Eear Ingles Apostila Aprovação Bizu
Eear Ingles Apostila Aprovação Bizu
Eear Ingles Apostila Aprovação Bizu
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28 - What’s the active voice for “The first roller skates were
made in 1760 by Joseph Merlim”.
Joseph Merlim _______ the first skates in 1760.
a) made
b) makes
c) has made
d) was making
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31 - Choose the alternative that best completes the blank. 38 - Choose the right alternative to complete the text
Some men ___________ no jobs lately. grammatically correct.
“Computer viruses can travel _____ one place to another
a) haven’t found
____ fast _____ a phone call.”
b) have found
c) doesn’t find a) from / as / as
d) has found b) over / as / than
c) to / more / than
d) between / ∅ / than
32 - In “The destruction of the Amazon forest could have serious
ecological consequences”, the underlined verb is closest in
meaning to 39 - Read the paragraph below:
“You are new in your city, and feel sad. You think about
a) do.
your family, your friends and your old home. How can you make
b) keep.
friends in your new home? Here are some answers...”.
c) make.
d) cause. In the underlined sentence above, the speaker intends to
a) warn.
b) predict.
33 - Choose the best alternative to answer the question below. c) suggest.
What do you do? d) advertise.
a) We are pilots.
b) I’m fine, thanks. 40 - Read the sentence below:
c) I live in New York. “In Mexico, 60% of men and 40% of women are
d) We are 20 years old. overweight.”
According to the sentence above, we can conclude that the
Read the paragraph and answer the questions 34, 35 and 36. percentage of overweight men is
37 - Choose the best alternative to complete the blanks. 42 - In “And to a lot of people’s surprise”, the underlined words
Julie was born _____July 3, _____ night _____ New York. can be replaced by
a) in / at / at a) it.
b) on / at / in b) us.
c) in / at / in c) her.
d) on / in /at d) them.
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43 - Choose the best alternative to have the paragraph completed 50 - In “It was a fair game”, we conclude that the game was
correctly. played
The stepmother smiled and said: “Of course you _____ go, a) well.
Cinderella. If you ______ your work first and if you ______ a b) badly.
dress to wear.” c) honestly.
a) may – do – have d) brilliantly.
b) could – was – bought
c) might – are doing – lend Rascunho
d) ought to – would finish – washed
48 – Read:
“... two or three dormitories, full of facilities around and a
very good rental.”
The extract above was taken from an advertisement about
a) travel brochure.
b) hotel reservations.
c) apartments for hire.
d) old movies for sale.
49 - In the sentence:
“Television has contributed to change the values and
perceptions of Americans”.
The underlined word is closest in meaning to
a) cultures.
b) behaviour.
c) information.
d) conceptions.
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31 – We can infer from the text that people only care about the
AS QUESTÕES DE 26 A 50 REFEREM-SE housework when they realize
À LÍNGUA INGLESA a) the bathroom is really clean.
b) how repetitive the housework is.
Read the text and answer questions 26, 27 and 28. c) they can’t find clean clothes to wear.
d) how difficult is to organize the house.
“These are some of the questions that parents ask themselves as
their children grow up and move on:
Will they sleep through the night?
Will they learn to read? 32 – “Brenda is a housewife” means that she works
Will they get good grades?
Will they avoid drugs? a) for another family.
Will they be responsible about sex? b) as a housekeeper.
Will they get into a decent school? c) in a hotel.
Will they go to college?” d) at home.
27 – The sentences with “will”, in the text, were used to 33 – Choose the best alternative to have the text completed:
a) change habits. a) of
b) ask for advice. b) for
c) give permission. c) from
d) question about future. d) about
28 – “move on”, (line 2), is closest in meaning to Read the joke and answer the question.
“Doctor, doctor, I keep thinking I’m invisible.”
a) marry.
“Who ______ that?”
b) go away.
c) have fun. 34 – Choose the best alternative to complete the blank in the
d) give a party.
29 – According to the use of the definite article, choose the best a) said
alternative. b) did say
c) do you say
a) He is learning guitar and piano. d) did you say
b) The France is famous for its wine.
c) The Biology is an important science.
d) The Queen of England lives in London.
Read the joke and answer the question.
Read the text and answer questions 30 , 31 and 32.
Teacher: “Johnny, how can you prove the world is round?”
I’m Brenda. I’m a housewife, age 36. I can organise my Johnny: “I never said it was, miss.”
week as I want. So long as there are clean clothes to wear and
meals to eat, nobody really minds how or when I do the 35 – The modal verb, underlined in the dialog, expresses
housework. a) ability.
The bad thing is that housework is so repetitive and
b) advice.
unrewarding. Nobody notices if you do clean the bathroom. It´s
c) possibility.
only if you don’t clean it that they will say anything
d) permission.
unrewarding = sem compensação
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Read the text and answer questions 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40. 42 – In “ A microscope has many uses. Medical scientists use
microscopes to see tiny organisms.”, the underlined word means
Who Sleeps?
1 Reptiles, birds and mammals all sleep. Some fish and a) harmful.
amphibians reduce their awareness but do not ever b) invisible.
become unconscious like the higher vertebrates do. c) biological.
Insects do not appear to sleep, although they may d) extremely small.
5 become inactive in daylight or darkness.
By studying brainwaves, it is known that reptiles do Read the extract and answer questions 43 and 44.
not dream. Birds dream a little. Mammals all dream Britain has one of the longest coastlines in Europe: 12,500
during sleep. Whales and dolphins are “conscious kilometres of varied and spectacular shoreline that has shaped the
breathers” and because they need to keep conscious character of this island nation. Over the years, many people have
10 while they sleep in order to breathe, only one half of landed at and embarked from British beaches: invaders and
their brain sleeps at a time. explorers, sailors and fishermen, merchants and missionaries. The
most numerous visitors, however, have ______ holidaymakers.
awareness = consciência shoreline = costa, litoral
36 – According to the text, holidaymakers = turistas
a) all animals fall asleep. 43 – Choose the best alternative to have the text completed.
b) frogs are never asleep. a) been
c) reptiles neither sleep nor dream. b) gone
d) insects are very active to become unconscious. c) visited
d) arrived
37 – In “... although they may become inactive...”, (line 4), the
underlined word implies an idea of
44 – Choose the alternative that presents an irregular plural form
a) addition. of the noun.
b) purpose.
c) contrast. a) beaches
d) comparison. b) fishermen
c) kilometres
38 – “... only one half of their brain sleeps...”, (lines 10 and 11 ), d) missionaries
means that
Read the cartoon and answer questions 45 and 46.
a) they keep conscious half a day.
b) the largest part of their brain sleeps.
c) just fifty percent of their brain is asleep.
d) dolphins and whales dream half an hour.
40 – In “... like the higher vertebrates do”, (lines 3 and 4), the
underlined word was used
a) as an adverb.
b) for emphasis.
c) as a main verb. 45 – According to this cartoon, we conclude that
d) as an auxiliary verb.
a) she herself set the table.
b) the boy set the table by mistake.
41 – Choose the best alternative to fill in the blanks. c) the boy made a grammar mistake.
A: Do you have ____ book on Biology? d) she could help him do the housework.
B: No, I have _______. But I know there are _______ at
the library. 46 – In “I did it by myself”, the boy wanted to say that
a) some / any / some a) no one helped him.
b) any / none / some b) his mother never helps him.
c) any / some / none c) he likes to help his mother.
d) some / none /any d) he helps his mother every single day.
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58 – Se x e y são números reais positivos, co log 2 = x, e
log y 256 = 4 , então x + y é igual a
a) 2.
b) 4.
c) 7.
d) 9.
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Read the excerpt and answer question 36. 40 – “...travelling on crowded trains!”, (lines 20), means that the
I am just like any typical physicist. My office may look messy, trains are
but I know where every atom is. a) full.
b) fast.
36 – “messy”, underlined in the excerpt, means c) empty.
a) clean. d) moving.
b) noisy.
c) not neat. Read the text and answer questions 41, 42 and 43.
d) organized.
Read the text and answer questions 37, 38, 39 and 40. Batman – The Dark Knight, by Christopher Nolan
1 Expectations are high regarding the new adventure of
How horses can sleep standing up and Batman. Firstly, because the previous one was well
not fall over? received both by critics and fans with its dark, realistic
1 Most of us need eight hours sleep a night. Horses mood. And also because the film presents the last
can get by with only half that amount – and unlike 5 screen performance of actor Health Ledger (Brokeback
us they are able to fall asleep standing up, without Mountain) , deceased in January. He plays Joker, the
falling over! villain who brings hell to Gotham City. To defeat him,
5 In the wild, horses are prey to wolves and other Batman (Christian Bale) is helped by public attorney
animals. Lying down, they are much more Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart), but they have
vulnerable than they are standing up. So over 10 conflicting ideas on how to combat crime. Morgan
millions of years their bodies have developed a way Freeman, Gary Oldman and Michael Cain play the
of staying upright even when they are asleep. same characters as they did before, while Maggie
10 Although most horses no longer live in the wild, Gyllenhaal comes as a substitute to Kate Holmes in the
they can still fall asleep as their ancestors used to. hero’s search for romance.
The reason they are able to do this is a unique By Alex Xavier
system of ligaments – the cords which bind bones GLOSSARY:
together . A horse’s ligaments act like a sling over regarding = considerando
15 its whole body. These can lock its joints into a fixed mood = tom
position, so it can stand upright without any public attorney = procurador público
conscious muscular effort while it sleeps. It is a pity search = procura
human beings have not developed a way of doing
this. It could be very handy for long queues or
travelling on crowded trains! 41 – We can infer from the text that
GLOSSARY: a) the new adventure of Batman must be a success.
prey: presa b) Harvey Dent and Batman didn’t agree that Joker was
(to)bind: atar; ligar; amarrar responsible for the crime.
sling: ligadura c) Kate Holmes is still searching for the hero’s romance in this
like: como new adventure of Batman.
queue: fila d) Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman and Michael Cain have
never played any characters in Batman’s movies before.
37 – According to the text,
a) horses need less than four hours sleep a night.
b) most wild animals, like horses, stand upright when they 42 – “deceased” , (line 6), is the same as
sleep. a) dead.
c) in the wild, horses weren’t accustomed to standing upright b) fired.
while sleeping. c) divorced.
d) horses fall asleep standing up because of their unique system d) murdered.
of ligaments.
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Read the text and answer questions 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34. Read the cartoon and answer question 35.
said: “The last Englishman left will be an Indian.” shouldn’t be so impatient with him. He’s just a child”, the
underlined word expresses
30 – Choose the correct alternative to fill in the blanks,
respectively a) advice.
b) opinion.
a) wider / wider c) necessity.
b) widelier / wider d) obligation.
c) more widely / wider
d) more widely / more widely
Read the text and answer questions 37, 38 and 39.
Duo from Minas is a hit in Brazil
31 – The word “like”, underlined in the text, can be replaced by 1 Victor is 33 years old and his brother Leo is 32.
any of the options except They were born in (1) Minas Gerais and began
a) such as playing together in 1994, in Belo Horizonte.
b) instead of Seven years later they went to São Paulo, where
c) for instance 5 they continued to play in bars and clubs. From
d) for example (2) 2002 to 2005 they released three CDs –
Victor composed most of the songs. Recently
they released their fourth CD, called
32 – The text states that “Borboletas”.
10 Despite their success, they have not managed to
a) the way English is being spread is completely absurd.
(3) please everyone. A lot of people have a kind
b) India has fewer English speakers than Great Britain.
of prejudice against (4) sertaneja music and
c) In India and Nigeria, English is used at all levels of society.
think it is cheesy and bland whereas on the
d) the use of English is as common as other colonial languages.
Internet the musicians have been very
15 successful. On YouTube their videos have been
33 – “Indeed”, (line 11), can be replaced by watched by (5) over (6) 20 million people.
Adapted from a text of Maganews
a) however. GLOSSARY:
b) in reality. to please = agradar
c) questionably. prejudice = preconceito
d) to a certain point. cheesy = meloso, brega
bland = sem criatividade, “sem sal”
whereas = enquanto que
34 – When Malcolm Muggeridge says that the last English man despite = apesar de
left will be an Indian, (line 19), he meant that
a) Indians speak fluent English. 37 – You can infer from the text that
b) English is an international language.
a) their fourth CD pleased everybody.
c) Indians think that England is the best place to live.
b) Victor’s younger brother is a composer.
d) there are more Indians speaking English and writing English
c) the duo’s latest CD was already released.
than in England itself.
d) the brothers gave performances only in São Paulo.
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38 – Which of the underlined words, in the text, are Read this joke and answer question 43.
prepositions? A strange pain...
A man goes to the doctor.
a) All of them. – “Doc”, he says pointing to different parts of his body, “when I
b) Only numbers 1, 4, and 6. touch my arm it hurts. When I touch my neck it hurts. And when
c) Numbers 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6. I touch my stomach it hurts. Do I have some rare disease?”
d) Only numbers 1, 2, 5 and 6. – “No”, the doctor replied, “you have ________ finger.”
39 – In “later”, (line 4), the suffix – “er” has the same function 43 – Choose the best word to fill in the blank in the joke.
as the one in a) a gentle
a) differ. b) an index
b) player. c) a broken
c) follower. d) a delicate
d) healthier.
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a) the competition is only for Club Med members. 54 – Uma pirâmide quadrangular regular tem 6 cm de altura e
b) the readers have to write a letter to take part in the event.
base de 8 cm de perímetro. O volume dessa pirâmide, em cm3, é
c) all winners will spend two weeks surfing in the white
beaches of St Lucia island. a) 4.
d) a fabulous holiday will be offered as a prize to two readers b) 6.
on the island of St Lucia. c) 8.
d) 10.
55 – O valor de i11 – i21 – i38 é
a) 1 – 2i.
b) 2 – i.
c) –2.
d) 1.
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Read the text and answer questions 33, 34, 35 and 36.
27 – Fill in the blank with the suitable preposition.
c) In
d) From 1 Are you scared of sharks? A recent survey
found nearly 40 percent of people are scared
of sharks.
Some people blame movies like Jaws. In
5 reality, sharks are more scared of people. In
28 – The paragraph reveals that Japanese people fact, sharks are safer than soda machines!
a) just mind about flavors. Researches say these machines kill more
b) have a good taste for art. people than sharks do. The soda machines fall
c) enjoy both the taste and appearance of food. on people when they get angry and kick
d) believe that the smell of food is better than its arrangement. 10 machines to get a soda or money back.
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34 – “nearly”, (line 2), is closest in meaning to Read the extract and answer questions 40, 41, 42 and 43.
a) away. What makes a good school?
b) along.
c) almost. 1 What makes a good school? There are no stock
d) among. answers, but there are some universal truths. A good
school is a community of parents, teachers and
students. A good school, like a good class, is run by
35 – “like”, (line 4), can be replaced by 5 someone with vision, passion and compassion. A good
a) as. school has teachers__________________________,
b) about. no matter what their age or experience. A good school
c) enjoy. prepares its students not just for college entrance tests
d) for example. but also for the world out there.
37 – The correct verbs to fill in the blanks are, respectively 42 – “The teachers enjoy the challenge no matter what their age
a) find / comes or experience” reveals that
b) found / came a) only experienced teachers enjoy challenge.
c) has found / came b) teachers don’t care about their age or experience.
d) had found / comes c) whatever teachers do, they need some experience.
d) the teachers like the challenge no matter how old they are or
how long they have taught.
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Read the text and answer questions 44, 45 46 and 47. Read the extract and answer questions 48, 49 and 50.
47 – When Marit says that “hard work and passion pay off!”,
(line 21), she means that
a) English is very difficult to learn.
b) studying in a foreign country cost her a lot of money.
c) learning English was a great achievement and worth all her
effort and dedication.
d) her American boyfriend helped her during the language
learning process.
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43 – In “researchers”, (line 3), the suffix – “er ” has the same Read the cartoon and answer questions 49 and 50.
function as the one in
a) nicer.
b) harder.
c) worker.
d) transfer.
Read the text and answer questions 45, 46, 47 and 48.
A place of superlatives 49 – In “I’m just taking inventory”, Francis wants to say that he
1 Antarctica is a place of superlatives: it is the coldest, is
windiest, driest, highest and most remote continent on a) making a list of all objects.
earth. The continent’s large mass of snow and ice b) trying to sell the products.
contains around 85 percent of all freshwater in the world. c) organizing the closets.
5 The first tourists to reach it arrived in 1957. d) cleaning the room.
Nowadays, the variety of Antarctica travel itineraries,
activities and prices is wider than ever before.
(Adapted from Speak up # 149) 50 – In “Francis, this place is an impossible mess!”, it means
GLOSSARY that the place is
freshwater – água doce a) disorganized.
to reach – chegar b) clean.
travel itineraries – roteiros de viagem c) clear.
wide – amplo d) dry.
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34 – In “Dreams do have something to tell you.”, the underlined Read the text and answer questions 40 , 41 and 42 .
verb is being used
1 An Englishman living near Sheffield recently had a
a) for emphasis. most unlucky day’s fishing. He was standing on a
b) as a main verb. low bridge when he had the misfortune to knock his
c) for questioning. tin of bait into the river. Leaning over the side of the
d) instead of make. 5 bridge, he tried to hook the tin and pull it out of the
river. As he did so, his car keys fell out of his pocket
35 – Choose the indirect speech for “Don’t take dreams and disappeared in the water.
literally” Feeling thoroughly annoyed with himself and his
luck, the fisherman lent over the bridge to try to see
Clarkson told us ________________________.
10 where his keys had gone. As he did so, the bridge
a) that we should avoid taking dreams literally. collapsed and he fell into the river. This was the last
b) that we wouldn’t take dreams literally. straw. The fisherman crawled out of the river and
c) that we couldn’t take dreams literally. went back to his car. There he discovered that he
d) not to take dreams literally. had locked the doors and could not get in. His anti-
15 thief lock had immobilized his car. There was
nothing left for him to do but walk sadly home.
36 – “any”, underlined in the text, means
40 – Reading the text throughout, we can come to the conclusion
a) every. that the man
b) one at a time.
c) it doesn’t matter which. a) shouldn’t have stood on a low bridge.
d) not one and not the other. b) could have tried to hook the tin of bait again.
c) shouldn’t have gotten out of his bed that day.
d) ought to have kept his car keys in a safe place.
Read the text and answer questions 37, 38 and 39.
Tongue Studs Cause Infections
1 The British Dental Association has reported that the 41 – “ thoroughly”, (line 8), is closest in meaning to
tongue studs used in tongue piercing cause infections,
orthodontic problems and speech impediments. a) badly.
______________, studs are at risk of being swallowed or b) slightly.
5 inhaled if they become loose, not to mention causing c) completely.
tongues to become swollen, which then interferes with d) accordingly.
breathing in some cases. The Association also warned
that non-sterilized equipment could lead to HIV and
hepatitis. 42 – According to the text, the last straw is
studs: pinos a) the fall of the bridge.
b) walking sadly home.
c) the loss of the car keys.
37 – Choose the best alternative to have the text completed d) the loss of the tin of bait.
a) in addition
b) in advance Read the cartoon and answer question 43.
c) on purpose
d) in response
39 – A similar meaning to “could”, (line 8), is 43 – Fill in the blank with the suitable option.
a) may. a) is.
b) must. b) were.
c) have to. c) will be.
d) ought to. d) must be.
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Read the text and answer questions 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 and 47 – In “Do you believe in love at first sight ...” the underlined
49. expression means you
Choosing the Right Words
1 The most crucial factor in flirting is body language. a) are very much in love.
What you actually say counts only 7% in your success b) fall in love for the first time.
or failure. But your love boat will never float if you c) begin to be in love with someone.
don’t first break the ice with an incisive chat-up line. d) love someone in a romantic way the first time you see them.
5 Guides to dating and internet sites provide countless
conversation-openers for introducing yourself to
attractive strangers. 48 – Based on the text, we can conclude that the best way to
Unfortunately, most are terrible. find love is to
Success with a line like, “That dress looks good on
10 you, but it would look better on my bedroom floor”, a) add spice to the conversation-openers.
takes devastating good looks, expensive designer b) use the Internet to arrange romantic meetings.
clothes or fame. The best that most men can expect c) be natural and say exactly what you mean in an honest clear
from this is a slap on the cheek. way.
To identify the best ice-breakers, a British company d) make a list of all conversation-openers for introducing
15 surveyed a thousand young adults. The ________ yourself.
successful lines include “You don’t know me but I
dreamt about you last night”, “Did it hurt when you
fell from heaven?” and “Do you believe in love at 49 – “countless”, (line 5), can’t be replaced by
first sight or shall I walk past you again?”. a) limited.
20 But the line guaranteed to bring the best results of all, b) uncounted.
at least with British women, is “Can I buy you a c) numberless.
drink?”. The makers of the survey concluded that the d) innumerable.
best way to find love is to be simple and direct. But if
you are ready to face humiliating public rejection here
25 are some of the more ambitious approaches, “ I’ve lost
my phone number, can I have yours?” ; “When they
made the alphabet they should have put U and I Read the text and answer questions 50 and 51.
together.”; “Was your father a thief, because he stole The sun, the beach and the coconut water – the three ingredients
the stars and put them in your eyes?”; “There must be that guarantee a perfect summer for millions and millions of
30 something wrong with my eyes, I can’t take them off Brazilians. Nothing beats drinking cold coconut water to quench
you”; “Hi, I need your help! My mom says that if I your thirsty. It is such a healthy drink that it should not be left
don’t get a date by tomorrow, she’s putting me up for only for summer, but should be drunk year round. Coconut water
adoption.” contains a high level of vitamin C and is rich in minerals.
