them to bend, appearing as
almost straightforward lines (Figure 2.13A3). Hence, these cells will hardly self-close and there-
fore exhibit higher extended surface areas. Thus, using a less intense electric field should lead to
larger cell sizes, higher bending of the MAFs and small aspect ratio of cells as observed in Figure
2.13. In agreement, Yan et al.[19] verified that the PEO-made cells' pore size increases with
increasing the electrospinning distance or decreasing the applied potential difference, i.e., both
strategies lead to less intense electric fields and the repulsion forces were minimized. When a
less intense field was applied, the produced cells did not close as well as under more intense field
Figure 2.14 Topographic morphology comparison of equivalent electrospun membranes processed under
different electric field intensities (35 wt. % PCL in 40AA/60FA with a flow rate of 0.07 mL.h-1 during 24 h, the
surrounding environment was set for 20 ºC and a humidity level of 31 ± 1%). A, SEM micrographs (A1) 1.375, (A2) 1.5 and (A3) 1.625 (scale bar = 300 µm). B, Shape analysis and comparison
accordingly to CE Diameter, Circularity and Aspect Ratio, showing their span values tabled below each bar
chart. The span values were determined as: (d90% – d10%)/d50%, where dX% is the cumulative distribution value
for X % of the population.
Scheme 2.1 Balance between attractive electrostatic forces (black arrow) and repulsive electrostatic forces
(white arrow).
Figure 2.15 Topographic morphology comparison of equivalent electrospun membranes processed under
different temperature and humidity levels. A,B, SEM micrographs: 20 wt. % PCL in 40AA/60FA at 1.5
1 with a flow rate of 0.07 mL.h-1 during 24 h and humidity level of 32 ± 1% (A1) T=21 ºC and (A2) T=29 ºC;
30 wt. % PCL in 40AA/60FA at 1.5 with a flow rate of 0.07 mL.h-1 during 24 h and humidity level of
31 ± 1% (A3) T=21 ºC and (A4) T=29 ºC; 30 wt. % PCL in 40AA/60FA with a flow rate of 0.07 mL.h-1 during
12 h with a surrounding temperature of 21 ºC and a humidity level of (B1) 42 ± 1%; (B2) 37± 1%; (B3) 34 ±
1%, and (B4) 31 ± 1% (scale bar = 100 µm).
conditions. In this case, the field intensity was not enough to polarize properly the electrospun
fibers. Despite the provided higher MAFs' ability to bend under lower polarization degree (aspect
ratio = 1.4 and circularity = 0.66), MAFs still show an inability to self-close and consequently
present higher surface areas when compared to the 1.5 case. The 1.375 case
represents the importance of the deposition time in order to obtain self-closed cells (Figure 2.16).
Since the polarization degree is low, more time is expected to be needed for the assembly of a
microtexturized structure. Accumulative deposition times will allow increasing the amount of elec-
trospun fibers. This strategy will favor stronger polarization phenomena even under weak fields,
due to a greater amount of processed polymer. Looking at the 1.5 case, this construct
resembles circular cells (aspect ratio = 1.3 and circularity = 0.73). The low span values confirm
uniformity in cell morphology of the obtained population.
Further experiments were performed in order to explore the importance of polarization (Figure
2.17). One of the followed strategies was to increase the concentration of the polymer solution.
Higher concentrations meant higher amounts of polymer to be polarized and consequently en-
hanced capability to achieve greater polarization degrees. The most concentrated polymer solu-
tion (40 wt. %) led to elongated non-circular cells, due to the establishment of strong repulsive
electrostatic forces between the self-assembled MAFs. In this case, the MAFs were thicker, a
finding that is in line with our hypothesis that higher polarization degrees catalyze the self-assem-
bly process. In contrast, the most diluted solution (20 wt. %) showed a higher bending of the
MAFs that favored the production of resembling circular shapes. Since smaller concentrations
lead to smaller polymer amounts that were polarized, the surface charge accumulation on the
Figure 2.16 Evidence of the need to extend the production time of the electrospun material (35 wt.% PCL
in 40AA/60FA processed at 1.375 with a flow rate of 0.07 mL.h-1 during 24 h, the surrounding envi-
ronment was set for 20 ºC and a humidity level of 31 ± 1%) for the sake of obtaining closed cells. On the
right it is highlighted the smooth appearance of new MAFs.
Figure 2.17 Morphology comparison of electrospun membranes processed from parental polymer solutions
with different concentration under the same processing conditions (PCL in 40AA/60FA at 1.5 -1 during
24 h with a flow rate of 0.07 mL.h-1, the surrounding environment was set for 21 ºC and a humidity level of
32 ± 1%). A, SEM micrographs (A1) 20 wt. %, (A2) 30 wt. %, (A3) 35 wt. % and (A4) 40 wt. % (scale bar =
300 µm). B, Shape analysis and comparison accordingly to CE Diameter, Circularity and Aspect Ratio,
showing their span values tabled below each bar chart. The span values were determined as: (d90% –
d10%)/d50%, where dX% is the cumulative distribution value for X % of the population.
MAF surfaces is reduced, contributing to the cell self-closing process. Therefore small diameters
and less elongated shapes are obtained.
A general overview of the present results will summarize some conclusions. The effect of having
a high intensity electric field or a high polymer concentration is similar, since both ways will in-
crease the polarization degree. Hence, it is expected that cells do not self-close and present
elongated shapes, showing higher distances between consecutive MAFs. On the other hand, less
intense electric fields or diluted polymer solutions will favor the bending of the MAFs and their
self-closing process, since lower polarization degrees are achieved.
It was also studied the influence of the environmental temperature and humidity on the process
(Figure 2.15). From the literature, the importance of the environmental temperature during the
electrospinning process is known. Higher temperatures are responsible for enhancing the evap-
oration of the solvent during the jet whipping process. A diminished solvent content will reduce
the surface tension of the processed polymer jet, and therefore leads to the production of smooth
fibers.[4, 5] As the temperature increases, it was could verify that the electrospun fibers still self-
assembled into MAFs providing a fibrous-like cell floor. Such observation contradicts the assump-
tion of the need for having fibres on a wet state in order to promote their self-assembly, whereas,
supposedly, the surface tension is mandatory for fiber merging and preferential deposition.20 This
fact strengthens our findings in which the preferential fiber deposition is driven by attractive forces
Moisture has been associated with the creation of fiber porous surfaces,[40, 41] and with the
creation or absence of bead defects.[42] Additionally, the charge amount dissipated by corona
discharge increases with increasing humidity, leading to a lower charge density on the fibers.[43,
44] It is also known that moisture increases the conductivity of permeable insulators.[45] There-
fore, higher moisture contents are expected to hinder the polarization phenomena, hampering the
necessary negative charge network accumulation on the collected fiber surface. Such limited
charge accumulation leads to a poor electrostatic driven self-assembly mechanism. it was found
out that the control of the humidity content is a key variable to control the maximum surface charge
accumulation, and consequently different topographic structures might be achieved.
As the relative humidity (RH) decreases, the electrospun constructs change from 2D flat-meshes
to microtexturized 3DECs. This happens since the ease of achieving higher in situ polarization
degrees is inversely proportional to the moisture content, due to lower charge dissipation into the
surrounding medium. Yan et al.[19] also studied the influence of the relative humidity on the self-
assembly mechanism of PAN, PVA and PEO, where the threshold relative humidity levels for a
successful assembly were < 60%, < 45% and < 40% respectively. In addition, Bonino et al.[27]
verified that the relative humidity threshold for the self-assembly of PEO-alginate fibers was <
60%, whereas alginate was preferentially deposited on the fiber surface. In our case, PCL could
self-assemble for a relative humidity lower than 31 ± 1%. Knowing the importance of different
moisture levels, it was correlated these observations with our previous conclusions.
As previously simulated, fiber polarization favors the formation of a negatively charged network
toward the nozzle. Hence, despite the potential difference used, if a material is more prone to be
polarized, the in situ polarization is easier to be achieved and a higher impact on field's configu-
ration is then expected. Consequently, due to an easier polarization, the limiting relative humidity
threshold for a successful self-assembly can be higher. Permanent dipole–permanent dipole in-
teractions are inherently intermolecular interactions, which contribute to the polymer's polar co-
hesive energy.[46] When a polymer is polarized, dipolar intermolecular forces are important since
they may hinder or facilitate the charge segregation process. Regarding the polymers' Hansen
solubility polar parameter (δp) (Table 2.1), it is possible to verify that lower δp values demand a
lower relative humidity threshold (the polarization phenomenon is harder to achieve and charge
dissipation into the surrounding environment must be hindered). On the other hand, higher δp
values allow the self-assembly to occur under a broader moisture range. In this way, it was
strengthen the idea that self-assembly relies on the collected fibers polarization, extending the
conclusion to the findings of the cited authors.[18, 19, 27, 28]
PCL 6.2 31
PVA 9.0 44 45
PEO 10.9 44 40
PAN 14.1 44 60
PEO-aliginate a 17.9 – 60
a Alginate's Hansen solubility polar parameter was estimated from the Hoy's group contribution method.[47]
So as to validate the correlation between δp and the RH threshold, a side validation experiment
was conducted where dextran (DEX, Mw ~ 70×103 g.mol-1, Sigma-Aldrich) was electrospun under
the following experimental conditions: 50 wt. % DEX in Distilled Water at 1.667 with a
flow rate of 0.2 mL.h-1, where the surrounding environment was set for 40 ºC and a humidity level
of 24 ± 1%. (Figure 2.18). Besides its great importance in many related biopharmaceutical appli-
cations,[48] dextran was chosen due to its reported[49] δp value of 24.3 MPa0.5, which is above
than any of the examples present in Table 2.1. Accordingly to the present rational, such polymer
in order to self-assemble would required an RH threshold higher than 60 %. Among all the efforts
to optimize the electrospinning process of this polymer, it was not possible to generate the dex-
tran-based fibrous scaffolds for RH thresholds above 45 ± 1%, a fact justified by its great hygro-
scopic nature (expressed also in its high δp value). Moreover, no evidence of self-assembly was
observed for these materials. This finding highlights that high polar polymers are not suitable to
self-assemble accordingly with the method herein reported, since the required high RH threshold
leads to their solubilization in the collector. Nevertheless, self-assembly of such polymers can still
be pursued when they are properly blended with less polar polymers, as reported by Bonino et
al.[27] and demonstrated in Figure 2.10.
Figure 2.18 Example of a dextran electrospun mesh, where the experimental conditions where defined as
follow: 50 wt. % DEX in Distilled Water at 1.667 -1 with a flow rate of 0.2 mL.h-1, in a surrounding
environment set for 40 ºC and a humidity level of 24 ± 1%. A, SEM micrographs (1, scale bar = 200 µm; 2,
scale bar = 3 µm). B, Diameter fiber distribution (mean fiber diameter = 1.17 ± 0.25 µm, the distribution fitter
is an Inverse Gaussian distribution / Bayesian Information Criteria = 6.80).
Regarding the literature, there is a lack of consensus on explaining how the self-assembly pro-
cess occurs. Therefore, it was pursued an explanation for this phenomenon. By coupling the
information retained through simulations and experimental data, it was concluded that the self-
assembly mechanism relies on a balance between attractive and repulsive electrostatic forces.
Initially, the electrospun fibers form a flat mesh while high density fiber regions are favored due
to a random fiber deposition. From the moment that the fibers reach the grounded collector, their
charges are conducted away turning these electrospun elements neutral. However, the neces-
sary electric field to continuously electrospin new fibers will polarize the already collected ones.
Such fibers acquire a negatively charged network oriented toward the nozzle, which will attract
the positive incoming aerial and disordered fibers towards their position. This in situ polarization
degree is strengthened by higher amounts of clustered fibers, and therefore the initial high density
fibrous regions are the preliminary motifs for the self-assembly mechanism. As such regions in-
crease their in situ polarization electrostatic repulsive forces will appear, favoring a competitive
growth of these self-assembled fibrous clusters. Highly polarized regions will evidence higher
distances between consecutive MAFs.
It was also verified that very intense fields or high concentrated solutions favor strong polarization
degrees and the MAFs cannot self-close, appearing as almost straightforward lines. On the other
hand, weak fields or diluted polymer solutions allow a higher bending of the MAFs that contributes
to the production of resembling circular-like cells. By tuning the in situ polarization, by controlling
the electric field intensity, time of production, polymer solution concentration, environmental tem-
perature and relative humidity, it is possible to microtexturize electrospun mats that may allow the
rational design of novel energy storage/guidance constructs, implantable devices and tailored
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Three-Dimensional Multilayered Fibrous
Constructs for Wound Healing Applications
Electrospun materials are promising scaffolds due to their light-weight, high surface-area and low-
cost fabrication, however, such scaffolds are commonly obtained as ultrathin two-dimensional
non-woven meshes, lacking on topographical specificity and surface side-dependent properties.
