Anzaldua Carta As Mulheres Feministas
Anzaldua Carta As Mulheres Feministas
Anzaldua Carta As Mulheres Feministas
Cherríe Moraga5
Nellie Wong11
Referências bibliográficas
ANZALDÚA, Gloria (1981). “Speaking in tongues:
a letter to Third World women writers”. In:
MORAGA, Cherríe & ANZALDÚA, Gloria
(orgs.). This bridge called my back: writings
by radical women of color. New York:
Kitchen Table, p. 165-74.
LITTLEBEAR, Naomi (1977). The Dark of the Moon.
Portland: Olive Press.
MORAGA, Cherríe (1983). “It’s the Poverty”. In:
Loving in the War Years: Lo que nunca pasó
por tus lábios. Boston: South End Press.
WALKER, Alice (1974). “In Search of Our Mothers’
Gardens: The Creativity of Black Women in
the South”. MS (May).
Édna de Marco
Claudia de Lima Costa
Simone Pereira