GLOSSARY: Nutritionists say it is very beneficial to human health. It is good
chat-up line: frase para iniciar uma conversa. for the skin, and digestion, and is also a kind of natural
conversation-openers: cantadas tranquilizer. During the Second World War coconut water was
used as saline solution to treat soldiers injured in combat.
44 – Fill in the blank with the suitable option:
a) less nothing beats = nada melhor (expressão idiomática)
b) most saline solution = soro fisiológico
c) more
d) worse 50 – The words, underlined in the text, can be, respectively,
replaced by
45 – According to the author, when the issue is “flirting”, a) to cure / spoiled
a) words are better than actions. b) to care for / insane
b) people’s gestures count only 7%. c) to take care of / upset
c) people always know what to say. d) to apply medical care to / wounded
d) the most important aspect is body language.
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Read the text and answer questions 52 and 53. 55 – According to the survey on women’s addiction to
A good many parents still don’t know how to introduce their cigarettes, we can conclude that
children to the world of money in a healthy way. According to a) it is tougher for women to stop smoking than for men.
psychologists, it should start early, more precisely between the b) women manage to quit their habit in less time than men.
ages of three and four, emphasizing the process of _____ c) most women need a psychiatrist’s help in order to succeed in
autonomy, putting them in contact with social and ethical being cured.
responsibility. This process, if well guided, leads to the necessary d) women are unable to overcome their dependence because
balance when planning to earn or simply use money. Something it’s pleasant.
that _____, and greatly, in the world of globalized competition.
There are people who are literally “sick” in their eager to spend.
The fact is that the effect of buying with no moderation, for Read the text and answer questions 56, 57, 58, 59 and 60.
someone who is sick, has a similar effect to that taking a
happiness drug. And since there is no medicine for this, you can Mind reading “a step closer to reality.”
BBC, 13 March 2009
opt for (once the disease is diagnosed) a psychological treatment Wellcome Trust Center for Neuroimaging at University
or group treatment. Believe it or not: an association for this, the 1
College London told reporters: Mind reading comes a
Anonymous Debtors, _____ in Brazil in 1977. step closer as scientists map people’s brain.
The hippocampus is widely known to be integral to
52 – The correct verb tenses to fill in the blanks are, respectively memory, but researchers say they now see how images
a) conquering / lacks / was created are stored and recalled in the part of the brain. Neurons
b) conquering / are lacking / created in the hippocampus, also known as “place cells”,
c) conquered / has lacked / had created activate when we move around to tell us where we are.
d) conquer / is lacking / has been created Using a computer keypad, four young male volunteers
10 navigated virtual reality rooms, choosing to “stand” in
one of four locations marked by a rug. The British
53 – The text provides scientists were able to tell where an individual had been
“standing” inside a virtual reality room from records of
a) some advice about bringing up children. the volunteers’ brain activity. Their heads had been
b) some information about unmeasured consumption. placed in a functional magnetic resonance imaging
c) an explanation about children’s excessive spending. (fMRI) scanner, allowing their brain activity to be
d) some help for people’s group that purchase without control. monitored. This piece of equipment highlights brain
regions as they become active. Focusing on the
hippocampus, the small area of the brain vital to
20 navigation, memory recall and imagining future events,
the scientists measured blood flow related to neural
“We asked _______we could see any interesting
patterns in the neural activity that could tell us what
Read the joke and answer question 54. 25 participants were thinking, _______ in this case where
they were.”, said Professor Eleanor Maguire.
A: Why do you only take your wife to nightclubs? Are people lying?
B: By the time she gets ready, no other place is open. Surprisingly, just by looking at the brain data the
scientists could predict exactly where the volunteers
54 – According to the joke, we can conclude that 30 were in the virtual reality environment.
a) whenever he picks her up she’s ready to get away. “By looking at activity over tens of thousands of
b) she isn’t able to have a get-together at nightclubs. neurons, we can see that there must be a functional
c) she spends most of her time trying to get in shape. structure – a pattern – to how these memories are
d) it takes her too much time dolling herself up before going out. encoded.”, said Professor Maguire.
35 But the researchers stressed that the prospect of
genuinely reading someone’s most intimate thoughts- or
working out if they were lying- was still a long way off.
Read the text and answer question 55.
It is brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s which could
Cigarettes are more addictive for women than for men. This is stand to benefit from such research.”
the conclusion arrived at by research carried out amongst 6,000 40 Understanding how we learn and store memories could
people in São Paulo. The study was coordinated by psychiatrist aid our understanding of conditions in which memory is
Célia Lídia da Costa. “Most men only smoke for pleasure. On compromised and potentially help patients in the
the other hand, depression affects many more women than men. rehabilitation process,” said Professor Maguire.
Many women smoke cigarettes to forget the negative symptoms
of depression and anxiety. This means women are 56 – Fill in the blanks with the suitable option:
psychologically more dependent on cigarettes than men are”, a) if / and
Costa says in an interview published by Folha Online. b) whether / or
According to her, when men and women look for medical help c) whether / and
to quit smoking, men take an average of three months to quit, d) or / whether
while women take a year.
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Provas anteriores
28 – Leia:
Vai minha tristeza e diz a ela
que sem ela não pode ser. À LÍNGUA INGLESA
Diz-lhe numa prece
que ela regresse,
Read the text and answer questions 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36.
porque eu não posso mais sofrer.
Chega de saudade, Air traffic controller: orchestrating aerial and
a realidade é ground movements
que sem ela não há paz, 1 An airfield in a war zone is like an orchestra of aerial
não há beleza, é só tristeza and ground activity. That’s the case at Sather Air Base,
e a melancolia que não sai de mim, Iraq, located next to Baghdad International Airport.
não sai de mim, não sai... It’s one of Iraq’s busiest airfields. An average of 320
5 transient aircraft and 6,200 passengers _____ through
Quanto à classificação das orações subordinadas destacadas
the base each week. Needless to say, there’s a lot of
acima, a sequência correta é:
activity. Airmen work on aircraft, loading them with
a) substantiva subjetiva, substantiva objetiva direta, substantiva munitions or filling their fuel tanks. Of course, there’s
predicativa, adjetiva. always the threat of terrorist attacks. The potential for
b) substantiva objetiva direta, substantiva predicativa, adjetiva, 10 accidents is high. Conducting the symphony, are air
substantiva subjetiva. traffic controllers like Sgt. Carter. One wrong direction
c) substantiva objetiva direta, substantiva objetiva direta, could result in people dying or the loss of millions of
substantiva predicativa, adjetiva. dollars worth of equipment. “It’s a complex job,” he
d) substantiva objetiva indireta, substantiva subjetiva, adjetiva, said. “We must make sure aircraft make it to the field
adjetiva. 15 so the mission can be performed.” “To do the job well
requires great communication skills”, he said.
“Initially, I was challenged by the language barrier,”
he said. “But I soon learned to be more patient. And I
29 – Observe: was able to figure out what was being said, so we
20 could complete our mission.”
I- É tensão do Governo realizar um censo ainda este ano. One major difference for controllers in a war zone is
II- Para ascender socialmente, não hesitava em realizar that they have to deal with things they don’t normally
transações espertas.
deal with at their home bases. At Sather, the challenge
III- Todos os dias iam cassar animais selvagens, por isso tinham
was the helicopter traffic, Carter said. “Helicopters
ouvidos apurados aos paços das presas.
25 were swarming everywhere in that country,” he said.
Considerando a frase em que aparecem, há duas palavras com Soon after arriving at the base, the sergeant had to
grafia incorreta no mesmo período em educate himself about how to control helicopters.
Carter admits feeling nervous when he first found out
a) I e II.
he was deploying to Iraq because of the media
b) III.
30 attention on terrorist attacks. But, to his surprise, his
c) II.
tour has been relatively calm. Carter said his Sather
d) I e III.
tour has been extremely rewarding, despite his earlier
(Adapted from Air Force News Agency)
30 – Leia: to swarm – apinhar ou aglomerar
I- Paula __________ documentos no ônibus. (esquecer) to deploy – ir em missão
II- A secretária __________ comandos sem discutir. misgivings – receios ou preocupações
III- Meu colega __________ cargo de chefia. (aspirar) 31 – The correct verb form to fill in the blank is
Qual das alternativas completa as lacunas acima, respeitando a a) pass.
norma culta, quanto à regência verbal? b) passes.
a) esqueceu dos / obedeceu os / aspira um c) passed.
b) esqueceu os / obedeceu os / aspira a um d) will pass.
c) esqueceu os / obedeceu aos / aspira a um
d) esqueceu-se dos / obedeceu aos / aspira um 32 – According to the text,
a) terrorist attacks aren’t likely to happen on Sather Air Base.
b) air traffic controllers in a war zone just deal with civilian air
c) an air traffic controller controls not only the skies but also
the ground.
d) when Sergeant Carter was deployed to Iraq, he was used to
the helicopter traffic.
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Read the text and answer questions 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48. Read the text and answer questions 49, 50 and 51.
46 – “their and themselves”, underlined in the text, are 50 – A similar meaning to “as”, (line 11) , is
a) like.
a) relative pronoun / objective pronoun b) while.
b) possessive pronoun / reflexive pronoun c) though.
c) reflexive pronoun / possessive adjective d) because.
d) possessive adjective / reflexive pronoun
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Read the text and answer questions 52, 53 and 54. Read the text and answer questions 55 and 56.
The stunning legacy left by Zilda Arns the founder Service Animals
and coordinator of Pastoral da Criança A Therapy Dog is a kind of service animal – an animal
1 In 1983, with the backing of CNBB, Zilda founded that helps people. The most common service animal is
Pastoral da Criança. She had developed an efficient a seeing eye dog. A seeing eye dog helps blind people.
method to help the poorest families. The work However, dogs help people in many other ways.
involved, among other things, feeding children under Hearing ear dogs help people with hearing problems.
5 six, hygiene, preventive healthcare, and complete help These dogs listen for specific noises, such as a fire
for poor pregnant women. On January 12th she was in a alarm. When the dog hears the sound, the dog touches
church in Port-au-Prince, talking to a group of local the owner. However, if it’s an emergency, the dog may
religious leaders. She intended to introduce that pull the owner out of danger. Usually small dogs are
methodology to Haiti. _________, an earthquake hearing ear dogs because they are easy to care for.
10 completely destroyed the church and Brazil lost one of Wheelchair assistance dogs are much larger because
the greatest women in its history. The aim of her work the dog’s main job is pulling the wheelchair. These
was to reduce malnutrition and Brazil’s infant dogs also open doors and get items for their owners,
mortality.The efficient methodology used by Pastoral such as magazines.
da Criança has saved thousands of lives over the last (Adapted from Access Reading – Thompson)
15 three decades and has been exported to 20 countries.
(Adapted from Maganews # 47) 55 – According to the text, a seeing eye dog is, except
GLOSSARY a) a blind dog.
stunning – impressionante b) a kind of service animal.
legacy – legado c) an animal that helps people with eye damage.
d) a dog that provides assistance to people who are unable to see.
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60 – The underlined part, in the text, means that the Mona Lisa 63 – Durante o pouso de um pequeno avião, num trecho reto de
is the most famous painting that uma pista molhada, o piloto aciona os freios visando parar a
a) never existed. aeronave. Quando o avião chegou neste trecho da pista, com uma
b) has ever existed. velocidade de 108 km/h, os freios foram acionados e ele
c) will exist forever. percorreu uma distância de 225 m até parar completamente.
d) existed a long time ago. Admitindo uma desaceleração constante, o tempo gasto pela
aeronave, desde acionar os freios até parar completamente, foi de
_____ s.
a) 15
b) 30
c) 45
d) 50
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Provas anteriores
AS QUESTÕES DE 26 A 50 REFEREM-SE Read the excerpt and answer questions 31, 32 and 33.
À LÍNGUA INGLESA Fifty years ago, _____ ever considered that a life full of
household chores, not shared by her husband, might take a toll
Read the excerpt and answer questions 26 and 27. on a mother’s mental state.
Husbands, who weren’t expected to be involved _____ with
After the September 11 terrorist attacks, none of us can promise their children, were passionately caught up in developing their
our children a safe world, but we can all learn lessons from that own careers, yet at-home mothers often seemed frustrated,
horrendous event: 1) that families and relationships are more dissatisfied and tired of being homebodies.
crucial than ever before, and 2) that demonstrating resilience and (Adapted from Family Circle Magazine, 2002)
strong values for our children may be the most important roles GLOSSARY
we can play as parents and grandparents. household chores – tarefas domésticas
(Adapted from Family Circle Magazine, 2002) take a toll on – ter um efeito negativo sobre
GLOSSARY passionately – intensamente
resilience – capacidade de voltar a ser forte, feliz, ou bem- homebodies – pessoas que passam muito tempo em casa
sucedido novamente, após uma situação ou evento difícil.
31 - Fill in the blanks with the suitable options, respectively:
26 - In “...strong values for our children may be the most...”, a) none – much
the underlined word is closest in meaning to b) nobody – any
a) must. c) no one – much
b) might. d) no one – many
c) have to. 32 - In “...were passionately caught up in developing...”, the
d) ought to. underlined phrasal verb is closest in meaning to
27 - All information below is provided by the excerpt, except: a) absorbed.
b) separated.
a) September 11 has made strong family ties more important.
c) distracted.
b) The lessons learnt after the September 11 attacks could not
d) indifferent.
have been taught any other way.
c) One of the most important roles a parent or grandparent can 33 - “own”, in bold type in the excerpt, refers to the
play is to teach children how to be tough.
d) Horrifying as they were, the attacks occurred on Sept 11 a) careers.
have taught the world valuable things. b) mothers.
c) children.
Read the excerpt and answer questions 28, 29 and 30. d) husbands.
Many people think that dialects are corrupt versions of the Read the text and answer questions 34, 35, 36 and 37.
standard language, and that dialect forms are mistakes, made London 2012: Great-grandmother prepares for
by ignorant people who have not learnt correct grammar. torch role
In fact, this is not at all true: dialects have their own 1 Diana Gould will be 100 when she takes part in the
systematic – but different – grammars. Olympic Torch Relay.
Dialect forms are not incorrect in _____ but they can be out “I’m ______ up and down ______ a candlestick,” said
of place in formal styles where only the standard language is 99-year-old Diana Gould, who is the oldest among the
normally used. 5 8,000 people who will carry the Olympic flame.
(Adapted from Practical English Usage by Michael Swan) The great-grandmother of six, who lives in a retirement
flat in Kenton, north-west London, did not know that
28 - Fill in the blank with the suitable option her granddaughter Alexandra Antscherl had nominated
a) their. her to be a torchbearer.
b) itself. 10 But since being selected she has been ______ for the
c) theirs. 300-yard walk.
d) themselves. “I was delighted when Alexandra told me and when I
heard I was definitely accepted I started to get really
29 - In “...they can be out of place in formal styles where...”, the excited.”
words in bold type mean 15 “I’ve seen the torch now – I think the design is lovely
and it’s fairly comfortable to hold.”
a) lost.
“As long as the walk is on the flat I think I’ll be OK.
b) obvious.
The biggest challenge will be the weight of the torch.”
c) inappropriate.
“I can’t walk quick because I walk with a stick. About
d) in the incorrect order.
20 halfway I think I will have to change arms because of
30 - The first paragraph in the excerpt leads to the conclusion that the weight of the thing!”
(By Debabani Majumdar, BBC News, London)
a) ignorant people make more grammar mistakes.
b) mistakes made by ignorant people are seldom seen as dialects. GLOSSARY
c) more often than not, dialects corrupt the standard language. candlestick – candelabro
d) a large number of people assume dialects are incorrect forms yard – jarda (0,9144 de um metro)
of the language. stick – bengala
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34 - Choose the right alternative to have the blanks filled, 38 - The correct active voice for “A Japanese fishing vessel has
respectively: been spotted adrift off the west coast of Canada by the
a) walking – held – prepared coastguard.”, (lines 1, 2 and 3), is:
b) walking – holding – preparing a) A Japanese fishing vessel was spotted adrift off the west
c) going to walk – can hold – prepared coast of Canada.
d) going to walk – will hold – preparing b) A Japanese fishing vessel was being spotted adrift off the
west coast of Canada.
35 - The words, in bold type in the text, are adjectives, except: c) The coastguard spotted a Japanese fishing vessel adrift off
a) lovely the west coast of Canada.
b) excited d) The coastguard has spotted a Japanese fishing vessel adrift
c) delighted off the west coast of Canada.
d) nominated
36 - “torchbearer”, (line 9), refers to a person who 39 - “debris”, in bold type in the text, is related to
a) designed the original torch. a) clouds of toxic gas caused by pollution in Japan.
b) carries the torch during the Olympic Torch Relay. b) the dark oil spill spread over the ocean in Canada.
c) weighs the torch before the Olympic Games begin. c) unwanted materials that were left on the west coast of Canada.
d) first carried a torch in an international sports competition. d) pieces of items that were washed into the ocean during the
tsunami in Japan.
37 - According to the text, all alternatives are correct, except:
a) An elderly woman, who walks with a stick, will be in charge 40 - In “No one is believed to be aboard the ship...”, the
of carrying the Olympic torch in London.
underlined word has the same meaning as
b) Diana Gould, whose granddaughter nominated her to take
part in the Olympic Torch Relay, is very pleased that she will a) beside.
be one of the torchbearers. b) outside.
c) The great-grandmother of six, who will be the eldest c) on board.
torchbearer in the London Olympic Games, will face the d) disembarking.
challenge of supporting the weight of the torch.
d) The great-grandmother, who has been trained for supporting 41 - In “Maria Cantwell said the boat was expected to drift
the weight of the London Olympic Games torch, will walk as slowly south.”, (lines 21 and 22), it means that she
fast as she can during the Olympic Torch Relay. a) wishes the boat would sail for the south.
Read the text and answer questions 38, 39, 40 and 41. b) will wait until the boat returns from the south.
c) believes that the boat is likely to move slowly towards the south.
Japan tsunami ‘ghost ship’ drifting to Canada d) hopes that coastguard will be able to guide the boat to the south.
1 A Japanese fishing vessel swept away by the March
2011 tsunami has been spotted adrift off the west coast
of Canada by the coastguard.
An aircraft patrolling the seas off British Columbia Read the article and answer questions 42, 43, 44 and 45.
5 saw the 15m vessel seen floating 275km from the Aviation English Language –
Haida Gwaii islands on Friday. The Importance of Communication in Aviation
It is believed to be the first large item from the millions
1 English is the international language of aviation, and
of tonnes of tsunami debris to cross the Pacific.
the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
No one is believed to be aboard the ship, registered in
requires all pilots and air traffic controllers to be
10 Hokkaido, Japan.
competent in English. Both air traffic controllers and
Canada’s Transport Ministry is monitoring the vessel
5 pilots must have sufficient language proficiency to be
for marine pollution and to see if it becomes an
able to manage the complex tasks they have to
undertake if they are going to do them with safety.
The tsunami last March generated more than 25
The English that is spoken in communication between
15 million tonnes of debris, say researchers at the
pilots and air traffic control is quite restricted, and is
University of Hawaii. Between four and eight million
10 referred to as standard phraseology – a large fixed set of
tonnes were washed into the ocean, with one to two
words and phrases used to cover most operating
million tonnes still floating on the surface.
procedures and some eventualities.
The main mass of the debris is not expected to make
You might expect that miscommunication would be
20 landfall in North America until March 2014.
rare when people are working with a very restricted
Maria Cantwell, US senator for Washington state, said
15 code. But this is not the case. One of the most frequent
the boat was expected to drift slowly south.
problems is caused by pronunciation, but grammatical
(Adapted from BBC news)
and lexical problems are not unusual ______________.
If anything out of the ordinary happens,
vessel – embarcação
misunderstandings can be compounded by intercultural
to be swept away – ser arrastado
20 communication problems and lack of flexibility in
landfall – o ato de chegar à costa
language use.
adrift – sem rumo
(Taken from
to drift – ser arrastado pela correnteza
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42 - Choose the alternative so as to have the article completed 47 - “Perks”, in the title of the article, refers to the
correctly: ___________ of peppermint.
a) neither a) benefits
b) either b) downside
c) also c) pros and cons
d) too d) disadvantages
43 - Reading the article leads to the conclusion that, except: 48 - The third paragraph of the article reveals that peppermint
a) effective communication in English is an essential a) can cure chronic diseases.
prerequisite to safety. b) can be considered a multipurpose herb.
b) aviation will be free of accidents if pilots and air traffic c) is said to be a very effective allopathic medicine.
controllers use phraseology effectively. d) itself is highly recommended to combat acute diseases.
c) cultural differences between crew members and air traffic
controllers could be a language barrier to successful
communication, when unusual events occur. Read the cartoon and answer questions 49 and 50.
d) breakdown in the communication process could be avoided
if both pilots and air traffic controllers have the necessary
autonomy in using English language to deal with their tasks.
