Nigeria's unemployment situation and economic backwardness have always been tied to the nation's ... more Nigeria's unemployment situation and economic backwardness have always been tied to the nation's educational system which many believe lacks pedagogical practices, entrepreneurial competencies, and poor competency-based curricula with resultant effect of producing graduates lacking saleable skills to engender self-reliance or paid employment. The thrust of this paper therefore, was to awaken the consciousness of the Nigeria populace especially those who are directly involved in the educational process to this deplorable state of education and to chart the way to ameliorating it. In doing this, the paper reviewed the current problem and issues in Nigeria educational system with particular insight into issues of curricula and professional teacher's roles in the knowledge based economy. Based on the issues raised, the authors attempted to prove that there is no substitute to technical vocational education and training (TVET) as the education that matters; viable enough in all respects to drive all forces and factors necessary for attaining national greatness and for improved national economy. As a way forward, it was recommended that the Nigerian government should explicitly support and be fully committed to the development and expansion of TVET at all levels and to the strengthening of TVET links with the labour market.
The study investigated strategies for remedying poor communication skills among entrepreneurs in ... more The study investigated strategies for remedying poor communication skills among entrepreneurs in Rivers State. Two research questions were posed to guide the study and one hypothesis was formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The entire population of 250 was studied by the researchers and no sample was drawn. Data for this study were collected by means of questionnaire titled " Strategies for Remedying Poor Communication Skills among Entrepreneurs in Rivers State (SRPCSERS)''. A total of 245 entrepreneurs who returned their instrument were studied. The questionnaire adopted a modified four point Likert scale. Test-retest method was used for the reliability test, while the validity test yielded reliability coefficient of 0.89. Mean and standard deviation were used to analyze the research questions while t-test for large group mean was used to test the hypothesis. Findings revealed that the strategies for effective verbal communication are necessary and essential for entrepreneurs in Rivers State. There is also the need for effective remedies to communication skills by entrepreneurs. Based on the findings, recommendations were made amongst which were that entrepreneurs in Rivers State should make effort to attend workshop and seminars as to help them improve in their communication skills; strategies and remedies to poor communication skills should be adopted and followed effectively as to enhance poor communication skills among entrepreneurs; practicing of effective communication skills, speech and attentiveness should be regularly done by entrepreneurs in Rivers State. Introduction Communication is so intricately bound with human activities that one considers the ability to communicate as perhaps one of mankind's most precious endowments from nature. We succeed in organizing our societies to the extent that we are able to communicate effectively and reach common understanding of what is transmitted to us either in written or spoken forms (Okoye & Eze, 2010). All entrepreneurs are what they are because of the possibilities of interaction among the human elements, and through communication, they have persisted and are able to transmit their business through generations (Amesi, 2011).
The study focused on the effect of group project method on students' academic achievement in car ... more The study focused on the effect of group project method on students' academic achievement in car battery system in Basic Technology. Two research questions and hypothesis were used in the study. The researcher adopted non – randomised pre – test, post –test control group quasi experimental design. The population consists of a total of 523 JSS3 students in Gbarainwei and Ogboin-Nedugo community secondary school in Gbarain community in Yenegoa Local Government Area in Bayelsa State. Purposive sampling technique was used for the selection of JSS3B and JSS3A in Gbarainwei and Ogboin – Nedugo community secondary school respectively. The researcher developed and used Car Battery System Achievement Test [CBSAT] in the study. Test-retest procedure was used to determine the reliability of the test items. CBSAT items were administered to 20 students in JSS3 in Phabean group of school, P.H. Using Pearson product moment correlation coefficient, the reliability was calculated to be 0.84 which was considered adequate for the study. Mean was used to answer research question 1, while mean and standard deviation were used to answer research question 2. The null hypothesis 1 and 2 were tested using analysis of covariance [ANCOVA] and t-test respectively at 0.05 level of significance. The study revealed that students taught car battery system in Basic Technology with Group Project Method achieved better than those taught with the conventional lecture method. From null hypothesis 1, it revealed that the difference in academic achievement of students taught car battery system in Introductory Technology with Group Project Method [GPM] and students taught with conventional lecture method [CLM] was not significant at 0.05 level of significance. While null hypothesis 2, showed that there was significant difference in post-test academic achievement of students taught car battery system with GPM and those taught with CLM at 0.05 level of significance. Therefore, Basic technology teachers should incorporate group project based learning in teaching practical related areas. Also, students' learning Basic Technology should be assigned projects to enhance their understanding in the subjects.
