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277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

cell phone doesn't like water because it is a combination of the other three elements. it is a rock (earth) that we fill with lightning (fire) that can control radio waves (air). if it contained water too, it would be too perfect; it would be like a god. to prevent this, the universe kills the would be uniter-of-the-elements. it's basic science.


Hey op google what LCD stands for


i took an oath in third grade to never do drugs


One weird experience of transitioning is failing at ur assigned gender role the whole time and everyone constantly deriding you for it but then u come out and it's like we lost a beautiful gender conforming warrior today. Must grieve for my wonderful child who pissed me off by being ugly and weird since day 1

this didn't happen with my folks but i bet as soon as i go to a high school reunion or whatever there'll be one or two of these gdfkjsd

hi, a lot of you need a perspective reset

  • the average human lifespan globally is 70+ years
  • taking the threshold of adulthood as 18, you are likely to spend at least 52 years as a fully grown adult
  • at the age of 30 you have lived less than one quarter of your adult life (12/52 years)
  • 'middle age' is typically considered to be between 45-65
  • it is extremely common to switch careers, start new relationships, emigrate, go to college for the first or second time, or make other life-changing decisions in middle age
  • it's wild that I even have to spell it out, but older adults (60+) still have social lives and hobbies and interests.
  • you can still date when you get old. you can still fuck. you can still learn new skills, fashionable, be competitive. you can still gossip, you can still travel, you can still read. you can still transition. you can still come out.
  • young doesn't mean peaked. you're inexperienced in your 20s! you're still learning and practicing! you're developing social skills and muscle memory that will last decades!
  • there are a million things to do in the world, and they don't vanish overnight because an imaginary number gets too big

I know that realistically you can only fit so many movies into a list of approximately 100, but I cannot take that "How many of tumblr's favorite movies have you seen?" list that's been going around seriously because there are some truly egregious omissions.

Some of it is very clearly recency bias, which makes me wonder if the op truly wasn't on here in 2013 or so, but you're telling me you made a list of "tumblr's favorite movies" that doesn't include Pacific Rim or Mad Max: Fury Road? Because, like, I was there, Gandalf.


I'm a ridiculous human and genuinely couldn't sleep until I tried my hand at a better, more balanced list -- though of course, I have my own biases when it comes to what corners of this website I've lurked in over the years. For what it's worth, I did consult the last several Years In Review, while also drawing on the fact that I've been here for over a decade. But if there's anything that truly doesn't feel like it should have made the cut, blame my mutuals for putting it on my dash all the time.

(And apologies, but I couldn't seem to find Goncharov among the website's listings)

How many of these have you seen?












i hope every single one of you outlives these hateful fucks on the news right now. i hope each and every one of you is able to find joy and support throughout these tumultuous times and i hope you get to live so fiercely as yourself. i hope you wake up one day to news that you’ve outlived those pieces of absolute shit and whether that brings you joy or relief or hope or what have you, i hope you live to see that day


transfem people getting smeared and purposely harassment campaigned is horrible and I think people should not engage with that stuff, in fact you should protect vulnerable transfems from that.

that said:

i wish y'all had the same energy when people of color, especially black folks experience the same stuff, it's kind of infuriating watching many people agree that harassment campaigns are bad but will turn their nose when it's happening to a person of color, god forbid it be a trans woman of color too.


almost as if,,, white people people no matter what marginalized identity that have, Will still uphold racial bias even subconsciously ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


😈 You are not bound by the Hays code.

😈 You are allowed to have evil characters who are not punished by the narrative by the end of the story.

😈 You are allowed to have evil characters who win.

😈 You are allowed to have evil characters who make evil look fun and cool.

😈 You are allowed to make your fun, cool evil character the protagonist.

😈 You are allowed to glorify, romanticize and eroticize evil characters and villainous acts.

😈 You are not obligated to teach your audience a moral lesson.


brb making it more evil

White people love to be like "I avoid Black people because I'm scared I'll accidentally be racist to them" and think it's 1) somehow not racist to do this 2) a normal thing to do and admit


There's a deeply compulsive urge in a lot of White people to flay themselves open in this bizarre, uncomfortable confessional way where they just NEED Black people to forgive them for, idk, being white?? And they will openly admit to the wildest shit with the most pleading expressions and it's insane to me


Every time a Black person is like "the reason for x behavior is racism" they will get swarms of people being like "I DO THIS, BUT PLEASE HEAR ME OUT" like I need you people to please get a grip, you are talking to a person and what you are saying is absurd