44 - In “One of the most frequent problems is caused by
pronunciation, but grammatical and lexical problems are just as
important to achieve effective communication.”, it is revealed that
a) grammar and vocabulary have been a low priority for
aviation personnel.
b) neither grammar nor lexis is high priority for pilots’ and
controllers’ work.
c) communication error is most related to mispronouncing the
standard phraseology.
d) not only pronunciation but also grammar and lexis play a
crucial role in communicating effectively. Santa knows he has to be more careful. One
45 - “lack of”, in bold type in the text, can mean, except: more accident _____ pilot error, and the FAA
would take away his pilot’s license for good.
a) none of.
b) plenty of. GLOSSARY
c) absence of. FAA – Administração Federal de Aviação
d) shortage of. 49 - All alternatives complete the blank, except:
a) due to
Read the article and answer questions 46, 47 and 48.
b) owing to
Peppermint perks c) in spite of
1 Not just a breath freshener, studies have also shown d) because of
that peppermint could help alleviate symptoms of IBS
(irritable bowel syndrome) by reducing abdominal 50 - According to the cartoon, if Santa causes one more
pain, gas and diarrhea. “Peppermint tea in particular accident, the FAA will
5 helps soothe indigestion caused by a bug or IBS,” says
Eric Yarnell, professor of botanical medicine. a) force him to retake his driving test.
Strong mints and even candy canes may help tame an b) take his pilot’s license permanently.
upset stomach, too, as long as you don’t have heartburn. c) make Santa stop driving his vehicle.
10 Peppermint is also appreciated for the soothing effect d) not allow Santa to deliver Christmas gifts ever again.
it has in treating headaches, migraines, skin irritations,
nausea, and menstrual cramps.
(Adapted from Reader’s Digest)
peppermint – tipo de menta (hortelã-pimenta)
bug – virose
46 - Based on the article, peppermint
a) is only available in tea bags.
b) is always prescribed by health professionals.
c) is good for calming an upset stomach even if there are
symptoms of heartburn.
d) can be used in the treatment of gastrointestinal problems,
apart from being also used as a breath freshener.
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30 – The correct negative form of the sentence underlined in the 36 – In “The destruction of the Amazon forest could lead to
serious ecological consequences”, the underlined words are
dialog is: closest in meaning to
a) John, don’t come here! a) do.
b) John, won’t come here! b) keep.
c) John, didn’t come here! c) make.
d) John, doesn’t come here! d) result in.
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Read the proverb and answer questions 37 and 38. 42 – In “Try to be here on time tomorrow.”, the sentence means
that she_______.
“When we have love in ______ heart, we can see beauty in
everything.” a) should arrive on the dot
b) mustn’t arrive on time
37 – Fill in the blank with the correct pronoun. c) might arrive earlier
d) can’t arrive late
a) our
b) ours
c) their 43 – According to the dialog,
d) theirs
a) Kathy’s car was broken.
b) Mr. Bloom crashed Kathy’s car.
38 – “beauty”, in the proverb, is a(an) c) Kathy had a problem after a long work day.
d) Mr. Bloom advised Kathy to be on time on the following
a) noun. work day.
b) adverb.
c) adjective.
d) conjunction. 44 – In “I have lived here for three years”, the sentence means
that I
Read the text and answer questions 39 and 40. a) lived here.
LIFE ... b) still live here.
c) used to live here.
1 It is not very common for a person to be hit by
d) do not live here right now.
lightning, so imagine someone being hit seven
times. That was exactly what happened to the
American Roy Sullivan, between 1944 and 1977 and 45 – All sentences below are being used for the future, except:
5 the most incredible thing is that in all of these a) Sara has left by plane recently.
accidents he only suffered slight burns. In 1983, b) Sara will leave by plane next year.
however, Roy committed suicide after a romantic c) Sara is going to leave by plane next month.
relationship failed. Life, huh? d) Sara is leaving by plane tomorrow morning.
(Taken from a Maganews article.)
39 - According to the text, we can infer that Roy 46 – In “Astronomers feel excited that humanity has entered a
a) is still a lucky man. new era in which new worlds are going to be subject to
b) was burnt seriously. exploration.”, the underlined word means
c) had a happy romantic relationship. a) atônito.
d) survived after being hit seven times by lightning.
b) eufórico.
c) atordoado.
40 – In “It is not very common…”, (line 1), the underlined d) apreensivo.
words are closest in meaning to
Read the extract and answer questions 47, 48, 49 and 50.
a) unreal.
b) unusual. Today, parents are increasingly worried about the safety of their
c) impossible. children, and because of this, they are not letting their children
d) improbable. out to play. As a result, children are no longer playing outside
but shutting ______ away in their rooms and losing ______ in
individualistic activities such as television viewing and computer
Read the dialog and answer questions 41, 42 and 43. games.
(Adapted from Inglês Doorway)
A: Sorry I arrived late, Mr. Bloom. I had some car trouble this
morning. GLOSSARY
B: No problem, Kathy. Try to be here on time tomorrow. increasingly – cada vez mais
A: Thanks, Mr. Bloom. to shut away – confinar; prender
41 – According to the dialog, we can infer that 47 – The correct reflexive pronouns to fill in the blanks are,
a) Kathy is the boss. respectively:
b) Kathy had no problem. a) itself / itself
c) the employee was late. b) himself / himself
d) Mr. Bloom had a car trouble. c) ourselves / ourselves
d) themselves / themselves
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50 – “As a result”, in bold type in the extract, expresses 52 – Em Estatística, uma Amostra sempre é
a) cause a) uma tabela com dados desordenados.
b) purpose b) um subconjunto de uma População.
c) emphasis c) uma tabela com dados ordenados.
d) consequence d) o mesmo que População.
a) .
b) .
c) .
d) .
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36 – The personal pronoun “she”, underlined twice in the 41 – According to the text, after using Facebook, some people
text, refers respectively to:
a) felt unpleasant feelings.
a) a handler / Heather b) made more online friends.
b) Heather / an actress c) asked each other questions.
c) a celebrity / an actress d) completed their scientific researches quickly.
d) Kim Basinger / Heather
Read the text and answer questions 37, 38 and 39.
42 – In “…their seemingly more successful ‘Facebook
friends’…”, (lines 6 and 7), the underlined word can be replaced
The men who guard the Queen by
1 If you’ve ______ been to London, you’ve a) surely.
probably seen them: they are the soldiers in b) positively.
bright red jackets or shining helmets who c) apparently.
stand outside Buckingham Palace. They are d) undoubtedly.
5 men who can stand absolutely still, even
when tourists tell them jokes, touch them, Read the text and answer questions 43, 44, 45 and 46.
push them, or try to make them move. They
may look identical and even march like English ghost stories
robots, but they are in fact some of the best- 1 Many of Britain’s ancient castles have ghosts. One of
10 trained soldiers in the British army. Some the most famous “haunted castles” in England is
people are surprised to learn that the guns actually the Tower of London. During the Tower’s
that the soldiers carry are not just for show: long history, many men and women were thrown into
they are loaded! 5 its dark dungeons, or executed outside its gates.
37 – Fill in the blank with the appropriate word to complete the _______ the most famous was Lady Jane Grey, Queen
text. of England, who was beheaded outside the Tower on
19th July 1554. Since then, it is said that the ghost of
a) ever Lady Jane Grey wanders through the rooms and
b) even 10 corridors of the Tower of London. This is just one of
c) never Britain’s well-known ghosts; but there are lots of
d) always ghosts too who aren’t quite as famous.
38 – According to the text, the soldiers who guard the Queen GLOSSARY
dungeons – masmorras, prisões, calabouços
a) carry weapons under their uniforms.
b) wear plain clothes not to call attention to themselves. 43 – Fill in the blank with the appropriate word to complete the
c) cannot move when they are standing outside the Palace. text.
d) are better trained than any other soldiers all over the world. a) One
b) Among
39 – In “The guns are not just for show…”, in the text, the
c) Between
sentence means that the guns are d) Considering
a) real.
b) fake. 44 – “Actually”, (line 3), is similar in meaning to
c) only on display. a) in fact.
d) used during special events. b) presently.
Read the text and answer questions 40, 41 and 42. c) currently.
d) not really.
Facebook makes users envious and dissatisfied
1 In a recent research study conducted by two German
universities, Facebook members answered questions
45 – In “…Lady Jane Grey, Queen of England, who was
about their own feelings after using the platform. beheaded outside the Tower…”, (lines 6 and 7), the underlined
More than one-third of the respondents reported words could be replaced by
5 predominantly negative feelings, such as frustration. a) was crowned.
The researchers identified that envying their b) lost her temper.
seemingly more successful ‘Facebook friends’ is the c) had minor injuries.
major reason for this result. In general, online social d) had her head cut off.
networks allow users brand-new insights on relevant
10 others, which would be _______ more difficult to
obtain offline. 46 – The last two lines in the text reveal that
40 – Fill in the blank with the appropriate word to complete the a) visitors see the ghost of Lady Jane Grey more often than
b) not all of the ghosts in Britain are as famous as Lady Jane
a) many Grey’s.
b) some c) the ghost of Lady Jane Grey is the most famous one in Britain.
c) much d) apart from Lady Jane Grey’s, the ghosts in Britain are not
d) a few famous at all.
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Read the text and answer questions 47, 48, 49 and 50. AS QUESTÕES DE 51 A 75 REFEREM-SE
Mad car disease
1 It was in the summer of 1992 that Britain’s
two main motoring organisations, the RAC 51 – As medidas dos ângulos internos de um triângulo formam
(Royal Automobile Club) and the AA uma PA. Assim, independente do valor da razão, pode-se afirmar
(Automobile Association), started to issue que um desses ângulos mede
5 warnings about an increase in aggressive
behaviour on the roads. a) 30°.
The RAC noted that more and more drivers b) 45°.
were losing their temper behind the wheel, c) 60°.
and there were reports of fights between d) 90°.
10 motorists.
In Wakefield, West Yorkshire, a 78-year-old 52 – Seja ABCD o trapézio isósceles da figura. A soma das
man died after he had been punched by a medidas dos ângulos  e Ĉ é
driver half his age during a dispute at a set of D C
traffic lights. In another incident a pedestrian a) 90°.
15 who forced a van driver to brake suddenly b) 120°.
was beaten senseless by a vehicle’s two c) 150°.
d) 180°. A B
(Adapted from Speak Up # 9)
to issue warnings – divulgar advertências
53 – Em um triângulo retângulo, a hipotenusa é o dobro de um
cateto. O ângulo oposto a esse cateto mede
a) 20°.
47 – The text is about: b) 30°.
a) Careless drivers. c) 45°.
b) Reckless pedestrians. d) 60°.
c) Constant traffic jams.
d) Increasing violence in the traffic. 54 – Ao expressar rad em graus, obtém-se
48 – “... more and more drivers were losing their temper a) 170°.
behind the wheel”, (lines 7 and 8), means that drivers b) 220°.
c) 280°.
a) need to control their temper. d) 320°.
b) became bad-tempered while repairing their wheels. 3 4 a a
c) were lost because they didn’t know where they were. 55 – Sejam sen x = , cos x = e sen 2 x = . Se é uma
d) were becoming so angry that they couldn’t control 5 5 b b
themselves while driving. fração irredutível, então b – a é igual a
a) 1.
49 – What’s the active voice for “A 78-year-old man died b) 2.
after he had been punched by a driver.”? c) 3.
d) 4.
A 78-year-old man died after a driver _______ him.
x − 2 y = 1
a) has punched 56 – O valor de x que é solução do sistema é um
b) had punched 2 x − 3 y = 3
c) was punching número
d) would have punched
a) par primo.
b) ímpar primo.
50 – The relative pronoun “who”, in bold type in the text, c) par não primo.
refers to d) ímpar não primo.
a) van driver.
b) pedestrian. 1 1 − 1 2
c) government.
57 – S e j a m
as matrizes A = e B= . A
0 − 1 1 0
d) a 78-year-old man.
soma dos elementos de A.B é
a) 0.
b) 1.
c) 2.
d) 3.
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AS QUESTÕES DE 26 A 50 REFEREM-SE Read the text and answer questions 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35.
À LÍNGUA INGLESA 1 A husband and wife, both 60 years old, were
celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary. During
Read the text and answer questions 26 and 27.
their party, a fairy appeared, to congratulate them and
A trip to Los Angeles grant them each one wish. The wife wanted to travel
James Hall has a new job with Lemon Computers in Philadelphia. 5 around the world. The fairy waved her wand and,
He’s 22 and just out of college. As part of his training, he has to then, suddenly, the wife had a ticket in her hand for a
spend six weeks at company headquarters near Los Angeles. It’s world cruise. Next the fairy asked the husband what
his first business trip, and he’s packing his suitcase. He lives with he wanted. He said, “I wish I had a wife 30 years
his parents, and his mother is helping him. younger than me.” So the fairy picked up her wand
(New American Streamline) 10 and, then, suddenly, the husband was 90.
GLOSSARY (Adapted from Speak Up # 295)
headquarters – matriz / sede principal GLOSSARY
fairy – fada
26 - According to the text, which alternative does not complete grant them – conceder-lhes
the blank correctly? wand – varinha mágica
James Hall _________________. cruise – cruzeiro marítimo
a) works in Philadelphia
b) has just finished his college
31 - According to the text,
c) usually goes on business trips a) the wife and husband got two wishes each.
d) has to spend six weeks at company headquarters b) a couple was celebrating their 35th birthday.
c) the wife’s wish was to travel to different places in the world.
27 - “his”, in bold type in the text, is a(n) d) the fairy decided to offer tickets to the couple for a world
a) demonstrative adjective. cruise.
b) possessive adjective.
c) subject pronoun. 32 - Based on the text, we can conclude that
d) object pronoun.
a) only the wife’s wish came true.
Read the text and answer questions 28, 29 and 30. b) the husband’s wish was to be 90 years old.
01 Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. This is your captain c) at the end, the wife became 30 years older.
Tom Brown. We’d like to welcome you aboard flight 811 d) both wife and husband got what they asked for.
and to apologize for the delay. We had some bumpy
weather over the Atlantic, and arrived late from London.
05 Now we are experiencing another slight delay as we wait 33 - The underlined word, in the text, means that something
for clearance from Air Traffic Control. We don’t expect it a) finished quickly.
will be more than five minutes, and we hope to arrive in b) appeared slowly.
Los Angeles at about 7:30 local time. c) ended successfully.
(New American Streamline) d) happened quickly and unexpectedly.
bumpy – instável, turbulento
clearance – permissão 34 - The correspondent ordinal forms for the numbers 60, 30
28 - According to the text, we can conclude that and 90 are, respectively:
a) sixth / third / ninth
a) flight 811 arrived late in London.
b) sixty / thirty / ninety
b) the captain experienced more than one delay.
c) sixtieth / thirtieth / ninetieth
c) the captain didn’t mind that there was a delay.
d) sixteenth / thirteenth / nineteenth
d) the crew expected the delay would be more than five
29 - “slight”, (line 05), is closest in meaning to 35 - All the alternatives below follow the same comparative
a) considerable. form as “younger than”, (line 9), except:
b) short. a) fast
c) long. b) clean
d) big. c) cheap
d) careful
30 - In “… we hope to arrive in Los Angeles at about 7:30 local
time.”, (lines 7 and 8), we can lead to the conclusion that the
a) is certain that the delays always happen.
b) would like to get to Los Angeles on time.
c) sounds optimistic about arriving in L.A at about 7:30.
d) doesn’t believe in the possibility of having any more delays.
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Read the extract and answer question 36. Read the paragraph and answer questions 41 and 42.
Before my grandfather died, he said to me: “Don’t waste your Angry Birds
time! Travel around the world! Have a beautiful house! Be with a Angry Birds are fat and round. Angry Birds cannot fly. But
person you love! Go to the beach! Have a lot of friends!” Angry Birds are superstars. Millions of people around the world
(Adapted from Inglês no Mundo do Trabalho) are addicted to them. It’s the number one game for smartphones.
36 - The imperative form of the verbs underlined in the extract (Adapted from Speak Up # 295)
a) habits. addicted to – viciado em
b) requests.
c) directions. 41 - Based on the text,
d) some advice.
a) Angry Birds are famous movie star animals.
b) people are crazy about Angry Birds because they’re fat and
37 - Fill in the blank with the correct response: c) people around the world buy a great number of smartphones.
d) many people like Angry Birds so much that they can’t stop
My friend’s mother is sick, but she avoids _______ to the
playing it.
a) goes 42 - The affirmative form of the underlined modal verb, in the
b) to go paragraph, expresses
c) going a) obligation.
d) not to go b) necessity.
c) advice.
d) ability.
Read the extract and answer question 43.
Read the anecdote and answer questions 38, 39 and 40. Man on the Moon
Mother to small son: “Be sure to wash your arms before you put ___ July 21, 1969, ___ 2:56 a.m. (Greenwich Mean Time) the
on your new shirt.” American astronaut Neil Armstrong left the lunar module of
Small son: “Should I wash for long or short sleeves?” Apollo 11 and put his left foot on the surface of the moon.
(Adapted from Password English Book)
38 - The underlined word, in the anecdote, is a(n) 43 - The correct prepositions to fill in the blanks are,
a) verb. a) In / at
b) noun. b) In / on
c) adverb. c) On / on
d) adjective.
d) On / at
46 - All words below are countable nouns, except: 50 – Fill in the blank with the correct response:
a) mice
I can understand English _______ I can’t speak it.
b) news
c) sheep a) so
d) children b) or
c) but
d) because
Read the extract and answer question 47.
Every week, millions of dollars are spent, and won, on the lottery
tickets. The jackpot in many lotteries can be as much as 100
million, and winners suddenly find ________ with more money
than ever before.
(Active- Skills for reading)
jackpot – aposta total , prêmio
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AS QUESTÕES DE 25 A 48 REFEREM-SE Read the extract and answer questions 31 and 32.
À LÍNGUA INGLESA Tobacco will kill 1,200 people in the United States today.
Maybe fewer of US citizens would die from cigarettes if
Read the letter and answer questions 25, 26, 27 and 28. _______ fewer cigarettes ads.
1 Dear Maggie, But please only rip out ads from magazines you own. Thank
My son just announced that he is going away to school. you.
Bobby is a good student, and I am very proud of him. GLOSSARY
Any college would be lucky to have him! ads (advertisements) – anúncios
5 My only concern is that he’s never lived away from rip out – destaque, rasgue
home before. Will he be able to take care of _______?
What if there’s an emergency?
Give me some advice so that I can relax! 31 – Choose the best alternative to have the extract completed:
Doubtful Dad
a) there is
25 – Choose the right alternative to have the blank filled in the b) there are
letter: c) there was
d) there were
a) itself
b) herself
c) himself
d) yourself 32 – “Maybe”, underlined in the extract, expresses
a) result.
b) certainty.
26 – Based on the letter, all alternatives are correct, except: c) uncertainty.
a) Bobby is proud of himself. d) consequence.
b) Bobby told his father about his plans.
c) Bobby’s dad is worried about his son.
d) It’s the first time Bobby’s going to live away from home. Read the cartoon and answer question 33.
30 – “cool”, underlined in the text, is closest in meaning to 33 – Reading the cartoon leads to the conclusion that, except:
a) calm. a) the boy lied to his mom.
b) interesting. b) the PC was out of order.
c) unpleasant. c) the boy had a poor grade in his English test.
d) unattractive. d) the boy surfed a social network instead of studying English.
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Read the text and answer questions 34, 35 and 36. Read the text and answer question 39.
How to reduce your sugar intake 1 In Iran, New Year’s Day isn’t in January. It’s called
1 Begin by replacing sugar in drinks with saccharin “Nowruz” and it’s in March. People always _____ new
or aspartame. Drink low-calorie soft drinks. This clothes and _____ their houses. They _____ special
means that you will get an immediate reduction in food like meat and rice. They visit all the people in
calorie intake without having to change your taste for 5 their families and _____ them presents. It’s a very
5 sweet things. busy time.
Stop buying biscuits, sweets and chocolates, and
choose fruit and vegetables _________. If you must
have cakes, make your own, using half the quantity of
sugar given in standard recipes.
39 – The correct verbs to fill in the blanks are, respectively:
10 Watch out for what you eat! a) buy/ make/ give/ clean
(Adapted from The Sunday Times ABC Diet and Body Plan) b) buy/ clean/ make/ give
GLOSSARY c) give/ buy/ clean/ make
intake – ingestão d) make/ give/ buy/ clean
44 – The words “sometimes” and “never”, in bold type in the 48 – All verbs below are in the past, except:
text, are adverbs of
a) died (line 7)
a) time. b) built (line 1)
b) place. c) come (line 3)
c) manner. d) took off (line 4)
d) frequency.
Read the text and answer questions 45, 46, 47 and 48.
1 The US space organization, NASA developed and built
the first space shuttle. The shuttle was the first rocket to
fly into space, come back to earth and fly again. The
first shuttle to fly in space was Columbia. It took off on
5 the 12th April 1981. In January 1986 the shuttle
Challenger exploded at take-off. Everyone on the
shuttle died. This accident slowed down the shuttle
programme for the next six years. A new shuttle,
Endeavor, replaced Challenger in May 1992.
10 On 25th April 1990, NASA used the shuttle Discovery
to put the Hubble Space Telescope into space at a
distance of 512 kilometres from the earth. Hubble
travels around the earth and sends back photos of the
stars and planets.
NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration
47 – The numbers 12 th
and 25 th, underlined in the text, are,
a) twelve / twenty-fifth
b) twelfth / twenty-fifth
c) twelve / twentieth-fifth
d) twelfth / twentieth-five
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AS QUESTÕES DE 25 A 48 REFEREM-SE Read the article and answer questions 29, 30 and 31.
À LÍNGUA INGLESA Unbeetable: The humble root which fights cancer
and lowers blood pressure
1 With its sweet, earthy taste and ruby-red interior,
Read the article and answer questions 25, 26, 27 and 28. beetroot is a favourite of foods, but there’s far more to
1 Thick smog in China forced airlines to cancel it than that.
The majority of beetroot’s benefits stem from the
flights, as heavy-polluting factories in Beijing were
5 unusually high level of nitrates it contains.
temporarily shut down to ease the pollution.
Nitrates have suffered a bad reputation because of
Street lamps and outlines of buildings were barely
their use as a food additive. However, recent studies
5 visible in the Chinese capital, as pedestrians donned
face masks to guard against the smoke. The have shown that nitrates in beetroot lower blood
government advised residents to stay indoors as much pressure.
10 A study carried out in 2010 also found that the
as possible because the pollution was “severe”.
_____the blood pressure, the _____ the drop observed.
The flight cancellations prevented the passengers
If beetroot juice is consumed widely, there will be
10 from flying during the first week of the country’s
reduction in death from cardiovascular disease.
busiest period of travel, due to the Chinese New Year
Among other benefits, beetroots may also slow
on February 10. Many passengers were left waiting at
15 progression of dementia and growth of tumours.
the airport, as information was scarce.
smog – neblina misturada com poluição, nevoeiro com 29 – Choose the alternative so as to have the article completed
fumaça correctly:
a) high – great
25 – According to the article, we can infer that heavy-polluting b) higher – greater
factories in Beijing c) higher – greatest
d) highest – greatest
a) were advised to cease operations for good.
b) had to suspend their production because of flight
cancellations. 30 – Based on the article, beetroot
c) had to stop operating for a short time in an attempt to
reduce smog levels. a) is only enjoyed because of its sweet flavour.
d) were closed down because of the effects of industrial b) contains a substance that can lower blood pressure.
pollution on the population. c) is not as healthy as other vegetables due to its high level of
d) among other benefits, it is also recommended to combat
26 – In “Street lamps and outlines of buildings were barely contagious diseases.
visible …”, (lines 4 and 5), it means that they were
a) visible only with great effort.
b) not visible at all. 31 – The title of the article reveals that beetroots are
c) clearly visible. a) unbeatable.
d) highly visible. b) unavailable.
c) unavoidable.
27 – In “... pedestrians donned face masks to guard against the d) unaccountable.
smoke.”, (lines 5 and 6), it means that
a) masks had to be worn to avoid breathing deadly fumes. Read the text and answer questions 32 and 33.
b) pedestrians had their masks on so as to stop them from 1 Leonardo da Vinci has long been praised as one
breathing. of the finest artists of __________ Renaissance,
c) pedestrians had to put face masks on to protect themselves working far ahead of his time and producing some of
against smoke. the world’s most recognizable works.
d) pedestrians were given face masks by the government 5 But da Vinci has finally received __________
owing to “severe” pollution in Beijing. credit he deserves for his startling medical accuracy
hundreds of years in advance of his peers, as scientists
28 – The last paragraph reveals that compare his anatomical drawings with modern day
MRI scans.
a) passengers usually get stuck during Chinese New Year 10 In a series of 30 pictures, an organization in
celebrations. England intends to show just accurate da Vinci was.
b) the passengers were stranded at the airport because of flight (Adapted from
c) the airport gets busy for the best part of February due to
praised – considerado, visto
Chinese New Year celebrations.
startling – surpreendente, impressionante
d) the airlines were forced to cancel their flights because there
MRI scans – imagens de ressonância magnética
were no more seats available.
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32 – Fill in the blanks with the suitable options, respectively: 37 – In “At last it lifted off, just avoiding some telephone wires
a) a-a ...”, (lines 7 and 8), it means that Lindbergh
b) a - the a) clipped the telephone wires as he lifted off.
c) the - a b) hit some telephone wires before the plane had lifted off.
d) the - the c) flew high over some telephone wires during his landing.
33 – In “...the world’s most recognizable works...”, (lines 3 and d) could prevent himself from hitting the plane on some
telephone wires.
4), the underlined word is closest in meaning to
a) easily identified. 38 – The correct active voice for “The parachute, the radio and
b) artistically made. even the brakes had been removed by the mechanic.”, (lines 5-
c) readily available. 7), is
d) commercially priced.
a) The parachute, the radio and even the brakes were removed.
Read the text and answer questions 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and b) The parachute, the radio and even the brakes had to be
40. removed.
Charles Lindbergh’s achievement c) The mechanic has removed the parachute, the radio and
1 On 20th May 1927 a small fixed-wing single- even the brakes.
engined aeroplane loaded with its maximum capacity d) The mechanic had removed the parachute, the radio and
of fuel (450 gallons) struggled to get airborne as it even the brakes.
bounced down the runway at Roosevelt Field, New 39 – “a hundred thousand”, (line 9), is expressed in number as:
5 York. To avoid extra weight, the parachute, the radio
and even the brakes had been removed by the a) 100,000
mechanic. At last it lifted off, just avoiding some b) 1,000,000
telephone wires, and disappeared into the distance. c) 10,000,000
Thirty hours later a hundred thousand Parisians d) 100,000,000
10 lined up at the Le Bourget Airport to wait for the
arrival of the plane. It was 10 o’clock at night. 40 – In, “He’d just become the first person ...”, (line 17), the
Burning lanterns marked out the runway. Then came underlined letter is a contracted form of:
the low-pitched sound of an engine and a wave of
excitement swept through the crowd. The Spirit of St. a) did
15 Louis touched down and rolled to the end of the b) had
runway. Out of the plane stepped a tall handsome c) could
American – Charles Lindbergh. He’d just become the d) should
first person to fly solo across the Atlantic, and he was
destined to become one of the most famous men in the Read the text and answer questions 41, 42, 43 and 44.
world. 1 An 82-year British tradition of voting on a Thursday
GLOSSARY could be broken under plans to create a common
get airborne – decolar European Union voting day, as a step to cement a
bounced – “deu um solavanco” political union in Europe.
lined up – enfileiraram-se 5 Recommendations from the European Commission
propose that Europe has a common voting day for the
2014 elections to choose the next President of the
34 – All words underlined in the text are adjectives, except: Commission.
a) fixed-wing Currently in almost all European countries voting
b) low-pitched 10 day is on a Sunday.
c) disappeared _________ 1931 the British people have always
d) single-engined voted on a Thursday. A change to the voting date could
cause a decrease in the number of voters in Britain.
35 – “At last”, (line 7), is closest in meaning to (Adapted from
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Read the extract and answer questions 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33. Read the text and answer questions 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,
41, 42.
1 Different ways of speaking are part of gender. As
adults, men and women sometimes face difficulties in their Understanding the Five Elements
communication with each other. Studies of communication 1 Water is represented by the color black and the calm
show that if a woman tells her husband about a problem, stillness of winter. People _____ dominant element is
5 she will expect him to listen and offer sympathy. She may water prefer salty foods. They tend to be peaceful and
be annoyed when he simply tells her how to solve the introspective, though they can also be stubborn
problem. Similarly, a husband may be annoyed when his 5 individuals. Water people value privacy and rarely share
wife wants to stop and ask a stranger for directions to a their personal thoughts with others.
park or restaurant. Unlike his wife, he would prefer to use a Wood is represented by the color green and the rebirth of
10 map and find his way by himself. spring. People _____ dominant element is wood prefer
Language is also part of the different ways that men sour foods. They tend to be driven, assertive individuals,
and women think about friendship. Most men believe that 10 which can sometimes make them argumentative and
friendship means doing things together such as camping or difficult to get along with. However, they can also be
playing tennis. Talking is not an important part of understanding, helpful individuals who are happy to assist
15 friendship for most of them. Women, ______________, others in need.
usually identify their best friend as someone with whom Fire corresponds to the color red and the season of
they talk frequently. Experts believe that for women, 15 summer. People _____ dominant element prefer bitter
talking with friends and agreeing with them is very foods. They tend to be optimistic, energetic, unpredictable
important. individuals. Fire people often have strong opinions, and
(Adapted from Different Ways of Talking) are risk takers: they are passionate people who love
excitement and change. Like fire, though, they can also be
29 – Fill in the blank with the suitable option: 20 destructive and rude.
a) also Earth is represented by the color yellow and is related to
b) therefore late summer – a time of wellbeing when things are in
c) increasingly balance. People _____ dominant element is earth prefer
d) on the other hand sweet foods. Earth people are slow to change their minds
25 and rarely lose their tempers. They tend to be patient,
easygoing, caring, and nurturing, although like some
30 – Similarly, in bold type in the extract, could be replaced by: parents, they can also be overprotective.
Metal is represented by the color white and is related to
a) Likewise
the season of autumn. People _____ dominant element is
b) Unlike
30 metal prefer spicy foods. They tend to be systematic and
c) Likely
refined, but are sometimes viewed by others as somewhat
d) Like
distant or unfriendly.
31 – In the extract, when the woman expects her husband to nurturing – supportive
offer sympathy, (lines 4 and 5), she wants him to somewhat – more than a little but not very
a) be nice to her. 34 – Choose the alternative so as to have the text completed
b) sort her problems out. correctly:
c) understand and care about her problems.
d) believe that she really has something to overcome. a) who
b) which
c) whom
d) whose
32 – Reading the extract, we can lead to the conclusion that
a) men are keen on sharing problems. 35 – All alternatives complete the blank below, except:
b) men gain respect by agreeing with their peers. The text __________.
c) similarly to men, women enjoy being outdoors with their
friends. a) describes each element in detail
d) gender differences can be seen in the way men and women b) shows the tastes of food that each individual may like
communicate with each other. c) outlines the effects each element has on an individual’s
d) explains what happens when an individual lacks one of the
33 – In “... he would prefer to use a map and find his way by five elements
himself.”, (lines 9 and 10), it means that he
a) would rather use a map instead of asking for directions.
36 – “Though” and “although”, underlined in the text, are
closest in meaning to
b) gets bored when people don’t give him the right direction.
c) never asks for directions because he always has a map with a) if.
him. b) when.
d) he would rather drive alone because his wife’s attitude c) because.
makes him annoyed. d) however.
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37 – “Value”, (line 5), was used in the text as a/an 44 – The pronoun “it”, in bold type in the text, refers to
a) verb. a) linguistics.
b) noun. b) dialect.
c) adverb. c) cliché.
d) adjective. d) navy.
38 – Choose one negative personality adjective for each 45 – “take off”, (line 7), means
element: water, wood, fire, earth and metal, in this order:
a) start flying.
a) calm – helpful – passionate – patient – distant b) become upset.
b) peaceful – assertive – optimistic – easygoing – systematic c) return to Nature.
c) introspective – understanding – destructive – caring – refined d) accept its destiny.
d) stubborn – argumentative – rude – overprotective – unfriendly
46 – “got”, (line 9), can be correctly replaced by
39 – “Tend”, in bold type in the text, means
a) grew.
a) to attempt. b) grow.
b) to seem tender. c) grown.
c) to show tenderness. d) growing.
d) to have a tendency to.
40 – All words below are adjectives, except: 47 – According to the text,
a) salty (line 3) a) English was created in May 1213.
b) spicy (line 30) b) you need wings in order to learn English.
c) happy (line 13) c) it’s impossible to discover exactly when English was born.
d) privacy (line 5) d) the process for a dialect to become a language is empirical.
41 – Put the following adverbs: sometimes, often and rarely in Read the cartoon and answer question 48.
order, from the least frequent to the most frequent.
a) often – sometimes – rarely 1 2
b) rarely – sometimes – often
c) sometimes – often – rarely
d) often – rarely – sometimes
a) hard
b) hardly
c) harder
d) hardening
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Read the text and answer questions 28, 29, 30 and 31.
01 Dear,
It was great to hear from you. Sorry it’s taken me a while
to reply, but I’ve been up to my eyes in work recently.
I’m happy to hear that you’re having such a good time at
05 college and that you’ve made lots of new friends. David
sounds nice. Three weeks? That must be a record for
I’m writing to ask you what you’re doing the last
weekend in May. I was wondering if you’d like to come
10 and spend a few days at the shore. How about bringing
David with you? (Can he cook?!) Please try to come.
I’m really looking forward to seeing you.
Write soon and let me know.
Lots of love.
(Adapted from American Inside Out, Sue Kay and
V. Jones)
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30 – According to the text, all alternatives are correct, except: Read the text and answer questions 35, 36 and 37.
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38 – Fill in he blanks with the suitable option 44 – “largest”, (line 2 ), was used in the text as a
a) for – to – on – in a) superlative.
b) on – in – from – to b) comparative of equality.
c) to – from – in – for c) comparative of inferiority.
d) since – for – from – to d) comparative of superiority.
Read the text and answer questions 45, 46, 47 and 48.
39 – According to the text, we can infer that Pepsi versus Coke
01 Pepsi is in trouble. For a long time now, it’s been
a) Halloween has a religious origin. the second most popular cola drink in the United States,
b) In Brazil people don’t celebrate the Witches’ Day. after Coke. But now it’s in third place, with Coke and
c) The “trick or treat” tradition began with children asking for Diet Coke in the number one and two positions. But
food. 05 PepsiCo (the producer of the famous drink) is
d) A pumpkin with a candle inside is used to adorn the houses determined to fight back. It plans to spend 30% more on
in Halloween in the United States. advertising this year. Some think this might lead to
another Cola War (the name given to the battle between
Coke and Pepsi for market dominance in the ‘70s and
40 – “Trick or treat”, in bold type, in the text, means 10 ‘80s). More worrying for both companies is the fact that
a) a celebration of someone’s birthday. US consumers are spending less on fizzy drinks every
b) an event in which is someone’s wedding. year, preferring healthier options such as fruit juice or
c) a day when people thank for the end of the harvest. tea.
d) an activity in which children knock on door of houses to ask (adapted from “hot English magazine” nº 4)
for candies.
45 – According to the text, it’s correct to say that in the U.S.A.,
Read the article and answer questions 41, 42, 43 and 44. a) was always the most popular cola drink.
01 Rio de Janeiro presented what they are calling the b) is the third most popular cola drink these days.
largest ever floating Christmas “tree” on the Rodrigo de c) had to fight to be in the third position after Coke.
Freitas Lagoon on Saturday night. d) has been struggling against Coke for a long time in order to
The giant structure was_______ with a firework get the second position.
05 display during an event that featured lights and musical 46 – In the text, when PepsiCo says that it is determined to fight
performance, drawing thousands of people to the lagoon. back, (lines 4, 5 and 6), it means that the producer
This year’s theme celebrates the importance of light in
people’s lives, _______by the sun, the moon and the a) plans to attack Coke investing in advertisement.
stars. b) wants to advertise for another Cola War.
10 The 280 ft. tall structure is _______ by 3.1 million c) will resist until the end of the Cola War.
lights and it will be lit every night until 6 January. d) is dominating the market of cola drinks.
(Adapted from www.telegraph .co. uk)
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48 – Fizzy drinks, in bold type, in the extract, can be replaced AS QUESTÕES DE 49 A 72 REFEREM-SE À
by _______ drinks. MATEMÁTICA
a) still
b) fresh
c) freezing 7
49 – O valor de rad em graus é
d) sparkling 30
a) 36.
b) 38.
c) 42.
d) 46.
52 – Seja a matriz A = (aij)2x2 tal que aij = |i2 – j2|. A soma dos
elementos de A é igual a
a) 3.
b) 6.
c) 9.
d) 12.
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23 – Leia:
Nas cozinhas modernas é comum ver tecnologias como o
cooktop um fogão moderno com sistema de indução
Sobre o emprego da vírgula no período acima, coloque (C)
para a afirmação correta e (E) para a errada. Em seguida,
assinale a alternativa com a sequência correta.
( ) Depois do adjetivo modernas, deve haver uma vírgula
para assinalar a anteposição do adjunto adverbial.
( ) Depois da palavra cooktop, deve haver uma vírgula para
snap – perder o controle, não se conter
isolar o aposto.
( ) O adjetivo moderno deve ficar entre vírgulas, pois é 25 – Reading the cartoon leads to the conclusion that the police
adjunto adnominal. officer arrested the English teacher, because
a) C, E, E a) he didn’t know English grammar.
b) E, C, C b) she wrote the question wrong.
c) C, C, E c) the grammar was not correct.
d) E, E, C d) vandalism is not allowed.
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28 – “so embarrassed”, in bold type in the text, is closest in Read the text and answer questions 34, 35, 36 and 37.
meaning to, except: The sun and the moon
a) extremely comfortable 1 The sun is a star. It’s a ball of fire. The moon is rocky and
b) pretty disconcerted hard. It’s not hot. The sun sends out light, but the moon
c) really red-faced doesn’t. In fact, the moon reflects the light.
d) very ashamed The moon is about 240.000 miles away from us; the sun is
5 93 million miles; that’s why the moon looks almost as
29 – According to the text, large as the sun.
a) Laura was very pleased taking a French fry off the plate.
b) the man eating a hamburger was Laura’s father. GLOSSARY
c) Laura ordered hamburger and French fries. send out – produzir
d) Laura’s father often eats in that restaurant.
34 – Based on the text, all the alternatives are correct, except:
Read the text and answer questions 30 and 31.
a) The moon is nearer to the earth than the sun is.
Don’t drink and ride b) The moon doesn’t make its own light.
Alcohol can increase your risk of being hurt in a car accident, c) The sun just reflects the moon light.
even if you aren’t behind the wheel. A new University of d) The sun is larger than the moon.
Michigan study reports that men who have been drinking are 50
percent more likely to experience a serious injury during a car
accident than sober passengers.
30 – According
to the text, all the alternatives are correct,
35 – According to the text, we can infer that
the moon is smaller than the sun.
be hurt in an accident.
b) Drunk passengers suffer more injuries than those who don’t
the sun is smaller than the moon.
the moon and the sun are small.
drink anything.
c) The risk of being hurt in a car accident is higher when you A
drink alcohol.
d) Only the drivers can suffer injuries in a car accident.
36 – The underlined words, in the text, are
31 – The word “who”, underlined in the text, can be replaced by
a) adjectives.
a) whose. b) pronouns.
b) which. c) adverbs.
c) whom. d) nouns.
d) that.
32 – “find out”, in bold type in the text, is closest in meaning to Read the text and answer question 38.
Dear Matthew,
I was really upset to hear about your accident. It sounds terrible!
You’re lucky to have only one broken leg! Hope you’re back on
your feet soon!
d) have. Love, Rachel
33 – The underlined verbs in the text are in the 38 – We can infer that the text is a
a) present progressive. a) get well message.
b) past progressive. b) piece of advice.
c) simple present. c) business letter.
d) future. d) love letter.
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Read the text and answer questions 39, 40, 41, 42 and 43. Read the extract and answer questions 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48.
The Goose and the Golden egg A very healthy food
A recent study, carried out by the Federal University
1 There was once __________ Countryman who
of Pará, concluded that açaí helps prevent cardiovascular
possessed the most wonderful Goose you can imagine,
diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes. The fruit also
for every day when he visited the nest, the Goose had
has other benefits for our health: it helps the intestines
laid a beautiful, glittering, Golden egg. 5
work well and efficiently. It also delays the aging process
5 The Countryman took the eggs to the market and
in cells. In addition to all these benefits, other studies
soon began to get rich. But he grew impatient with
done recently _________ that the fruit is also good for
__________ Goose because she gave him only a single
our sight and stimulates our memory.
Golden egg a day. He was not getting rich fast enough.
(Adapted from
Then one day, after he had finished counting his
10 money, he thought that he could get all the Golden eggs GLOSSARY
at once by killing the Goose and cutting it open. But carried out – realizado
when he killed her, he didn’t find a single Golden egg stroke – derrame
and his precious Goose was dead.
(Adapted from “The Goose and the Golden egg”) 44 – Fill in the blank with the correct verb tense:
GLOSSARY a) shows
nest – ninho b) showing
glittering – brilhante c) has shown
d) have shown
39 – Fill in the blanks, in the text, with the appropriate articles,
45 – “delays”, (line 5), is closest in meaning to
a) a/a
b) a / the a) stops.
c) the / a b) prevents.
d) the / the c) postpones.
d) accelerates.
40 – “can”, (line 2), gives us an idea of 46 – All words, taken from the text, are adverbs, except:
a) intention. a) well
b) necessity. b) healthy
c) deduction. c) recently
d) possibility. d) efficiently
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Provas anteriores
AS QUESTÕES DE 25 A 48 REFEREM-SE Read the text and answer questions 30, 31, 32 and 33.
1 Germanwings and its parent company, Lufthansa, are
À LÍNGUA INGLESA still reeling from the disaster. Senior managers are facing a
barrage of questions about Lubitz and the company's policies.
