Queen's University Belfast
History and Anthropology
Article on the Irish-born John Bourden, former President of the Council of Jamaica towards the end of the seventeenth century.
Commissioned by Bryan Rindfleisch (Marquette University) Printable Version: http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showpdf.php?id=54963 Ireland, Slavery, and Empire: Michael Keane, the Caribbean, and the Irish Atlantic When protesters in Bristol... more
""The making of the Irish poor law, 1815-43 examines the debates preceding and surrounding the 1838 act on the nature of Irish poverty and the responsibilities of society towards it. It traces the various campaigns for a poor law from the... more
For over 300 years the government of Ireland was headed by the lord lieutenant, a peer who combined the 'efficient' direction of the Irish executive on behalf of the British crown with the 'decorative' role of viceroy or surrogate of the... more
The perception of Ireland and India as ‘zones of famine’ led many nineteenth-century observers to draw analogies between these two troublesome parts of the British empire. This article investigates this parallel through the career of... more
This article look at Islam and politics in Mozambique. Islam has experienced there an exemplary turnabout since the late 1980s. It has been transformed from a marginalised, and at time oppressed, religion into a socially and publicly... more
Il y a plus de dix ans, un débat faisait fureur parmi les africanistes (et autres intéressés) à propos de l'avenir du continent noir. Le débat portait sur une conception négative du futur de l'Afrique qui commençait à prédominer, ce que... more
This book brings together new research on the subject of nations and nationalisms in Angola, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique. It explores the history and politics of diverse nationalist discourses and ideologies, and it revisits the... more