Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Amit"
Translations of "Amit"
Как сказать на Английском (британский вариант)? Amit tum aaj mere sath ghumne chaloge
Amit will you roam with me ?
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? I am Amit Bansal
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Как сказать на Английском (британский вариант)? Amit kya bol ra h pta h tuje ?
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Как сказать на Английском (британский вариант)? Amit sir Bhopal gye the.
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Как сказать на Английском (британский вариант)? But Amit ke list me ye nahi hai
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Other questions about "Amit"
Amit school now christens to Amitav school это звучит нормально?
No idea what you’re talking about. Christens? Do you mean, has changed its name?
Amit School has changed its name to Amitav…?
No idea what you’re talking about. Christens? Do you mean, has changed its name?
Amit School has changed its name to Amitav…?
Amit have you eaten это звучит нормально?
Just remember to add grammar :)
=“Amit, have you eaten?”
=“Amit, have you eaten?”
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