Read the text and answer questions 25, 26, 27 and 28. Lubitz passed his annual pilot recertification medical
5 examination in summer 2014, a German aviation source told
The flight CNN. An official with Lufthansa said that the exam only tests
physical health, not psychological health. The company
1 Flight 9525, an Airbus A320, took off at 10:01
was never given any indication Lubitz was depressed, the
a.m. on March 24 from Barcelona, bound for official said, and if he went to a doctor on his own he would
Dusseldorf. The plane had 144 passengers and six crew 10 have been required to self-report if he had been deemed unfit
members on board. to fly.
5 According to French aviation accident The company has already changed its rules following the
investigators, the plane began descending from its crash to ensure that two crew members are in the cockpit at all
cruising altitude of 38,000 feet at 10:31 a.m. It lost times. Many other airlines have taken similar steps or been
contact with French radar at an altitude of 6,175 feet at 15 advised by authorities to do so.
10:40 a.m., the investigators said. More and more information is coming to light about the
lives of the passengers and crew members on Flight 9525.
10 Transponder data shows that the autopilot was
They include Iranian sports journalists who had been working
reprogrammed by someone inside the cockpit to change at covering a big Spanish soccer game between Barcelona and
the plane's altitude from 38,000 feet to 100 feet, 20 Real Madrid; a group of young students from a German town
according to Flightradar24, a website that tracks who were returning from a school trip; two successful
aviation data. German opera singers who had performed at a Barcelona
15 The aircraft crashed in a remote area near Digne- theater; and an American mother and daughter from Virginia.
les-Bains in the Alpes de Haute-Provence region. Most of the people on the flight were from Germany or
Adapted from 25 Spain, officials have said. Searchers at the mountainside crash
site are continuing with their precarious mission to recover the
remains of the dead.
25 – Choose the correct active sentence to replace “The Adapted from
autopilot was reprogrammed by someone” (lines 10 and 11). GLOSSARY
a) Someone had reprogrammed the autopilot. deemed – considered
b) Someone has reprogrammed the autopilot. to reel – to be confused or shocked by a situation
c) Someone reprogrammed the autopilot. 30 – According to the text,
d) Someone reprograms the autopilot.
a) the company’s policies are in trouble because of the disaster.
26 – Cockpit, (line 11), means the b) the company was aware of Lubitz’s physical health and
psychological health.
a) kitchen on a plane. c) the airline has not ensured that two crew members are in the
b) back part of a plane. cockpit at all times.
d) an annual pilot recertification medical examination was not
c) area in a plane where the pilot sits.
performed by the co-pilot Lubitz.
d) part of a plane where goods are stored.
31 – “Unfit to fly”, lines 11 and 12, means
27 – The pronoun “It” (line 7) refers to a) able to fly.
a) accident. b) ready to fly.
b) altitude. c) unable to fly.
c) plane. d) acceptable to fly.
d) feet.
32 – “Crew members”, (line 13), means all the people who
28 – Complete the statement taken from the text (lines 1-2) with a) work on a plane.
the correct question tag: b) buy things on a plane.
c) go into a plane and steal things.
“Flight 9525, an Airbus A320, took off at 10:01 a.m on March
d) are involved in illegal activities.
24 from Barcelona, ______”?
a) won’t it 33 – According to the text, write (T) for the true statements and
b) didn’t it (F) for the false statements.
c) wasn’t it ( ) There were artists on Flight 9525.
d) doesn’t it ( ) There were only elderly people on board.
( ) All the passengers on Flight 9525 were Spanish.
29 – In the sentence “Beware of the dog. He bites really hard; ( ) The journalists on board were returning from a vacation
however, he can be bribed”, which word can replace “however” trip.
without interfering in the meaning? Choose the alternative which corresponds to the order.
a) Because a) T–F–F–F
b) Moreover b) F–T–T–F
c) Therefore c) T–F–F–T
d) Nevertheless d) T–T–F–F
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Read the cartoon and answer the question 34. Read the text and answer questions 37, 38 and 39.
Winter sports
1 Only two areas of the USA are mild in winter, the coasts,
especially Florida and southern California, and the
southern part of the Mississippi basin.
Everywhere else it gets cold, often very cold. By the
5 end of November, many American states are often
covered in snow; and although recent winters have been
less cold, sport in winter usually means winter sports, or
indoor sports.
By January, many people in North America will have
10 temperatures of -30°C; not every day, of course, but such
low temperatures are not rare. In Chicago and
Minneapolis, the temperature can fall below -40°.
When it is very cold, especially when there is a cold
wind, ______ people want to go outside, unless they
15 have to; but on sunny winter days, winter sports are
Taken from popular.
In the large flat regions in the middle of North
34 – According to the cartoon, we can affirm that America, ______ winter sports are snowmobiling, snow-
a) The boy would not marry the girl at all. shoeing and cross-country skiing. Ice-skating is popular
b) “If” and “unless” have exactly the same meaning. 20 too; lakes and rivers freeze, and many towns and cities
c) The girl was happy, because the boy accepted to marry her have free open-air skating rinks. In many places, these
when she grows up. are flood-lit after dark, so that people can enjoy skating
d) There is only one way that the girl would marry the boy: in the evening.
being the last girl on Earth. Adapted from
36 – According to the text, BOY: The teacher sent me an email with my grades, but I
deleted it.
a) many services will not be available because of the snow.
The boy said that his teacher
b) people expect to wake up with their feet on the snow on
Tuesday. a) had not sent him an email with his grades, but he had
c) Boston’s Logan Airport will start operating after 19:00 local deleted it.
time. b) has sent him an email with his grades, but he has deleted it.
d) after 23:00 local time, people will have to go home by bus c) sent him an email with his grades, but he has deleted it.
or subway. d) had sent him an email with his grades, but he deleted it.
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Read the text and answer questions 41, 42, 43 and 44. Read the text and answer the questions 45 and 46.
1 What could have prompted Lubitz to deliberately 1 Radiotelephone communications lack the facial cues,
destroy the aircraft, killing everyone on board, body language, and listening cues found in usual face-
remained the focus of investigations in Germany. to-face situations. Communications without such cues
Officials said Lubitz was not known to be on any are considered to be more difficult and challenging,
5 terrorism list, and his religion was not immediately 5 requiring a higher degree of language proficiency, than
known. face-to-face interactions. In addition, other features of
He had passed medical and psychological testing radiotelephone communications make it a unique kind
when he was hired in 2013, said Carsten Spohr, CEO of of communicative event, for example:
Lufthansa, which owns Germanwings. - The sound quality may be poor, with distracting
10 While the ailment Lubitz had sought treatment for 10 sounds.
hasn’t been revealed, that he was declared unfit for - The communicative workload of the air traffic
work is an important detail, aviation analysts say. Pilots controller or a pilot may be heavy, with a corresponding
are required to maintain their fitness to fly and must tell need for efficiency and brevity.
their airline if they’re found unfit, CNN aviation - In addition to their communicative tasks, pilots must
15 analyst David Soucie said. 15 also attend to all of the tasks involved in operating their
Adapted from
germanwings-plane-crash-main/ Adapted from Document 9835 (ICAO, 2010, p. 2-6).
41 – According to the article, the German pilot Lubitz 45 – Write (T) for the true statements and (F) for the false
statements, according to the text.
a) was responsible for a terrorist attack
( ) Radiotelephone communications need to be efficient and
b) planned to destroy the aircraft.
c) was hired to destroy the plane.
( ) The sound in radiotelephone communications may not be
d) revealed his sickness.
( ) In radiotelephone communications, there is no body language.
( ) Radiotelephone communications do not require a good level
of language proficiency.
Choose the correct alternative, according to the order of the
42 – In the sentence “Pilots (…) must tell their airline if they’re sentences.
found unfit.” (lines 13-14), the expression in bold can be a) T–T–T–F
replaced by: b) T–F–T–F
a) can c) T–T–F–T
b) should d) F–T–F–T
c) have to
d) ought to 46 – The words “efficiency” and “brevity” (both in line 13)
follow, respectively, the same rule of word formation as in
a) policy – party.
b) agency – plenty.
c) fancy – security.
43 – The sentence “(…) he was hired in 2013 (…)” (line 8) d) proficiency – clarity.
has the same meaning as:
a) The airline hired Lubitz in 2013. Read the cartoon to answer question 47.
b) Lubitz hired Carsten Spohr in 2013
c) Lufthansa hired Carsten Spohr in 2013.
d) Carsten Spohr hired the CEO of Lufthansa in 2013.
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48 – Read the cartoon and write (T) for the true statements and AS QUESTÕES DE 49 A 72 REFEREM-SE
(F) for the false statements.
49 – A tabela apresenta o número de acidentes de trabalho
ocorrido a cada mês em uma empresa no ano de 2014.
Mês Nº de acidentes
Jan. 4
Fev. 3
Mar. 1
Abr. 1
( ) The toothbrush said that the toilet paper’s job is the best. Mai. 3
( ) The toothbrush said that it has the worst job in the world and Jun. 3
the toilet paper agreed. Jul. 4
( ) The toilet paper’s thinking conveys the meaning that there is Ago. 1
always someone who has a worse job.
Set. 0
( ) The toilet paper’s thinking was ironic, possibly interpreted
as “so, you do not know what I actually do”. Out. 2
Nov. 3
Choose the alternative that corresponds to the correct order:
Dez. 5
a) T – T – T – F
b) F – F – F – T TOTAL 30
c) F – F – T – T
A quantidade de meses que apresentou números de acidentes
d) F – F – T – F
acima da média aritmética mensal foi
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7
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25 – In the sentence: “Dude, now my peanuts are on the floor… 30 – In the sentence: The steward is arriving in the airport now.
The feminine of the word in bold type is
“…MEE-You!” can be correctly replaced by a) woman steward
a) , isn’t it? b) female steward
b) , are they? c) stewardwoman
c) , aren’t they? d) stewardess
d) , aren’t the peanuts?
31 – Choose the sentence that corresponds to the right form of
the reported speech for the dialogue:
The mother said to the son:
Read the text and answer the questions 26, 27, 28 and 29. – Do not watch TV after midnight!
1 The job of a pilot is difficult and risky, but prestigious. a) The mother told her son to does not watch TV after midnight.
Airline pilots often travel thousands of kilometers and can b) The mother told her son do not to watch TV after midnight.
find themselves in a different time and climate zones every c) The mother told her son to not watch TV after midnight.
day. ____ see all parts of the world and get to know new d) The mother told her son not to watch TV after midnight.
5 people almost all the time. But a pilot also faces problems.
____ often suffer from jet lag and can become tired when
flying through different time zones. ____ spend many 32 – Choose the alternative that does not complete the sentence
days away from home and ____ families.
Although many people think it is a real dream job,
10 pilots must be responsible people, because they have the
It is possible to pass an exam, __________ you study hard.
lives of up to a few hundred passengers in their hands.
They have to have hundreds of hours of training before
they can do their job. Pilots must remain calm in
dangerous situations and always have to make the right
decisions. They need to see and hear perfectly.
d) A
as long as
provided that
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Read the text and answer questions 34 and 35. Read the text and answer questions 39 and 40.
1 You may not have heard the words “freshman fifteen” Interview with Tony Hawk (TH) - Wheels on Fire
before, but they are very important for students who are (WOF) Magazine
entering university.
1 WOF: Let’s start with the high point of your career.
“Fifteen” refers to fifteen pounds, the fifteen pounds
Can you pick one out to share with us?
5 added to a student’s weight in his or her first year.
TH: Oh, yes, definitely. For me, the high point came
There are a number of reasons why first-year university
when I was traveling to France and I had to fill out a tourist
students gain weight, but it is encouraging to know that
5 information card. You know, the thing you fill out when
freshmen don’t have to add these harmfull fifteen pounds.
you’re entering a new country? Well, I got to write down
Some students visit the kitchen many times while
“skateboarder” as my occupation. How cool!
10 studying and also have less time for walking, running and Taken from BARTON et at. Northstar. 2.ed. New York: Longman, 2004, p. 22.
doing sports due to their amount of schoolwork.
(Adapted from Active skills for Reading) 39 – According to the text, the high point of Tony Hawk’s career
34 – Which of the underlined words in the text is an adjective? was when he
a) doing a) traveled to France to work.
b) walking b) filled out a form declaring his goods.
c) running c) had to write his job - skateboarder - on a form.
d) encouraging d) worked as a tourist information guide in France.
38 – According to the text, studying abroad 42 – According to the text, the word “it”, in line 3, refers to
a) is an experience that changes someone’s life. a) ice
b) is a waste of time. b) scientist
c) has no benefits. c) Antarctica
d) is very risky. d) scientific research
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Read the text and answer questions 43, 44 and 45. 46 – In the text, the meaning of “misinterpretation” (line 9) is to
1 Until the 1960's, team sports were not played on a) forget to interpret.
a global scale. In Europe, people ______ European games, b) interpret correctly.
and in North America we played American games. c) interpret in a wrong way.
The only real "global" sports ______ individual sports, d) interpret and report to the news.
5 such as golf and tennis.
At that time, rich Americans could travel to Europe
on holiday, and play these two games; but whole teams
of sportsmen did not often travel around the world, 47 – The only word that has the same suffix as in “astronomer”
it was too complicated and slow! (line 5) is
10 The first worldwide sports competition was the a) matter
Olympic Games; but originally the Olympics were only b) disaster
concerned with athletics; they did not include the wide c) newspaper
variety of sports that they now cover. d) doomsdayer
So as far as team sports are concerned, America has
15 grown up with its own tradition; we love our “football”
and our baseball and our basketball. We don't mind if Read the cartoon and answer questions 48.
these sports are not popular in other countries. That way,
we can organise the “World Series” baseball
championship, knowing that a US team will almost
20 always win.
Adapted from
On a global scale – all over the world
44 – The expression “has grown up” (lines 14 and 15), in bold 48 – Replace
the numbers (1) and (2) in the cartoon with the
type in the text, means right form of the verbs.
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lots of N
a big amount of
a) There is nothing really like that.
b) There is anything really like that.
c) There aren’t no things really like that. 31 – Select the alternative that best completes the extract below.
d) There are much things really like that.
Doctors suggest not _________ much fat and sugar.
Patients suffering from cardiopulmonary diseases also
should not avoid ___________ to the doctor.
27 – According to Poirot
a) to eat – to go
a) a brave new world is a public concept. b) eating – to go
b) brave new worlds exist without everyone. c) to eat – going
c) a brave new world exists only for lucky people. d) eating – going
d) It is extremely easy to carry a world within oneself.
Read the text and answer questions 28, 29 and 30. 1 Dear Sam,
The Greenhouse Effect I’m having a wonderful time in Paris. I didn’t have
1 A greenhouse is a house made of glass. The sun shines _____ time to write last week because I took a tour of
right through the glass and makes it warm inside the some flea markets. I bought ______ beautiful vintage
greenhouse. It is possible to grow flowers and 5 clothes. I also got some interesting old books for you.
vegetables inside a greenhouse in the winter. Scientists (…)
5 have a theory that a lot of carbon dioxide in the Love,
atmosphere will act like the glass in a greenhouse. As Anna.
the sun shines through the carbon dioxide blanket, the
atmosphere will get hotter and hotter. (Adapted from: BONNER, M; FUCHS, M. Grammar
Express Basic – For Self-Study and Classroom Use. 1
Carbon dioxide is produced by combustion, the burning
ed. New York: Longman, 2001. p. 99).
10 of fuel. It is being added to the normal atmosphere as
we have more and more cars, more and more houses 32 – Fill in the blanks, in the text, with the appropriate
and industries. In short, more people produce more quantifiers:
carbon dioxide.
Scientists predict that as a result of more carbon dioxide a) any – a
15 in the atmosphere, there will be a global warming, or a b) any – some
long-term rise in temperatures over the earth. c) some – any
(Adapted from “Time and Space”) d) some – some
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Read the cartoon and answer questions 42 and 43. Read the text and answer questions 46.
Sister Cities
1 Vancouver is a city located in Canada. It became a city
in 1886. Its population is over 560,000 people. During
the summer, temperatures are up to 18ºC. Its sister city,
Yokohama, is located in Japan. It became a city in
5 1889. Temperatures during the summer may get to
24ºC. It has 3,500,000 people.
46 – According to the text,
a) Vancouver is younger than Yokohama.
b) Yokohama isn’t as big as Vancouver in population.
c) Yokohama is larger in population than Vancouver.
d) Vancouver is as warm as Yokohama during the summer.
(Adapted from
42 – The boy’s mother is nervous because the Read the dialogue and answer question 47.
a) computer’s desk is dirty. Teacher: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water?
b) boy got dirty when he was surfing the net. Donald: HIJKLMNO.
c) pictures on the computer screen are confused. Teacher: What are you talking about?
d) boy is getting dirty pictures on the internet. Donald: Yesterday you said it’s H to O.
Teacher: No! I said H20. You’ve heard me wrong.
43 – The boy’s mother is expressing a 47 – We can infer that
a) threat
a) The student said that the teacher was wrong.
b) request
b) The student wanted to spell the whole alphabet.
c) stimulus
c) The formula for water consists of more than two letters.
d) commitment
d) The pronunciation of the number “two” and the preposition
“to” is the same.
Read the text and answer questions 44 and 45.
Plane crashed in France Read the text and answer question 48.
1 A plane which was flying ______ Barcelona ______
Dusseldorf crashed in the French Alps last Tuesday. Corruption Scandal at Petrobras Threatens Brazil’s
Nobody survived of the 144 passengers and 6 crew on Economy
5 Among the passengers were 16 school children and two 1 The accusations of corruption at Brazil’s state-
teachers from a German school. It is also thought that controlled petroleum giant Petrobras have already led to
two babies were on board the aeroplane. a political scandal and a change in management. Now,
The German airline says that it believes that the crash the problems are threatening other Brazilian companies
was an accident, but it’s still working to establish the 5 and may even tip the country into recession.
10 exact cause. In the wake of a police investigation, called Operation
Car Wash, that indicated that Petrobras’s suppliers and
GLOSSARY subcontractors had bribed executives in return for
Crew - um grupo de pessoas que trabalham na aeronave. inflated contracts, the company has halted payments on
10 many projects. Petrobras has also prohibited new
44 – Fill in the blanks, in the text, with the appropriate
contracts with some of the country’s biggest engineering
preposition, respectively:
and oil services firms.
a) of / from The drop in the company’s spending will probably
b) from / to shave 0.75 percent off growth of the nation’s economy
c) of / for 15 this year.
d) at / of (Adapted from:
45 – “Establish”, in bold type in the text, is closest in meaning threatens - ameaça
tip into - arrastar para
a) find out suppliers - fornecedores
b) stabilize bribed - subornou
c) think halted - interrompeu
d) have shave off - reduzir
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48 – According to the text, all the alternatives are correct, AS QUESTÕES DE 49 A 72 REFEREM-SE
a) In the wake of Operation Car Wash carried out by police
5 x2
2 2 x 1
agents, Petrobras has authorized new contracts.
49 – O conjunto solução da inequação 2 2 é
b) A political scandal and a change in management were 4
caused by accusations of corruption at Petrobras. 1
c) Operation Car Wash had pointed out bribes among Petrobras a) S= {x | x 2}
executives and company’s suppliers and subcontractors.
b) S= {x | 1 x 1}
d) There is a possibility of a recession in Brazil’s economy due
to the crisis in Brazil’s state controlled petroleum giant c) S= {x | 0 x 1}
Petrobras. d) S= {x | x 1}
plano cartesiano ortogonal, nos pontos A (1,1), B (2,3), C (2,-2)
e D (0,-1). A área desse quadrilátero é, em unidades de área,
igual a
3 A
51 – O lado, o perímetro e a área de um triângulo equilátero,
nesta ordem, são termos de uma Progressão Geométrica. Assim,
a medida da altura desse triângulo equilátero é _______ unidades
de comprimento.
a) 12 3
b) 6 3
c) 3
d) 18
a) -2x - 3y - 9 = 0
b) 2x - 3y - 9 = 0
c) -2x - 3y = -9
d) 2x - 3y = -9
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28 – Select the alternative that best completes the dialogue 32 – Choose the alternative that best completes the dialogue
below. below.
Jude: I ____ (see) Mary last Sunday. Mary: Whose pencil is that? Is it yours, Paul?
John: Really? I ____ (not/see) her for years. How is she? Paul: No, it’s not ____. I saw Susan using it. I think it’s ____.
a) saw – haven’t see a) mine - him
b) saw – haven’t seen b) mine - hers
c) have seen – didn’t see c) my - hers
d) have seen – haven’t seen d) my - her
29 – Select the correct alternative according to the extract below. Read the paragraph below and answer question 33.
Pan Pacific is a five stars hotel in Yokohama. In 1829, a poor tailor in Paris, Barthelémy Thimonnier,
It has 485 rooms, 25 floors and it’s 100km far from the
airport. If you want to save money during your stay
in the Japanese city, you may want to stay at the
invented the first sewing machine in the world and made eighty of
Grand Hotel. With 31 floors, it offers 600 rooms and 33 – Which of the following questions cannot be answered with
is 106 km from the airport. information from the text?
a) U
The Grand is as big as the Pan Pacific Hotel. a) Where did the inventor of the first sewing machine die?
The Grand is higher than the Pan Pacific Hotel.
The Grand is less expensive than Pan Pacific Hotel.
Who was the inventor of the first sewing machine?
When was the first sewing machine invented?
d) The Grand is closer to the airport than Pan Pacific Hotel. d) How many sewing machines were made?
