Olga Khristoforova
1987-1992 Moscow Lomonosov State University, Historical Faculty, Ethnology Department
Theme of the thesis: “Voodoo Cult in the Context of Ethnic History of Haiti”
(Research supervisor: Dr. Aleksey A. Nikishenkov)
1993-1996 Post-graduate Department of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities
Theme of the thesis: “Modeling of Behavior in Archaic Cultures (small genres of Siberia peoples folklore)” Research supervisor: Dr. Elena S. Novik
Degree: Candidate of Sciences (Cultural Studies)
(Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, 1997)
Current Degree Doctor of Sciences (Philology)
(Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, 2011)
Administrative and Research Experience
1994-1997 Moscow State Lomonosov University, Centre for Visual Anthropology, Research Fellow
1997-1998 Russian State University for the Humanities, Institute for Cultural Anthropology, Leading specialist
1998-Currently Russian State University for the Humanities, Centre for Social Anthropology, Senior Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Professor
1998-2002 I-III Russian Anthropological Film Festival, Secretary of the Organizing Committee, Member of the Selection Board
2001-2010 I-V Moscow International Visual Anthropology Festival, Secretary of the Organizing Committee
2011-Currently Russian State University for the Humanities, Centre for Typological and Semiotic Folklore Studies, Assistant Professor, Director
2013- Currently Leading research fellow, School of Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
2016-Currently Leading research fellow, Centre for Applied Urban Studies, Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences
Teaching Experience
2013- Currently Leading research fellow, School of Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
(Courses: Ethnology and Social Anthropology; Introduction in General Anthropology)
1998- Currently Senior Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Professor Russian State University for the Humanities
(Courses: Cultural Studies; Cultural Anthropology; Social Anthropology; Visual Anthropology; Medical Anthropology; Social Anthropology of Religion; Myth, Symbol and Ritual)
2001-2002 Guest Lecturer, Moscow Lomonosov State University
(Course: Visual Anthropology in Russia)
1995 Nenets, Yamalo-Nentskiy National District
2001 Chelkantsy, Altai
2002, 2003 Russian Orthodox, Moscow and Kaluga regions
2003 Russian Old believers and Mari, Kirov region
1999, 2000, 2002–2005, 2011–2014, 2016, 2018 Russian Old believers, The Urals and Udmurtiya
2013-2016 Regla de Ocha-Ifa, Republic of Cuba
2014-2016 Russian Old believers; Russian, Ukrainian, and Moldovan Orthodox, Principality of Moldavia and Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic
2018 Russian North: Arkhangelsk region
2019 Russian Old believers, Kostroma
Number of scholar publications: 190
Number of conference papers: 186
1987-1992 Moscow Lomonosov State University, Historical Faculty, Ethnology Department
Theme of the thesis: “Voodoo Cult in the Context of Ethnic History of Haiti”
(Research supervisor: Dr. Aleksey A. Nikishenkov)
1993-1996 Post-graduate Department of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities
Theme of the thesis: “Modeling of Behavior in Archaic Cultures (small genres of Siberia peoples folklore)” Research supervisor: Dr. Elena S. Novik
Degree: Candidate of Sciences (Cultural Studies)
(Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, 1997)
Current Degree Doctor of Sciences (Philology)
(Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, 2011)
Administrative and Research Experience
1994-1997 Moscow State Lomonosov University, Centre for Visual Anthropology, Research Fellow
1997-1998 Russian State University for the Humanities, Institute for Cultural Anthropology, Leading specialist
1998-Currently Russian State University for the Humanities, Centre for Social Anthropology, Senior Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Professor
1998-2002 I-III Russian Anthropological Film Festival, Secretary of the Organizing Committee, Member of the Selection Board
2001-2010 I-V Moscow International Visual Anthropology Festival, Secretary of the Organizing Committee
2011-Currently Russian State University for the Humanities, Centre for Typological and Semiotic Folklore Studies, Assistant Professor, Director
2013- Currently Leading research fellow, School of Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
2016-Currently Leading research fellow, Centre for Applied Urban Studies, Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences
Teaching Experience
2013- Currently Leading research fellow, School of Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
(Courses: Ethnology and Social Anthropology; Introduction in General Anthropology)
1998- Currently Senior Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Professor Russian State University for the Humanities
(Courses: Cultural Studies; Cultural Anthropology; Social Anthropology; Visual Anthropology; Medical Anthropology; Social Anthropology of Religion; Myth, Symbol and Ritual)
2001-2002 Guest Lecturer, Moscow Lomonosov State University
(Course: Visual Anthropology in Russia)
1995 Nenets, Yamalo-Nentskiy National District
2001 Chelkantsy, Altai
2002, 2003 Russian Orthodox, Moscow and Kaluga regions
2003 Russian Old believers and Mari, Kirov region
1999, 2000, 2002–2005, 2011–2014, 2016, 2018 Russian Old believers, The Urals and Udmurtiya
2013-2016 Regla de Ocha-Ifa, Republic of Cuba
2014-2016 Russian Old believers; Russian, Ukrainian, and Moldovan Orthodox, Principality of Moldavia and Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic
2018 Russian North: Arkhangelsk region
2019 Russian Old believers, Kostroma
Number of scholar publications: 190
Number of conference papers: 186
Related Authors
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Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology Russian Academy of Science
Victor Victorin
Astrakhan State University
Valentina Kharitonova
Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology Russian Academy of Science
Dmitriy Doronin
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Papers by Olga Khristoforova
существующие вокруг одного из погребений на кладбище Колумба
в Гаване, столице Республики Куба. Амелия Гойри де Адот (в девичестве Амелия Гойри де ла Ос) была похоронена на этом кладбище в 1901 г. В 1909 г. на ее могиле был поставлен надгробный памятник, который стал объектом религиозного почитания и кубинцев, и приезжих из других стран. Паломники совершают определенный ритуал возле памятника и оставляют вотивные таблички с благодарностью Амелии, почитаемой как святая с именем Ла Милагроса. В наши дни легенда, сложившаяся вокруг этого погребения, активно циркулирует в интернете, трансформируясь и обрастая новыми деталями. Появляются и виртуальные практики поклонения, заметно отличающиеся от тех, что совершаются на кладбище.
