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A gif of Buck and Eddie from 911. Eddie is rubbing a hand on his chin. Buck excitedly claps while saying, "Well, it's obviously a fix. No, congratulations anyway, G.I.!" There is white text at the bottom captioning what Buck is saying.ALT
A gif of Bobby from 911. He says, "They didn't pick him, either." There is yellow text at the bottom captioning what he is saying.ALT
A gif of Buck and Eddie from 911. Eddie shrugs and sticks out his tongue. Buck looks shocked and confused. He says, "No? You?" There is white text at the bottom captioning what he is saying.ALT
Black text on a white background that says, "baby, no one ever thinks of you." 'Thinks of you' is highlighted in a light purple.ALT
A gif of Buck from 911. He looks excited as he says, "No way! Eddie was in the army." There is white text at the bottom captioning what he is saying.ALT
Black text on a white background that says, "no one ever thinks of you." 'No one' is highlighted in a light purple.ALT
A gif of Buck from 911. He is sitting and looks sad. He says, "It's weird, you know. The team feels off without Eddie." There is white text at the bottom captioning what he is saying.ALT
A gif of Carla from 911. She says, "Not what I was asking about." There is green text at the bottom captioning what she is saying.ALT
Black text on a white background that says, "as much as I do." 'Much' and 'I do' is highlighted in a light purple.ALT
A gif of Buck from 911. He says, "And, then, when you left with Eddie, which, listen, you don't have to tell me how great Eddie is. You know, I've known that..." There is white text at the bottom captioning what he is saying. You can slightly see Tommy laughing.ALT
Black text on a white background that says, "not even you." It is highlighted in a light purple.ALT
A gif of Buck from 911. He looks smug as he speaks to Maddie and says, "Yeah, he gets that a lot. Uh, you should meet his kid, though." There is white text at the bottom captioning what he is saying.ALT
A gif of Maddie from 911. She looks surprised as she says, "Wait, Chimney has a kid?" There is blue text at the bottom captioning what she is saying.ALT
A gif of Buck from 911. His face has dropped and he looks confused. He says, "No, I- I thought you meant... Chimney?" There is white text at the bottom captioning what he is saying.ALT

9-1-1 S02E01 || S07E04 || S04E14 || S07E04 || S02E06
+ Bob Dylan by Fall Out Boy



New meme format just dropped.


crazy to think that maddie han stumbled into becoming a dispatcher because her ex-husband ruined nursing for her but her little brother knew exactly job that would be perfect for what she wanted to do. which was help people. her first day on the job she successfully handled a 7.1 earthquake. during the tsunami, she took charge with ease despite only being there for a yearish. josh rounded up so many people that wanted to thank her personally for saving them when she began doubting if she should stick in dispatch. in s5 when people were celebrating the golden girl of dispatch coming back, may grant was genuinely confused as to why maddie buckley wasn’t the one in the room. just like we know every member of the 118 was meant to be a firefighter, maddie han is THE dispatcher. her voice saves lives.



Maddie’s boys having a hand on her head after she almost died