Herein, it is reported the production of bioinspired three-dimensional fibrous materials with an
asymmetrical inner structure and engineered surfaces. The manufactured constructs evidence
fibrous-based microsized conical protrusions [length: (9.5 ± 2.9)×10 2 µm; width: (3.8 ± 0.8)×102
µm] at their top side, with a median peak density of 73, while their bottom side resem-
bles to a non-woven mesh commonly observed in the fabrication of two-dimensional electrospun
materials. Regarding their thickness (3.7 ± 0.1 mm) and asymmetric fibrous inner architecture,
such materials avoid external liquid absorption while promoting internal liquid uptake. Neverthe-
less, such constructs also observed the high porosity (89.9%) and surface area (1.44 m 2.g-1)
characteristic of traditional electrospun mats. Spray layer-by-layer assembly is used to effectively
coat the structurally complex materials, allowing to complementary tailor features such water va-
por transmission, swelling ratio and bioactive agent release. Tested as wound dressings, the
novel constructs are capable of withstanding (11.0 ± 0.3)×10 4 kg.m-2 even after 14 days of hydra-
tion, while actively promote wound healing (90 ± 0.5 % of wound closure within 48 hours) although
avoiding cell adhesion on the dressings for a painless removal.
1The content present in this chapter was partially published (Tiago C. Reis et al., Biomater. Sci., 2016, 4,
The importance of construct topography in applications ranging from anisotropic wetting[1] and
antireflection[2] to stem cell differentiation[3, 4] and tissue engineering,[5] has driven multidisci-
plinary teams to develop a number of novel scaffolds fabrication methods.[6-9] Electrospinning is
a versatile means of producing nano- and micro-sized fibers to assemble materials with controlled
orientation and fiber density,[10-12] being currently developed towards new methods to enhance
yield and the rate of fabrication.[13] However, even the current electrospinning-based approaches
have only been used to create two-dimensional electrospun constructs (2DECs). The promising
combination of controlled three-dimensional topography, with the existing benefits of electrospun
scaffolds, offers new opportunities for the production of fibrous materials with superior structural
and surface properties. Three-dimensional electrospun constructs (3DECs) with tailored topog-
raphies can be obtained by either post-construction modification or assembly-based mecha-
nisms. The former consists in the use of independent techniques to alter the as-spun materials,
such as modulated femtosecond laser pulses[14] or photopatterning.[15] Such methods rely on
surface ablation or sacrificial removal of construct material, a strategy that is undesirable when
spinning high-value and perishable materials. Controlling topography via process-based assem-
bly mechanisms, in contrast, harnesses the electrostatic forces used to guide the fiber deposition,
by either using tailored grounded collectors or by inducing the self-organization of fibers.[16] Self-
organization also has the unique feature of allowing for z-axis asymmetric fiber deposition,
wherein the bottom and top sides of the same scaffold can show different structural features (e.g.
fiber alignment, pore size, etc.). The bottom side of the construct is commonly composed of ran-
domly distributed fibers, similar to the case of many 2D non-woven electrospun meshes, and the
materials top side can be tuned into fibrous macro-assembled structures such as stacks,[17, 18]
honey-comb patterns[19, 20] or yarns.[21] It has been previously described the mechanism un-
derlying this microstructuring process as a result of the in situ polarization of collected fibers due
to the strong electric field applied, favoring the continuous electrostatic attraction of incoming
fibers to specific regions.[22] The use of strong electric fields for electrospinning polymer blends
or doped solutions however, causes charged species within the material to separate due to elec-
trophoretic phenomena,[21, 23] driving the anionic elements to the outer surface of the fiber. This
process causes poor intermolecular blending, which affects mechanical strength,[24] electrical
conductivity[25] and drug release profiles.[26] Thus, the process conditions used to induce the
assembly of structures constrain the potential of 3DECs in several applications, especially in
cases where incorporation of charged elements is desired.
Layer-by-layer (LbL) assembly technique is a simple and robust method for the incorporation of
material into ultra-thin polymer coatings which has been used for applications ranging from sur-
face modification to drug delivery,[27, 28] being an aqueous process that relies on the alternating
adsorption of material species through complementary interactions.[29] This method has been
used to coat a wide range of materials with complex geometries including bone implants and
scaffolds,[30] bandages[31] and microneedles,[32, 33] made of a diverse array of materials such
as stainless steel, titanium or polystyrene. The LbL technique allows for high material incorpora-
tion (10-40 wt.%) of sensitive therapeutic compounds (e.g. cytokines, RNA, or DNA) with na-
noscale precision, a striking advantage in comparison with other strategies such as polymer
blending,[34] often used to produce functional electrospun fibers.
In the context of soft tissue wound care, the proposed approach offers the potential for a number
of unique benefits by combining these methods. Taking a cue from how nature facilitates interac-
tion with soft tissues, namely using prominent protrusions (e.g. spiny-backed orb-weavers, Gas-
teracantha cancriformis), it is created for the first time electrospun constructs with enhanced 3D
microprotrusions (Figure 1). Such structures are beneficial for wound care, since they are char-
acterized by having higher friction factors and Nusselt numbers,[35] which improve mechanical
interlocking with soft tissues, heat dissipation and increased contact with the wound. Moreover,
the unique reported manufacturing process allows to generate dressings that are impermeable to
external liquid-form sources of infection (e.g. sweat), while keeping an inner structure suitable to
wound exudate uptake and balanced moisture retention. The generated scaffolds are still char-
acterized by the traditional high porosity and tortuosity of two-dimensional electrospun constructs,
a key aspect to allow the required gaseous exchange during the wound healing process. Func-
tionalizing these biologically inspired 3DECs with LbL films provides a means to modulate sur-
face-tissue interaction, avoiding cellular adhesion on the dressings and therefore contributing for
the dressing’s painless removal, while continuously releasing active agents for the wounded tis-
sue regeneration, as well as it allows to alter the transport and physical characteristics of the
electrospun scaffolds. In this work, it is described the combination of cutting-edge electrospinning
techniques and LbL functionalization to generate biologically inspired three-dimensional multi-
layered electrospun constructs, a methodology that can be used to enhance potential two-dimen-
sional fibrous materials[36-38] or current production methodologies[39-43] with no further com-
Figure 3.1 Conceptualization of three-dimensional multilayered electrospun constructs (3DMECs). A, Con-
cept application as a wound dressing displaying the ideal dressing properties: i, impermeability to external
infectious microorganisms and liquids; ii, gas exchanges across bandage (Ψ, interprotrusion distance). B,
3DMEC-tissue interaction in irregular wound bed sites in comparison with traditional dressings. C, Chitosan
and hyaluronic acid incorporation through spray-LbL. D, Photograph of a spiny-backed orb weaver (s.p.
Gasteracantha cancriformis) showing prominent protrusions in its abdomen.
2 dm3 radio frequency tubular reactor (Plasma System Fento v5.0, Diener). After chamber evac-
uation, argon was supplied into the working environment during 5 minutes prior to the treatment.
The pressure within the chamber was kept at 0.4 mbar and a power intensity of 80 W was applied
during 5 and 10 minutes (Figure 3A.1). Other attempts to modify the surface of the wound dress-
ing substrates were performed, and those can be consult in Annex 3C. Posteriorly, the electro-
spun constructs were exposed to air. In order to produce three-dimensional multilayered electro-
spun constructs (3DMECs), samples were plasma cleaned for 30 seconds and soaked in a 10
mM linear polyethyleneimine (LPEI, Mw ~ 25.0×10 3 g.mol-1, Polyscience Inc.) solution for 30
minutes. Excessive media was posteriorly removed by vacuum filtration before spray-LbL. The
electrospun materials were fixed in a metallic grid displaying their top side towards the nozzles.
Films were prepared using a programmable spray LbL apparatus (Svaya Nanotechnologies), in
a similar fashion as reported in literature.[44, 45] Briefly, polyelectrolytes were alternately sprayed
during 20 seconds with an intermediary wash step of 5 seconds. Chitosan (CHI, Mw ~ 15.0×10 3
g.mol-1, Polyscience Inc.) with a reported[46] was used as polycation, while hyaluronic acid (HA,
Mw ~ 2.0×106 g.mol-1, Lifecore Biomedical) with a reported[47] pKa ~ 2.9 was used as polyanion.
Prior to bilayer deposition, LPEI and dextran sulfate (DS, Mw > 500.0×10 3 g.mol-1, Sigma-Aldrich)
were initially sprayed in order to promote the formation of a (LPEI/DS) 10 baselayer.
3DECs and 3DMECs were coated with a 10 nm layer of Au/Pd and observed by Scanning Elec-
tron Microscopy (JSM-6010LA, JEOL). The observed topographical features were computation-
ally segmented by using ImageJ (NIH). As-spun 3DECs porosity and pore size distribution was
determined by mercury porosimetry (Autopore IV porosimeter, Micromeritrics) as described in the
literature.[48] The mercury surface tension and its intrinsic contact angle with the electrospun
constructs was considered to be γHg=480 mN.m-1 and θ=140º. In order to cross-validate the po-
rosity value obtained through the mercury porosimetry data, equation 4A was used:
m3DEC 1
Porosity (%) = 100 × (1 − ∗ ) , with ρPCL = 1.145 g. cm−3 (Equation 4A)
10 mg of untreated and treated 3DECs were solubilized in CDCl 3 (99.8%, Cambridge Isotope
Laboratories). 1H-NMR spectra of each construct was obtained recording 96 scans per sample
(ARX 400 MHz, Bruker). In parallel, portions from the top and bottom sides were delaminated and
separately milled in KBr (1:200 w/w) being posteriorly pressed to form a disk. For each sample,
a FTIR spectrum was recorded at a resolution of 1 cm-1 with a total of 128 scans (Spectrum 1000,
Perkin Elmer). The constructs surface chemical composition was studied by X-ray Photoelectron
Spectroscopy (XPS) and static contact angles. For the XPS analysis, as-spun and plasma treated
electrospun constructs were cut in square sections (1×1 cm2) and fixed to a holder by a metallic
spring. Unmonochromatic Al Kα radiation (hν = 1486.6 eV), from a spectrometer XSAM800 (Kra-
tos Analytical) operated in a fixed analyzer transmission mode, was used. The operation param-
eters and data treatment methodology was followed as described elsewhere.[49] Charge accu-
mulation was not compensated by a flood gun. The charge shift of the untreated and treated
3DECs was corrected setting the binding energy of the C 1s photoelectrons ejected from carbon
in C-C and C-H bonds to 285.0 eV.[50] The following sensitivity factors were considered for quan-
tification purposes: 0.25 (C 1s) and 0.66 (O 1s). Static contact angles (N=4) were measured at
room temperature by applying the sessile drop method (CAM 100, KSV Goniometer). A 10 µL
glycerol (≥ 99.0%, Sigma-Aldrich) drop was placed on the 3DECs surfaces (top and bottom). The
acquisition time was extended up to 5 minutes with a frame interval of 300 ms. Each frame was
retrieved to MatLab R2012b (MathWorks) and the drop height and base diameter were measured.
Rectangular samples (2×1 cm2) of each type of the three-dimensional dressing were initially
weighted (W 0) and then incubated in Acetate Buffer Solution (ABS, pH=5.0 0.1 M), Phosphate
Buffer Solution (PBS, pH=7.4 0.1 M) and TRIS Buffer Solution (TBS, pH=8.0 0.1 M) at room
temperature during 30 days (N=4). Each beaker contained 10 mL of medium. Periodically, the
samples were removed from the swelling medium and wiped to remove the excess of buffered
medium. After weighting the swelled dressings (W t), each sample returned to the original beaker.
The swelling ratio (SR) was determined by the following equation:
SR = (Equation 4B)
the specimens were removed and their tensile properties were assessed until rupture (N=4). In
addition, the mechanical properties of as-spun constructs were also analyzed. The initial length
between the clamps was set at 1 cm with a testing speed of 0.2 mm.min -1.
Specimens (N=4) were initially conditioned for 24 hours in a desiccator (room temperature, 30%
relative humidity) to achieve moisture content equilibrium. A glass tube with a 1 cm2 opening area
(A) was filled with 2 mL of distillated water and covered with a circular sample. The glass tube
was then placed in a tube flask with a saturated solution of K 2CO3 in a temperature controlled
storage unit (25.0 ± 1.0 ºC), re-weighting daily the assembly glass tube + construct (m). WVTR
was calculated by the following equation:
WVTR(g. cm−2 . day −1 ) = (Equation 4D)
A × time
3DECs and 3DMECs were initially conditioned for 24 hours at room temperature. 3×3 cm2 sam-
ples were place in a 2×2 cm2 polystyrene frame with a thickness of 5 cm, covering a 5×5×10 cm3
heating chamber with a temperature controlled heating plate. The heating environment was set
at an equilibrium temperature of 37 ºC with a relative humidity of 30-35 %. The chamber temper-
ature was continuously measured by a local thermocouple. The samples were placed in such way
that the side with the multiple protrusions was in contact with the heated environment, while the
smooth side was facing the external environment (room temperature). A second thermocouple
was placed in close contact with this side, allowing the recording of any superficial temperature
variation. The experiment was run during 3 hours (N=3).