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34 – In the sentence “Maria learns fast”, the word “fast”, 38 – According to the text, all the sentences bellow are correct,
in bold type, is except:
a) a noun a) José Maria Marin used to be a governor during military
b) an article dictatorship.
c) an adverb b) Mr. Marin was accused of participating in a corruption
d) an adjective scheme within FIFA.
c) of the 14 men named as defendants in the accusation, only two
35 – Select the correct modal verb that fills in the blank in the are Latin American and Caribbean citizens.
paragraph below. d) the United States Justice Department is accusing Mr. Marin,
among other senior sports officials and executives of bribery.
Paul feels very sick and dizzy. I think he has been drinking
all night again. He ____ get out of bed this morning.
a) will
b) must
c) can’t
d) could 39 – All the words below, in the text, are adjectives, except:
a) Brazilian
36 – Choose the alternative that fills in the blank in the sentence
b) Americas
below. c) Caribbean
Scientists say that when a person stops _____ very soon, d) Latin American
the chances of getting cancer and other diseases reduce.
a) smoke
b) smokes
c) smoked
d) smoking
Read the cartoon below and answer question 37. 40 – All the extracts below, in the text, present a possessive
noun, except:
a) “…the nation’s soccer federation…”
b) “…under Brazil’s military dictatorship…”
c) “…a reflection of the investigation’s focus…”
d) “…the United States Justice Department’s charging
Mr. Marin…”
37 – According to the cartoon, Garfield
a) wants to build his career.
b) intends to work hard.
c) has something in his mind as a plan to complete his studies.
d) actually wants to spend his time doing nothing but planning. Read the cartoon below and answer question 41.
Read the text below and answer questions 38, 39 and 40.
A Region’s Soccer Strongmen are facing a hard fall
1 After rising as a governor under Brazil’s military
dictatorship, José Maria Marin became such a towering
figure in the world of Brazilian sports that the
headquarters of the nation’s soccer federation was
5 recently named in his honor.
Now, the United States Justice Department’s charging
Mr. Marin, 83, and 13 other senior sports officials and
executives across the Americas with taking part in a
sweeping bribery and kickback scheme within FIFA, the
10 governing body of global soccer.
Of the 14 men named as defendants in the indictment,
all but two of them are citizens of Latin American and
Caribbean nations, a reflection of the investigation’s
focus on corruption in the hemisphere. 41 – The verb “clear”, in the cartoon, can be replaced by
GLOSSARY a) clean
but: exceto b) bright
bribery: suborno c) prohibited
headquarters: sede d) authorized
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Read the text and answer questions 42 and 43. Read the text and answer questions 46, 47 and 48.
The story of a blind girl Will’s experience at the airport
1 There was a blind girl who hated herself just because 1 After his return _____ Rome, Will couldn’t find his luggage
she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving in the airport baggage area. He went to the lost luggage
boyfriend. He was always there for her. She said that if she office and told the woman there that his bags hadn’t arrived
could only see the world, she would marry her boyfriend. on the carousel.
5 One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and 5 She smiled and told him not to worry because they were
then she could see everything, including her boyfriend. trained professionals and he was in good hands.
Her boyfriend asked her, “Now that you can see the world, Then she asked Will, “Has your plane arrived yet?”
will you marry me?” (Adapted from
The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend 46 – The correct preposition that fills in the blank in the text is
10 was blind too, and refused to marry him. Her boyfriend
walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to her saying: a) at
“Just take care of my eyes dear.” b) by
Fonte: c) for
d) from
b) the moving belt that you collect your bags from at an airport.
c) Her boyfriend became blind because he gave her his pair of
eyes. c) a place where you report your arrival at an airport, hotel,
d) The girl refused to marry her boyfriend because he was ugly. hospital, etc.
d) the place at an airport where you collect your cases and bags
after a flight.
43 – The underlined verbs, in the text, are in the
a) Simple Past
48 – “hadn’t arrived”, (line 03), is closest in meaning to
b) Simple Present
c) Present Perfect a) hadn’t being found
d) Present Continuous b)
hadn’t being noticed
d) AN
hadn’t being covered
hadn’t being delivered
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Provas anteriores
AS QUESTÕES DE 25 A 48 REFEREM-SE À 28 – The sentence “I wouldn’t marry you, unless you were the
LÍNGUA INGLESA last girl on Earth” has the same meaning as:
a) I would marry you only if you were the last girl on Earth.
Read the text and answer questions 25, 26 and 27.
b) If you were the last girl on Earth, I wouldn’t marry you.
Why do planes crash? c) If you weren’t the last girl on Earth, I would marry you.
d) If I married you, you would be the last girl on Earth.
1 Navigational errors are among the most common causes of
plane crashes. Planes are flown into a mountain or the sea
out of a variety of reasons. Sometimes weather conditions
Read the article and answer questions 29, 30 and 31.
are bad, in other cases pilots have made bad judgements.
5 In 1996 a Peruvian airliner crashed into the sea after the 1 The U2 was one of _____ military planes of the Cold
computer stopped working. The crew had almost no data left War. It was designed to fly high over a foreign country, take
to work with and didn't know at which height they were pictures and gather information.
flying when they hit the water. The U2 was built in Area 51, a secret place in
In 1977 almost 600 people got killed when two planes 5 Nevada, known for UFO sightings. The US Air Force built
10 were heading at full speed towards each other and collided in the area to create such a secret plane and test new weapons.
heavy fog on the runway in Tenerife. The crash happened The single-pilot plane could fly at an altitude of over
after planes had been guided to Tenerife because Gran 20 km above the earth's surface. With its special cameras
Canary airport was closed. it could take detailed photos and close-ups of objects on the
In June 2009 an Air France airbus disappeared off the 10 ground. Today, the US Air Force still operates a modified
15 coast of Brazil. Although the wreckage was found after version of the U2, however it is not used as a spy plane any
a few days it took investigators almost three years to find out more. Current planes have a larger fuselage and need less
what had really happened to the plane. fuel than their predecessors of the Cold War. They are also
Pilots are criticising the way planes are ____. In the past equipped with more sophisticated instruments. Some of
decades the structure of planes has changed. More computers 15 them fly over Afghanistan and support American soldiers
20 and automated systems are taking over, the pilot often has no on the ground. They also saw action during the Gulf War
alternatives left. and the conflict in the Balkans.
(Adapted from U2s are also used for research. NASA uses the
former spy planes for tests in the atmosphere.
25 – Complete the sentence in the text (line 18) with the correct (adapted from
a) building 29 – Choose the correct alternative to complete the article (line 1).
b) builds a) as famous as
c) build b) the most famous
d) built c) less famous than
d) more famous than
26 – According to the text, write (T) for the true statements and
(F) for the false statements. 30 – According to the article, all the sentences are correct,
( ) In 1977 two planes collided in Tenerife. except:
( ) In 1977 almost 600 people were killed due to heavy fog on a) Nowadays a new version of the U2 is operated as a spy plane.
the runway. b) The US Air Force built a secret area to work on the U2.
( ) In 1977 two planes collided when they were heading for c) During the Cold War, the U2 was used as a spy plane.
Gran Canary airport. d) The U2 could identify objects on the ground.
( ) In 1977 two planes were guided to Gran Canary airport
because Tenerife was closed.
31 – In the article, the word in bold type (line 7) expresses
Choose the alternative that corresponds to the order.
a) advice
a) T–T–F–F b) ability
b) T–F–F–T c) request
c) F–T–F–F d) preference
d) F–F–T–T
32 – Choose the alternative so as to have the passage completed
27 – “Wreckage” in bold type, (line 15) means correctly.
Many people believe that pilots earn a lot of money.
a) the parts of a plane that are left after it has been destroyed in
But the real fact is _____ the airline is, _____ pilots’ salary is.
an accident.
Smaller budget airlines can not afford to pay their pilots that
b) a piece of equipment on plane that records what happens on
a flight.
c) the main part of a plane, in which people sit or goods are a) the largest – the highest
carried. b) the larger – the highest
d) the large flat part that sticks out from the side of a plane and c) the largest – the higher
helps to keep the plane in the air. d) the larger – the higher
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33 – Read the dialogue and mark the right expression to 38 – Read the cartoon and write (T) for the true statements and
complete it correctly. (F) for the false statements.
A: _____________ have you been working as a sergeant?
B: For about 2 years.
a) How
b) How long
c) How much
d) How many
1 Throughout history, butterflies have been seen as symbols of ( ) The pilot is fed up with the passengers’ questions.
many things - not only transformation and purity, ( ) The pilot is concerned about the in-flight movie and meal.
but also death and sin. Today though, scientists study them ( ) The passenger is concerned about the in-flight movie and
to see what they can tell us about our changing planet, writes meal.
5 Mary Colwell. ( ) The pilot and the passenger are engaged in a conversation
Source: about flying a jet safely.
Choose the alternative that corresponds to the correct order.
34 – The underlined word in line 1 can be replaced by only one
a) T–F–F–T
of the words below. Choose the right alternative.
b) F–T–T–F
a) Since c) T–F–T–F
b) Below d) F–F–T–T
c) Before
d) Through
35 – According to the text, butterflies: Read the passage and answer question 39.
a) don’t symbolize purity.
1 There are many things that a pilot must do before the
b) are also symbols of death and sin.
flight. They must check out weather conditions on the flight
c) have been studied by scientists throughout history.
path and around the landing area. They also have to check
d) cannot tell anything about the changes in the planet.
flight plans, fill in forms and do a lot of paperwork. Before
5 takeoff pilots brief their crew and do a complete check of the
airplane to see if everything works the way it should.
Pilots must calculate how much fuel they have to take with
Read the cartoon and answer questions 36 and 37. them.
(Adapted from
36 – According to the cartoon, we can affirm that:
a) Hagar speaks French.
b) Hagar’s friend speaks some French.
c) Hagar is afraid of the other soldiers.
40 – The sentence “If young people don’t control the hours they
spend on-line, they won’t stay out of trouble.” can be correctly
d) Hagar and his friend don’t want to hurt the soldiers.
replaced by:
a) Unless young people control the hours they spend on-line,
37 – If Hagar’s friend had told the soldiers what he was asked they will stay out of trouble.
to in English he would have said: b) Unless young people control the hours they spend on-line,
they won’t stay out of trouble.
a) If you go away, we will not harm you. c) If young people controls the hours they spend on line, they
b) If they go away, we will not harm you. will unless stay out of trouble.
c) If you went away, we will not harm you. d) Unless young people don’t control the hours they spend on
d) If they will go away, we will not harm you. line, they won’t stay out of trouble.
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Read the text and answer questions 41 and 42. Read the cartoon and answer question 45.
Rio de Janeiro
1 In a quick and decisive military sweep, Brazilian
security forces seized control of this city’s most notorious
slum on Sunday, claiming victory in a weeklong battle
against drug gangs that has claimed dozens of lives.
5 Drug gangs have stained the reputation of this seaside
city and contributed heavily to giving it one of the highest
murder rates in the world. For the past two years, (1)
government has carried out (2) ambitious campaign to
pacify (3) most violent slums and regain control of the city
10 in advance of the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympic 45 – In the cartoon, “hovering” is
Games. The police have since wrested more than three
dozen communities from criminal gangs, installing special a) a verb
community police forces there. b) a noun
Source: c) an adverb
d) an adjective
41 – Complete the text with the correct article.
a) (1) the – (2) an – (3) the
b) (1) the – (2) the – (3) a
c) (1) the – (2) a – (3) the 46 – Choose the alternative that contains the right use of the
d) (1) a – (2) the – (3) a relative pronoun, in order to write the two sentences below as
a single sentence:
That is the teacher. I spoke to her about my grades.
42 – According to the text:
a) That is the teacher to whom I spoke to about my grades.
a) military forces swept all the slums in Rio de Janeiro.
b) That is the teacher to who I spoke to about my grades.
b) Rio de Janeiro had its reputation regained after many murders.
c) That is the teacher to whom I spoke about my grades.
c) the government wants to pacify violent slums in Rio before
d) That is the teacher who I spoke about my grades.
2016 Olympic Games.
d) the police has protected more than three dozen criminal gangs
by installing police forces in the slums.
43 – The doctor’s joke is funny only if the reader knows that 48 – Read the sentences and write T for the correct matching
a) men cannot have a hernia. between the phrasal verb and the meaning or F for the incorrect
b) Hagar knows everything about English grammar. matching:
c) there is a different name for the same disease in men and
( ) May I close the door? It is too cold. (ask for permission)
d) there’s not a disease called hisnia and it was a trick with the
( )
Nobody answers the phone. They must be busy. (obligation)
( ) She should talk to him to apologize. (suggestion)
possessive adjectives her (female) and his (male).
( ) They might not come for dinner. (prohibition)
44 – Choose the alternative that completes the sentence
Choose the correct alternative:
a) T–F–T–F
b) T–T–F–T
correctly. c) T–F–F–F
You wouldn’t believe him, __________? d) F–F–T–T
a) do you
b) don’t you
c) would you
d) wouldn’t you
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AS QUESTÕES DE 25 A 48 REFEREM-SE À Read the extract and answer questions 29 and 30.
LÍNGUA INGLESA A lack of sleep affects your mood
1 When a person cannot sleep or sleeps only a few hours a
night, a lot of damage is done. A person gets bad-tempered,
Read the text and answer questions 25, 26, 27 and 28. loses their drive, feels angry and tired, and also gets bags
under their eyes. Poor sleep can also make a person
Hijacked jets destroy Twin Towers: a creeping horror 5 emotionally unstable and even affect their immune system.
1 The horror arrived in epsodic bursts of chilling disbelief, A good tip to improve the quality of sleep is to avoid heavy
signified first by trembling floors, sharp eruptions, cracked meals at night and to avoid drinking beverages with a high
windows. There was the cruel sight of bodies helplessly caffeine content, such as soft drinks and coffee.
tumbling out, some of _____ in flames. Fonte: Maganews
5 Finally, the high and impressive towers themselves were
reduced to nothing. Dense plumes of smoke raced through the 29 – According to the extract,
downtown avenues, coursing between the buildings, shaped
like tornadoes on their sides. a) a bad night’s sleep doesn’t result in skin damage.
Every sound was cause for alarm. A plane appeared b) a good night’s sleep makes a person less energetic.
10 overhead. Was another one coming? No, it was a fighter jet. c) a bad sleep leads to a change in behaviour.
But was it friend or enemy? People scrambled for _____ d) sleeping badly is harmless to our health.
lives, but _____ didn’t know where to go. Should people go
north, south, east, west? Stay outside, go indoors? People hid
beneath cars and each other. Some contemplated jumping 30 – A helpful piece of advice, mentioned in the extract, is:
15 into the river (…).
Fonte:The New York Times, Sep. 12, 2001. a) Stay away from heavy meals at night.
GLOSSARY b) Be away from alcoholic drinks.
chilling disbelief – incredulidade assustadora c) Give up drinks with caffeine.
trembling floors – o tremor dos andares d) Skip meals when it is night.
to scramble – lutar
28 – ‘hid’, (line 13), is the past tense of the verb 31 – According to the article, the main terminal building was
a) hit. a) rebuilt by using glass against bullet.
b) hike. b) supplied with glass proofed against bomb.
c) hint. c) fitted with security locks made by bomb-proof glass.
d) hide. d) fitted out with sophisticated anti-collision equipment.
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32 – In ‘(…) a Jeep Cherokee was driven into the glass doors 37 – The sentence ‘It’s also our responsibility to expose
and set ablaze’, (lines 3 - 5), it means that the vehicle hit into the environmental criminals.’ means that Greenpeace ________,
glass doors and _________________, except: except:
a) burnt a) sole responsibility is to expose criminals.
b) blew up b) exposes environmental criminals, among other things.
c) caught fire c) is responsible for exposing environmental criminals, too.
d) burst into flames d) is responsible for exposing environmental criminals, as well.
Read the fable and answer questions 41, 42, 43 and 44. Read the article and answer questions 45, 46, 47 and 48.
Why I stopped mispronouncing my Igbo name
The Crab and His Mother
1 In Nigeria, the language spoken by one of the largest
Mamma Crab _____ to Baby Crab when she _____ that he was
ethnic groups, the Igbo, is in danger of dying out – which is
walking sideways. Mamma Crab said, ‘Why are you walking
odd because the population is growing. In the past this
sideways like that, my son? You have to walk straight.’
didn’t worry Nkem Ifejika, who is himself Igbo but never
Baby Crab replied, ‘Show me how, dear mother, and I’ll follow
5 learned the language.
your example.’
When he is in Nigeria, he says his parents are Igbo. He
Mamma Crab tried and tried, but her efforts were in vain. She might throw in that he partly grew up in the United
could not walk straight herself. Then, she saw how foolish she Kingdom. In Britain, He says he’s Nigerian, though he often
had been to find fault with her child. adds explainers about having been educated at British
Fonte:Aesop’s Fables 10 schools and lived outside Nigeria since he was 12 years old.
Nkem Ifejika can speak English, French among others.
41 – Choose the best verbal form to have the fable completed, However, he can’t speak the language of his ancestors. Igbo
respectively: is a tonal language, so the words with the wrong stresses and
tones either change their meaning, or worse, become
a) talked – was noticed 15 unintelligible. In Igboland, as it’s informally known, names
b) was talking – noticed have meaning and history. Nkemakonam means “may I not
c) has talked – was noticing lack what is mine”, while Ifejika means “what I have is
d) has been talking – has noticed greater”. By mispronouncing his names, he was throwing
away generation of history, and disregarding his parents’
20 careful choice.
His indefatigable and proudly wife, who is also Igbo,
helped him out when they met. Now he knows how to
pronounce his name properly, with the correct tones and
with pride.
Fonte: BBC NewsWorld Service
42 – The moral of the fable is 45 – According to the article, Nkem Ifejika ___________,
a) ‘practice is our best friend’. except:
b) ‘example is the best teacher’. a) has been able to speak his ancestors’ tongue since he was a
c) ‘the only way to retain love is to give it away’. child.
d) ‘never give up persuading someone to copy you’. b) didn’t use to pronounce his name properly.
c) was taught in the United Kingdom.
d) was partly brought up in Nigeria.
AS QUESTÕES DE 25 A 48 REFEREM-SE À Read the cartoon below and answer question 29.
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Read the text below and answer questions 33, 34 and 35. Read the cartoon and answer question 38
1 Did you remember it’s April Fools Day today? My sister
loves playing jokes. At breakfast, she said, “Robert and
I ____ going to elope! We’re going to Robben Island. It’s the
place where Nelson Mandela was in prison. My guidebook
5 say it is a “place forever connected with the fight for
freedom”. So, if you receive a phone call today about winning
the lottery or something, don’t get excited. It’s probably
an April Fools joke. (
(taken from Stories worth reading)
38 – Choose the correct alternative, according to the cartoon.
a) Garfield was disappointed because the cheeseburger was
to elope: fugir de casa secretamente para se casar. spoiled.
b) Garfield was disappointed because the ticket wasn’t valid.
33 – Select the alternative that fills in the blank in the text. c) Garfield expected to eat at McDonald’s.
a) have d) Garfield prefers birds to sandwiches.
b) am
c) are
d) is
36 – Fill in the blank with the correct response according 40 – The ordinal form for the number ninety (line 05), in the text,
to grammar rules: is
I don’t mind _________ alone, but I prefer to travel with a) ninth
my friends. b) nineth
a) not travel c) ninetieth
b) traveling d) nineteenth
c) to travel
d) travels
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Read the text and answer questions 42 and 43. 45 – The verb “discover” (line 10), in the text, is closest in
meaning to
Summer Wine
a) realize
1 Hot-weather drinking requires its own genre of wines: light, b) decide
easygoing, blithe and, above all, refreshing. These sorts of c) suppose
wines are enjoyable year-round, but in the sweaty summer d) establish
months, the desirable becomes the imperative.
5 It’s not a question of red or white or even pink. All are good
as long as they come in the proper summer weight. Just as
winter wools are stored away, so are enervating heavy wines
that weigh you down, rather than pep you up.
These summery wines are especially appealing when the
10 price is equally untaxing. I’ve long asserted that the greatest
values in wines are in the $15 to $25 range. Read the text and answer questions 46 and 47.
(Adapted from
The child and his mother
Winter wools: cobertor de inverno
to Pep up: animar 1 A curious child asked his mother: “Mommy, why are some of
your hairs turning grey?”
The mother tried to use this occasion to teach her child:
42 – According to the text, all the alternatives below are correct, “It is because of you, dear. Every bad action of yours will
except: 5 turn one of my hair grey!”
a) refreshing wines are enervating and not exciting. The child replied innocently: “Now I know why
b) light, easygoing and refreshing wines are suitable for summer. grandmother has only grey hairs on her head.”
c) heavy wines must be stored away during the summer like the
winter wools are.
d) refreshing wines are desirable during the whole year, 46 – According to the text, the mother told the child her hair is
but a must for the summer. turning grey because
a) she hasn’t a dye.
b) of her child’s bad behavior.
43 – The word “appealing” (line 9), in the text, is a(n) c) his grandmother has only grey hair.
d) she wants to teach her child a lesson.
a) verb
b) noun
c) adverb
d) adjective
Billy was very ________.That storm was really ________.
permission to land.
c) although the plane waited more than 30 minutes to land,
it wasn’t in difficulty.
d) there will be an internal investigation to establish the reason
frightened – scared
frightened – scaring
frightening – scared
why the air traffic controller fell asleep. d) frightening – scaring
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100g butter 1tsp. vanilla ½ tsp baking powder a) he can’t feel his legs.