Technical vocational education and training (TVET) has been recognized worldwide as a tool for em... more Technical vocational education and training (TVET) has been recognized worldwide as a tool for empowering people, especially the youth, for sustainable livelihood and social-economic development. This study investigated the relevance of technical vocational education and training (TVET) in sustainable empowerment of youths in Niger Delta, Nigeria. Three research questions were answered while two hypotheses were formulated for the study. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. A sample of 380 respondents was used for the study. The instrument used for data collection was a structured questionnaire which was validated and a reliability coefficient of 0.86 obtained. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions, while t-test was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. It was found in the study that the major problems of TVET implementation for sustainable empowerment of youths in the Niger Delta are inadequate training facilities and acute shortage of trained qualified teachers. Two categories of respondents did not significantly differ in their opinions on the roles, challenges and strategies to the implementation of TVET in the Niger Delta geographical area of Nigeria. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that government and private sectors should provide equipment and facilities in technical vocational institutions for the acquisition of skills.
The study investigated strategies for remedying poor communication skills among entrepreneurs in ... more The study investigated strategies for remedying poor communication skills among entrepreneurs in Rivers State. Two research questions were posed to guide the study and one hypothesis was formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The entire population of 250 was studied by the researchers and no sample was drawn. Data for this study were collected by means of questionnaire titled " Strategies for Remedying Poor Communication Skills among Entrepreneurs in Rivers State (SRPCSERS)''. A total of 245 entrepreneurs who returned their instrument were studied. The questionnaire adopted a modified four point Likert scale. Test-retest method was used for the reliability test, while the validity test yielded reliability coefficient of 0.89. Mean and standard deviation were used to analyze the research questions while t-test for large group mean was used to test the hypothesis. Findings revealed that the strategies for effective verbal communication are necessary and essential for entrepreneurs in Rivers State. There is also the need for effective remedies to communication skills by entrepreneurs. Based on the findings, recommendations were made amongst which were that entrepreneurs in Rivers State should make effort to attend workshop and seminars as to help them improve in their communication skills; strategies and remedies to poor communication skills should be adopted and followed effectively as to enhance poor communication skills among entrepreneurs; practicing of effective communication skills, speech and attentiveness should be regularly done by entrepreneurs in Rivers State. Introduction Communication is so intricately bound with human activities that one considers the ability to communicate as perhaps one of mankind's most precious endowments from nature. We succeed in organizing our societies to the extent that we are able to communicate effectively and reach common understanding of what is transmitted to us either in written or spoken forms (Okoye & Eze, 2010). All entrepreneurs are what they are because of the possibilities of interaction among the human elements, and through communication, they have persisted and are able to transmit their business through generations (Amesi, 2011).
The study investigated strategies for remedying poor communication skills among entrepreneurs in ... more The study investigated strategies for remedying poor communication skills among entrepreneurs in Rivers State. Two research questions were posed to guide the study and one hypothesis was formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The entire population of 250 was studied by the researchers and no sample was drawn. Data for this study were collected by means of questionnaire titled " Strategies for Remedying Poor Communication Skills among Entrepreneurs in Rivers State (SRPCSERS)''. A total of 245 entrepreneurs who returned their instrument were studied. The questionnaire adopted a modified four point Likert scale. Test-retest method was used for the reliability test, while the validity test yielded reliability coefficient of 0.89. Mean and standard deviation were used to analyze the research questions while t-test for large group mean was used to test the hypothesis. Findings revealed that the strategies for effective verbal communication are necessary and essential for entrepreneurs in Rivers State. There is also the need for effective remedies to communication skills by entrepreneurs. Based on the findings, recommendations were made amongst which were that entrepreneurs in Rivers State should make effort to attend workshop and seminars as to help them improve in their communication skills; strategies and remedies to poor communication skills should be adopted and followed effectively as to enhance poor communication skills among entrepreneurs; practicing of effective communication skills, speech and attentiveness should be regularly done by entrepreneurs in Rivers State. Introduction Communication is so intricately bound with human activities that one considers the ability to communicate as perhaps one of mankind's most precious endowments from nature. We succeed in organizing our societies to the extent that we are able to communicate effectively and reach common understanding of what is transmitted to us either in written or spoken forms (Okoye & Eze, 2010). All entrepreneurs are what they are because of the possibilities of interaction among the human elements, and through communication, they have persisted and are able to transmit their business through generations (Amesi, 2011).
