Unit III Chapter 9 Biodiversity PPT - 0

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Unit III

Chapter 9: Biodiversity or biological diversity

 The variety of life in the world or in a particular

habitat or ecosystem.
 All living things are related to each other.
 This is the time when naturalist began to classify
organism in the natural world.
 Taxonomy – is the hierarchical system of classifying,
naming describing organism and includes all plants
and animals and microorganism of the world
Carl Linnaeus – known as the father of taxonomy
 The year 2010 is the International Year of Diversity, it was declared by the United Nations (in Dec. 20,
 Focuses on boosting awareness of biodiversity’s importance – to foster biodiversity worldwide
 1.75 million species are identified (mostly small creatures such as insects)
 Some scientists believed that there are actually about 13 million species, though estimates range
from three to one hundred million.
 Loss of biodiversity threatens food supplies, opportunities for recreation & tourism, sources of wood,
medicines, and energy. It also interferes with essential ecological functions (e.g. food chains/web)

 Hierarchy of taxonomic classification:

 Domain
 Kingdom
 Phylum
 Class
 Order
 Family
 Genus
 Species
Scientific name: genus name and species name (Example: Homo sapiens; homo is the genus name and
sapiens is the species name)
 The Biodiversity International has release a module
titled ‘Law and Policy of relevance to the
management of plant genetic resources, which aims
to help professional in managing, conserving and
using plant genetic resources for food and agriculture:
1. Biotechnology uses biological systems, living
organisms or derivatives thereof, to make or modify
products or processes for a specific use.
2. Genetic engineering is a technique that allows genes
and DNA to be transferred from one source to
another. It leads to the production of living modified
organism or GMO.
3.Modern biotechnology gives scientist molecular tools
for obtaining a better understanding of the structure
and function of genes in living organism
 Modern biotechnology paves the way for new
developments on food and agriculture:
o It aims to develop new precision tools and diagnostics
o Speed up breeding grains and efficiency
o To develop pest and disease resistant crops
o To combat salinity, drought and problems of agriculture
o To enhance the nutritional quality of foods
o To enhance crop varieties and choice
o To reduce inputs and production costs and to increase
Genetically Modified Organisms
Based on evolutionary theory, the concept of survival of
the fittest implies that living organisms have a natural
spectrum of characteristics such as size, mass, or length.
The characteristics of an organism and its successors can
be modified today by modern technology.
 A GMO is a plant, animal, microorganism or other
organism whose genetic makeup has been modified
using recombinant DNA method [also called gene
GMO are also known as “transgenic organism”
It is the result of a laboratory process where gene from
the DNA of one species are extracted and artificially
inserted into the genes of an unrelated plant or animal
[ genetic engineering GE]
Genetic modification aims to address issues with
regards to food security, agriculture, drug production
and nutrition.
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
A protocol which internationally agrees aims to endure
the safe handling , transport, and use of living modified
 The Philippines recognizes the technologies that can be of
particular help for its development. Since the Philippines
is one of the biodiversity “hotspot” in the world.
 GOLDEN RICE is a genetically modified variety of rice
containing large amount of the orange and red plant
pigment beta-carotene, a substance important in the
human diet as a precursor of Vitamin A. [its not yet
available in the market so far]
 daffodil

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