Glass and silicon substrates were sprayed in a similar fashion as described earlier, being after-
wards dried under a gentle nitrogen flow. Prior to film construction, the substrates were sequen-
tially cleaned with methanol, ethanol, 2-propanol and milli–q water. Spray-coated glass slides
(N=3) were scored by a razor blade and the step height difference, between untouched film re-
gions and the score’s bottom was tracked at nine different locations by profilometry (Dektak 150,
Veeco). In addition, a (CHI/HA)10 30×30 µm2 film area was examined by Atomic Force Micros-
copy (Dimension 3100 AFM, Veeco Metrology) in tapping mode.
HA fluorescence dye was synthesized for confocal microscopy use and release studies. 120 mg
of HA were mixed with 50 mg of N–(3–dimethylaminopropyl)–N’–ethylcarbodiimide hydrochloride
(EDC, ≥ 98 %, Sigma-Aldrich) and 30 mg of N–hydroxysulfosuccinimide sodium salt (NHSS, ≥ 98
%, Sigma-Aldrich) in sodium acetate buffer (pH=5.0, 0.1 M) for 45 minutes. 60 mg of hexameth-
ylenediamine (98 %, Sigma-Aldrich) were posteriorly added and allowed to react during 4 hours,
followed by three precipitation cycles in isopropanol to remove unreacted diamine. The hyaluronic
acid amine derivative was then mixed with 0.5 mg of fluorescein isothiocyanate isomer I (FITC, ≥
90%, Sigma-Aldrich) in a sodium bicarbonate solution (pH=8.5) during 8 hours in the dark. FITC-
HA was then recovery by precipitation cycles in ethanol and two precipitation cycles in a mixture
of ethanol/water. The absorbance of the supernatant was compared with a fresh mixture of etha-
nol/water, in order to conclude that non-reacted FITC was completely removed.
The HA release profile of the produced 3DMECs at 37 ºC was determined in two different media:
PBS (pH=7.4 0.1 M) and cell conditioned media. Cell conditioned media was prepared from NIH-
3T3 cells grown to confluence. An initial cell concentration of 50×10 3 was seeded into a 24-well
plate and cultured in Advanced-MEM (Invitrogen) media containing 5% FBS, 1% antibiotic-anti-
mitotic and 2mM L-glutamine. After 72 hours, media was removed and filtered with a 0.2 µm
syringe filter in order to remove cellular debris. Posteriorly, circular specimens (diameter=1cm)
were incubated in 1.5 mL of each media (N=3). At a given interval, 250 µL of medium was re-
placed. A standard curve of the FITC-HA was used to interpret the concentration of HA in the
release media (excitation peak=492 nm).
The wound scratch assay, an in vitro technique consisting on the formation of an artificial scratch
in a confluent cell monolayer,[53-55] is used to evaluate the rate of wound closure promoted by
the generated LbL coated fibrous materials. Briefly, NIH-3T3 (GFP+) cells, with an initial concen-
tration of 20×103, were seeded into a 24-well plate and grown to a sub-confluent (80–90 %) mon-
olayer. The resultant monolayer was then wounded with a sterile 200 µL pipette tip. The wound
consisted in a straight line scratch across each well, being posteriorly washed with PBS (pH=7.4
0.1 M) in order to remove cellular debris and culture further with media containing degraded pol-
ymer material. Uncoated (A-type 3DECs) and coated 3DEMCs (A+(CHI/HA) 10 and
A10+(CHI/HA)10) were incubated at 37 ºC in PBS (pH=7.4 0.1 M) during 7 days. At the end of the
incubation period, the media with soluble degraded polymer products was filtered with a 0.2 µm
syringe filter and diluted (50 % v/v) in fresh Advanced-MEM (Invitrogen) media containing 5 %
FBS, 1 % antibiotic-antimitotic and 2mM L-glutamine. Each final formulation was applied to the
wounded cell monolayer (N=4). Wound closure was followed during a 48 h period (Axiovert 200,
Zeiss), in which the wound size was determined by the gap from opposing wound edges, while
considering four measurements per field of view. The wound closure was then expressed as a
percentage of the initial wound gap.
Table 3.1 Ideal specifications of a wound dressing[58, 59] and advantages in the use of poly(ε-
caprolactone). Chapter 1 key features achieved: 2 (Sterilizable), 7 (Non-toxic), 8 (Non-allergenic
or sensitizing), 13 (Non-flammable) and 15 (Long shelf life).
Characteristics Poly(ε-caprolactone)
● Can be removed without ● Hydrophobic polymer (Reduces cell adherence). When placed onto
causing trauma to the wound the wound site, a layer of water molecules adheres to the biomaterial
surface preceding the rapid attachment of proteins. Cell adherence is
then promoted in biointegrative manner, leading to tissue adhesion. By
reducing the initial protein adsorption, wound dressings cause less
trauma when removed.[60]
● Thermally insulating (+) Al- ● Easily processed through different technologies allowing a deep con-
lows gaseous exchanges trol of the dressings’ inner structure (e.g. particulate leaching, thermally
induced phase separation, electrospinning, 3D printing, stereolito-
graphy, etc.)
Figure 3.2 Bioinspired production of 3DMECs. A, Scheme of the electrical-driven self-organized 3DECs
fabrication process and bottom plasma treatment to improve surface hydrophilicity. B, Photograph of the (1)
bottom and (2) top side of a 3DEC (scale bar=1 cm). The top side presents multiple protrusions along the
surface with a median protrusion density of 73 -2. C, SEM images from bottom and top sides having
a scale bar=100 μm with an inset scale bar=5 μm. D, Photograph of a 3DEC evidencing multiple protrusions
at the top side (i) and their z-axis formation in the cross section (ii). Scale-bar=3 mm. E, Micrographs in flat
and bent conformations (scale bar=3 mm, inset scale bar=1.5 mm) and parametric shape comparison (H,
protrusion height; B, equivalent base; Ψ, interprotrusion distance). Data evidence p-value < 0.01. F, Mercury
porosimetry data after buckling correction for the electrospun materials.[45] Chapter 1 key features
achieved: 1 (Permeable to ocygen) and 10 (Conforms to anatomical countours),
The bottom side, which corresponds to the side in contact with the grounded collector, is charac-
terized by a random fiber deposition, commonly observed as well in 2DECs.[44, 62, 63] On this
side, the scaffolds exhibited a bimodal fiber diameter distribution: Population 1, fiber diameter=
(21 ± 9)×10 nm; Population 2, fiber diameter=(15 ± 4)×102 nm (Figure 3A.2). It was hypothesized
that the bimodal distribution is related to the instability of the electrospun polymer jet due to the
intense electric field, a phenomenon also reported in the production of 2DECs.[64] The top side
of the construct shows multiple conical protrusions, resulting from the preferential deposition of
fibers in specific regions driven by local in situ polarization of high dense fiber regions in the plane
of the collector.[22] The electrostatic attraction between these regions and the depositing fibers
promotes the localized preferred deposition of fibers and the generation of sub-millimeter features
over time (Figure 3.3). The generated 3DECs demonstrated a median protrusion density of 73
Figure 3.3 Fibers self-assembly induced by their in situ polarization leads to the generation of protrusions.
A, Scheme of the protrusions formation due to the fibers in situ polarization. As time passes by, the electro-
spun fibers acquire a negative superficial charge that drives the incoming aerial positive fibers to be collected
on top of them. The electrostatic forces of attraction generate a densely packed fibrous network, shaping
tightly the self-assembled construct into protrusions. B, SEM micrographs and fiber colored orientation anal-
ysis (scale bar=100 μm). C, DIC microscopy images from the top side evidencing multiple protrusions with
a conical shape. (Image 1, scale bar=500 μm; image 2, scale bar=200 μm; image 3a-3c, scale bar=50 μm).
Images 3a-3c were taken at different z-planes.
while the median inter-protrusion distance was 528 µm (Figure 3.4). As a consequence of the
fibers’ preferential deposition, each protrusion shows a z-axis densely packed fibrous core (Figure
3.2D, Figure 3.5). As determined by mercury porosimetry, the fibrous materials have a multi-
modal pore size distribution (Figure 3.2F), with an overall porosity of 89.9% (92.7% when consid-
ering Equation 4A) and a surface area of 1.44 m2.g-1, values in the range of what is expected for
electrospun materials.[65]
The protrusion geometric characterization was evaluated at two dressing configurations: (i) flat
(conformation corresponding to a superficial wound), or (ii) curved (conformation corresponding
to a full thickness wound) (Figure 3.2E). After being bent (bend angle=110º), the protrusions are
effectively reduced in height by 37.6%, while the inter-protrusion distance is increased by 50.7%.
Figure 3.4 3DEC topographic characterization. A, 3DEC top side photograph evidencing protrusions. B,
Image optimal segmentation by cell elements. C, Cell area distribution. D, Cell Feret diameter distribution
(A-D images, scale bar=500 mm). E, Scattered protrusions centroids with determination of the interprotru-
sion Euclidian distance and protrusion density.
3DECs can thus offer topographical features that support the dressing fixation at the wound bed
in a broad range of wounds,[66] a feature lacking in traditionally used wound dressings. An ideal
property for wound dressings is the capability to be impermeable to external liquids so as to avoid
sources of infection, while allowing the uptake of wound exudate. For our bandage to achieve this
property, it is proposed to treat differentially each side of the construct in order to create a hydro-
philic gradient across the bandage, in association with the already generated z-axis construct
asymmetry. Therefore, to reduce the PCL-based 3DECs hydrophobicity, the materials were
plasma treated in argon and then exposed to atmospheric air. It has been chosen to use an inert
gas to avoid the 3DECs surface ablation or etching, otherwise observed with reactive gases such
as oxygen.[67] To determine the effect of this treatment, three groups of 3DECs were investi-
gated: A, 3DECs without plasma treatment; A5, 3DECs plasma treated for 5 min, and A10, 3DECs
plasma treated for 10 min. After solubilizing as-spun 3DECs in CDCl3, 1H-NMR spectra were
acquired (Figure 3.6), indicating the complete absence of the acetic and formic acid initially used
to prepare the PCL. Contact angle measurements of both top and bottom sides of each construct
validated our approach, as the bottom untreated side was unchanged from the control, while the
plasma treated groups exhibited a significantly lower contact angle on their top surface than the
untreated control (Figure 3.7A). The plasma treatment creates a hydrophilic gradient across the
materials, in which their top sides are the most hydrophilic regions of the dressings. 3DECs were
delaminated and portions from the top and bottom of the construct were analyzed by FTIR and
Figure 3.5 Phase contrast microscopy images from a 3DEC, including the cross-section and top side at
different z-planes, evidencing, simultaneously, multiple protrusions and z-axis built in core characterized by
dense fiber regions (scale bar=500 μm).
XPS (Figure 3.7B-D), showing stronger ν(OH), ν(C=O) and ν(C–O) signals in comparison with
the non-treated ones.
Moreover, it was possible to observe on the plasma treated constructs, a noticeable difference of
these signals between their top and bottom sides. In addition, XPS characterization demonstrated
a higher O/C ratio in the plasma treated samples, supporting the preferential development of
oxygenated hydrophilic groups (-OH, -COOH) near the top surface of the constructs.
Figure 3.6 Solvent contamination assessment by 1H-NMR of as-spun 3DECs in CDCl3. In case of contami-
nation shifts at 2.10 and 11.40 ppm (acetic acid) and/or 2.10 and 8.27 ppm (formic acid) should be no-
Figure 3.7 3DECs chemical characterization after plasma treatment. A, Static contact angle determination
(n.s., not significant; *, p-value < 0.01). B, FTIR spectra at different sides (A, grey; A5, blue; A10, red) nor-
malized by νS(CH2) (Ia-f) and νAS(CH2) (IIa-f) in the following characteristic bands: ν(OH), 3000-4000 cm-1; ν(C=O),
1729 cm-1; ν(C-O), 1108 cm-1. C, XPS spectra of high resolution C 1s core level signal (Blue, Ester functional
groups, O–C=O, and/or carboxylate functional groups, O-C=O-; Green, Carbon singly bound to oxygen –C–
OH or –C–O–; Red, Aliphatic carbon in bonds –C–C– or –C–H). D, Carbon/Oxygen ratio determination from
elemental surface composition (A, C 1s: 76.6 & O 1s: 23.4; A5, C 1s: 71.3 & O 1s: 28.7; A10, C 1s: 72.9 &
O 1s: 27.1). Data comparison with similar reported plasma treatment strategies of 2D non-woven PCL
Figure 3.8 Physicochemical characterization of 3DECs. A, Stress(δ)-strain(ε) curves and mechanical prop-
erties determined after plasma treatment (E, Young’s Modulus – 1, toe region, 2, elastic domain; UTS, Ulti-
mate Tensile Strength; FS, Fracture Strain; T, Toughness). Time dependent swelling (B) and in vitro weight
loss (C) as a function of pH. D, Cross-validation of weight loss by the qualitative PCL release profile, deter-
mined by UV absorbance measurements at 250 nm. E, Time dependent mechanical properties as a function
of pH. F, Photograph of a swelled delaminated top side 3DEC while showing the presence of protrusions
(scale bar=25mm). G, Spreading and absorption dynamics (L/L0, normalized droplet base; H/H0, normalized
droplet height; □, ○, bottom and top sides respectively; t*, u*, spreading time and velocity; tº, uº, imbibition
time and velocity). Chapter 1 key features achieved: 5 (Good mechanical protection to the wound), 9 (Does
not shed loose material) and 11 (Resists tearing).
