MFEO. Literally.

Bug || it/they/he || Proship Freak ๐ŸŽ‰voted most utial mutual 2023๐ŸŽ‰|| pfp from transmasc-rose :3

Pinned Post! Pinned Post!


Hello! Iโ€™m Bug ๐Ÿ› (it/they/he) and Iโ€™m the dog running this blog. Once upon a time, this was a humble supernatural blog but recently, we have been infected with a terrible doctor who ASSASSINโ€™S CREED virus, so itโ€™s about half-and-half now, Iโ€™d say. Still, some things never change: Iโ€™m mostly here to write weird fanfic. Iโ€™m a serial multishipper, so you should be prepared to see just about anything, but that also means you can throw me just about any bone and Iโ€™ll play with you in that space as best I can. I tag all of my own posts but rarely anything I reblog, so keep that in mind if you follow.

This blog is proship! Ship and let ship!
This blog also frequently posts nsfw content! Donโ€™t open the smut blog and act surprised that thereโ€™s smut in there!

Iโ€™m open to any kind of asks. (And I mean any kind. I get weird and horny shit all the time, I will not be put off by it. Itโ€™s fun.)

(Currently taken anon-identification emojis are: ๐Ÿชถ๐Ÿฆš๐ŸŒบ๐Ÿคก๐Ÿ’™๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿž๐Ÿ•ฏ๏ธ๐Ÿฆท๐Ÿ‘ป๐Ÿฆ”๐ŸŽด๐Ÿชท๐Ÿโ˜‚๏ธ๐Ÿฆ‹๐Ÿพ๐Ÿงก)

Me (and my fics) can be found on AO3 or here on Tumblr on my fic sideblog

You can also support me on Ko-Fi ^-^

Common TW tags I use (feel free to request I use one if needed): tw cannibalism, tw gore, tw incest, tw intox, tw menstruation, tw noncon, tw politics, tw pregnancy, tw suicide, tw transphobia


Other frequent tags for navigation:

fanfiction - all of the fanfiction I have posted on tumblr is here

podfic - all my podfics

prompt fic - if you want to see the fics that specifically come from the delightful people in my askbox giving me ideas

nsfw/nsfw fic - nsfw everything

ask - self-explanatory

spn liveblog/dw lb - liveblogs of supernatural and doctor who, which I am. annoying about. but feel free to use these tags to filter these posts out.

marieposting/dw oc - self-indulgent posting about my ocs, Marie and Even. i like to shake them around like simba from the lion king, but feel free to ignore me.

polls/spn polls/dw polls - for. uh. polls.


Oh, okay. I see. You think this has nothing to do with you. You go to your closet and you select out, oh I donโ€™t know, that gaslight gatekeep girlboss meme, for instance, because youโ€™re trying to tell the world that you think modern feminism has been co-opted by corporations. But what you donโ€™t know is that that meme is not from Instagram, it's not from Twitter, it's not from Tiktok, itโ€™s actually from Tumblr. Youโ€™re also blithely unaware of the fact that in January 2021, Tumblr user missnumber1111 posted, "today's agenda: gaslight gatekeep and most importantly girlboss." And then I think it was a-m-e-t-h-y-s-t-r-o-s-e, wasnโ€™t it, who reblogged it with an image of the phrase edited over a piece of "Live, Laugh, Love" wall art? And then gaslight gatekeep girlboss showed up in the feeds of eight different Twitter repost accounts. Then it filtered down through Instagram and then trickled on down into some tragic โ€œalt side of Tiktokโ€ where you, no doubt, fished it out of some clearance bin. However, that meme represents millions of notes and countless Tumblr users and so itโ€™s sort of comical how you think that youโ€™ve made a choice that exempts you from Tumblr when, in fact, youโ€™re wearing the meme that was selected for you by the people in this room. From a pile of โ€œstuff.โ€


read ur fic in the nuwho zine i have got to draw it... gourahg

alajflfjlskl its been months i genuinely forgot id written something for that. shit i need to go order my copy.



healthcare should not have a weight limit.

like it doesn’t matter if a person is so fat they’re immobile & have infections in their skin folds & need assistance with everything from hygiene to cooking to cleaning etc. they should still get good medical care.

the fattest person you possibly imagine still deserves medical care. it also doesn’t matter why they’re fat, even if that person got fat because all they did was eat and eat without ever exercising, they still deserve medical care.

Had a dream last night that i was a knight and this bigger scarier knight had me on the ground and right before he swung his sword at my neck he said smth like "i mourn the loss of life for the tree who will become your coffin" which shouldnt of turned me on like it did but alas


Happy 20th anniversary New Who!

me when the character has a uniquely fucked mindset. me when the character's fundamental views of how the world works lead to them being hurt and/or hurting others and not seeing the problem with this. me when the character is a little freak who does weird shit because their beliefs, inspired entirely by their environment, are fuckeddddd

[said with so much adoration in my heart it physically hurts] why would they say that. what do they mean by that. why would they do this❤️ [also said while knowing exactly why they'd do this and, in fact, having done hours of analysis into why they'd do this]

something, something love it when it's a fictional character, hate it when it's my mother


TikToker @bdylanhollis exuding Chaotic Pre-Serum Steve Rogers energy.

Happy "Well THAT Blew Up" to this post. In honor of 20k notes, please enjoy three additional gifs I made for this set, but had to cut to fit Tumblr's 10-images-per-post limit.

Anonymous asked:

heho, coupla years ago i did a master's paper on fandom (anti/pro) archival practices and i just now got around to uploading (on anon lol) it onto ao3 as a meta essay on contemporary fandom: