Queen Mary, University of London
School of Mathematical Sciences
An upper bound on the amplitude of the primordial gravitational wave spectrum generated during ultra-violet DBI inflation is derived. The bound is insensitive to the form of the inflaton potential and the warp factor of the compactified... more
- by Ian Huston
We numerically solve the Klein-Gordon equation at second order in cosmological perturbation theory in closed form for a single scalar field, describing the method employed in detail. We use the slow-roll version of the second order source... more
In this paper we summarise the status of single field models of inflation in light of the WMAP 7 data release. We find little has changed since the 5 year release, and results are consistent with previous findings. The increase in the... more
Inflationary cosmology is the leading explanation of the very early universe. Many different models of inflation have been constructed which fit current observational data. In this work theoretical and numerical methods for constraining... more
We numerically calculate the evolution of second order cosmological perturbations for an inflationary scalar field without resorting to the slow-roll approximation or assuming large scales. In contrast to previous approaches we therefore... more
Abstract We study transient work fluctuation relations (FRs) for Gaussian stochastic systems generating anomalous diffusion. For this purpose we use a Langevin approach by employing two different types of additive noise:(i) internal noise... more
Abstract This book chapter introduces to the concept of weak chaos, aspects of its ergodic theory description, and properties of the anomalous dynamics associated with it. In the first half of the chapter we study simple one-dimensional... more
This multi-author reference work provides a unique introduction to the currently emerging, highly interdisciplinary field of those transport processes that cannot be described by using standard methods of statistical mechanics. It... more
This allows construction of a periodic orbit expansion for small, but finite holes generalizing simple random walk theory, which is based on an effectively uncorrelated dynamics. Finally, we compare our diffusion results with those... more
We study the deterministic diffusion coefficient of the two-dimensional periodic Lorentz gas as a function of the density of scatterers. Based on computer simulations, and by applying straightforward analytical arguments, we... more
Abstract These are easy-to-read lecture notes for a short first-year Ph. D. student course on Applied Dynamical Systems, given at the London Taught Course Centre in Spring 2008, 2009 and 2010. The full course consists of two parts,... more
It is in principle possible to develop the full theory of both from either perspective, but for the bulk of this course, we shall follow the latter route. This allows a generally more simple way of introducing the important concepts,... more
A century ago Einstein developed a theory of diffusion that is based on the assumption of stochasticity for a Brownian particle. On a microscopic level, however, the particle's dynamics is governed by Newton's deterministic equations of... more
Abstract: A particle moving deterministically in a chaotic spatially extended environment can exhibit normal diffusion, with its mean square displacement growing proportional to the time. Here we consider the dependence of the diffusion... more
One approach starts from time-continuous differential equations and leads to time-discrete maps, which are obtained from them by a suitable discretization of time. This path is pursued, eg, in the book by Strogatz [Str94]. 1 The other... more
Diffusion is a fundamental macroscopic transport process in many-particle systems. It is quantifiable by the diffusion coefficient, which describes the linear growth in the meansquare displacement of an ensemble of particles. The source... more
Abstract. We consider work fluctuation relations (FRs) for generic types of dynamics generating anomalous diffusion: Lévy flights, long-correlated Gaussian processes and time-fractional kinetics. By combining Langevin and kinetic... more
Abstract: The stability analysis introduced by Lyapunov and extended by Oseledec is an excellent tool to describe the character of nonlinear n-dimensional flows by n global exponents if these flows are stable in time. However, there are... more
Abstract: This is an easy-to-read introduction to foundations of deterministic chaos, deterministic diffusion and anomalous diffusion. The first part introduces to deterministic chaos in one-dimensional maps in form of Ljapunov exponents... more
Abstract We consider families of dynamics that can be described in terms of Perron–Frobenius operators with exponential mixing properties. For piecewise C2 expanding interval maps we rigorously prove continuity properties of the drift J... more