These self-assembled materials are highly elastic compared with recently produced PCL-based
2DECs (E, Elastic modulus: E2DECs=19 ± 2 MPa), while maintaining a relatively high ultimate
tensile strength (UTS) despite having a lower value (UTS2DECs=2.5 ± 0.1 MPa).[71] However,
it is important to notice that even the lowest UTS value observed (UTSA10=1.9 ± 0.1 MPa) cor-
responds to apply (19 ± 1)×104 kg in 1 m2 of the dressing area, an unlikely situation to occur when
a patient is using a wound dressing. Despite the elastic modulus of human skin ranging between
3.5 to 8 kPa,[72] it has been demonstrated that the proliferation rate of human dermal fibroblasts
is directly proportional to the stiffness of their tested substrates (E=0.5–120 MPa).[73] In this way,
it is expected that 3DECs are capable to enhance cellular proliferation while being mechanically
suitable to fit non-uniform wound sites. Another ideal characteristic of a wound dressing is the
reduction of the necessary dressing changes,[74, 75] which is usually limited by the dressing
physicochemical properties and mechanical stability. To evaluate whether 3DECs could be easily
replaced, it is investigated the dressing properties in three different simulated wound exudate pH
conditions for up to 30 days. Plasma treated 3DECs showed an increased weight loss compared
with the untreated controls, however the overall degradation was less than 3 wt. % (Figure 3.8C).
These findings were cross-validated with UV absorbance measurements at 250 nm, correspond-
ing to the n→π* transition of the ester carbonyl in PCL (Figure 3.8D). The swelling ratio of the
surface modified and unmodified constructs was also assessed over the 30-day study period.
The plasma treated 3DECs also demonstrated a higher swelling ratio compared to untreated ma-
terials, improving their capability to absorb wound exudate (Figure 3.8B). In comparison with the
chemically unmodified scaffolds, and regardless of the medium pH, A5 and A10 exhibited a con-
tinuous swelling decay after day 3. Since it was previously confirmed a degradation lower than 3
wt. % for these materials, it was hypothesized that this decay results exclusively from the pro-
gressive re-organization of the bottom fibrous network after the maximum swelling ratio has been
reached. The absorption process consists in a fluid entering in a scaffold by diffusion and being
drawn by capillary force into the porous regions.[76] The continuous water uptake leads to the
adherence of a water layer on the fiber surface, which reduces the fiber-fiber drag force under
stress. In this way, at the maximum swelling ratio, the generated inner pressure promotes fibrous
network re-orientation due to fiber-fiber sliding, resulting in a smaller average pore size and con-
sequent expelling of fluid. Fiber hydration is likely responsible for the reduction of the 3DEC elastic
modulus and UTS (Figure 3.8E), which is a common phenomenon found in the traditional 2DECs
when wetted.[77, 78] Nonetheless, at day 14 and a pH=7.4, A, A5 and A10 constructs still have
the ability to absorb (12.7 ± 0.6)×104 kg, (11.3 ± 0.2)×104 kg and (11.0 ± 0.3)×104 kg of water per
m2 of dressing area respectively, where the typical dressing thickness is 3.7 ± 0.1 mm, while
demonstrating the mechanical properties needed for dressing changes when necessary.
Characterization of uptake and directionality of a liquid, according to each side of the 3DECs, was
done by investigating both liquid spreading on the dressing surface and imbibition into the dress-
ing inner structure. As shown in Figure 3.2, the induced z-axis asymmetric fiber deposition in
3DECs favors the formation of a protective fibrous bottom layer due to a higher fiber density in
this side. Therefore, the produced 3DECs have a pore size and hydrophobic gradient across the
scaffolds’ thickness that favors fluid handling properties. Analogous to Martins et al.,[69] it has
been chosen to use glycerol for the contact angle measurements due to the similarity of its surface
tension (γ25ºC=62.4 mN.m-1) with water surface tension (γ25ºC=72.0 mN.m-1) and its viscosity, which
is comparable to that of wound exudate. Time-lapse contact angle measurements showed similar
droplet behavior on the bottom side of all 3DECs, where droplet spreading and imbibition did not
take place (Figure 3.9).
Figure 3.9 Spreading and imbibition dynamics. Extended contact angle measurements (A) and correspond-
ing images from the bottom (B) and top (C). Chapter 1 key features achieved: 4 (Protection against second-
ary infection) and 12 (Resists soiling).
The first stage of a drop motion in contact with a dressing is the spreading, meaning the motion
of the three-phase contact line through the dressing surface (see Annex A4). In the case of the
3DECs bottom side, the differences in the polarity of the non-functionalized PCL fibers and glyc-
erol hindered wetting, which in turn inhibits liquid imbibition. Due to the z-axis asymmetric fiber
deposition, the 3DECs topography at the top side is microtexturized. This, in combination with the
higher hydrophilic functionalization, offers a distinct environment for liquid spreading and imbibi-
tion. The surface functionalization of the dressings A5 and A10, in comparison with the A type
constructs, significantly accelerated spreading by an order of magnitude as well as reduced the
total liquid imbibition time to approximately 3 minutes, compared to an approximated 14 minutes
in the A type dressings (Figure 3.8G). While the bottom side of the 3DECs is structurally and
chemically similar, their top sides are only morphologically similar, leading to different spreading
and imbibition dynamics. Conversely, comparing the top and bottom sides of the A type wound
dressings, which have the same chemical composition, it is possible to observe a distinct drop in
spreading and imbibition at the top side. This suggests that the topography of the 3DECs is also
important. It is likely due to the increased porosity and subsequent increase in permeability of the
construct on its top side, caused by the reduction of resistance of the porous medium to flow.
Thus, the observed pore size gradient across the membrane thickness also favors the wound
exudate transport from the top side to the bottom side, while simultaneously hindering the imbi-
bition of external contaminated liquids in the opposite direction.
3.3.3 LbL coating and in vitro assessment of the modified multilayered electro-
spuns constructs
With the successful fabrication of 3DECs, possessing desirable mechanical and structural prop-
erties for wound dressings, it is aimed to incorporate increased functionality to the surface of the
bandage through the use of LbL coatings. An ideal bandage surface would both promote wound
healing as well as impair tissue integration into the construct.[74] These properties would reduce
the time that the bandage would need to be in contact with the wound and reduce the pain asso-
ciated with bandage changes (consult Annex 3B for deep understanding of the polyelectrolyte
selection process). Based on their widely reported benefits in wound healing applications it has
been chosen to incorporate the combination of chitosan (CHI) and hyaluronic acid (HA).[79, 80]
Chitosan is a poly-cationic species and has been used extensively in wound dressings as an anti-
microbial and pro-clotting agent.[81] Hyaluronic acid is also widely used in bandages and resorb-
able matrices due to its high biocompatibility and role in the natural extracellular matrix.[82] To
reduce tissue integration into the dressing it was aimed to achieve a coating that both bridges the
pores of the top of the construct, providing a physical barrier to penetration, and has a low elastic
modulus to reduce cell adherence.[83] Films were deposited on the plasma treated surface of the
3DECs by the spray-LbL method which was not observed to significantly alter the structure of the
3DECs (Figure 3.10-3.11). The film architecture of (CHI/HA) x, where x is the number of bilayer
repeats, was first studied by assembling films on oxygen plasma treated glass substrates. Thick-
ness and roughness properties of the film were determined by profilometry (Figure 3.12A).
The film was observed to deposit in a near-linear fashion with an average growth rate of 25 ± 4
nm per bilayer (R2=0.98), reaching a thickness of (26 ± 4)×10 nm after 10 bilayers. Coating of
3DECs was performed similarly, generating three-dimensional multilayered electrospun con-
structs (3DMECs). To evaluate the uniformity of the coating, fluorescently labeled HA was used
Figure 3.10 SEM cross-section images of a coated protrusion evidencing the electrospun fibers self-assem-
bly. The fiber based network evidences a high tortuosity. (A, scale bar=50 μm; B/C, scale bar=10 μm).
Figure 3.11 LbL coated protrusions characterization. A, SEM image from a 3DMEC top side (scale bar=500
μm). B, Shape descriptors distributions. C, Three-dimensional reconstruction of a coated protrusion.
in film assembly and coated substrates were imaged via fluorescent imaging (Figure 3.12B). The
3DMECs were successfully coated by the LbL film while preserving their unique topography.
Moreover, by comparing the top and bottom sides of 3DMECs, the materials showed significantly
increased material adsorption to their top surface side (Figure 3.13), which is expected due to
the direction of film deposition and the constructs’ unidirectional permeability.
Figure 3.12 Chitosan and hyaluronic acid incorporation through spray-LbL. A, Film thickness growth as
opposed to the number of repeated film architectures after spraying (LPEI/DS)10 as a base layer (BL). Atomic
force micrograph at 10 repeated bilayers of CHI/HA (scale bar=5 μm). B, Flat-bed imaging of different
3DMECs perspectives (i, region scanned without sample; ii, bottom surface; iii, top surface; scale bar=2
mm). C, Representative confocal images from a set of 33 figures with a height step of 7.17 μm, evidencing
a conformal coating across the protrusion (scale bar=2 mm). D, SEM images from (1) bottom, (2) top and
(6,9) cross section perspectives. Images 4-6 are representative of a protrusion (P), images 7-9 are repre-
sentative of an interprotrusion space (valley, V). Images 1 and 2 have a scale bar=200 μm, where the inset
scale bar in 1=5 μm. Images 4-9 have a scale bar=50 μm.
Confocal microscopy (Figure 3.12C) and scanning electron microscopy (Figure 3.12D), were
also used to assess the LbL coating on the 3DMECs. Both techniques showed a uniform coating
of the protrusions and their interspaces. SEM imaging also suggested little to no coating on the
bottom side of the scaffolds, with the electrospun fibers appearing similar to uncoated substrates.
Despite the film adherence and uniformity of the coating on the construct, there is very little pen-
etration of the film into the porous fibrous network within the material (Figure 3.14). The process
of spraying also yielded a unique morphology to develop on the surface of the 3DMECs, on gen-
erating particles with an average diameter of 6 ± 4 µm on the construct surface, primarily in the
interspaces between protrusions (Figure 3.15). It was hypothesized that the poor film interpene-
tration as well as the particle generation were related to both the pressure gradient across the
Figure 3.13 LbL coated protrusions characterization. A, SEM image from a 3DMEC top side (scale bar=500
μm). B, Shape descriptors distributions. C, Three-dimensional reconstruction of a coated protrusion.
Figure 3.14 SEM images (A, B and C) and pseudo-colored SEM (D, E and G) of a pulled out coated pro-
trusion. (A/D, scale bar=100 μm; B/E, scale bar=50 μm; C/F, scale bar=1 μm).
materials and the HA solution viscosity. Due to the hygroscopic nature of chitosan and hyaluronic
acid, water uptake contributes to the generation of a rubbery film layer,[84] with poor rigidity and
consequent reduced cellular adhesion on the top of the scaffold (Figure 3.16). In contrast, when
NIH-3T3 cells were purposely seeded in the 3DMECs lacking the LbL film coating, there was
significant cellular adhesion (Figure 3.17).
Figure 3.15 Morphological characterization at the interprotrusion space. SEM images at different magnifi-
cations (A, scale bar=50 μm; B, scale bar=5 μm; C, scale bar=1 μm). D, Microparticle distribution (N=50;
BIC, Bayesian Information Criteria).
To determine the effect of the film coating on important wound dressing properties, it was evalu-
ated the changes in swelling ratio, water vapor transmission, and thermal insulation for coated
and uncoated constructs. The LbL film coatings led to significant increases in the swelling of the
dressings (Figure 3.18A), achieving a 1.6-fold increase in the A10 type constructs over its un-
coated control. The combination of the plasma treatment and LbL functionalization, allows the
generation of a range of wound dressings with different absorption capabilities, a versatile feature
for physicians selecting the proper wound dressing for a patient.[85]
As important as the ability to promote the uptake of wound exudate, the water vapor transmis-
sion rate (WVTR) is critical when selecting a wound dressing. Ideal dressings must favor the
presence of a moist wound environment to avoid dehydration and dressing adherence, while
avoiding maceration of the healthy surrounding tissue.[86] Non-plasma treated three-dimensiona
wound dressings consistently demonstrated increased WVTR compared to commercially availa-
ble dressings (Figure 3.18B), which is primarily due to the 3DECs porosity and thickness. Incor-
poration of LbL in 3DECs caused a significant drop in WVTR, which it was hypothesized is due
to increased water retention within the (CHI/HA) 10 film due to swelling and the film’s role as a
barrier to diffusion. The thermal insulation of a recovering wound has also been highlighted as an
Figure 3.16 Phase contrast and fluorescent microscopy images of cell seeded 3DMECs top side evidencing
the LbL film swelling (A,B scale bar=500 μm; C, scale bar=200 μm). Dark dots were placed at the protrusions
important feature in the design of wound dressings which can significantly impact wound heal-
ing.[87-89] When wound-tissue temperature falls below 33 ºC neutrophil, fibroblast and epithelial
cell activity decreases,[90] leading to a poor healing. In our assessment (Figure 3.18C), both
3DECs and 3DMECs have shown the ability to thermally insulate a wound bed environment.