200g sugar ¼ tsp salt 100g chopped walnuts b) he can just move his legs slowly.
2 eggs 100g flour 50g chocolate U c) he has a suddenly contracting of muscle.
d) his legs are painful, because of the hot water.
Melt _____ chocolate and butter and mix carefully.
Add _____ sugar and mix again until smooth. Leave to cool.
Add _____ eggs and vanilla and mix.
Add _____ flour, baking powder, and salt, and mix until 30 – The word “must”, in bold, in the text, indicate
Stir in the walnuts. a) ability
Put the mix in a cake tin and cook for 25min at 175°C. b) necessity
Eat with fruit or ice cream. c) permission
d) suggestion
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34 – According to the text, Bento Boxes is a/ an. Read the text and answer questions 39, 40, 41 and 42.
a) office April
b) kitchen
There was a nice little girl which name was April.
c) delivery
One day, she asked her parents why she was called April.
d) restaurant
They answered that it was because she was born in April.
The little girl liked her name and the month April too. Her parents
made her a party, all her friends celebrated with her, and she
received a lot of presents.
Read the text and answer the questions 35, 36 and 37. One day her mother became pregnant and April had a little
brother. Her brother was born in February and everybody came
Olympic Sports and suggested names for the new baby.
1 The first modern Olympic Games took place in Athens, April didn’t understand what the problem was. If the baby was
Greece, in the year 1896. Athletes from only 13 countries born in February, the correct name should be February.
participated in the Games that year. They competed in 43
different events in just 9 sports (track and field, swimming,
5 cycling, fencing, gymnastics, shooting, tennis, weight 39 – According to the text all the alternatives are correct, except:
lifting, and wrestling). In 2004, the Olympic Games took
place once again in Athens. This time athletes from 202 a) April liked the fourth month of the year.
countries competed in 300 events in 28 sports. Only five b) Her father and mother made her a party.
sports have been in every Olympic Games. c) April was her mother’s favorite month.
Fonte: adapted from Thoughts and Notions. d) April received a lot of gifts.
37 – The words, in bold type, in the text are 41 – In “…One day, her mother became pregnant and April had
a) verbs a little brother. Her brother was born in February and everybody
b) nouns came and suggested names for the new baby”, all the underlined
c) pronouns verbs are in the:
d) adjectives
a) past progressive
b) simple present
c) simple past
Read the text and answer the question 38. d) future
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Read the text and answer questions 43, 44 and 45. 47 – According to the text, we can infer that __________.
Part of New Bicycle Path Collapses in Rio de Janeiro Leaving
Two Deaths a) the airplane had troubles.
b) it was necessary to burn fuel.
The Rio Fire Department says two people died __ Thursday,
c) the airplane was heading for Fortaleza
April 21, after a part __ the recently inaugurated bicycle path on
d) the airport had problems with some birds
Niemeyer avenue, __ the south zone of Rio de Janeiro.
The path was named after Brazilian singer Tim Maia and is
located between Niemeyer avenue and a cliff, hanging over the
The path is a connection between Leblon beach and São 48 – According to the text, we can infer that
Conrado, both in the city’s south zone. The bike path was
inaugurated earlier this year, on January 17, and cost R$ 44,7 a) the aircraft landed before using fuel.
million. b) the aircraft belonged to Latan Airline.
Glossary c) the birds caused damage to the aircraft.
Hanging over – suspenso sobre d) after taking off, the aircraft landed in Fortaleza.
44 – In “... the path was named after Brazilian singer Tim Maia
...” we can infer that:
a) It was a tribute to Niemeyer.
b) It has the same name as Tim Maia.
c) It has a different name from the famous singer.
d) The name of the path was changed by Tim Maia.
45 – What’s the active voice for “The bike path was inaugurated
earlier this year”.
a) Someone has inaugurated the bike path earlier this year
b) Someone will inaugurate the bike path earlier this year
c) Someone inaugurated the bike path earlier this year.
d) Someone inaugurates the bike path earlier this year.
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AS QUESTÕES DE 25 A 48 REFEREM-SE À 29 – All the alternatives below are into imperative, except:
LÍNGUA INGLESA a) A water bath helps it cook gently and stay moist.
b) Whisk 1/3 of white eggs into chocolate mixture.
c) Beat white eggs with salt until soft peaks form.
Read the text and answer questions 25, 26, 27 and 28. d) Butter a shallow 2-quart baking dish.
The New York’s Secret Life
1 In 2008, the photographer and film director Francesco
Carrozzini bought a townhouse in Greenwich Village for $6.8
million. Ostensibly, he got a home built in 1844 with low
ceilings and small dark rooms. But luxury real estate is never
5 about the basics. 30 – Choose the best alternative that shows the irregular plural
The house is part of the Macdougal-Sullivan Gardens form:
Historic District a landmarked community of 21 row homes.
Between them is a large interior courtyard shaded by maples, a) mice, children, goose, woman.
sycamores and palms. It’s a secret garden in the middle of the b) mice, children, geese, women.
10 city, hidden from the street. Each home comes with its own c) mouses, kids, goose, women.
small backyard that borders on the larger common area d) mice, child, geese, woman.
shared by all.
Adapted from:
27 – The verbs “got” and “ built” (line 3), are in the b)
from / to
at / from
Present Perfect tense
Simple Past Tense LA d) to / from
d) A N
Past Progressive
Future tense
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33 – Look at the following statements and choose the correct Read the movie review below and answer question 37.
question tags:
The Cutting Edge
1– It snowed last night, _______________?
Skating fans, listen up! The Cutting Edge is a romantic movie
2– She shouldn’t be aggressive to people, _____________?
with _____ skaters. The stars are practicing for the Winter
3– You haven’t closed the door,_________________? Olympics. Kate Mosely looks _______ on the ice, but she isn’t a
4– You are going to the party with us, ____________? _______ person. All her partners leave _____. Then her coach
a) doesn’t it – shouldn’t she – aren’t you – going you introduces her to Doug Dorsey. Doug was a hockey star, so he
b) didn’t it – should she – have you – aren’t you skates well. At first, they argue. To Kate, Doug is the wrong
c) did it – should she – haven’t you – aren’t you choice (he is not a dancer). To Doug, ice dancing isn’t a serious
d) didn’t it – ought to – have you – will you sport.
Adapted from: Grammar Express Basic – For Self-Study and Classroom Use.
35 – Choose the best alternative according to the text: 38 – Complete the blank (line 5) with the right verb:
a) is breathing
a) Your weight cannot interfere when you want to donate blood. b) breathing
b) Nowadays, all blood banks accept donation from older people. c) brought
c) After studies they found that older people that stored own d) breath
blood had a satisfactory surgery.
d) It’s important to bar people less than 60 from donating blood
according The American Association of Blood Banks.
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Read the cartoon and answer questions 40 and 41. Read the cartoon and answer questions 44 and 45.
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Read the text and answer questions 30, 31 and 32. 35 – Theword “approximately”, in bold in the text, means
1 The pilot of a Beech Baron airplane noticed that one of __________.
his engines was on fire. He contacted the nearest air traffic a) exactly
control center to ask for help. b) roughly
The voice __________ the radio answered, “This is the c) precisely
5 Control Tower. “Please inform your altitude”. d) undoubtedly
The pilot replied, “We are at 30,000 feet”.
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39 – The words “is making”, underlined in the text, form a verb 44 – In the sentence “It’s never too late to make changes to
in the __________. prevent diseases that may end your flying career”, the modal verb
“may” expresses __________.
a) simple past
b) future tense a) ability
c) simple present b) necessity
d) present progressive c) deduction
d) possibility
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53 – Na função f (x) 27 x , tal que x 0, o valor de x para
que f(x) = 36, é um número
a) divisível por 2
b) divisível por 3
c) divisível por 5
d) divisível por 7
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AS QUESTÕES DE 25 A 48 REFEREM-SE À 28 – Read the cartoon and choose the best response.
Adapted from
According to the cartoon,
a) The students were supposed to tell what they did during the
a) the little boy suggests that the girl is bossy. summer.
b) the dog becomes forever the girl’s dog.
b) During the summer all the students communicated through
c) the dog tries to teach the girl to jump.
d) the girl wants to buy a dog for her.
c) Every student knew what Kayla did on vacation.
d) Kayla follows all the students on social network.
26 – Read the cartoon and choose the best response.
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Read the text to answer questions 32 and 33. Read the text and answer questions 35 and 36.
Human's Best Friend
The Pilot Fatigue Problem
1 We know that dogs are human's best friends. They love
1 For years, pilot fatigue has been a real issue. Airline us and we love them. However, we're not so sure where
pilots, as well as cargo, corporate and charter pilots can all they came from. Many scientists think they came from
face fatigue while on the job. While pilot fatigue can be wolves 15,000 years ago. Although wolves are wild and
common and overlooked, it poses a very troubling threat to 5 dogs are tame, they're still a lot alike. Both wag their tails
5 aviation safety and should be taken seriously. when happy and put their tails between their legs when
Pilot fatigue has been a real problem since the beginning scared.
of air travel. Charles Lindbergh fought to stay awake on his Dogs are easy to educate. Well-educated dogs are
record-breaking 33.5-hour transatlantic flight from New sometimes used as watchdogs. A watchdog can stop a
York to Paris on the Spirit of St. Louis. Long-haul pilots 10 creature that is five to six times bigger. It is interesting,
10 have reported falling asleep at the controls. Cargo pilots though, that these dogs, which can become terrifyingly
that fly at night face fatigue from challenging the body's wild in times of danger, pose no harm to their owners. In
natural internal clock.
the face of a threat, they put their lives in danger to save
The Lindbergh flight provides a great example for the
their owners.
real issue today that fatigue is an acceptable risk and one (Adapted from
15 that isn't given enough credit. Lindbergh flew from New
York to Paris without falling asleep. Similarly, pilots today 35 – Write (T) for the True statements and (F) for the False
get away with flying tired all the time. If you ask an statements, according to the text.
average pilot how much sleep he got the night before a
( ) Dogs and wolves present features that make many scientists
flight, it's probably on a par with the average American,
think that dogs came from wolves.
20 which is about six and a half hours.
This might be an acceptable amount of sleep if you have ( ) Although dogs are human’s best friends. People don’t know
a desk job. their origin, exactly.
(Source: ( ) Watchdogs can put their owners in danger in times of
( ) Well-educated dogs when in danger are always tame.
32 – “on a par with”, (line 19), in bold type, means
a) at the same level. Choose the alternative that corresponds to the correct order.
b) at the same local. a) T–F–T–F
c) at different points. b) T–T–T–F
d) at different standards. c) T–T–F–F
d) T–F–F–T
36 – Choose the correct alternative to have the passive voice
from the sentence, in bold type, in the text.
33 – Write (T) for the true statements and (F) for the false Their lives _______ in danger to save their owners.
a) is put
( ) Pilot fatigue is affecting only charter pilots. b) are put
( ) The Lindbergh flight shows that fatigue poses no risk for c) was put
aviation. d) were put
( ) If pilots sleep about six and a half hours before a flight. He
won’t face operational risks. Read at the extract and answer questions 37 and 38.
( ) There are accounts that pilots have falled asleep at the
Some situation call for a lot of patience. We were going to call
controls due to very long commute.
on some friends. But I had traveled to São Paulo and it was
Choose the alternative that correspond to the right order. raining hard.
Because of the weather all flights to Rio were call off.
a) T–F–T–F
So I couldn’t come. I called her up to explain, and then she called
b) F–T–T–F
me down!
c) F–F–F–T
d) T–F–F–T
37 – “call for”, in bold type in the text, means
a) demand
b) cancel
c) phone
34 – Complete the sentence with the correct response. d) visit
Frida Kahlo, a master ____the art of surrealism, is _____ 38 – Choose the correct alternative to replace the phrasal verb,
icon of Mexican popular culture. underlined in the text.
a) from – the a) reprimand
b) to – the b) deprive
c) by – an c) refuse
d) of – an d) visit
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39 – Fill in the blank with the correct pronoun. Read the text and answer questions 44, 45 and 46.
“An archeologist is a man_____ work is the study of ancient The first man drew a small circle in the sand and told the
things.” second man, “This is what you know”, and drawing a circle
around the small one, “This is what I know”. The second man
a) whose
took the stick and drew an immense ring around both circles:
b) which
“This is where both of us know nothing”.
c) how (Adapted from Carl Sandburg (1878-1967), american poet)
d) who
43 – According to the text, the number of drones used by military 48 – Choose the alternative to have the text completed
powers is correctly.
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29 – According to the text, all alternatives are correct, EXCEPT: 33 – According to the text,
a) there’s no crisis for JetBlue. a) Aviation is a contributory factor in 20 % of all carbon dioxide
b) JetBlue has been growing for four years. emissions.
c) crisis is something never heard by JetBlue. b) there used to be three times more severe turbulence than
d) JetBlue sales are going down at a spectacular rate. nowadays.
c) an increase in all categories of turbulence will occur in the
years to come.
30 – ‘Paradoxically’, in bold in the text was used to express d) it will take a considerable time to people experience the
effects of climate change.
a) similar ideas.
b) opposite features.
c) additional information.
d) negative consequences. 34 – As used in (line 16), ‘lead to’ can be replaced by
a) result in.
31 – According to the text, it’s correct to say that b) forecast.
c) encounter.
a) just a few airlines have survived the crisis. d) accompany.
b) big companies get better results than the others.
c) none of the 82 airlines formed in 10 years has failed so far.
d) domestic air transport market in the USA is not really
vulnerable to newcomers. 35 – Which of the following is being used in the Passive Voice?
Read the text and answer questions 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36. a) Williams used supercomputers simulations (…) (line 20)
b) But more frequent jolts in mid-air could be one way (…)
1 The practical impacts of climate change can be hard to (lines 3 and 4)
predict _____ the large scales of time and geography over c) The practical impacts of climate change can be hard to predict
which changes are occurring. But more frequent jolts in mid- (…) (lines 1 and 2)
air could be one way in which individuals will soon literally d) Climate change is expected to lead to stronger vertical wind
5 feel the effects. shears (…) (lines 16 and 17)
A new scientific study says that severe turbulence could
become two to three times more common later this century
when there is twice as much carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere. 36 – Which of the following are examples of Comparative and
10 ‘Our new study paints the most detailed picture yet of Superlative adjectives, respectively?
how aircraft turbulence will respond to climate change,’ says
author Dr. Paul Williams. ‘Even the most seasoned frequent a) severe (line 14) / major contributor (line 28)
fliers may be alarmed at the prospect of a 149 % increase in b) stronger (line 16) / the most seasoned (line 12)
severe turbulence, which frequently hospitalizes air travelers c) more frequent (line 3) / twice as much (line 23)
15 and flight attendants around the world.’ d) more common (line 7) / most jet aircraft (lines 17 and 18)
Climate change is expected to lead to stronger vertical
wind shears in the jet stream, at the cruising altitude for most
jet aircraft. Wind shears can become unstable and cause
turbulence. Read the cartoon and choose the best response.
20 Williams used supercomputers simulations that calculate
clear-air turbulence along Transatlantic routes in winter and
found all turbulence strength levels will increase in a world
with twice as much CO2. The computer models show the
average amount of light turbulence will increase by 59 %,
25 light-to-moderate turbulence by 75 %, moderate by 94 %,
moderate-to-severe by 127 %, and severe by 149 %.
Ironically, or perhaps poetically, aviation has long been
recognized as a major contributor of greenhouse gases to the
jolt – solavanco
seasoned – experiente
wind shear – tesoura de vento 37 – According to the cartoon,
a) the guy is arguing with his parents about his graduation gift.
32 – Choose the best word to have the text completed correctly: b) the guy’s father is being intentionally sarcastic about the
a) because of c) the guy’s parents are discussing about their present
b) a major cause graduation.
c) one good reason d) the guy’s parents are expecting to win a great gift for his
d) for the purpose of graduation.
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Read the text and answer questions 39, 40, 41 and 42.
Brazil takes on the European Refugee Crisis
1 In 2016 significantly less refugees _____in Europe than Read the text and answer questions 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48.
the year before. The Organization for Migration and the EU Inside Lilium, The World’s First Vertical Takeoff And
border agency Frontex have reported a notable decline in the
Landing Private Jet
number of migrants arriving on Europe’s shores by nearly
5 two-thirds. These numbers, however, are by no means an 1 Wonder what’s in store for the future of private jet flying?
indication of improvement in the international situation of Here’s a glimpse. A start-up company – hosted in a European
refugees. Space Agency (ESA) business incubator center in Bavaria –
It’s evident that something has to change in the released an idea for an egg-shaped two-seater plane called
international mindset to bring an end to the enduring human 5 Lilium that’s currently in the works. With a top speed of 250
10 rights violations concerning millions of people. Surprisingly, mph and a range of 300 miles, the plane can travel roughly
a potential wind of change has come from Brazil, a country between Munich and Berlin in about 90 minutes. And
facing a deep economic and political crisis. according to the ESA, if testing succeeds, this _____ the
Brazil is one of the biggest recipients of refugees in Latin world’s first vertical takeoff and landing private jet.
America. In 2013 they introduced a humanitarian visa 10 The project came about when Daniel Wiegand – one of the
15 program for Syrians, processing 8.450 humanitarian visas on four founders of Lilium – wanted to realize flying for the
basis of which more than 2.000 Syrian refugees have already masses in a fast, inexpensive, efficient and eco-friendly way.
settled in Brazil. Brazil has several reasons to pursue a ‘Our goal is to develop an aircraft that doesn’t need the
recipient immigration policy. Receiving immigrants from all complex and expensive infrastructure of an airport, can be
over the world helps to boost the country’s international 15 used close to urban areas, and doesn’t produce too much
20 reputation and to turn around its negative image regarding a noise and pollution,’ he said. So to produce this new class of
high crime rate and an even higher external debt. Immigrants airplanes that could take off and land vertically anywhere
in Brazil also seem to be perceived as less as a (financial) with a surface area of 250 square feet by 2018, Wiegand and
burden than in many European countries. his team in Germany came up with a design using electric
20 engines and incorporated movable fan turbines.
Fonte: Fonte:
mindset – atitudes das pessoas glimpse – uma ideia para entender melhor algo
enduring – resistente, duradoura
financial burden – carga financeira
43 – Choose the best verbal form to have the text completed
39 – Choose the best verbal form to have the text completed
a) is
b) was
a) arrived c) will be
b) had arrived d) would be
c) have arrived
d) have been arriving
40 – ‘a potential wind of change has come (…)’ in bold in the 44 – As used in (line 5), ‘currently’ can be replaced by
text, means
a) now.
a) there’s a possibility of change. b) finally.
b) the changing has just started. c) actually.
c) the changing has happened. d) eventually.
d) there’s a hope of changing.
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48 – Write (T) for true statements and (F) for false statements 51 – Seja BDEF um losango de lado medindo 24 cm, inscrito no
and choose the alternative that corresponds to the right order.
triângulo ABC. Se BC = 60 cm, então AB = _____ cm.
( ) The noise created by Lilium is too loud.
a) 36
( ) Lilium will be a sustainable form of air transportation.
b) 40
( ) Lilium has fan engines and an innovative technology to cut
pollution. c) 42
( ) A European Space Agency designed an amazing aircraft d) 48
with space for more than two people to sit.
a) F–F–T–T
b) T–F–F–T
c) T–T–T–F
d) F–T–F–F
52 – O complemento do suplemento do ângulo de 112° mede
a) 18°
b) 28°
c) 12°
d) 22°
53 – Na função f (x) 27 x , tal que x 0, o valor de x para
que f(x) = 36, é um número
a) divisível por 2
b) divisível por 3
c) divisível por 5
d) divisível por 7
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AS QUESTÕES DE 25 A 48 REFEREM-SE À Read the text and answer questions 28 and 29.
LÍNGUA INGLESA 1 When “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” opens on Dec.
18 and, for the first time in nearly a decade, moviegoers can
Read the text and answer the questions 25 and 26. return to that galaxy of long ago and far, far away, they will
1 Renata, from Brazil: I just kiss them on the cheek. Just find that it contains two new stars. The film,
one kiss, because I’m from São Paulo. I have friends from 5 ________________ is directed by J. J. Abrams and continues
Rio and they always kiss twice. the interstellar saga of Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia and
Guillermo, from Chile: When it’s the first time I’m Han Solo some 30 years after the events of “Return of the
5 meeting someone or in formal situations, I shake hands. With Jedi” (1983), is also a launching pad for two young actors
my male friends, I give them a hug or a pat on the back but If who are barely half as old as the “Star Wars” franchise itself.
I’m greeting a female friend, it’s different: I give her a kiss 10 Daisy Ridley, who plays a mysterious scavenger named
on the cheek and sometimes I hug her. Women greet each Rey, and John Boyega, who plays a disaffected stormtrooper
other the same way: kissing and sometimes hugging. named Finn, are among the new heroes of “The Force
10 Marco, from Italy: I shake hands in formal situations. Awakens” and are bracing themselves for the biggest roles of
Where I live, kissing is acceptable. It’s OK for men to kiss their careers. (
each other, for men to kiss women or for women to kiss each
other. But with my male friends I usually just give a hug or a
pat on the back.
