Hello hurricane
law, 30+, they/them


“When Hawke makes another bad joke”

happy birthday, @tondratic!! ur well

sent a message:

Welcome to DADWC! How about "I'm sorry I'm not who you thought I was." for Anders/Fenris/Hawke


Thanks so much and happy Friday!

Written for @dadrunkwriting

Rated: T | Words: 217


“I’m sorry I’m not who you thought I was,” Anders sniffled, closing fingers over his face. Fenris shot Hawke a sharp look, who beetled his brow darkly. 

“Enough,” Hawke ordered, his voice gruff. Gravelly. Anders blinked hard. His hand fell away, revealing puffy, bloodshot eyes. “I know exactly who you are. So does Fenris.”

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For Rylan x Anders OR Handers

“You have too much power over me.”
(see I'm not entirely evil)


Happy Friday, my love!!!

Written for @dadrunkwriting and @ridivenire (yes, it’s hot cop AU)

Rated: M | Words: 551


Anders fished his phone out, swiping it open. Hawke still hadn’t texted back. Still hadn’t responded to any of his calls or messages. Fear coiled sharply in his gut as he found himself on Hawke’s front stoop. He was drenched from the downpour, wailing from the sky with an ire to match Hawke’s. Anders couldn’t shake the red-hot fury in his eyes. How Hawke had steeled up when Anders tracked him down, and bolted for the bar exit. 

Anders had followed him home, desperate to speak to him. To right this wrong. He rapped the door quickly, his heart rising to his throat when the familiar tread of footsteps drew closer. The door swung open and Hawke’s face crested over with surprise. His lips parted, and Anders’ eyes flicked south, aching to capture them in a kiss. His heart pounded in his throat, thick on his tongue, blurring the edges of his vision.

I’m sorry, he meant to say, but surged forward instead. 

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something something tarquin sees ashur’s face for the first time


Fenris and Isabella rip off a piece of Hawke’s bedsheet once romanced yes yes but MERRILL gets level 6000 magical girl armor and staff??? like your bae could neve r…..


i rly liked seamus he deserved better