Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Ruby"

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Q: Dear Ruby,

How are you doing? Hope everyone is healthy and safe.

I just actually got out of the hospital since I was admitted due to COVID-19. It was really a life-changing experience. That's why we should always follow the protocols mandated by WHO to keep us free from this virus.

By the way, I heard that you are looking for secondhand appliances. Maybe you'd like to consider buying our television.

It's a 32-inch Avision TV. We bought it a few months ago so it's still good as new. It was around 10,000 pesos when we bought it but I'm selling it for only 8,000 pesos. There's no flaw with the appliance. The reason for selling this one is because we are moving back to our province and it would be very hard to transport large appliances.

Besides the television, we also have the air-conditioning unit, oven and other appliances. If you have time, you could also come by our house and check if you'd buy some of these. You can contact me through my mobile number, 0919692895, at your most convenient time.

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