
Daisy Ridley in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019)


You lightspeed skipped!? Yeah well it got us back here didn’t it!?


I can see why he loves her    


Even beyond the trappings of the Star Wars saga — the First Order, the Resistance, the Force — Rey’s story is inspiring, familiar, and timeless. Just because you come from nothing doesnt mean youre not part of the story. You’re not no one, because anybody can save the galaxy. Anyone.

— WOMEN OF THE GALAXY by Amy Ratcliffe, 2018


I need someone to show me my place in all of this.


“The true aim is not to defeat the shadow self, but to incorporate it with the rest of the personality. It is only through this merging that true wholeness can be attained, and when it is, that is enlightenment.”

— Carl Jung and the Shadow: The Ultimate Guide to the Human Dark Side

William Booth: I once heard a man say about a certain placid young woman that she had no shadow. Is it possible for someone not to have a shadow?
Robert Bly: Have you ever seen anyone walk in the sun and yet the shadow was missing?
Booth: It would have to be a very thin person.
Bly: Terribly thin. Perhaps transparent.

— A Little Book on the Human Shadow

One Of These Is Not Like The Others (insp. by @i-am-thesenate and WhatTheForce podcast)


rey + first and last appearance in every movie

Rey: [cool lightsaber noise]
Poe: [disappointing flashlight noise]
● Don’t you know? ●