Vaccine coverage against hepatitis B has really increased in French infants since march 2008, date of reimbursement of hexavalent vaccine. At the end of year 2009, 76% of infants have received at least one dosage of hepatitis B vaccine before the age of 6 months. On the contrary until the beginning of year 2008 only 30 to 40% have been vaccinated. Altogether with the reimbursement we have to take into account, knowledge of French epidemiological data, 280000 chronic carrier of hepatitis, whom half of them does not know her state and 1 300 deaths each year, and a change in the opinion by physicians and families. If this result can be considered as good, vaccine coverage of adolescents is not good, about 50% and need to be increased. All non vaccinated adolescent would have the opportunity to be vaccinated. Adolescent can be vaccinated between 11 and 15 years old with a 3 dosages schedule (0, 1, 6 months) or a 2 dosages schedule (0,6 months) with vaccines which contain 20 microgrammes Ag HBs.