28 – Choose the best alternative to complete the text.
15 Molly, from the USA: When I greet close friends a) whose
I give them a hug. For casual friends, I just say “Hi”. For b) which
men it’s a little different. Where I live they never hug each c) where
other, it’s just “Hey, man”. In formal situations I always d) who
shake hands, and it’s important to shake hands firmly. When
20 I’m saying good-bye to people I’m not very close to, I also
shake hands, be it a man or a woman. Kissing is not usual
around here, unless it’s among really close family members. 29 – The word themselves, in bold in the text, refers to ____.
Adapted from a) Daisy Ridley and John Boyega
b) Princess Leia and Han Solo
25 – According to the text, we can conclude that __________. c) The Force Awakens
d) roles and careers
a) in Italy, people only kiss each other to greet
b) Molly shakes hands when she says good-bye to close friends
c) if someone is from São Paulo, kissing once when greeting is
the usual
Read the text and answer questions 30 and 31.
d) where Molly lives, men hug each other and say “Hey man”
when they greet 1 It was a beautiful summer afternoon with the sun shining
brightly. I excitedly phoned my friends asking them to come
over later for a barbecue.
26 – According to the text, choose the best alternative. After making the calls I quickly drove into town to buy
5 some food and drink. ________ I arrived at the shops I was
a) Shaking hands when greeting people in formal situations is very surprised at _________ busy it was. Everyone must
more common in various countries. have been shopping for a barbecue!
b) People greet each other the same way, in different states in The first butchers I visited had completely run out of
Brazil. sausages. The next shop had some left so I happily bought
c) If a man lives in Chile he greets males and females the same 10 some. After visiting a few more shops I had finally finished
way. my shopping. But I was starting to worry as it was 6 p.m. and
d) In many countries it is normal for men to kiss each other.
I had invited my friends to visit at 6:30 p.m.
I hastly rushed to the car park with all of my shopping
and threw it in the boot. Suddenly I notice that the cars were
Read the cartoon and answer question 27. 15 moving really slowly out of the car park and there was a bit
of traffic jam. It was past 6:30 p.m. ________ I arrived home
and I was extremely worried. As a drove into my drive
I smiled happily when I saw my friends sitting in my front
garden. Luckily they had realized I was stuck at the shops
20 and they waited for me.
31 – The four words in bold, in the text, are: 36 – Choose the best alternative according to the text.
a) Nouns 1 Sometimes you don’t have to read an article completely to
b) Adverbs get the necessary information. Often you can move your eyes
c) Pronouns quickly over the reading to find facts, names, dates, titles. For
d) Adjectives example, if you are looking for a date, you should move your
5 eyes down the page looking for numbers. If you are looking
for a person’s names, you should find capital letters.
Read the text and answer questions 32, 33 and 34. Punctuation is also a clue for finding specific information.
Quotation marks (“), commas (,), parentheses ( ), and dashes
1 Alberto Santos Dumont (1873-1932) was born in (--) all separate special information.
Brazil and educated in Paris. He made his first balloon
ascent in 1898 and, soon after that, began constructing a) You always need to read the entire article when you are
dirigible airships. In 1901 he won a Paris air race and looking for information.
5 international fame. (After the race, he asked Louis Cartier b) Occasionally you can get necessary information by skimming
for a timepiece that would keep his hands free - the first an article.
wristwatch.) c) It’s not possible to find a person’s name if you read all the
Turning to heavier-than-air machines, Santos Dumont words.
built his 14-Bis in 1906, three years after the Wright d) Capital letters are not used to find specific information.
10 brothers’ initial flight. His flight was the first in Europe,
and his plane was the first anywhere to lift off the ground
under its own power. In 1909 Santos Dumont designed the 37 – Choose the best alternative, according to the text.
Demoiselle monoplane, the first modern light plane.
In 1901 Santos Dumont fell ill with multiple sclerosis 1Vidigal is Rio’s most foreigner-friendly slum, with
15 and retired from flying. He returned to Brazil in 1916. guesthouses, coffee houses, restaurants and even a sushi-bar
Ill and despondent over the use of aircraft in warfare, he aimed at the tourist market. It is relatively small and
committed suicide in 1932. picturesque, with spectacular views over the Atlantic, and an
(Adapted From “Leaders of the Century”) 5 hour-long walking trail that winds from its upper limits to the
top of the Dois Irmãos mountain.
When pacified in 2012, Vidigal was already popular with
artists, young Brazilians and foreigners. Scottish school
32 – According to the text, Santos Dumont _____________ librarian Graeme Boyd, 34, lived there for two six-month
a) developed hot air balloons, dirigible airships and heavier-than- 10 periods, in 2009 and 2011. “As long as foreigners respect the
air machines. locals, make a contribution and use the business inside the
b) drew the Demoiselle cargo airplane, the most modern plane. favela, they will be welcomed,” he said. “People reacted to
c) died of multiple sclerosis before returning to Brazil. me as if I had lived there all my life”.
(adapted from
d) was the only man interested in flying, at the time.
slum = favela
33 – Choose the statement about Santos Dumont that is NOT guesthouses = pousadas
correct, according to the text: a) Foreigners are welcome as long as they contribute to the
a) He made a balloon before making a dirigible airship. business in Vidigal.
b) His plane lifted off the ground under its own power. b) Graeme Boyd was popular between Brazilian artists in 2009
c) He got sick but he didn’t stop flying. and 2011.
d) He became famous in 1901. c) Tourists cannot find Japanese food and places to rest.
d) Local residents prefer to disrespect foreigners.
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39 – Choose the best alternative to complete the dialogue. Read the text and answer the questions 42 and 43.
Jane: Hi Susan, how are you doing? 1 Illegal levels of arsenic and mercury polluted a river in the
Susan: Everything is Okay! days after a dam burst at an iron ore mine this month
Jane: Do you have any plans for this weekend? __________ Brazil’s worst environmental disaster, according
Susan: Not sure… I ______ probably give a party this weekend. to tests by a state water agency, the Institute for Water
Jane: Cool! 5 Management in Minas Gerais. The agency found arsenic
levels more than 10 times above the legal limit in one place
a) am going to __________ the river, the Rio Doce, after the dam burst on
b) am going Nov. 5, killing at least 13 people. Mercury slightly above the
c) will be permitted level was also found in one area. Samarco, the
d) will 10 mine operator, and its co-owners, BHP Billiton and Vale,
have repeatedly said that the water and mineral waste
unleashed by the dam burst were not toxic. On Wednesday,
the United Nations human rights agency said “new evidence”
showed that the mud dumped by the flood “contained high
15 levels of toxic heavy metals and other chemicals.”
Read the text and answer question 40. (Adopted from
1 This recipe for chocolate cookies was sent to The New
York Times several years ago by Mari Pfeiffer, a reader in
California; it’s from the cookbook “Great Cookies,” 42 – Fill in the blanks with the option that best completes the
published in 2003 by the author and teacher Carole Walter. text.
5 The cookies are filled with deep flavor from the combination a) over / in
of cocoa powder, unsweetened chocolate and espresso b) in / along
powder. Decorate them with royal icing. “Other icings would c) at / along
spoil the cookie’s simple yet amazing flavor,” said Ms. d) on / across
Pfeiffer, who often cuts the dough into letters to spell out
10 seasonal messages. (Adapted from
43 – Choose the best alternative, according to the text.
40 – Choose the correct alternative, according to the text. a) Levels of arsenic, up to ten times of above the legal limit,
were found in one place beside the river.
a) Mari Pfeiffer has developed the recipe for chocolate cookies
b) UN Human Rights Agency said that the mud dumped actually
and shared with Carole Walter.
contained low levels of chemicals.
b) The New York Times published Carole Walter’s book.
c) Illegal levels of arsenic and mercury polluted a river before a
c) New York Times received the recipe from a reader.
dam burst in Brazil.
d) “Great Cookies” is the name of the recipe.
d) Besides the high levels of arsenic, mercury was also found.
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46 – Choose the alternative that corresponds to the Active Voice AS QUESTÕES DE 49 A 72 REFEREM-SE À
of the following sentence: “Great recipes are made by Carole MATEMÁTICA
a) Carole Walter is making great recipes. 49 – Com um fio de arame, deseja-se cercar dois jardins: um
b) Carole Walter has made great recipes. circular, de raio 3 m, e o outro triangular, cujo perímetro é igual ao
c) Carole Walter makes great recipes. comprimento da circunferência do primeiro. Considerando = 3,14,
d) Carole Walter made great recipes. para cercar totalmente esses jardins, arredondando para inteiros,
serão necessários ____ metros de arame.
a) 29
47 – Read the text and complete the blanks with the appropriate b) 30
verbs. c) 35
d) 38
Dear John,
1 How are you? Here I am in Mayflower in an English class
with my cousin. Here in Mayflower the students __________
to school in the morning, but in Brazil __________ the
option to study during the morning or after lunch. I think this
5 option __________ because of the weather: in Brazil the sun 50 – Com os algarismos 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 e 7 posso escrever ____
is up early so people start the day earlier. números pares de quatro algarismos distintos.
I miss you and I hope to see you soon. a) 120
b) 180
c) 240
a) goes / there are / happened d) 360
b) go / there is / happens
c) goes / have / happens
d) go / got / happen
48 – Choose the best alternative, according to the cartoon. 51 – A parte real das raízes complexas da equação x2 – 4x + 13 = 0,
é igual a
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
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AS QUESTÕES DE 25 A 48 REFEREM-SE À Read the text and answer questions 28, 29 and 30.
LÍNGUA INGLESA Behind a Shopping Center in New Jersey,
Signs of a Mass Extinction
Read the text and answer questions 25 and 26.
Behind a Lowe’s home improvement store here, scientists
Chennai floods: Know which flights are cancelled! are methodically scraping and sifting through ___ quarry pit
1 New Delhi: In the wake of incessant rain and heavy that may contain unique insights to the mass extinction that
downpour in Chennai leading to floods that have affected eliminated _____ dinosaurs.
normal lives, various domestic flights have cancelled their 5 Back then, about 66 million years ago, _____ oceans
services to and from the city. were higher, and this part of southern New Jersey was a
5 Leading domestic carrier IndiGo airlines announced on its shallow sea, 10 to 15 miles offshore from ____ ancient
official Facebook page that few flights connecting to Chennai mountain range that rose from the water. Today’s quarry pit
for Thursday have been cancelled. was once the sea bottom, and one particular layer about 40
“Flight operations to and from Chennai have been 10 feet beneath the surface contains a bounty of fossils.
affected due to heavy rains. Few flights connecting following Kenneth J. Lacovara, a professor of paleontology and
10 cities to Chennai are cancelled for tomorrow - Hyderabad, geology at nearby Rowan University, calls the layer ___
Mumbai, Kochi, Kolkota, Pune, Coimbatore, Delhi & “mass death assemblage.” He believes it may be ____ only
Vizag”, the company said on its official FB page. known collection of animal remains that dates from the mass
The company, however, assured that all passengers would 15 extinction itself.
be refunded 100 percent. Taken from - Accessed on 06/01/2016.
Adapted from:
28 – Complete the text with the right articles. Then choose the
correct alternative.
25 – The correct form of the sentence “Flight operations to and
from Chennai have been affected due to heavy rains” – a) a – the – the – a – an – the
announced IndiGo Airlines”, in the indirect speech is: b) a – the – the – an – a – the
c) an – the – the – an – a – an
a) IndiGo Airlines announced that flight operations to and from d) a – the – the – the – an – an
Chennai would be affected due to heavy rains.
b) IndiGo Airlines announced that flight operations to and from
Chennai had been affected due to heavy rains. 29 – The pronoun it (line 13), underlined in the text, refers to
c) IndiGo Airlines announced that flight operations to and from a) “the mass extinction” (line 14 and 15)
Chennai will be affected due to heavy rains. b) “Rowan University” (line 12)
d) IndiGo Airlines announced that flight operations to and from c) “a professor” (line 11)
Chennai was affected due to heavy rains. d) “the layer” (line 12)
26 – Considering the underlined expression in the sentence 30 – Choose the alternative that replaces the sentence below
“Flight operations to and from Chennai have been affected due to without changing its meaning:
heavy rains” (lines 8 and 9), it is correct to say that
“Today’s quarry pit was once the sea bottom.” (lines 8 and 9)
a) the present perfect tense was used to refer to a temporary
continuing action. a) Today is quarry pit was once the sea bottom.
b) the present perfect tense was used to announce news of a b) Today has quarry pit was once the sea bottom.
recent event. c) The quarry pit of today was the sea bottom at once.
c) the past perfect tense was used to say that something was in d) The quarry pit of today was the sea bottom in the past.
d) the simple past tense was used to announce an earlier past.
Read the weather forecast for the UK on December 2nd, 2015,
and answer question 31.
27 – Read the cartoon and choose the correct alternative: Rain becoming slow-moving across central UK today. Winds
largely easing.
Rain across Scotland and Northern Ireland at first will continue
southeastwards, stalling across Wales and parts of northern
England by late afternoon. Brighter, colder conditions will follow
across the northwest, but it will remain cloudy and mild in the
Adapted from Accessed on 02/12/2015.
Acessed on 23/10/2015.
31 – According to the weather forecast, choose the correct
a) The air traffic controller duck understood that the duck pilot
was requesting a day of May.
b) The pilot duck was shouting “mayday” because he wanted to a) There will be rain in Scotland, Ireland, Wales and north of
relax. England.
b) There will be heavy rain in Wales in the afternoon.
c) The air traffic controller duck was frantic due to the affliction
of the pilot.
d) The pilot duck was landing due to bad weather.
c) The weather will be colder in the southeast.
d) It will be snowy in the northwest.
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Read the text and answer question 32. 35 – According to the text, it is correct to affirm that
Ingredients a) Tenzin Gyatso, the world’s most famous monk, had more than
- 25g butter 100,000 people celebrating his 80th birthday.
- 500g small onions, (about 5 in total), halved and finely sliced b) Dalai Lama is celebrating his friend Patti Smith’s 80th
- 2 eggs birthday.
- 284ml pot double cream c) Dalai Lama would like to have white hair and beard.
- 140g mature cheddar, coarsely grated d) Patti Smith is considered the 14th Dalai Lama.
For the pastry
- 280g plain flour, plus extra for dusting Read the text and answer questions 36 and 37.
- 140g cold butter
Adapted from - Accessed on 15/12/2015.
Meet the 'homeless man' who flies the world first class
1 For the last year and a half, Ben Schlappig has been
32 – The text above is a recipe for: essentially homeless. The 25-year-old American has ______
fixed address, ______ the keys to his own front door. Why
a) a salmon and watercress quiche. bother paying rent, he figured, when a bed was only ever a
b) a sticky onion and cheddar quiche. 5 first class ticket away?
c) a leek, mushroom and Gruyère quiche. Schlappig is a "Hobbyist," as those in the game call it - a
d) a caramelized onion quiche with cheddar and bacon. professional traveler with an almost obsessive attention to
fine print, who uses a mixture of frequent flyer miles and
credit card reward points, to zoom around the globe for a
Read the text and answer questions 33, 34 e 35. 10 fraction of the cost.
The Last Dalai Lama? Since he first started racking up air miles a little over a
decade ago – yes, he was just 14 when he started this –
1 On a wet Sunday in June at the Glastonbury Festival, Schlappig says he's never flown economy on an international
more than 100,000 people spontaneously burst into a flight.
rendition of ‘‘Happy Birthday.’’ Onstage, Tenzin Gyatso, the
Taken from
14th Dalai Lama, blew out the solitary candle on a large world-free-airline-air-miles/index.html
5 birthday cake while clasping the hand of Patti Smith, who
stood beside him. The world’s most famous monk then poked 36 – Choose the correct verb that can replace the phrasal verb
a thick finger at Smith’s silvery mane. ‘‘Musicians,’’ he said, “racking up” (line 11), according to the text.
‘‘white hair.’’ But ‘‘the voice and physical action,’’ he added
in his booming baritone, ‘‘forceful.’’ As Smith giggled, he a) amass
10 went on: ‘‘So, that gives me encouragement. Myself, now 80 b) forfeit
years old, but I should be like you — more active!’’ c) give up
Taken from Acessed on 14/12/15. d) abandon
33 – Match the definitions to the words: 37 – The correct words to fill in the blanks (line 2 and 3) are,
1. clasp (line 5) respectively:
2. poke (line 6) a) no – neither
3. giggle (line 9) b) neither – nor
4. booming (line 9) c) either – neither
( ) a loud and deep sound. d) not either – not neither
( ) to laugh in a childlike way.
( ) to hold someone’s hand firmly. Read the text and answer questions 38, 39 and 40.
( ) to push someone or something with the fingers.
Heathrow expansion should face strict environmental
Choose the correct order: conditions, say MPs.
a) 1–4–3–2 1 Final government approval for the expansion of Heathrow
b) 2–1–4–3 should be withheld until Europe’s busiest airport can
c) 3–2–1–4 demonstrate that it accepts and will comply with key
d) 4–3–1–2 environmental conditions, a parliamentary committee has
MPs on the environmental audit committee have been
34 – The correct form of the sentence “more than 100,000 people 5 hearing evidence on the likely carbon emissions, air quality
burst into a rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ ” (lines 2 and 3) in the and noise levels after the government-appointed Airports
present perfect is: Commission recommended a third runway at Heathrow as
a) More than 100,000 people has bursted into a rendition of the preferred plan for London airport expansion.
Happy Birthday. (Adapted from www.theguardian/ environment. Acessed on 01/12/2015)
b) More than 100,000 people have bursted into a rendition of
Happy Birthday.
38 – Heathrow airport already has _____________.
c) More than 100,000 people have burst into a rendition of a) 1 runway
Happy Birthday. b) 2 runways
d) More than 100,000 people has burst into a rendition of Happy c) 3 runways
Birthday. d) 30 runways
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39 – Choose the synonym in the context for the underlined word 44 – In the first balloon, the verbs “watch” and “learn” are
in the title, and its correct part of speech. respectively in the
a) easygoing – adverb a) imperative mood – imperative mood
b) tough – adjective b) imperative mood – subjunctive mood
c) fear – adjective c) subjunctive mood – imperative mood
d) severely – adverb d) subjunctive mood – subjunctive mood
40 – Write true (T) or false (F), according to the text: The following text refers to questions 45 e 46.
( ) The expansion of Heathrow airport ought to be blocked until The following are examples of types of air traffic
the busiest airport complies with key environmental controllers:
conditions. Tower controllers direct the movement of vehicles on
( ) The expansion of Heathrow should begin once Europe’s runways and taxiways. They check flight plans, give pilots
busiest airport may accept other conditions for weather. 5 clearance for takeoff or landing, and direct the movement of
( ) Europe’s busiest airport can accept this change under two aircraft and other traffic on the runways and other parts of the
conditions: better air quality and lower noise levels. airport. Most work from control towers, as they generally
( ) Heathrow airport can choose the best alternative for must be able to see the traffic they control.
environmental conditions. Approach and departure controllers ensure that aircraft
10 traveling within an airport's airspace maintain minimum
a) T–T–F–F separation for safety. They give clearances to enter controlled
b) F–F–T–F airspace and hand off control of aircraft to en route
c) T–F–F–F controllers. They use radar equipment to monitor flight paths
d) F–F–T–T and work in buildings known as Terminal Radar Approach
15 Control Centers (TRACON). They also provide information
Read the cartoon and answer questions 41 and 42. to pilots, such as weather conditions and other critical
En route controllers monitor aircraft once they leave an
airport's airspace. They work at air route traffic control
20 centers located throughout the country, which typically are
not located at airports.
Each center is assigned an airspace based on the
geography and altitude of the area in which it is located. As
an airplane approaches and flies through a center's airspace,
Taken from Accessed on 26/10/2015 en route controllers guide the airplane along its route. They
may adjust the flight path of aircraft for safety and collision
41 – Choose the correct alternative, according to the cartoon. avoidance.
a) The flying duck understood there was turbulence, because the Adapted from: ttps://
winds were strong.
b) The air traffic controller duck didn’t have time to warn about 45 – Consider this excerpt from the text:
c) The water in movement caused the wind turbulence. “They work at air route traffic control centers located throughout
d) The water turbulence was caused by the alligator. the country, which typically are not located at airports.” (lines 19,
20 and 21)
42 – In the first balloon, the phrasal verb “watch for” cannot be All the following sentences about the underlined word are correct,
replaced by
D A except:
a) see
U LA a) The underlined word is a relative pronoun.
beware of
pay attention to
The word “which” introduces a defining relative clause.
The word “which” refers to “air route traffic control centers”.
“Which typically are not located at airports” is a non-defining
relative clause.
Read the cartoon and answer questions 43 and 44.
46 – Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Then
choose the right alternative.
( ) En route controllers manage aircraft within airport’s airspace.
( ) Approach and departure controllers give official approval for
landing and takeoff.
( ) The responsibility of approach and departure controllers is to
ensure that aircraft stay safe distances apart.
Adapted from:
( ) Some of the tower controller duties are to prepare flight plans
43 – Which words complete the lines in the cartoon? and to manage the movements of aircraft on the ground.
a) As – as a) F–T–F–T
b) At – as b) T–T–F–F
c) Like – as c) F–T–T–F
d) How – like d) F–F–T–F
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