Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Beaty"
Synonyms of "Beaty" and their differences
В чем разница между Beaty и Beatiful ?
an example: She is beautiful in her own way, but her beauty is what sets her apart from the rest of the girls.
Other questions about "Beaty"
I went to Beaty parlor at noon. I really wanted to ride bike,but I didn’t have enough time,so I rode motorcycle.
The finish of my hair is not good but not bud either. I really want to big change ,but always no change. I get bored of my hair style.
In the dinner my sister came and ate sukiyaki.The meat received as a tax return gift from Furusato.It was very delicious! это звучит нормально?
The finish of my hair is not good but not bud either. I really want to big change ,but always no change. I get bored of my hair style.
In the dinner my sister came and ate sukiyaki.The meat received as a tax return gift from Furusato.It was very delicious! это звучит нормально?
@Loren__ thank you so much!
I went to Beaty salon. I was cut hair by hairdresser. I was happy. I ate salads at the restaurant. It was delicious. It was too hot today. это звучит нормально?
× I went to Beaty salon.
✓ I went to the beauty salon.
× I was cut hair by hairdresser.
✓ I got a haircut.
× I ate salads at the restaurant.
✓ I ate salad at the restaurant.
✓ I went to the beauty salon.
× I was cut hair by hairdresser.
✓ I got a haircut.
× I ate salads at the restaurant.
✓ I ate salad at the restaurant.
The most Beaty thing is that I love the country and I love the people from here это звучит нормально?
the third word makes the sentence a bit off. Try saying beautiful instead
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