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Background: Human Immunode¿ ciency Virus (HIV)/ Acquired Immunode¿ ciency Syndrome (AIDS) claimed more than 22 million deaths in the past two decades. About 10,000-15,000 Nepalese are expected to die of AIDS related deaths every year in... more
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Background In Nepal tuberculosis, outdoor and indoor air pollution, cigarette smoking, smoking during pregnancy, poor working and health conditions in industries are common. Perceptions about various aspects of lung health among... more
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      Clinical SciencesPublic health systems and services research
Background: Most workers of carpet factory and sawmills suffer from non-specific lung diseases and ventilatory disorders. There is so many such industries operative in Lalitpur district and so far not many studies have been reported on... more
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      AdolescentAerosolsSmokingHealth Care Workers
DOI:  Banking Journal, Volume 2 (Issue 2) 48-63
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      BankingCorporate Social Responsibilities
Background: Puberty is a significant phase of human growth. It has important implications for the development of regulatory competence and of physical, emotional, social maturity. Adolescents should have knowledge regarding their physical... more
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DOI: Banking Journal Vol.3(2) 2013 pp.57-77
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      BankingIT Security
Financial institutions not only influence the profit/loss of its shareholders but also drive the economy of the whole nation. So it should be concerned about its social obligation and responsibilities. Social responsibility refers to the... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityBankingRegulationEconomic Development
DOI: Journal, Volume 2 (Issue 2) 22-38
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    • Banking
Background and Objectives: The distribution of ABO and Rh blood groups vary from population to population. With an interest of finding out rare blood group in Nepalese population, we studied the blood group distribution was studied in... more
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      NepalMedical StudentsGene frequencyABO Blood-Group System
In the last few decades, lots of youth have migrated to foreign lands from Nepal for their study. An estimated 20,000 students leave the country annually to pursue their further education abroad and a huge sum of more than NRs 2000... more
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    • Banking
Background and objectives: Magnesium is established as a neuro-protective agent and now also known as a vasodilator. It has been known for treating vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage. However, its action mechanism in cerebral... more
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This article discuss about scientific basis of benefits of practicing slow pranayama, especially alternate nostril breathing pranayama. It explains the basis of benefit of alternate nostril breathing exercises and its probable relation... more
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Background and objectives: HIV/AIDS is a burning crisis worldwide. Cure of HIV is not yet possible so prevention is of prime importance in control of HIV. Education plays an important role in bringing awareness. This study is planned to... more
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Background and Objectives: Nepal is confronted with increasing incidence of HIV among adolescents. There is need to ensure, these people have correct knowledge for HIV prevention. Hence, this study was carried out to assess the perception... more
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Pranayama (breathing exercise), one of the yogic techniques can produce different physiological responses in healthy individuals. The responses of Alternate Nostril Breathing (ANB) the Nadisudhi Pranayama on some cardio-respiratory... more
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      YogaHemodynamicsYoung AdultBiomed
Background: Derangements of mineral metabolism occur during early stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Mineral metabolism has emerged as important predictors of morbidity and mortality in dialysis patients. This study aims to evaluate... more
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Meditation as a separate identity or as a part of yoga is gaining popularity these days. Today's world is full of stress, meditation will help you to cope of with stress and give you peace of mind. So, it's a tranquillizer. It... more
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Background and Objectives: Medical sciences have developed tremendously but yet it has to understand the brain, mind, consciousness and cognition process. In this article, authors have made an attempt to present a process of cognition... more
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Background and Objectives: Type II diabetes mellitus (DM) is particularly common medical disorder and is leading cause of morbidity worldwide. The complication of DM is due to micro or macro vascular damage. The presence of an extensive... more
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Background and Objectives: Nutrition has been an integral part of medical management in CKD patient in which total food and protein intake plays vital role in survival rate of patient. This study was done to investigate the nutritional... more
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