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Non plus considéré comme appartenant seulement au groupe majoritaire canadien-français, le français est aujourd’hui promu par les autorités et par certains intellectuels québécois comme la « langue publique commune » pour tous ceux qui... more
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France's regional languages have long suffered as a result of the French republican model, which denies the existence of minorities and hence the possibility of granting minority rights. It is sometimes argued by language rights... more
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      Human RightsPolitical ScienceFrench PoliticsPublic Policy and Administration
In 1994-95, French language policy in Europe underwent a transformation. The overt promotion of French as a European lingua franca which had characterised the French position in the past was replaced with a new policy of promoting... more
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      MultilingualismPolitical ScienceLinguistics
In recent years, much has been made in the media and in academic circles of the risk that the world is heading towards linguistic convergence. But as internationalisation gives way to globalisation, as the emphasis shifts from mere... more
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      SociologyCognitive ScienceLinguistics
In recent years, there has been a resurgence of fears concerning the status of English in Quebec. Unlike in the past, many now claim that it is francophones themselves who risk undermining the achievements of 30 years of successful status... more
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With the realisation that the future of French in Que´bec depends on its adoption by a growing number of immigrants, efforts have intensified in recent years to promote a less ethnic and more civic conception of Que´be´cois identity. As... more
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      SociologyNations and nationalismMultidisciplinary
Aunque muchas lenguas románicas distinguen una categoría pronominal de "neutro" cuya función es referirse anafóricamente a una proposición o idea que nunca corresponde a un nombre sencillo (esp. esto, it. ciò, cat. això, pg. isso), parece... more
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      ExaptationSpanish Historical LinguisticsCapitalisation
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The history of the Spanish language (and of all the standardized Romance languages) is defined by its establishment as an Ausbau language, a process which is known to us only through written texts. This article begins with a critical... more
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Las formas posesivas del español constituyen desde hace tiempo un sistema poco estable, consecuencia en toda probabilidad de la compleja serie de procesos morfofonológicos vinculados íntimamente con el desarrollo con la evolución del... more
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      Historical LinguisticsSpanish LinguisticsSociohistorical LinguisticsPossessive constructions
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