Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Boar"
Example sentences using "Boar"
Покажите мне примеры предложений с boar.
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Synonyms of "Boar" and their differences
В чем разница между boar и hog ?
boar is a non- castrated male swine. A hog can be either male or female.
boar is another type of pig or swine. They are usually associated with and sometimes the term 'wild boar' is loosely used with the term boar. One of the more common differences of a boar to a pig is the fur . A 'pig' is an immature swine, while a 'hog' is considered the mature version of the swine.
boar is another type of pig or swine. They are usually associated with and sometimes the term 'wild boar' is loosely used with the term boar. One of the more common differences of a boar to a pig is the fur . A 'pig' is an immature swine, while a 'hog' is considered the mature version of the swine.
В чем разница между wild boar и boar ?
No difference at all!
В чем разница между boar и wild boar ?
wild boar is the wild equivalent of a pig with husks. And the boar is just a domesticated boar known today as a pig
Translations of "Boar"
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? boar
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Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? boar
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Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? boar
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Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? boar
Other questions about "Boar"
A wild boar came to a shore from the sea, and attcked a man who was fishing. But he made its face sink into the sea and choked it. это звучит нормально?
A wild boar came to a shore from the sea and attcked a man who was fishing. He made its face sink into the sea and he choked it.
A boar has emerged along Arakawa river. The area is the center of Tokyo city, so wild big animals like that rarely come. это звучит нормально?
× The area is the center of Tokyo city, so wild big animals like that rarely come.
✓ The area is the center of Tokyo city, wild big animals like that rarely come.
You do not need to have the word "so" ^^
✓ The area is the center of Tokyo city, wild big animals like that rarely come.
You do not need to have the word "so" ^^
What do you call this?
This electric boar says about Speed/Destination/timetable/track No./Other info.
- - - -
1. Electric board of train timetable
2. Electrical train timetable.
3. Electronic message board of train
4. (Do you have any ideas about it?) это звучит нормально?
This electric boar says about Speed/Destination/timetable/track No./Other info.
- - - -
1. Electric board of train timetable
2. Electrical train timetable.
3. Electronic message board of train
4. (Do you have any ideas about it?) это звучит нормально?
It is a train departure board or public transport timetable.
The ugly boar of the 2017 Asian это звучит нормально?
"The ugly boar of 2017 in Asia"
"Asian?" 맞아요?
"The" is not used here!
"Asian?" 맞아요?
"The" is not used here!
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