Unidade 1 Teste
Unidade 1 Teste
Unidade 1 Teste
Aprendizagens Essenciais
Listening test
Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação
Listening 20% Textos relacionados 1. Completar frases com uma palavra do texto 5 × 2 = 10 2 pontos por resposta correta
com os tópicos da áudio.
L9 – Compreender
unidade 1: a. awesome d. lunch
b. gathering e. cook
em programas, Family
c. walk
produzidos para gatherings
o seu nível, 2. Associar informação. 5 × 2 = 10 2 pontos por resposta correta
Family routines a. Tom – 3. (take the dog for a walk)
em meios áudio
b. Ava – 5. (do the laundry)
c. Ella – 1. (put the shopping away)
d. Emily and Chloe – 2. (go to the shopping
e. Noah – 4. (cook a family meal)
Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação
Reading 30% Texto relacionado 1. Identificar as frases verdadeiras e falsas de 4 × 2,5 = 10 2,5 pontos por resposta correta
com os tópicos acordo com o texto. Corrigir as frases falsas.
R8 – Ler textos
da unidade 1: a. T
breves de tipologia
b. F. She was born in Málaga, Andalusia, Spain.
diversificada Family
c. T
Family d. F. She has to do chores.
gatherings 2. Responder a perguntas de interpretação 4 × 2,5 = 10 2,5 pontos por resposta correta
sobre o texto. -0,5 por erros de ortografia
a. Millie has got one brother and two sisters.
b. No, she isn’t. She is responsible for Millie’s
clothes at various events and ceremonies.
c. The talented women in her family are her
grandmother, her sister Paige and her mother.
d. The Browns’ Sunday lunch is a traditional
English lunch with roast beef and veggies.
3. Identificar os sinónimos das palavras do 4 × 2,5 = 10 2,5 pontos por resposta correta
a. supportive c. confessed
b. various d. frequently
Vocabulary 10% Vocabulário 1. Associar membros de família à sua definição. 5×1=5 1 ponto por resposta correta
relacionado com os a. 3; b. 1; c. 4; d. 5; e. 2
LG10 – Compreender
tópicos da unidade 1: 2. Legendar imagens sobre rotinas da família. 5×1=5 1 ponto por resposta correta
formas de
organização do léxico Family a. take the dog for a walk
e conhecer algumas b. take the rubbish out
Family routines c. work out
estruturas frequentes
do funcionamento d. cook a family meal
da língua e. go to football practice
Grammar 20% Gramática 3. Completar espaços com verbos no Present 5×1=5 1 ponto por resposta correta
relacionada com os Simple na afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.
LG10 – Compreender
ENGA7TF-TESTS © Porto Editora
Present 5. Completar espaços com verbos no Present 5×1=5 1 ponto por resposta
Continuous – Continuous na afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa. correta
affirmative, a. is jogging d. isn’t lying
b. Are they playing e. are making
negative and
c. is travelling
Present Simple / 6. Completar espaços com verbos no Present Simple 5×1=5 1 ponto por resposta
Present ou no Present Continuous na afirmativa e negativa. correta
Continuous – a. are cooking d. is swimming Nota: Em cada resposta
affirmative and b. tidies e. don’t get up desta secção –0,5 por
c. isn’t going erros de ortografia
Writing 20% Respostas 1. Responder a perguntas pessoais sobre os temas 5 × 2 = 10 2 pontos por resposta
a perguntas. da unidade. correta
W9 – Interagir, com
Tema: Personal answers:
linguagem simples,
a. I have got … cousins.
sobre assuntos Family b. The funniest person in my family is…
do dia a dia
Family c. Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
W10 – Produzir d. The next birthday party is…
textos de 35 a 50 e. I take the rubbish out every day / twice a week / …
palavras Family routines
2. Produzir um texto com a descrição da atividade 5 × 2 = 10 2 pontos por frase
em família favorita. correta
My favourite family gathering is a family picnic. I like it
because we have more contact with nature. We can also
do different activities, like play football. And we can sit
down on the grass and eat sandwiches and dessert. I go
on a family picnic with my close family.
Listening script
Exercise 1
Maggie: Hey, Gina, I just can’t wait for tomorrow.
Gina: Why is that, Maggie?
Maggie: It’s the weekend!
Gina: Oh, yes! Weekends are awesome! I always have so many plans for my weekends.
Maggie: What do you usually do at the weekend?
Gina: I’m always out! See, I’ve got a large family and so, at the weekend there’s always somewhere to go or something to do.
Maggie: Really? Sounds like fun!
Gina: On Saturdays, for instance, we always have a family gathering, which can be a birthday party or a picnic. Sometimes we all go and watch our
favourite team play at the stadium. How about you? Do you have busy weekends?
Maggie: No, no… not at all. We prefer to stay at home, especially in winter. On sunny days, though, we like to go out for a walk or e ven for a ride on
our bikes. Then, we stop at a café and grab a bite to eat.
Gina: That sounds relaxing. Don’t you ever meet your family?
Maggie: My family doesn’t get together that often, but on Sundays we usually have our Sunday lunch at my aunt’s. My grandparents live with her and
so that’s where we all usually meet.
Gina: Your aunt must be a good cook.
Maggie: She’s great, but my mother also cooks our family lunch every now and then.
Gina: Stop talking about food… I’m starving!… (giggles)
Maggie: (giggles)
Exercise 2
1. My name is Tom and I have got three older sisters. They are very active and like to participate in our family routines, which is great! Soph ie likes to
do the shopping and Amber is a real cooking fan. She creates her own recipes. I help her clean the kitchen every now and again, but I must confess
that I hate it. I much prefer taking my dog out for walks because I can go outside and, sometimes, I even meet my friends.
2. Hi! I’m Ava. I like to help around the house so that it is clean. My dad always leaves his coat on the sofa and my mother never knows where her
rings and necklaces are. Well, let me tell you that my bedroom is always very clean and tidy. Besides cleaning the house, I also do the laundry. I iron
all my clothes too. So, as you can see I’m a real busy bee!
3. Hi, I’m Ella Williams. My mother is a housewife, so I spend a lot of time with her at home. We usually cook tasty meals and w ork out twice a week
at the gym. We also go shopping for food every Thursday evening. When we get home, I just love putting the sho pping away. I’m very organised and
practical. Isn’t it great to open the cupboards and find everything in its place?
4. Hello, my name is Emily and this is my twin sister, Chloe. Like all twins, we hang around together. Our favourite activity is going to the shopping centre
with our parents. Shopping centres have everything you need! You can eat, have fun and buy clothes there. Buying clothes is sometimes difficult because
our mum likes us to get dressed in the same way. But we have different personalities and different tastes. This means we don’t like the same clothes!
5. My name is Noah. At the weekend, my family likes to get together and watch a film on television or play cards. When my cousin s come over, we
like to play our favourite games on my computer. On Saturdays, we always have a nice homemade meal together. Guess who the co ok is? Me of
course! I just love cooking! Did you know that everyone loves my chicken pie and my basmati rice?
Unit 1 Family life Listening test – version A
1 Listen and complete the sentences with ONE word. / 10
Read the text.
breakout: successful
moved: to go and live in a different place
under pressure: a situation that causes stress
a. b. c.
d. e.
3 Complete the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple. /5
5 Complete the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the Present Continuous. /5
6 Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. /5
1 Answer the questions about you. / 10