After demonstrating that the (CHI/HA) 10 film coating can significantly reduce cell adhesion to the
coated bandage while maintaining its desired properties as a wound dressing, we set out to de-
termine if the incorporated materials, in particular HA, had an in vitro healing benefit. Hyaluronic
acid has been reported to interact with cell surface receptors as CD44, RHAMM and ICAM-1,
favoring cellular proliferation and migration.[82] The release of fluorescent labeled HA from hy-
drated bandages was evaluated in PBS and in cell conditioned media at 37 ºC for 7 days (Figure
Figure 3.17 Phase contrast and fluorescent microscopy images from a cell seeded 3DEC top side at differ-
ent z-planes evidencing simultaneously multiple protrusion, z-axis built in formation and parallel fibers be-
tween protrusions (A, scale bar=500 μm; B, scale bar=200 μm; C, scale bar=100 μm). D, Scheme regarding
the presence of parallel fibers between protrusions.
Release of HA from 3DMECs was sustained for the seven day period with a linear profile regard-
less of the type of construct or release media. A-type 3DECs were observed to release more HA
during the study period in both environments, releasing nearly all of the coated HA in cell condi-
tioned media (Figure 3.19B). A10-type dressings showed the slowest and most sustained HA
Figure 3.18 LbL-film incorporation influence in dressing properties. A, Swelling ratio (*, p-value < 0.01; **,
p-value < 0.025). B, Water vapor transmission rate (Green, Normal skin; Blue, Tegaderm®; Red, OpSite®).
C, Thermal insulation of A-type three-dimensional construct in which red stands as the wound bed temper-
ature, and blue stands as the temperature at the constructs top side. Chapter 1 key features achieved: 1
(Prevents dehydration), 3 (Provides absorption) and 14 (Unchanged proprieties according to temperature
and humidity)
Figure 3.19 Hyaluronic acid release assessment. A, Hyaluronic acid release in cell conditioned media
(CCM), in PBS (*, p-value < 0.025) and after sonicating samples during 30 min. B, Release kinetic constants
(k) and total percentage of release at day 7 estimation with 95% confidence bounds. C, Wound scratch
assay of uncoated, A-type and A10-type 3DMECs. D, Gap closure dynamics and cell shape analysis at the
scratch. Chapter 1 key features achieved: 6 (Non-adherent) and 16 (Wound sealing, lateral fluid impermea-
bility with maceration minimization),
release comparatively to the other specimens. Due to their distinct HA incorporation and release
profiles, uncoated, A-type, and A10-type three dimensional scaffolds were used for in vitro wound
scratch assays.
In general, groups treated with release media from 3DECs coated with (CHI/HA) 10 were observed
to close the scratch faster than uncoated control bandage treated groups (Figure 3.19C,D). After
48 hours, A-type and A10-type 3DMECs reached 87 ± 4 % and 90 ± 0.5 % of wound closure
respectively, in contrast to 70 ± 2 % observed in groups treated with the uncoated 3DECs. Cell
shape was assessed within the scratch region to help determine the cellular behavior and prolif-
eration within the defect. Groups treated with 3DMECs showed significantly reduced cell areas
and increased cell circularity compared to uncoated controls after only 12 hours and was sus-
tained for the two day test period. This supports the hypothesis that the released material pro-
motes cell proliferation, suggesting that confluence is reached sooner when using these LbL
coated constructs.
In this chapter it was produced for the first time bioinspired three-dimensional multilayered elec-
trospun constructs. The generated scaffolds are characterized by a flat bottom side and a top
side populated with fibrous-based microsized protrusions, which have a median inter-protusion
distance of 528 µm and a median peak density of 73 peaks per cm2. These constructs can be
readily produced by taking advantage of the self-organization phenomena when electrospinning
PCL nanofibers. As prepared these materials are capable of withstanding (11.0 ± 0.3)×10 4 kg per
m2 after 14 days of hydration. Their unique asymmetry promotes unidirectional liquid uptake (from
the top side towards the inner structure of the materials), while being impermeable to potential
external liquid-forms of infection at its bottom side. Nevertheless, such constructs also observed
the high porosity (89.9%) and high surface area (1.44 m2.g-1) characteristic of traditional electro-
spun mats. To incorporate broader functionality into these dressings it was used spray-LbL as-
sembly to create an ultrathin coating on the top surface of the scaffolds consisting in chitosan and
hyaluronic acid, two biocompatible polymers widely used in the field of wound care. This coating
reduced cellular adhesion on the constructs throughout the generation of a rubbery film layer,
which would also provide a means to tailor water vapor transmission and swelling ratio for differ-
ent wound environments specifications (e.g. ischemic wounds, I/II/III-degree burns, etc.). Moreo-
ver, the three-dimensional fibrous constructs treated with LbL were able to achieve 90 ± 0.5 % of
wound closure within 48 hours, comparatively to 70 ± 2 % verified for uncoated dressings. This
work provides an important first step in producing electrospun wound dressings that can better
meet the needs of medical practitioners and improve patient care, while taking advantages of
already, but limited, two-dimensional fibrous bandages and fabrication methods.
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Concluding Remarks
This chapter summarizes the principal findings of this thesis. It is reviewed the electrostatic self-
assembled fabrication process of the generated wound dressings, while it is provided a clear
understanding of the process. Optimization and further guidance for the production of future con-
structs are provided as well. Herein it is also highlighted the surface functionalization of the wound
dressing substrates through the layer-by-layer technique, preceded by the characterization of the
final product as a wound dressing. Nevertheless, and regarding the interest of those that aim to
continue the work here reported, further guidance is also provided regarding key aspects for an
ideal wound dressing.
Upon the clear demonstration in Chapter 1 that there is no such thing as an “ideal” wound dress-
ing, the strategy followed in this thesis was the conceptualization and fabrication of a common
wound dressing substrate that can be readily tailored throughout common techniques according
to the wound to be treated. It was reviewed in Chapter 1 the most important functional require-
ments for a wound dressing, while such requirements were properly framed according to the
biochemical pathways of the regeneration process. From the very beginning of the work plan
under the scope of this thesis, sixteen key features were defined (Figure 1.5), and they will be
now contextualized.
Chapter 2 was dedicated to report the fabrication method of the wound dressing substrate. The
writer envisioned a process based on electrostatic driven self-assembly to generate asymmetrical
wound dressing substrates, where two distinct morphologies could be obtained in the same sub-
strate. At the top side of the dressing, it was planned to conceive a smooth and hydrophobic
surface that would hinder particulate contamination and the imbibition of external fluids. On the
other hand, at the bottom side of the dressing, the writer envisioned a structure that could en-
hance the interaction between the wound injured surface and the proposed dressing. By coupling
the information within in Chapter 2 retained through simulations and experimental data, it was
understood that the self-assembly mechanism relies on a balance between attractive and repul-
sive electrostatic forces. Initially, the electrospun fibers form a flat mesh while high density fiber
regions are favored due to a random fiber deposition. From the moment that the fibers reach the
grounded collector, their charges are conducted away turning these electrospun elements neu-
tral. However, the necessary electric field to continuously electrospin new fibers will polarize the
already collected ones. Such fibers acquire a negatively charged network oriented toward the
nozzle, which will attract the positive incoming aerial and disordered fibers towards their position.
This in situ polarization degree is strengthened by higher amounts of clustered fibers, and there-
fore the initial high density fibrous regions are the preliminary motifs for the self-assembly mech-
anism. As such regions increase their in situ polarization electrostatic repulsive forces will appear,
favoring a competitive growth of these self-assembled fibrous clusters. It was also verified that
very intense fields or high concentrated solutions favor strong polarization degrees and the locally
assembled fibrous-based constructs cannot self-close, appearing as almost straightforward lines.
On the other hand, weak fields or diluted polymer solutions allow a higher bending of the locally
assembled fibrous-based constructs, contributing to the production of resembling circular-like
cells. By tuning the in situ polarization, through controlling the electric field intensity, time of pro-
duction, polymer solution concentration, environmental temperature and relative humidity, it is
possible to microtexturize electrospun mats that will be used as wound dressing substrates. The
author suggests those that want to continue his work to take in consideration the previously high-
lighted importance of the dipolar moment when self-assembling novel electrospun substrates (Ta-
ble 4.1).
In Chapter 3 the fabricated scaffolds characterized by a flat bottom side and a top side populated
with fibrous-based microsized protrusions, which have a median inter-protusion distance of 528
µm and a median peak density of 73 peaks per cm2, are functionalized through the layer-by-layer
technique. The use of PCL allows the fabrication of wound dressings substrates able to be steri-
lize (key feature 2), offering as a starting point a FDA approved material that is non-toxic (key
feature 7), non-allergenic (key feature 8) and non-flammable (key feature 13), while in addition
also offers a long shelf life (key feature 15). As prepared these materials are capable of with-
standing (11.0 ± 0.3)×104 kg per m2 after 14 days of hydration (key feature 5: Good mechanical
protection; key feature 11: Resists tearing). Their unique asymmetry promotes unidirectional liq-
uid uptake (from the top side towards the inner structure of the materials), while being imperme-
able to potential external liquid-forms of infection at its bottom side (key feature 4; key feature
12). Nevertheless, such constructs also observed the high porosity (89.9%) (key feature 1: Per-
meable to oxygen) and high surface area (1.44 m2.g-1) characteristic of traditional electrospun
mats. Moreover, the generated constructs could maintain their topography regardless their con-
formation (flat or bent), demonstrating their suitably to conform different anatomical contours (key
feature 10). Up to 30 days, the proposed wound dressings evidence reduced degradation and
debris formation (key feature 9). The reported constructs have shown a desired thermal insula-
tion, as well as a stable behavior in aqueous environments (key feature 14). To incorporate
broader functionality into these dressings it was used spray-LbL assembly to create an ultrathin
coating on the top surface of the scaffolds. Several combinations of polyelectrolytes (chitosan,
gelatin, alginate, hyaluronic acid, poly-1, linear polyethyleneimine and dextran sulphate) and layer
numbers (n = 1, 3, 5 or 10) are tested regarding the physicochemical properties of the generated
multi-layered films. A chitosan/hyaluronic acid reduced cellular adhesion on the constructs
throughout the generation of a rubbery film layer (key feature 6; key feature 16), which would also
provide a means to tailor water vapor transmission (key feature 1) and swelling ratio (key feature
3) for different wound environments specifications (e.g. ischemic wounds, I/II/III-degree burns,
etc.). Moreover, the three-dimensional fibrous constructs treated with LbL were able to achieve
90 ± 0.5 % of wound closure within 48 hours, comparatively to 70 ± 2 % verified for uncoated
dressings, while avoiding cellular adhesion.
In summary, from the design of a novel technique to produce asymmetrical substrates, towards
the selection of polyelectrolytes to functionalize the wound dressings and their in vitro assess-
ment, this thesis has achieved all the sixteen key features proposed. Nevertheless, and contrib-
uting to the continuation of this project, the author suggest a set of research directions towards
Table 4.1 Hansen solubility polar parameters database for future work.
Dispersion forces parameter, Dipolar forces parameter, Hydrogen forces parameter,
Polymer Reference
δD (MPa0.5) δP (MPa0.5) δH (MPa0.5)
Poly(ethylmethacrylate) 18,8 10,8 4,3 A
Poly(ethyleneoxide) 22,2 11,2 13,2 A
Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) 18,6 11,3 16,8 E
Poly(L-lactide) 16,3 11,7 11,5 E
Poly(vinylidenefluoride) 17,0 12,1 10,2 A
Poly(vinylidenefluoride) 17,2 12,5 9,2 F
Polyvinyl Alcohol 17,2 13,6 15,4 A
Polyacrylonitrile 21,7 14,1 9,1 A
Poly(glycolide) 19,4 14,4 14,3 C
Poly(acrylic acid) 19,1 14,7 12,4 E
Chitin 21,2 19,1 27,3 E
Dextran 24,3 19,9 22,5 G
Chitosan – 50% deacetylation degree 20,8 19,9 28,5 E
Chitosan – 60% deacetylation degree 20,7 20,1 28,7 E
Chitosan – 70% deacetylation degree 20,6 20,2 29,0 E
Chitosan – 80% deacetylation degree 20,5 20,4 29,2 E
Chitosan – 90% deacetylation degree 20,4 20,5 29,5 E
Chitosan 20,3 20,7 29,7 E
Hyaluronic Acid 25,7 21,9 27,8 E
Alginate 21,3 22,4 28,0 E
AHansen CM., Hansen Solubility Parameters: A User's Handbook: CRC Press (1999); BSchenderlein et al., International Journal of Pharmaceutics 286 (2004) 19-
26;CLiu et al., Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 93 (2004) 132-143; D Bernardo et al., European Polymer Journal 43 (2007) 938–948; EMean values from the
Hoy's system and Van-Krevelen-Hoftyzer calculation methods employed by the thesis’ author; FBottino et al., Journal of Polymer Science: Part B: Polymer Physics,
26 (1988) 785-794; GAntoniou et al., European Polymer Journal 46 (2010) 324-335
the further development of these materials. Due to the different domains embraced in this thesis,
the author has divided his suggestion according to the following categories: (i) apparatus and
technique improvement; (ii) new polymeric constructs and applications, and (iii) novel coatings
and potential biotargets.
