midnight glow
the nights teemed with phosphorescence
Available on etsy.
fungal regeneration
a surge of spores, a toadstool bloom to consume the old year and bring new life.
landscape.108, ambiguous renewal
after the storm, we awoke to find that strange new growth had sprung from the fallen trunks unexpectedly overnight.
Available on Etsy.
A cut-up audio documentary / performance on ideas of collage in music and art.
The only holiday cards I need this year. (Marker as… Krampus cat? What is this folklore I should know more about?)
the burning ocean
the beaches danced with violent crimson light and none dared approach them
Should you want to listen to me ramble about music for three hours, you are in luck. I’m featured in the latest edition of the excellent podcast Iron Lung.
A photo I took of some escaped sculptural beings has kicked off a flurry of speculations with friends over at Ghost Paper Archives. I also wrote the first paragraph. The Sleek Ones may have more to tell us still.