there’s an imaginary line around you
I can’t believe I ever tried to get across
there was a time when I was so desperate and lonesome
I ran to the edge and back and only found one last feeling
once you said you loved me
you never said it twice
Rey Palpatine
Hopefully she does gets her looks from her grandmother’s/mother’s side of the gene pool.
An alternate conversation between Ben and Rey on the Star Destroyer…
battle angels
Happy Easter!
It’s you and me, kid. Whole damn galaxy against us.
I knew his grandfather. And his mother. She was an incredible woman. [x]
#can we all have a moment of silence for their single brain cell?? #that poor lil thing is just constantly hopping from one idiot to the other#nobody has full custody over it #they’re both absolutely feral #equally dumb #and completely extra #that brain cell is working harder than a single mother of 50 children ( @kylossren )