Annex I: Annex A Relative to Chapter 2
This annex comprises the graphical representation of the flow curves of PCL polymer solutions
in 40AA/60FA at different concentrations. In addition, SEM micrographs of as-spun poly(ε-capro-
lactone) and chitosan blends.
Figure 2A.1 Flow curves of PCL polymer solutions in 40AA/60FA at different concentrations.
In order to properly explore the novel electrostatic driven self-assembly mechanism, two experi-
ments were conducted. Initially, a polymer blend of poly(ε-caprolactone) and chitosan was elec-
trospun. Chitosan was chosen due to its reported benefit in wound dressing applications,[1-3]
while it acts also as a polycation in an AA/FA media. In comparison with the reported electrospun
constructs in Chapter 2, it was not observed any evidence of self-assembly at the minimum fea-
sible electrospinning conditions, due to the charge neutralization promoted by chitosan.
Figure 2A.2 SEM micrographs of poly(ε-caprolactone) and chitosan 95/5 % wt. polymeric blend (1, scale
bar = 2 µm; 2, scale bar = 1 µm; 3, scale bar = 1 µm). A, The experimental conditions were 14 wt. % total
polymer content in 40 AA/60 FA (v/v) at 4.2 -1 (potential difference = 25 kV and nozzle–collector dis-
tance = 6 cm) with a flow rate of 0.10 mL.h-1. The surrounding environment was set at 20 ºC and a humidity
level of 50 ± 1%. B, The experimental conditions were 20 wt. % total polymer content in 40 AA/60 FA (v/v)
at 4.2 (potential difference = 25 kV and nozzle–collector distance = 6 cm) with a flow rate of 0.10
mL.h-1. The surrounding environment was set at 20 ºC and a humidity level of 50 ± 1%.
Figure 2A.3 SEM micrographs of poly(ε-caprolactone) and chitosan 90/10 % wt. polymeric blend (1, scale
bar = 2 µm; 2, scale bar = 1 µm; 3, scale bar = 1 µm). A, The experimental conditions were 10 wt. % total
polymer content in 40 AA/60 FA (v/v) at 7.0 (potential difference = 28 kV and nozzle–collector dis-
tance = 4 cm) with a flow rate of 0.10 mL.h-1. The surrounding environment was set at 20 ºC and a humidity
level of 50 ± 1%. B, The experimental conditions were 14 wt. % total polymer content in 40 AA/60 FA (v/v)
at 7.0 (potential difference = 28 kV and nozzle–collector distance = 4 cm) with a flow rate of 0.10
mL.h-1. The surrounding environment was set at 20 ºC and a humidity level of 50 ± 1%.
[1] Patrulea V, Ostafe V, Borchard G, Jordan O. Chitosan as a starting material for wound healing
applications. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics. 2015;97, Part B:417-
[2] Francesko A, Tzanov T. Chitin, Chitosan and Derivatives for Wound Healing and Tissue
Engineering. In: Nyanhongo SG, Steiner W, Gübitz G, editors. Biofunctionalization of Polymers
and their Applications. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2011. p. 1-27.
[3] Azad AK, Sermsintham N, Chandrkrachang S, Stevens WF. Chitosan membrane as a wound-
healing dressing: Characterization and clinical application. Journal of Biomedical Materials
Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials. 2004;69B:216-22.
Annex II: Annex A Relative to Chapter 3
This annex comprises the fiber distribution of the generated wound dressing substrates. Moreo-
ver, full disclosure of the reasoning behind the study of spreading and imbibition study is also
Figure 3A.1 Example of a three-dimensional electrospun constructs within the radio frequency tubular re-
actor for plasma treatment, placed on a non-porous metallic plate.
Figure 3A.2 3DECs fiber diameter distribution in the bottom side. The constructs shown a bimodal fiber
distribution characterized by two independent log-logistic distribution (Population 1, BIC=742.075; Popula-
tion 2, BIC=583.582).
Scheme 3A.1 Resting droplet assay in a 3DEC construct. A, Spreading and imbibition study variables: Δ,
construct thickness; θ, contact angle; H, drop height; L, drop base diameter; Vp, droplet volume; Vd, imbibed
droplet volume; B, Oblique liquid absorption as a combination of the spreading and imbibition stages (blue
As previously highlighted, an ideal dressing is described as a construct which is impermeable to
external liquids (avoiding sources of infection), while still allows the wound exudate uptake at the
dressing-tissue boundary. The kinetics of wound exudate absorption over a porous wound dress-
ing results of an interplay of two processes: i) the exudate spreading on the dressing interface,
and ii) the exudate imbibition into the dressing inner structure. The superposition of the spreading
and imbibition stages can be described as:
= u∗ + u0 (Equation 3A. 1)
where H is the height of a resting test drop in the material surface, u* and u0 are the velocities of
the spreading and imbibition stages. It is important to note that the free energy (Φ) of a fluid drop
with a volume V, in contact with a 3DEC surface, can be described as:
L 2
ϕ = γS + Pe V + π ( ) (γSL − γSV ) (Equation 3A. 2)
where γ is the liquid surface tension, S is the liquid-air interface area, Pe is the excess pressure
inside the droplet, γSL and γSV are the solid-liquid and solid-vapor interfacial tension respectively.
According to the previous equation, the free energy of a liquid drop is proportional to the dressing-
liquid interfacial tension and it is also proportional to the square of the drop base diameter (L). As
shown in Figure 3.2, the induced z-axis asymmetric fiber deposition in 3DECs favors the for-
mation of a protective fibrous bottom layer due to a higher fiber density in this side. Therefore,
the produced 3DECs have a pore size and hydrophobic gradient across the constructs’ thickness,
favoring the presence of side dependent fluid handling properties in the same material. Analogous
to Martins et al.,[1] the contact angle measurements relied on the use of glycerol due to the sim-
ilarity of its surface tension (γ25ºC=62.4 mN.m-1) with the water surface tension (γ25ºC=72.0 mN.m-
) and the viscous-like behavior comparatively to wound exudate. From Figure 3.9, one can ob-
serve that the contact angle at the 3DECs bottom side does not change regardless the time or
type of construct. This observation is aligned with our earlier findings. Previously we showed that
despite the use of plasma to chemically modify 3DECs, the use of a metallic plate hindered the
functionalization in this region, contributing to a chemically unmodified bottom side. Therefore,
A5 and A10 evidence a similar chemical composition comparatively to A at this region, leading to
similar γSL and γSV values in this construct’s side. In addition, it was also possible to observe earlier
that the bottom side fibrous network is structurally similar in A, A5 and A10, which contributes to
comparable solid-liquid interfaces. Hence, according to equation 3A.2, and since the characteri-
zation approach was the same for all the specimens, Φ A ~ ΦA5 ~ ΦA10 in this region of the dress-
ings, justifying the similar contact angles observed at this constructs side. Moreover, at this
3DECs side, the drop spreading and imbibition do not take place, leading to an unperturbed drop-
let base radius and profile. As stated above, the first stage of a drop motion in contact with a
dressing is the spreading, meaning the motion of the three-phase contact line through the dress-
ing surface (Scheme 3A.1). Such motion results from the in situ distortion of the droplet spherical
shape caused by its capillary pressure (Pcap), generating a new incremental contact region where
the disjoining pressure (Π) comes into play.[2] If Π < Pcap, the liquid in contact with the wound
dressings spreads, otherwise if Π > Pcap the spreading does not occur which is observed in the
constructs top side. According to the DLVO theory, the total disjoining pressure is a sum of two
main components: molecular (Πm) and electrostatic (Πe), where Π(H) ~ Πm(H) + Πe(H). The mo-
lecular component of the disjoining pressure results from the van der Waals forces acting at the
interfacial region,[3] while the electrostatic component results from the electrostatic interaction
between the surface and contacting liquid. Moreover, the total disjoining pressure is proportional
to the Gibbs free energy per unit of the interlayer area,[4] meaning that favorable dispersive and
electrostatic forces, between the dressing and the contacting liquid, promote the droplet initial
spreading (lower values of Π). In the case of the 3DECs bottom side, the differences in the polarity
of the non-functionalized PCL fibers and glycerol hindered their intermolecular interactions, con-
tributing for a higher disjoining pressure in comparison to the droplet capillary pressure, which
inhibits the liquid spreading and imbibition at the 3DECs bottom side. Due to the z-axis asymmet-
ric fiber deposition, the 3DECs topography at their top side is microtexturized. The observed
higher hydrophilic functionalization, offer a distinct environment for liquid spreading and imbibi-
tion. According to Figure 3.9, it is possible to observe the contact angle decay in all the tested
specimens, where the A type constructs evidence the highest contact angle measurements. Fur-
thermore, it is also possible to verify a distinct drop profile and dynamic base diameter in all the
analyzed constructs comparatively to the 3DECs top side. As stated above, the first stage in a
droplet motion is the droplet’s spreading. If this stage is hindered, the imbibition of the contacting
liquid is compromised. In this way, in order to enhance the wound exudate uptake process, the
wound dressing must initially favor the condition Π < P cap, by tuning the chemical nature of the
dressing while aiming to enhance the intermolecular interaction with the wound exudate. The top
surface functionalization of the dressings A5 and A10, in comparison with the A type constructs,
enhances the spreading stage where u* is 1 order of magnitude faster. In addition, these plasma
treated 3DECs showed a total liquid imbibition at t ~ 3 minutes, while the A type dressings present
an extrapolated time value of ~ 14 minutes for total imbibition as well. While the bottom side of
the produced 3DECs is structurally and chemically similar, their top sides only resemble in their
structure, leading to different spreading and imbibition dynamics. Despite the chemical surface
modification, the topography of the 3DECs top side reveals to be also important. When comparing
the top and bottom sides of the A type wound dressings, which have the same chemical compo-
sition, it is possible to observe a distinct drop spreading and imbibition at the top side. According
to Darcy’s equation, the liquid imbibition over a saturated dressing can be described as:
dH K p Pcap
~ ∗ (Equation 3A. 3)
dt η z
where –Δ<z<0 and Kp is the permeability of the porous dressing. Several authors[5] have suc-
cessfully correlated Kp with the porosity of fibrous materials. Generally, it is observed that as the
materials’ porosity increases the construct becomes more permeable, since the resistance of the
porous medium to flow decreases. Thus, the observed pore size gradient across the membranes
thickness favors the wound exudate transport at the top side towards the construct bottom side,
while simultaneously hinders the imbibition of external contaminated liquids on the opposite di-
[1] Martins A, Pinho ED, Faria S, Pashkuleva I, Marques AP, Reis RL, et al. Surface Modification
of Electrospun Polycaprolactone Nanofiber Meshes by Plasma Treatment to Enhance Biological
Performance. Small 2009;5:1195-206.
[2] Boinovich L, Emelyanenko A. The prediction of wettability of curved surfaces on the basis of
the isotherms of the disjoining pressure. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and
Engineering Aspects 2011;383:10-6.
[3] Li L, Köpf MH, Gurevich SV, Friedrich R, Chi L. Structure Formation by Dynamic Self-
Assembly. Small 2012;8:488-503.
[4] Boinovich L. DLVO forces in thin liquid films beyond the conventional DLVO theory. Current
Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 2010;15:297-302.
[5] Dullien FAL. 4 - Selected Operations Involving Transport of a Single Fluid Phase through a
Porous Medium. Porous Media (Second Edition). San Diego: Academic Press; 1992. p. 319-32.
Annex III: Annex B Relative to Chapter 3
With the secondary title “Functional Materials According to Non-specific Cell-Material Mediating
Mechanisms”, this annex explores different polyelectrolytes and their combinations in order to
select the most suitable pair for the generated wound dressing substrate in Chapter 3. The se-
lection is primarily made by evaluating the polyelectrolytes performance in avoiding cellular ad-
hesion on such coatings in the extended period of 10 days. Additional, molecular docking studies
are performed in order to find suitable MMP-9 inhibitors, which are also compatible with the se-
lected polyelectrolyte pair. Ten inhibitors are selected from a public database of FDA approved
pharmaceutical compounds (ZINC12, University of California, San Francisco). The selection pro-
cess is based on the ligand efficiency to MPP-9 and computed Hanse parameters.
