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Most helpful reviews
This is my first Ratchet game and I mostly liked it. It's a fun and easy platformer with a lot of different mechanics, which try to entertain you in a various ways. Co-op here is really nice, there are a lot of things you need to do together (pressing buttons, focusing one enemy, shooting you friend to the distant platforms etc). I was slightly disappointed by the controls (weapon interface is terrible) and the length of the game, it should be quite shorter in my opinion. As for the rest it's a really nice game and I recommend to try it. I think this game should be especially good to play with your kids. Looking forward to play other games in this series.
«Better with friends»
4 users found this helpful
I've completed this game around 10 times on the different platforms and I extremely like almost everything about this game: great visual style, really fun co-op mode and Diablo-like loot and level systems but in the action form.
«Can’t stop playing»
«Better with friends»
5 of 6 users found this helpful
Started like a decent stylish platformer, blew my mind in the end
«Blew my mind»
«That ending!»
4 users found this helpful
This is the worst DLC of all times. It's a really long series of several arena battles and it's really hard to beat it. You don't earn XP, you almost don't earn any loot, and if you die you have to restart the whole arena. How it should be fun at all?
«Waste of time»
5 of 6 users found this helpful
This DLC could be better, it has a good potential, but I got bored by the MMO-like quests (collect 25 of this and 15 of that).
4 of 5 users found this helpful
This is a quite fun arcade racing game. Medium difficulty was a little tough for me, so I turned to easy in the middle of career mode. What I like most about this game: tracks in my own city, St.-Petersburg, it was really a pleasure to drive through the familiar places. Today this game looks a little outdated, but I would give it a try at least for the possibility to drive around Isaac Cathedral and Palace Square.
3 users found this helpful
This is my first Ratchet game and I mostly liked it. It's a fun and easy platformer with a lot of different mechanics, which try to entertain you in a various ways. Co-op here is really nice, there are a lot of things you need to do together (pressing buttons, focusing one enemy, shooting you friend to the distant platforms etc). I was slightly disappointed by the controls (weapon interface is terrible) and the length of the game, it should be quite shorter in my opinion. As for the rest it's a really nice game and I recommend to try it. I think this game should be especially good to play with your kids. Looking forward to play other games in this series.
«Better with friends»
4 users found this helpful
I've completed this game around 10 times on the different platforms and I extremely like almost everything about this game: great visual style, really fun co-op mode and Diablo-like loot and level systems but in the action form.
«Can’t stop playing»
«Better with friends»
5 of 6 users found this helpful
Started like a decent stylish platformer, blew my mind in the end
«Blew my mind»
«That ending!»
4 users found this helpful
This is the worst DLC of all times. It's a really long series of several arena battles and it's really hard to beat it. You don't earn XP, you almost don't earn any loot, and if you die you have to restart the whole arena. How it should be fun at all?
«Waste of time»
5 of 6 users found this helpful
This DLC could be better, it has a good potential, but I got bored by the MMO-like quests (collect 25 of this and 15 of that).
4 of 5 users found this helpful
This is a quite fun arcade racing game. Medium difficulty was a little tough for me, so I turned to easy in the middle of career mode. What I like most about this game: tracks in my own city, St.-Petersburg, it was really a pleasure to drive through the familiar places. Today this game looks a little outdated, but I would give it a try at least for the possibility to drive around Isaac Cathedral and Palace Square.
3 users found this helpful
This is my first Ratchet game and I mostly liked it. It's a fun and easy platformer with a lot of different mechanics, which try to entertain you in a various ways. Co-op here is really nice, there are a lot of things you need to do together (pressing buttons, focusing one enemy, shooting you friend to the distant platforms etc). I was slightly disappointed by the controls (weapon interface is terrible) and the length of the game, it should be quite shorter in my opinion. As for the rest it's a really nice game and I recommend to try it. I think this game should be especially good to play with your kids. Looking forward to play other games in this series.
«Better with friends»
4 users found this helpful
I've completed this game around 10 times on the different platforms and I extremely like almost everything about this game: great visual style, really fun co-op mode and Diablo-like loot and level systems but in the action form.
«Can’t stop playing»
«Better with friends»
5 of 6 users found this helpful
Started like a decent stylish platformer, blew my mind in the end
«Blew my mind»
«That ending!»
4 users found this helpful
This is the worst DLC of all times. It's a really long series of several arena battles and it's really hard to beat it. You don't earn XP, you almost don't earn any loot, and if you die you have to restart the whole arena. How it should be fun at all?
«Waste of time»
5 of 6 users found this helpful
This DLC could be better, it has a good potential, but I got bored by the MMO-like quests (collect 25 of this and 15 of that).
4 of 5 users found this helpful
This is a quite fun arcade racing game. Medium difficulty was a little tough for me, so I turned to easy in the middle of career mode. What I like most about this game: tracks in my own city, St.-Petersburg, it was really a pleasure to drive through the familiar places. Today this game looks a little outdated, but I would give it a try at least for the possibility to drive around Isaac Cathedral and Palace Square.
3 users found this helpful
922 developers
44 games
Sony Interactive Entertainment
43 games
Feral Interactive
36 games
Ubisoft Montreal
33 games
Electronic Arts
25 games
19 genres
730 games
403 games
347 games
280 games
229 games
Most common creators
Known for39
- DOOM (2016)13,817
- DOOM Eternal7,809
- Quake Champions7,184
Known for34
- DOOM (2016)13,817
- Quake Champions7,184
- Rage4,597
Known for49
- Borderlands 215,759
- Borderlands10,020
- Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel9,240
Known for34
Known for71
- Fallout 414,045
- Fallout: New Vegas10,009
- Dragon Age: Origins6,796
Director, Artist
Known for39
Known for27
Known for39
- DOOM (2016)13,817
- DOOM Eternal7,809
- Quake Champions7,184
Known for34
- DOOM (2016)13,817
- Quake Champions7,184
- Rage4,597
Known for49
- Borderlands 215,759
- Borderlands10,020
- Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel9,240
Known for34
Known for71
- Fallout 414,045
- Fallout: New Vegas10,009
- Dragon Age: Origins6,796
Director, Artist
Known for39
Known for27
Known for39
- DOOM (2016)13,817
- DOOM Eternal7,809
- Quake Champions7,184
Known for34
- DOOM (2016)13,817
- Quake Champions7,184
- Rage4,597
Known for49
- Borderlands 215,759
- Borderlands10,020
- Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel9,240
Known for34
Known for71
- Fallout 414,045
- Fallout: New Vegas10,009
- Dragon Age: Origins6,796
Director, Artist
Known for39
Known for27