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This paper is to contribute a new dynamic channel access method for wireless local area networks. It allows a station accessing the 80 or 160MHz channel to capture every idle non-primary 20MHz channel along with the primary 20MHz channel,... more
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    • Channel Access Scheduling
This correspondence considers the minimum Euclidean distance properties, upper bounds on the minimum distance, power density spectrum, and power-bandwidth tradeoff for Mary phase codes where K different symbol lengths are used in a... more
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      Markov ProcessesSatellite CommunicationFrequencyEncoding
This paper focuses on the applicability of Bit-Interleaved Space-Time Coded Modulation with Iterative Decoding (BI-STCM-ID) to Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN). A new intuitive space-time diversity scheme, which ensures a low error... more
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      Information TransferIterative DecodingSpace TimeBit Error Rate
Flexible time division duplex (TDD) is expected to be one of the key technologies for 5G flexible air interface. The main benefit of flexible TDD is to allow for better radio resource utilisation based on instantaneous user traffic... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceTechnology
5G systems are expected to utilize frequency bands above 6 GHz in the so-called millimeter-wave (mmWave) spectrum because of large bandwidths. It is well know that higher carrier frequency bands suffer from higher path loss attenuation.... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingComputer NetworkWireless
This paper reports intermediate transceiver and frame structure concepts and corresponding results from the European FP7 research project 5GNOW. The core is the unified frame structure concept which supports an integrated 5G air... more
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In this paper, a new approximate method of point-to-group blocking probability calculation in switching networks carrying a mixture of different multi-rate unicast and multicast traffic streams is presented. Special attention is paid to... more
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      Teletraffics & Queueing TheoryAnalytical ModelingAnalytical Modelling
In this paper reservation algorithms for multi-service switching networks are proposed. Two new approximate methods of the point-to-point blocking probability calculation in the multi-service switching networks are also presented in the... more
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      Teletraffics & Queueing TheoryAnalytical ModelingAnalytical Modelling
Three reservation algorithms for the limited-availability system are proposed and compared in the paper. These algorithms can be used for call blocking equalisation in outgoing links of multiservice switching networks. Two approximate... more
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      Teletraffics & Queueing TheoryAnalytical ModelingAnalytical Modelling
The paper presents and describes the uplink blocking probability calculation method in cellular systems with WCDMA radio interface and finite source population. The method is based on the model of the full availability group with... more
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      Teletraffics & Queueing TheoryAnalytical ModelingCellular NetworksAnalytical Modelling
This book will be an invaluable guide for professional engineers (radio planning engineers, optimization engineers, transmission engineers, core network engineers, Service Management engineers) working in the areas of mobile wireless... more
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      LTEAnalytical ModelingCellular NetworksNetwork Dimensioning
The Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) metaheuristic is a versatile algorithmic optimization approach based on the observation of the behaviour of ants. As a result of numerous analyses, ACO has been applied to solving various combinatorial... more
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      Ant Colony OptimisationRouting AlgorithmsThe shortest path problems
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      ProbabilityCommunication SystemPerformance EvaluationAnalytical Model
The development of concepts derived from the generic approach to solving the problem of the shortest path resulted in numerous and various algorithms that appeared over the past decades. The studies on the most basic operation aimed at... more
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      The shortest path problemsSuccessive Shortest Path AlgorithmShortest Path ProblemShortest Path
This paper presents an approximate calculation methodology of the occupancy distribution and the blocking probability in a virtual circuit switching node with multi-rate unicast and multicast traffic streams. Particular traffic streams... more
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      Distributed ComputingCommunity NetworksAnalytical ModellingTeletraffic Engineering
The paper proposes a new approximate calculation method of occupancy distribution and blocking probability in the full-availability group (FAG) with multi-rate traffic streams and bandwidth reservation. The algorithm involves calculation... more
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      AlgorithmProbabilityStochastic processesSimulation
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      ProbabilityCommunication SystemPerformance EvaluationAnalytical Model
In this paper, a new approximate method of pointto-group blocking probability calculation in switching networks carrying a mixture of different multi-rate unicast and multicast traffic streams is presented. Special attention is paid to... more
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      ProbabilityTeletraffics & Queueing TheoryAnalytical ModelingAnalytical Modelling
This paper presents a complete methodology for modeling gradings also called non-full-availability groups servicing single-service and multi-service traffic streams. The methodology worked out by the authors makes it possible to determine... more
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      EngineeringMathematical Sciences
In the paper a new approximate calculation method of the occupancy distribution and the blocking probability in the full-availability group (FAG) with multi-rate traffic streams and bandwidth reservation is proposed. The algorithm... more
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