The overall performance of functional biomaterials, either responding to biomolecules or organ-
isms, either dynamically adapting to physicochemical modifications in the surrounding environ-
ment, is governed by the established environment-material interface.[1] As the local surrounding
milieu modification is often complex to achieve, scientists and engineers have relied on the use
of material coating technologies as a mean to tailor the surface of constructs, redesigning their
interface properties to specifically address the systems complexity. Prevalently, layer-by-layer
(LbL) assembly has been used as a technique for coating constructs with ultra-thin functional
films, generating novel materials suitable for drug delivery, scaffolds and biosensors.[2] Upon on
LbL’s simplicity and versatility, this technique comprises the alternating adsorption of material
species through complementary molecular interactions such electrostatic, covalent, host-guest or
hydrogen bonding, in which polymers, proteins, lipids or nucleic acids can be used as film con-
stituents.[3-5] The sequential exposure of a construct to the species that compose the multi-
layered films, has proven to generate an uniform coating independently the substrate’s nature:
planar, porous, or particulate;[6] even when using different LbL assembly approaches such spray-
ing, spin-casting, dipping, microfluidics or others.[7]
LbL’s modularity and adaptability of design, in addition of being an aqueous process, empower
researchers with a broad set of strategies to reengineer the interface properties of biomaterials,
especially when aiming to tailor cellular adhesion. For example, by changing the polyelectrolyte
at the final layer, Picollet-D’hahan et al.[8] observed that poly(allylamine hydrochloride)-termi-
nated films prevented long-term adhesion of epithelial cancerous prostatic cells, comparatively to
fibronectin or poly(sodium 4-styrenesulphonate)-terminated surfaces. Alternatively, Blacklock et
al.[9] while studying reducible hyperbranched poly(amide amine) and DNA multi-layered films,
concluded that significant differences in cell attachment, growth and transfection activity are pos-
sible to achieve when modifying the rigidity of such bilayered architectures. The cellular adhesion
phenomena has a strong impact on other biological processes including cell spreading, migration,
polarization and differentiation,[10] being therefore an important feature to consider when devel-
oping biomaterials.
With the exception of artificial materials for epithelial regeneration (e.g. wound dressings for
wound healing), or blood contacting materials, constructs designed for tissue engineering should
be cell adhesive.[11, 12] The cellular adhesion phenomena is ruled by specific and non-specific
mechanisms, mediated through the presence of cellular focal adhesions,[11, 13, 14] protein clus-
ters composed by dimeric transmembrane integrins (α and β subtypes) and extracellular ECM
binding motifs. Accordingly to the type of interaction between the focal adhesions and the scaffold,
such interactions can be sorted into three main categories: (i) specific molecular recognition in-
teractions; (ii) non-specific protein-scaffold interactions; and, (iii) non-specific morphological cell-
material interactions. The first category is related to the specific biding between the non-covalently
associated α and β subunits with cell adhesive peptide domains,[14] such as GEFYFDLRLKGDK
(from collagen IV), YIGSR (from laminin) or the ubiquitous RGD, sequences that can be used to
decorate a biomaterial’s surface. In the lack of specific peptide domains, cellular adhesion can be
trigger via non-specific protein adsorption onto a scaffold,[15] a mechanism dependent on the
construct’s physicochemical surface properties (e.g.: charge density, wettability, surface energy
and chemical groups). As the last category, cell-material anchorage can be tailored through non-
specific events of cellular interaction accordingly to the surface roughness and topology of the
construct.[16] In addition to be involved in the cell-material anchorage, focal adhesions also exert
the responsibility for sensing the mechanical properties of the potentially adhesive substrate. β
integrins interact with the actin cytoskeleton via Talin and Vinculin, unravelling the traction forces
generated by the actin cytoskeleton, which enables to sense the mechanical properties of a sub-
strate’s interface (e.g. stiffness) upon contact.[17] Therefore, the long-term cellular adhesion on
a biomaterial (and consequent biological processes, for example, cellular spreading and prolifer-
ation), depends not only on the type of cell-material anchorage, but also, on the spatiotemporal
mechanical properties of the scaffold’s interface[18] upon phenomena such as the surface deg-
radation or hydration.
Thus, in order to reengineer the surface of a scaffold for controlling the level of cellular adhesion,
one must balance the contribution of specific and non-specific mechanisms that promote cell-
material anchorage, with the proper stability of the interfacial mechanical properties for the scaf-
fold in use. The satisfaction of just one criteria might be not enough to promote (or avoid) the cells
adherence. Upon the unclear non-specific cellular adhesion mechanisms and on how they are
intercorrelated, developing a biomaterial is often pursed on a trial-and-error basis, a time con-
suming and expensive approach,[19] that can lead to different results even when using the same
type of construct. For instance, Liu et al.[20] reported an anti-adhesion cellular effect on poly-ι-
lactic acid (PLLA) electrospun membranes, while conversely Corey et al.[21] observed cellular
adherence on the same PLLA constructs when properly fiber-oriented. Despite scientists and
engineers relying on published observations, the generation of novel scaffolds often shows a new
paradigm which is initially unpredictable, since it converges to a new combination of cell-material
anchorage and adhesion mechanisms to be used in a novel set of physiological conditions.
In this work, several combinations of polyelectrolytes and layer numbers are tested regarding the
physicochemical properties of the generated multi-layered films, as well as the cellular adhesion
on these constructs. It is intended to formulate, test and control, the underlying phenomena that
avoids the cellular adhesion and proliferation on the future wound dressings. Therefore, and in
compliance with the requirements for an ideal wound dressing as described in Chapter 1, layer-
by-layer films are designed and studied towards the exploration of non-specific cell-material me-
diating mechanisms (Figure 3B.1). The main findings of the present content will allow to set the
best polyelectrolyte multilayer coating.
Figure 3B.1 Spray Layer-by-Layer (spray LbL) for surface coating of biomedical relevant scaffolds. A, Sche-
matics of the spray LbL process where polyelectrolytes can be orderly and repeatedly (n) sprayed, in order
to form surface coatings comprising bilayered (X1/Y2)n or tetralayered architectures (X1/Y1/X2/Y2)n on bio-
medical relevant materials through convective flow. B, Impact on the cellular shape according to the LbL
coating suitability for cell adhesion, whereas non-adherent cells will evidence spherical forms (circularity ~
1) and adherent cells will demonstrate elongated forms (circularity ~ 0) .
The fabrication of LbL coated constructs was followed as reported in literature.[22, 23] Briefly,
glass slides were initially cleaned with methanol, ethanol, 2-propanol and mili-q water, and gently
dried under a nitrogen flow. The multi-layered films were built on the glass slides by using a
programmable spray LbL apparatus (Svaya Nanotechnologies). Polyelectrolytes were alternately
sprayed during 20 seconds with a wash step of 5 seconds, while combinatorially generating dif-
ferent types of polycation/polyanion bilayers and/or number of bilayers. Chitosan (Mw~15.0×10 3
g.mol-1, Polyscience Inc.) and Gelatin (Mw~20.0-25.0×103 g.mol-1, Sigma-Aldrich) were used as
polycations, whereas Alginate (Mw~20.0×10 3 g.mol-1, Sigma-Aldrich), Hyaluronic Acid
(Mw~2.0×106 g.mol-1, Lifecore Biomedical) and Poly-1 (Mw~15.0×103 g.mol-1, synthesized as
previously described[24]), were utilized as polyanions. Prior to bilayer deposition, linear polyeth-
yleneimine (LPEI, Mw~25.0×103 g.mol-1, Polyscience Inc.) and dextran sulphate (DS,
Mw>500.0×103 g.mol-1, Sigma-Aldrich) were initially sprayed to promote the formation of a
(LPEI/DS)10 baselayer. For the complementary case-studies, two-dimensional and three-dimen-
sional poly-ε-caprolactone based (Mw~25.0×103 g.mol-1, Sigma-Aldrich) electrospun constructs
were also sprayed-coated through the same protocol.
The electrospun fibrous scaffolds were fabricated as reported in the literature. Briefly, Poly(ε-
caprolactone) (PCL, Mw ~ 65.0×103 g.mol-1, Sigma-Aldrich) was dissolved in a 40/60 (v/v) solu-
tion of acetic (99.8%, Riedel-de Haën) and formic acid (≥98%, Sigma-Aldrich) at a desired con-
centration of 35 wt.%. The polymer solution was magnetically stirred for 4 h at room temperature
and, posteriorly its shear viscosity was measured at 25 ºC in a shear range of 1-103 s-1 by using
a rotational rheometer (Gemini HR nano). The PCL polymer solution was pumped through a me-
tallic capillary (21 gauge) by using a syringe pump (Nexus 6000, Chemyx) with a flow rate of 1.0
mL.h-1 during 4 hours. The metallic capillary was positively charged by a DC power supplier (Al-
pha Series II, Brandenburg) at 28 kV, and a 25×25 cm ground aluminum foil was vertically dis-
placed at a tip-to-collector distance of 16 cm. Both the capillary and collector were within a glass
sealed box with a controlled surrounding temperature (31.0 ± 0.1 ºC). The glass sealed box also
comprised a ventilation system to control the relative humidity level (30.0 ± 1.0 %) and solvent
content in the working atmosphere.
Figure 3B.2 Chemical structures of the used polycations (+) and polyanions (-).
In order to assess the impact of the number of layers in cellular adhesion, each combinatorial
bilayer was generated with 1, 3, 5 and 10 repeating architectures. Despite all the bilayers were
observed to deposit in a near-linear fashion up to n=10 (Figure 3B.3 A, Table 3B.1), the multi-
layered films containing HA showed a growth rate (GR) 4.9-6.8 fold higher comparatively with
Alg-containing bilayers, leading to significant thickness differences as the number of layers was
increased. It is possible to observe from the data that as n increases, the film thickness also
Figure 3B.3 LbL film characterization. A, Growth curves of spray LbL assembled films. B, Physicochemical
charac-terization of the assembled LbL films accordingly to their contact angle measurements, normalized
droplet height (H/H0) and droplet micrographs. C, Droplet spreading (u*) and imbibition (u0) dynamics on
the assembled LbL films determined as reported on the literature.[26]
increases for the same polyelectrolyte architecture, since more material is deposited under ex-
perimental conditions that drive the self-assembly phenomena. Therefore, the manipulation of
this variable it will allow to compare the cellular spreading and adhesion on substrates coated
with the same polyelectrolyte architecture, while differing only in their dehydrated original thick-
ness. Independently on the polyanion used, Gel-based films experienced the slowest growth
rates: (Gel/Alg)n= 2.5±0.2 nm.layer-1 and (Gel/HA)n= (1.7±0.2)×10 nm.layer-1; while Cht-based
films demonstrated the highest growth rates values: (Cht/Alg)n= 5.5±0.1 nm.layer-1 and
(Cht/HA)n= (2.7±0.4)×10 nm.layer-1. Also, by replacing alginate with hyaluronic acid, such substi-
tution had more impact on the final thickness of the HA-containing multi-layered films
(GR(Gel/HA)n/GR(Gel/Alg)n=6.8), comparatively to the Poly-1 and Cht case studies (GR(Poly-
1/HA)n/GR(Poly-1/Alg)n=5.3; GR(Cht/HA)n/GR(Cht/Alg)n=4.9). The shown data suggests that HA-containing
films converge to higher thickness values comparatively to Alg-containing films, an observation
mainly due to the reported effect of the polyanion molecular weight on the LbL film overall thick-
ness (HA: Mw~2.0×106 g.mol-1 vs. Alg: Mw~2.0-2.5×104 g.mol-1). The usage of weak up to mod-
erately weak polyelectrolyte pairs, as those above mentioned, it is associated with the diffusion
of at least one polyelectrolyte of the LbL architecture throughout the entire film, while coexisting
an energetic barrier that prevents the complete coating dissociation of the polyelectrolyte chains.
Despite several models have been developed to predict the LbL film thickness growth curves,
since LbL are in a dehydrated state prior their utilization in physiological milieus, it was further
investigated the influence of the film thickness and polymer architecture in the liquid spreading
and imbibition upon contact (Figure 3B.3 B-C, Figure 3B.4 and Table 3B.2).
Table 3B.1 Inter and intra-comparison of growth rate values for the generated LbL multilayered coatings.
