the compromised spires
A kind of infection had set in. Thin tendrils split the smooth, black surfaces and from the space within a wild burst of growth sprang forth.
Available on Etsy.


the compromised spires

A kind of infection had set in. Thin tendrils split the smooth, black surfaces and from the space within a wild burst of growth sprang forth.

Available on Etsy.

Thirteen attempts to erase the presence of ICE in NYC.

Sanctuary, 2020.

Hills of East Staten. Roguery, Todt (Toad?), and Dongan, guided by old maps from William T Davis and Charles Leng circa 1896.

landscape.110, midnight radiance
lunar fog-light feeds the moonflowers

landscape.110, midnight radiance

lunar fog-light feeds the moonflowers

I’m excited to announce that Sanctuary, my new film about the the architectures of oppression and the ongoing ICE presence in and around our “sanctuary” city, will have its world premiere in the first edition of Prismatic Ground, the experimental documentary film festival from Screen Slate and the Maysles Documentary Center

The festival also features work from too many favorites to name including Jim Finn, Ericka Beckman, Bill Morrison, Sasha Litvintseva, Christopher Harris, Martha Colburn, and Youzra Benziane. Sanctuary will show in the second wave of films, “Kill the Colonizer in Your Head”, streaming for free from April 8 - 18.

Snow days, winter 2021. Remember them, we may not get all that many more here in subtropical New York.

Wild concrete natureforms.


CMYK nightwoods
under moonlight, the lo-bit true colors of the landscape pulsed forth.
With silvery white standing in for the Y, this also replicates my early CGA monitor memories.
Also on etsy.


CMYK nightwoods

under moonlight, the lo-bit true colors of the landscape pulsed forth.

With silvery white standing in for the Y, this also replicates my early CGA monitor memories.

Also on etsy.

a light leak

a light leak

landscape.115, emission totem
Their forgotten structures continued a process of miasmal venting for centuries afterwards.
On Etsy.

landscape.115, emission totem

Their forgotten structures continued a process of miasmal venting for centuries afterwards.

On Etsy.

Rosendale, NY. At its peak in the 1890s, half of the three billion pounds of natural cement used in the U.S. annually for projects from the Brooklyn Bridge supports to railroad tunnels to dams was mined and produced here, where the peculiar mineral make-up of the limestone lent Rosendale Cement natural hydraulic properties. Now, the town is marked by vast kiln works in which the mined stone was baked, the trestle bridge that carries a rail trail high over the post-card perfect main street, Iron Mountain, a records facility storing the paper work of countless Wallstreet businesses deep underground in caverns opened up two centuries before by mining operations.

woodland duststorm
the contorted limbs of the trees ground against one another, shedding sawdust that swirled and eddied between the trunks.
available on etsy


woodland duststorm

the contorted limbs of the trees ground against one another, shedding sawdust that swirled and eddied between the trunks.

available on etsy

2021, 7 min.

A trip behind and beneath the street-level skin of the city on the hidden paths of industrial history and once-and-future transit. 11 miles of freight tracks in 7 minutes, Bay Ridge to Fresh Pond. The Triboro Line.

WARNING: contains flashing effects.

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