The study focused on the effect of group project method on students' academic achievement in car ... more The study focused on the effect of group project method on students' academic achievement in car battery system in Basic Technology. Two research questions and hypothesis were used in the study. The researcher adopted non – randomised pre – test, post –test control group quasi experimental design. The population consists of a total of 523 JSS3 students in Gbarainwei and Ogboin-Nedugo community secondary school in Gbarain community in Yenegoa Local Government Area in Bayelsa State. Purposive sampling technique was used for the selection of JSS3B and JSS3A in Gbarainwei and Ogboin – Nedugo community secondary school respectively. The researcher developed and used Car Battery System Achievement Test [CBSAT] in the study. Test-retest procedure was used to determine the reliability of the test items. CBSAT items were administered to 20 students in JSS3 in Phabean group of school, P.H. Using Pearson product moment correlation coefficient, the reliability was calculated to be 0.84 which was considered adequate for the study. Mean was used to answer research question 1, while mean and standard deviation were used to answer research question 2. The null hypothesis 1 and 2 were tested using analysis of covariance [ANCOVA] and t-test respectively at 0.05 level of significance. The study revealed that students taught car battery system in Basic Technology with Group Project Method achieved better than those taught with the conventional lecture method. From null hypothesis 1, it revealed that the difference in academic achievement of students taught car battery system in Introductory Technology with Group Project Method [GPM] and students taught with conventional lecture method [CLM] was not significant at 0.05 level of significance. While null hypothesis 2, showed that there was significant difference in post-test academic achievement of students taught car battery system with GPM and those taught with CLM at 0.05 level of significance. Therefore, Basic technology teachers should incorporate group project based learning in teaching practical related areas. Also, students' learning Basic Technology should be assigned projects to enhance their understanding in the subjects.
Physics as a science subject is a foundation upon which the scientific and technological advancem... more Physics as a science subject is a foundation upon which the scientific and technological advancement of any nation rests. Physics instruction at secondary education is activity and practical-oriented and needs activity base method for teaching the subject. The paper discussed the use of Model-lead-Test (MLT) instructional strategy in enhancing physics delivery in secondary education. MLT is an activity and practical oriented method of teaching physics for efficient access to needed information in Physics. It is a transmission –style instruction that is student centered. The MLT strategy comprises three stage processes for teaching. The strategy involves the teacher modeling the problem for the students, leading the students through the problem and then testing the students on what they have learned. The MLT strategy encourages learning independently, emphasizes rapid feedback and guide students to express and reflect on their own. This paper examined the status of Physics instruction delivery in Nigeria, implementation considerations of the MLT strategy as well as principles of operation of the MLT for efficient Physics delivery.
The study examined the challenges of unemployment among technologists in Nigeria. The population ... more The study examined the challenges of unemployment among technologists in Nigeria. The population of the study consisted of both technology educators and managers of industry operating in Rivers State. A total of 560 respondents (360 technology educators and 200 managers of industries) was the sample of the study selected through purposive sampling technique. One research question was posed and one hypothesis formulated for this study. A structured questionnaire validated and with reliability coefficient of 0.78 was the instrument used for data collection. Data collected were analyzed using statistical mean to answer the research question while z-test was used to test the null hypothesis at 5% level of significance. The result showed that unemployment among technologists is as a result of factors such as lack of technical skill and creativity, engagement or recruitment of expatriates, lack of support, over dependence on white collar jobs than blue collar jobs and discrimination between technologists and their engineers' counterparts in Nigeria. It was therefore recommended that supports, aids and grants should be given to Nigerian technologists for self-reliance; Nigerian polytechnics should endeavour to properly implement the polytechnic curricula; Government and society should patronize Nigerian technological products and services; Private sectors should enter into partnership with technologists and its association for the training, research and development purposes among others.