Figure 3B.4 LbL film physicochemical characterization for the (X/Y)n architectures where, X is Gelatin, Poly-
1 or Chitosan, Y is Alginate or Hyaluronic Acid, and n is 5, 3 or 1 layers. Spreading and absorption dynamics
assessment for (X/Y)n architectures where n=5 (A), 3 (B) or 1 layers (C), as the overall evaluation of ex-
tended contact angle measurements, normalized droplet height (H/H0) and corresponding micrographs at 1
and 5 minutes. D, Spreading and absorption dynamics assessment on plasma cleaned glass substrates
(PO), as the overall evaluation of extended contact angle measurements, normalized droplet height (H/H0)
and corresponding micrographs at 1 and 5 minutes. E, Spreading and imbibition velocities (u* and u0, re-
spectively) for the tested (X/Y)n architectures. F, Schematics describing the evaluated system variables (Δ,
construct thickness; θ, contact angle; H, drop height; Vp, droplet volume; Vd, imbibed droplet volume) and
main equation of the employed method, which is described in detail in the literature.[26]
Table 3B.2 Kinetic parameters t* and t0 for the spreading and imbibition stages on the LbL multilayered
coatings tested.
Alg HA
n= 1 3 5 10 1 3 5 10
t* (min)
Gel 1.65 3.12 5.77 6.45 1.64 0.81 0.71 0.24
R2=0.979 R2=0.991 R2=0.995 R2=0.993 R2=0.769 R2=0.943 R2=0.973 R2=0.977
Poly-1 5.31 2.54 2.10 1.91 0.86 0.71 0.55 0.54
R2=0.986 R2=0.996 R2=0.861 R2=0.940 R2=0.950 R2=0.959 R2=0.898 R2=0.917
Cht 2.06 4.26 5.32 5.74 0.49 0.66 1.60 1.38
R2=0.996 R2=0.953 R2=1.000 R2=0.995 R2=0.926 R2=0.914 R2=0.961 R2=0.915
t0 (min)
Gel 11.56 12.77 15.03 15.95 9.22 9.69 11.37 12.49
R2=0.999 R2=0.995 R2=0.995 R2=0.998 R2=0.998 R2=0.999 R2=0.988 R2=1.000
Poly-1 8.17 8.50 10.02 10.49 5.94 6.83 6.20 7.18
R2=0.999 R2=0.991 R2=0.999 R2=0.999 R2=1.000 R2=0.997 R2=0.999 R2=0.999
Cht 11.86 13.35 14.54 14.80 9.45 9.18 8.55 7.15
R2=0.998 R2=0.988 R2=0.998 R2=0.999 R2=0.999 R2=0.999 R2=0.999 R2=0.997
Figure 3B.5 Cellular proliferation and covering dynamics on the assembled LbL films. A, Cellular density up
to 10 days. B, Kinetic parameter t50 corresponding to 50% area coverage of the sprayed LbL films (p-value
< 0.025).
Figure 3B.6 A, Schematics illustrating the cell circularity determination and on how to interpret the calculated
values accordingly with cell shape. B, Schematics about log cell area and circularity kinetic curves for a
good cell adhesive substrate, a poor cell adhesive substrate and an initially poor cell adhesive substrate that
posteriorly allows cellular adhesion (transitory) after a given period. (▼) Time period of cellular confluence,
where the first derivative of the log cell area and the first derivative of circularity approach 0.
On a good cell adhesive substrate, seeded cells, that were initially suspended in a post-harvesting
media (usually in a sphere-like conformation), upon the contact with a suitable surface for cellular
adhesion will adhere and expand their initial area value for the highest expected cell area value
throughout the experiment period. From early time points, cells will demonstrate the formation of
lamellipodia that contributes to less circular shapes, while in parallel, proliferation occurs and
leads to lower values of the average logarithm cell area. Since the substrate is populated with
more cells, space restriction will inhibit elongated cellular shapes, converging to highly packed
cells as reaching cell confluence, characterized by lower cell area values and not-elongated cel-
lular shapes that perpetuate through time. On the case of poor cell adhesive substrates, the ini-
tially seed cells will not adhere to the material’s surface and minor rate changes on the cell area
and circularity are expected, as cells slightly increase their cell area through expansion and con-
verting themselves to more slightly elongated shapes. Nevertheless, the cellular proliferation rate
on these materials is lower comparatively to the case of good cell adhesive surfaces. On the
transitory cell adhesive substrates, the seeded cells will initially struggle to adhere to the sub-
strate. However, as the surface properties of the coating materials are altered through time (e.g.,
stiffness variation due to surface erosion), cells will experience a delay to be properly attached.
As soon as cell attachment occurs, the log cell area and circularity kinetics curves will morpho-
logically resembling to the case of good cell adhesive substrates, evidencing the same behavioral
cell area and shape transformation. Therefore, confluent cells are obtained at later time periods
comparatively to the observed time period for good cell adhesive substrates.
Figure 3B.7 Cellular shape assessment and LbL films degradation behavior for the baselayer [(LPEI/DS)10]
and (Cht/HA)10 LbL coatings. Cellular shape scatter plots (A, mutlidimensional analysis) and time-based
profiles (B, segregated bidimensional analysis) showcasing the shape parameters evolution throughout
time. C, Phase contrast micrographs of film erosion and cultured cells on the sprayed LbL films up to day
Figure 3B.8 Cellular shape as-
sessment and LbL films degrada-
tion behavior for the (Gel/Alg)n LbL
coatings (A,B n=1; C,D n=3; E,F
n=5; G,H n=10), throughout the
same analysis protocol of Figure
Figure 3B.9 Phase contrast micrographs of cultured cells on PO substrates (plasma cleaned glass slides) and (LPEI/DS) 10 multilayered coatings up to 10 days (scale-bar
= 500 µm).
Figure 3B.10 Phase contrast micrographs of cultured cells on (Gel/Alg)n multilayered coatings up to 10 days, where n is 1, 3, 5 and 10 layers (scale-bar = 500 µm).
Figure 3B.11 Phase contrast micrographs of cultured cells on (Poly-1/Alg)n multilayered coatings up to 10 days, where n is 1, 3, 5 and 10 layers (scale-bar = 500 µm).
Figure 3B.12 Phase contrast micrographs of cultured cells on (Cht/Alg)n multilayered coatings up to 10 days, where n is 1, 3, 5 and 10 layers (scale-bar = 500 µm).
Figure 3B.13 Phase contrast micrographs of cultured cells on (Gel/HA)n multilayered coatings up to 10 days, where n is 1, 3, 5 and 10 layers (scale-bar = 500 µm).
Figure 3B.14 Phase contrast micrographs of cultured cells on (Poly-1/HA)n multilayered coatings up to 10 days, where n is 1, 3, 5 and 10 layers (scale-bar = 500 µm).
Figure 3B.15 Phase contrast micrographs of cultured cells on (Cht/HA)n multilayered coatings up to 10 days, where n is 1, 3, 5 and 10 layers (scale-bar = 500 µm).
Figure 3B.16 Dynamic substrate area coverage up to 10 days, represented as the area percentage according to the initial substrate area, for all the in vitro tested samples:
plasma cleaned glass slides (PO), used LbL baselayer (LPEI/DS)10 and (X/Y)n LbL coatings, with the corresponding profile curves.
Table 3B.3 Sigmoid function parameters estimation of the dynamic substrate area coverage behavior for
the determination of the kinetic parameter t 50.
a b
* Covered Area (%) = 1+e−a(time−b) where 𝑎, 𝑏 ∈ ℝ
Figure 3B.17 Flow curves of PCL dissolved in a 40/60 (v/v) solution of acetic and formic acid at a desired
concentration of 35 wt.% displaying (A) complex viscosity and (B) shear stress.
Figure 3B.18 SEM images of three-dimensional (Cht/HA)10 multilayered electrospun construct (Top view:
A, scale bar = 500 μm; B, scale bar = 100 μm; C, pseudo-colored SEM of a horizontally slashed multipro-
trusion showing the LbL coating in red, scale bar = 50 μm; Cross section: D, scale bar = 500 μm and inset
scale bar = 100 μm).
Figure 3B.19 MMP-9 inhibitors compatible with (Cht/HA)10. MMP-9 structure has been downloaded from Protein Data Bank (PDB) and has been analyzed and handled
with Chimera 1.5 (92 kDa Type IV Collagenase; EC#; Fragment: Catalytic domain residues 107-215,391-443; Gene Names: MMP9 CLG4B). The structure of
compounds A-J has been prepared using MarvinSketch 5.5 software, while their lowest energy conformations were determined at pH 7.4 with OpenBabel 2.1 software.
All docking studies have been performed with AutoDock 4.2 software, employing AutoDock Tools (ADT) 1.5.4 graphical interface. The ADT outcome data suggest 9
modes of interaction reporting the predicted binding affinity in kcal/mol (affinity, kcal/mol) and RMSD lower bound. The proposed 10 compounds represent the best ligand
efficiency from the database regarding MMP-9.
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Annex IV: Annex C Relative to Chapter 3
This annex aims to report the strategy to tailor the porosity and hydrophilicity of the as-spun
wound dressing substrates. Initially, the self-assembled electrospun materials were treated with
NaOH and therefore properly studied. Further experiments were executed by plasma treating the
wound dressing substrates, in order to simply the hydrophilicity enhancing step in this thesis
Figure 3C.1 A, Fabrication process of PCL based electrospun mats treated with NaOH. B, Scanning elec-
tron micrographs before and after NaOH treatment (scale bar = 2 μm) produced accordingly to different flow
rates. C, Fiber diameter distribution before (top row) and after (bottom row) NaOH treatment. D, Pore circu-
larity and size assessment before (darker colors) and after (lighter colors) NaOH treatment. E, Void area
assessment before (darker colors) and after (lighter colors) NaOH treatment. F, Swelling ratio dynamics (0.5
mL.h-1, R2=0.9745; 0.5 mL.h-1+NaOH, R2=0.9204; 0.1 mL.h-1, R2=0.8564; 0.1 mL.h-1+NaOH, R2=0.8945;
0.05 mL.h-1, R2=0.9046; 0.05 mL.h-1+NaOH, R2=0.9528). (G) Contact angle assessment.
Table 3C.1 Fiber distribution fitting (N=50; BIC, Bayesian Information Criteria).
Table 3C.2 Pore size distribution fitting (N=75; BIC, Bayesian Information Criteria).
Log-logistic Distribution
1 1 𝑒𝑧 log(x) − 𝑎
f(x|a, b) = ∗ ∗ , for x ≥ 0 and where z = (Equation 3C. 1)
b x (1 + 𝑒 𝑧 )2 b
Inverse Gaussian Distribution
λ 𝜆(𝑥 − 𝜇)2
f(x|μ, λ) = √ ∗ exp [− ], for x ≥ 0 (Equation 3C. 2)
2πx 3 2𝜇2 𝑥
Gamma Distribution
1 𝑥
𝑘−1 ∗ exp [− ],
f(x|k, θ) = ∗ 𝑥
θk ∗ Γ(k) 𝜃
where Γ(k) = ∫ exp(−𝑦) ∗ 𝑦 𝑘−1 𝑑𝑦 (Equation 3C. 3)
1 1
1 (𝑥 − 𝑎)−𝑘 (𝑥 − 𝑎)
f(x k, a, b) = ∗ exp (− (1 + 𝑘 ∗ )) ∗ (1 + 𝑘 ),
b 𝑏 𝑏
(𝑥 − 𝑎)
x ≥ 0, for 1 + k > 0 (Equation 3C. 4)
Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution
1 (√𝑥 ⁄𝑎 − √𝑎⁄𝑥 ) (√𝑥 ⁄𝑎 + √𝑎⁄𝑥 )
f(x|k, θ) = ∗ exp [− ]∗[ ],
√2𝜋 2𝑏 2 2𝑏𝑥
Figure 3C.2 Contact angles of untreated and NaOH treated wound dressing substrates. Static contact an-
gles (N=4) were measured at room temperature by applying the sessile drop method (CAM 100, KSV Goni-
ometer). A 10 µL glycerol (≥ 99.0%, Sigma-Aldrich) drop was placed on the wound dressing substrates. The
acquisition time was extended up to 12 seconds with a frame interval of 300 ms. Each frame was retrieved
to MatLab R2012b (MathWorks).
Figure 3C.3 Inter and intra-correlation between the contact angles and FTIR of untreated and NaOH treated
wound dressing substrates. FTIR peak ratios referent to δCHCOOH vs. δCH2 and δCOH vs. δCH2 in order to
demonstrated the generation of –C–OH according to the NaOH treatement executed. Samples portions
were delaminated and separately milled in KBr (1:200 w/w) being posteriorly pressed to form a disk. For
each sample, a FTIR spectrum was recorded at a resolution of 1 cm-1 with a total of 128 scans (Spectrum
1000, Perkin Elmer).
Figure 3C.3 Photographs of wound dressing substrates differently treated to enhance hydrophilicity. A,
Samples with no further treatment. B, Samples plasma treated (80 W during 5 min in an Ar atmosphere,
followed by exposition to air). C, Samples plasma treated (80 W during 10 min in an Ar atmosphere, followed
by exposition to air). D, Samples plasma treated (80 W during 5 min in an Ar atmosphere, followed by
immersion in ultra-pure water). E, Samples plasma treated (80 W during 5 min in an Ar atmosphere, followed
by immersion in hydrogen peroxide (30 % v/v)).