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      Cognitive ScienceSemanticsLinguistics
This study explores the stability or consistency across several administrations of a test designed to determine academic literacy levels. The reliability of two versions (one English, the other Afrikaans) of such a test used for... more
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      Academic literacyAcademic literacy and test designTest constructionTest Reliability
This article considers the analysis of the results of a re-administration of a test of academic literacy, specifically with a view to determining whether this analysis yields insight into the improvement of levels of academic literacy... more
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    • Tests of academic literacy
In several earlier analyses of two tests of academic literacy – the Test of Academic Literacy Levels (TALL) and its Afrikaans counterpart, the Toets vir Akademiese Geletterdheidsvlakke (TAG) – we have adopted an approach to the problem... more
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      Language AssessmentTest ReliabilityTests of academic literacy
Abstract Relative effects of both spouses' educational levels on the value parents place on children's conformity were examined. Eight General Social Survey samples, covering the 1970s and 1980s, containing information on 3,005 mothers,... more
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    • Psychology
We characterized the belief content of Christians and non-Christians in a highly secularized Western society, the Netherlands, at the end of the 2Oh century. Using datafrom a 1995 national survey (n = 1,646), we identified and measured... more
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      German LiteraturePoetrySurrealismPaul Celan
In September 2012 the think tank 'Meaning and Implications of Excellence' kicked off their research project at the 13 th international ECHA conference on 'Giftedness across the Lifespan' in Münster, Germany. This conference provided the... more
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Besser wie als. The acceptance of ‘wie’ as a comparative particle in German (Abstract). The Standard German prescriptive rule dictates the use of the particle als ‘than’ in comparisons of inequality and the use of the particle wie ‘as’ in... more
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      Language Variation and ChangeGerman LanguageLanguage VariationLanguage Change
Perkembangan kosa kata bahasa Dayak Ngaju dalam kurun waktu terakhir ini semakin tergerus. Tergerusnya bahasa daerah ini ditandai oleh munculnya beragam kosa kata baru yang disebabkan oleh interaksi budaya dan interferensi sesama bahasa... more
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      LexicographyLexicography and Corpus Studies
Banjar language is one of natives in Borneo and is spoken by all Banjar people (urang Banjar). Number of its speakers today is approximately 5.9 million people including who live in Malaysia and Brunei. In Kalimantan Island, Banjar... more
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      Austronesian LanguagesLanguage Maintenance and Shift
Kamus Pelajar Dayak Ngaju—Indonesia—Inggris ini merupakan kamus ‘edisi khusus’ karena di dalamnya ada entri bahasa Inggris. Karya leksikografi tiga bahasa yang di dalamnya ada bahasa Dayak Ngaju, Indonesia dan Inggris merupakan kamus... more
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      LeksikografiBahasa DaerahKalimantan Tengah
—Teaching English in multicultural or in multiethnics situation presents a unique challenge as the question is often raised by English teachers as to which variety of English phonemes or pronunciation should be accurately accepted.... more
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      English languageLanguage VariationEnglish phonology
In the process of learning English, foreign or second-language learners produce a type of language that is different from both the mother tongue and the target language. The basic assumption in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) research... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguage Variation
One of the crucial functions of any human language, such as English or Korean, is to convey various kinds of information from the everyday to the highly academic. Language provides a means for us to describe how to cook, how to remove... more
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Needless to say that linguistic borrowing is a very common phenomenon and that no language is completely free of borrowed lexical terms. It is also noticed that languages vary drastically as to the number of foreign elements comprised... more
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This research was aimed to know the effectiveness of skimming and scanning strategies to improve students’ reading ability indicated by their competence to comprehend texts and their performance in the speed of reading. Pretest-posttest... more
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      Applied LinguisticsRegister
The objective of this study is to find out the effect of using listening logs through WhatsApp on listening comprehension of EFL students in the Department of English Education of Palangka Raya University. The listening comprehension of... more
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Background: Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (LCNEC) is a high-grade malignant pulmonary neuroendocrine tumour. The distinction of pulmonary large cell carcinoma (LCC) and LCNEC is based on the presence of neuroendocrine morphology and... more
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    • Universitas Negeri Makassar