The study examined the challenges of unemployment among technologists in Nigeria. The population ... more The study examined the challenges of unemployment among technologists in Nigeria. The population of the study consisted of both technology educators and managers of industry operating in Rivers State. A total of 560 respondents (360 technology educators and 200 managers of industries) was the sample of the study selected through purposive sampling technique. One research question was posed and one hypothesis formulated for this study. A structured questionnaire validated and with reliability coefficient of 0.78 was the instrument used for data collection. Data collected were analyzed using statistical mean to answer the research question while z-test was used to test the null hypothesis at 5% level of significance. The result showed that unemployment among technologists is as a result of factors such as lack of technical skill and creativity, engagement or recruitment of expatriates, lack of support, over dependence on white collar jobs than blue collar jobs and discrimination between technologists and their engineers' counterparts in Nigeria. It was therefore recommended that supports, aids and grants should be given to Nigerian technologists for self-reliance; Nigerian polytechnics should endeavour to properly implement the polytechnic curricula; Government and society should patronize Nigerian technological products and services; Private sectors should enter into partnership with technologists and its association for the training, research and development purposes among others.
American Journal of Social and Management Sciences, 2011
The study was undertaken to determine the strategies for improving enrolment into technical teach... more The study was undertaken to determine the strategies for improving enrolment into technical teacher education programme in Nigeria through students' involvement in school public relations activities. Two reserach questions were formulated and one null hypothesis tested at 0.05 percent level of significance. Questionaire was the instrument used in data collection, while Mean and ttest statistics were used for data analysis. Results showed that the following strategies among others were identfied for improving enrolment in technical teacher education through students involvement in public relations: integrating public relations in school curriculum; proper funding of the scheme and engaging students regularly in exhibitions and job fairs. Consequently, it was recommended among other things that well coordinated and funded public relations units with well defined responsibilities of students be established in technical teacher institutions in Nigeria.
American Journal of Social and Management Sciences, 2011
The study was undertaken to determine the strategies for improving enrolment into technical teach... more The study was undertaken to determine the strategies for improving enrolment into technical teacher education programme in Nigeria through students' involvement in school public relations activities. Two reserach questions were formulated and one null hypothesis tested at 0.05 percent level of significance. Questionaire was the instrument used in data collection, while Mean and ttest statistics were used for data analysis. Results showed that the following strategies among others were identfied for improving enrolment in technical teacher education through students involvement in public relations: integrating public relations in school curriculum; proper funding of the scheme and engaging students regularly in exhibitions and job fairs. Consequently, it was recommended among other things that well coordinated and funded public relations units with well defined responsibilities of students be established in technical teacher institutions in Nigeria.
African journal of agricultural research
The study, designed to estimate percentage dropout in business teacher education in Federal Colle... more The study, designed to estimate percentage dropout in business teacher education in Federal College of Education (Technical) Asaba, in 1990/91 academic session, revealed 14.27% dropouts and 29.76% repeaters in three-year cycle, with greatest wastage in second year of study.
African journal of agricultural research
The study, designed to estimate percentage dropout in business teacher education in Federal Colle... more The study, designed to estimate percentage dropout in business teacher education in Federal College of Education (Technical) Asaba, in 1990/91 academic session, revealed 14.27% dropouts and 29.76% repeaters in three-year cycle, with greatest wastage in second year of study.
African journal of agricultural research
The study, designed to estimate percentage dropout in business teacher education in Federal Colle... more The study, designed to estimate percentage dropout in business teacher education in Federal College of Education (Technical) Asaba, in 1990/91 academic session, revealed 14.27% dropouts and 29.76% repeaters in three-year cycle, with greatest wastage in second year of study.