Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Alright"

Example sentences using "Alright"

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Q: Alright, I suppose if I had a chance to describe a teenager I know, I would probably select my cousin.
Now concerning the matter of who he is, the thing that needs to be mentioned here would be that He’s my uncle son and he’s living with my family right now. Oh and I shouldn't forget to mention that he is sixteen year old computer freak. He’s so passionate about computer and some other sort of technology so he’s the one that always helps me out whenever I have technical problems with my laptop.

I and my family always want to take a good care of him. I guess it’s probably because he’s been through a lot, I mean he’s been suffering a lot from his parents’ separation, which is very traumatic given that he’s just a teenager. He was also a victim of bullying when he was at primary school. Consequently, he doesn’t have a lot of friends at school and talk much to other people because he’s been harboring resentment towards the bullies who made fun of him for not having his Mom.

The main reasons why we adore him are because he’s very obedient and respect the elderly including my parents. You know he had been very pessimistic about life before moving in with us, but over the past few years, we’ve been trying to pull him back to the bright side of life. Thing that I always remind him is that things can get tough sometimes, but we can choose how to respond to it. Easier said than done. But that kind of mindset really helps him out.
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A: Alright, suppose I had a chance to describe a teenager I know: I would probably select my cousin.
Now concerning the matter of who he is, the thing that needs to be mentioned here would be that he's my uncle's son, and he’s living with my family right now. Oh, and I shouldn't forget to mention that he is a sixteen year old computer freak. He’s so passionate about computers and some other sort of technology, so he’s the one that always helps me out whenever I have technical problems with my laptop.

My family and I always want to take good care of him. I guess it’s probably because he’s been through a lot, I mean he’s been suffering a lot from his parents’ separation, which is very traumatic given that he’s just a teenager. He was also a victim of bullying when he was in primary school. Consequently, he doesn’t have a lot of friends at school, and he doesn't talk much to other people because he’s been harboring resentment towards the bullies who made fun of him for not having his mom.

The main reasons why we adore him are because he’s very obedient and respects the elderly, including my parents. You know, he had been very pessimistic about life before moving in with us, but over the past few years, we’ve been trying to pull him back to the bright side of life. A thing that I always remind him is that things can get tough sometimes, but we can choose how to respond to it. Easier said than done, but that kind of mindset really helps him out.
Q: Alright, I suppose if I had a chance to describe a professional person, I would probably select Ms. Thu, who is a colleague at my English center

Now concerning reasons why I think she is an adorable model of professionalism is that she always stay work focused. If one day she has to deal with family conflicts or something that get into her nerves, she’ll never bring the worries or sadness to her class, which actually can distance her from students if she does so. Her enthusiasm for teaching is actually contagious and be a good model for others to follow. On the top of that, her punctuality also is what I’m really admire. Regardless of what activities my center has and where they are held, she’s always one of the earliest arrivers to the center to give others a hand in organizing stuff.

Oh and I shouldn’t forget to mention that, she also respects other including not only her coworkers but also every students in the center. She’s the one that says hello first and open up conversations with others. She’s also willing to help me out, especially when I caught a cold with my badly behaved students, she did show me the ropes how to handle it, which I am always grateful for.
это звучит нормально?
A: ​‎Very well done. It would sound natural to a native English speaker. I commend you. But there are some small, minor changes that I will highlight to make it even better.

Alright, I suppose if I had a chance to describe a professional person, I would probably select Ms. Thu, who is a colleague at my English center.

Now(,) concerning reasons why I think she is a(-adorable) model of professionalism is that she always (remains focused on her work). If (she ever had to deal with family issues or something similar), she (would) never bring (those issues or drama) to her class, which actually can distance her(self) from (her) students if she (were to do so). Her enthusiasm for teaching is actually contagious and (is) a good (example) for others to follow. On (-the) top of that, her punctuality (is what) what (I) really admire. Regardless of (what the center’s activities are) and where (they’re) held, she’s always one of the (first to arrive, and always willing) to give others a hand in organizing stuff.

Oh and I shouldn’t forget to mention that, she also respects other(s) including not only her coworkers but every student in the center (as well.) She’s the one that says hello first and open(s) up conversations with others. She’s also willing to help me out, (especially with my badly behaved students, when I was out with a cold). She (showed) me the ropes (on) how to handle it, (for) which I am always grateful.
does this sound natural?

Everything in (...)s is a small change but would increase others’ perception of your understanding of the English language. The few (-....) indicate words that should be omitted. Hope it helps.

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