The paper examines the legends and votive practices that exist
around one of the graves at the Colon cemetery in Havana, the capital of
the Republic of Cuba. Amelia Goyri de Adot (nee Amelia Goyri de la Hoz)
was buried in this cemetery in 1901. In 1909 on her grave a tombstone was
erected, which became an object of religious veneration for both Cubans
and visitors from other countries. Pilgrims perform a certain ritual near the
monument and leave votive tablets with gratitude to Amelia, worshiped
as a saint with the name of La Milagrosa. Nowadays, the legend that
has developed around this burial is actively circulating on the Internet,
transforming and acquiring new details. Virtual practices of worship are
also appearing, markedly different from those performed in the cemetery.
существующие вокруг одного из погребений на кладбище Колумба
в Гаване, столице Республики Куба. Амелия Гойри де Адот (в девичестве Амелия Гойри де ла Ос) была похоронена на этом кладбище в 1901 г. В 1909 г. на ее могиле был поставлен надгробный памятник, который стал объектом религиозного почитания и кубинцев, и приезжих из других стран. Паломники совершают определенный ритуал возле памятника и оставляют вотивные таблички с благодарностью Амелии, почитаемой как святая с именем Ла Милагроса. В наши дни легенда, сложившаяся вокруг этого погребения, активно циркулирует в интернете, трансформируясь и обрастая новыми деталями. Появляются и виртуальные практики поклонения, заметно отличающиеся от тех, что совершаются на кладбище.
The paper examines the legends and votive practices that exist
around one of the graves at the Colon cemetery in Havana, the capital of
the Republic of Cuba. Amelia Goyri de Adot (nee Amelia Goyri de la Hoz)
was buried in this cemetery in 1901. In 1909 on her grave a tombstone was
erected, which became an object of religious veneration for both Cubans
and visitors from other countries. Pilgrims perform a certain ritual near the
monument and leave votive tablets with gratitude to Amelia, worshiped
as a saint with the name of La Milagrosa. Nowadays, the legend that
has developed around this burial is actively circulating on the Internet,
transforming and acquiring new details. Virtual practices of worship are
also appearing, markedly different from those performed in the cemetery.
Участники сборника материалов конференции рассматривают следующие про-блемы: демонологические образы и представления в актуальной мифологии, фольклоре и постфольклоре; демонологические темы в ритуалах и ритуализо-ванном поведении; взаимоотношение и взаимовлияние церковной («ученой», «книжной») и народной демонологии, вернакулярные демонологические «кон-цепции»; демонологические сюжеты в книжности и визуальной традиции; пред-ставления об одержимости и связанные с ними практики; вера в колдовство: об-щие модели и локальные контексты; демонологические модели в политико-идеологическом дискурсе и визуальной пропаганде; демонизация «другого»: функции, риторика, социальные контексты.
Цель конференции – исследование демонологии как семиотической системы, функционирующей в устной традиции, книжности и иконографии, массовой культуре и постфольклоре.
В рамках конференции рассматриваются следующие проблемы: демонологические образы и представления в актуальной мифологии, фольклоре и постфольклоре; демонологические темы в ритуалах и ритуализованном поведении; демонологические сюжеты в книжности и визуальной традиции, с особым интересом к взаимодействию языков изображения и письменного повествования; взаимоотношение и взаимовлияние церковной («ученой», «книжной») и народной демонологии в разнообразных вернакулярных теориях и практиках; представления об одержимости и связанные с ними практики; вера в колдовство: общие модели и локальные контексты; демонологические модели в политико-идеологическом дискурсе и визуальной пропаганде; демонизация «другого»: функции, риторика, социальные контексты.