Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Depend"
The meaning of "Depend" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит It depends.?
It means that the answer to whatever question someone is asking will change based on the environment
For example:
Can we go to the park?
It depends on how the weather is. If the weather is nice, we will go. If it is rainy, we will stay home.
For example:
Can we go to the park?
It depends on how the weather is. If the weather is nice, we will go. If it is rainy, we will stay home.
Что значит depends?
Contingent upon, the answer changes based on x factor
Что значит depends?
“It depends on the circumstances”
“When I sleep depends on the circumstances.”
“I don’t always sleep at the same time.”
“When I sleep depends on the circumstances.”
“I don’t always sleep at the same time.”
Что значит depending?
Что значит depends?
It depends - to zależy
I hope to go swimming but it depends on the weather - Mam nadzieję pójść popływać, ale to zależy od pogody.
I hope to go swimming but it depends on the weather - Mam nadzieję pójść popływać, ale to zależy od pogody.
Example sentences using "Depend"
Покажите мне примеры предложений с It depends on who you are talking to. .
1. i’m not sure if this term is correct since it depends on who you are talking to.
2. Honestly, if you want to be respectful just watch your language depending on who you are talking to.
2. Honestly, if you want to be respectful just watch your language depending on who you are talking to.
Покажите мне примеры предложений с It depends on...
Person A: "Do you want to go to college?"
Person B: "Yes, but it depends on my results"
Person B: "Yes, but it depends on my results"
Покажите мне примеры предложений с depend on or depend.
“Try to answer the questions without having to depend on the textbook.”
“I know I can depend on my friend - he/she is loyal.”
“I’m not sure if I can go out tonight. It depends on if I can get my homework done.”
“I used to depend on my parents for everything until I lived on my own.”
Hope this helped!
“I know I can depend on my friend - he/she is loyal.”
“I’m not sure if I can go out tonight. It depends on if I can get my homework done.”
“I used to depend on my parents for everything until I lived on my own.”
Hope this helped!
Покажите мне примеры предложений с That depends .
Would there be an ice sculpture in the museum?
- That depends, if we can afford one then yes.
- That depends, if we can afford one then yes.
Покажите мне примеры предложений с "depending on".
@Cyneless: You can do well on the exam depending on your answers.
Her success in the interview depends on the interviewer.
You will have to take either the stairs on the right or left depending on what floor you need to go to.
It depends on what you think is right to do in this situation.
You could get a wide variety of answers depending on what you ask.
Or if someone asks a questions then the response can start with "depends" like...
Can we go skating when we get home?
** That depends on if we get home before it gets dark
Her success in the interview depends on the interviewer.
You will have to take either the stairs on the right or left depending on what floor you need to go to.
It depends on what you think is right to do in this situation.
You could get a wide variety of answers depending on what you ask.
Or if someone asks a questions then the response can start with "depends" like...
Can we go skating when we get home?
** That depends on if we get home before it gets dark
Synonyms of "Depend" and their differences
В чем разница между depend on и depend upon ?
They mean the same thing. “Depend upon” is used less often and it sounds a bit clunky though.
В чем разница между It depends on where you are и It depends on the place that you are in ! ?
"It depends on where you are" is a totally correct and natural way of saying it. The other one sounds a bit forced because some of its elements are repetitive.
В чем разница между It depends on -- и It's dependent on --- ?
They are different parts of speech, but they ,mean the same thing and either one can be used.
It depends on who shows up.
It's dependent on who shows up.
It depends on who shows up.
It's dependent on who shows up.
В чем разница между depend on и dependent on ?
"Depend on" is a verb, and "dependent on" is an adjective. "Dependent on" sounds sort of formal and wouldn't be used as much with humans.
"We depend on you." ("We are dependent on you" is wrong.)
"Plants are dependent on sunlight for survival." ("Plants depend on sunlight for survival" is also correct.)
"We depend on you." ("We are dependent on you" is wrong.)
"Plants are dependent on sunlight for survival." ("Plants depend on sunlight for survival" is also correct.)
В чем разница между it depends on 〜 и it is up to 〜 ?
depends on: used when a situation depends on a thing like time, an object, another situation happening, etc.
example: Us going to the movies depends on you finishing your homework. You getting desert depends on if you behave well. It depends on what time I get off work.
it is up to: This is used when a situation happening depends on a person.
example: What restaurant we go to is up to your father. It is up to you where we go tonight.
Its up to is when the decision is left to someone in particular. The decision is up to _____, where as depends on means something will on happen if ____. It depends on that thing.
example: Us going to the movies depends on you finishing your homework. You getting desert depends on if you behave well. It depends on what time I get off work.
it is up to: This is used when a situation happening depends on a person.
example: What restaurant we go to is up to your father. It is up to you where we go tonight.
Its up to is when the decision is left to someone in particular. The decision is up to _____, where as depends on means something will on happen if ____. It depends on that thing.
Translations of "Depend"
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? depending
Check the question to view the answer
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? depending
Check the question to view the answer
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? It's depend on you , dear.
Check the question to view the answer
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? depend on or depend from
@dmitriyyakovlev: dependant someone who gives you money or allowance
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? It depends.
@sherry0203: depends means you want to get it or not
Other questions about "Depend"
Even if it depends monetarily, I do not want to depend on mental
金銭的に依存することがあったとしても、精神的に依存はしたくない это звучит нормально?
金銭的に依存することがあったとしても、精神的に依存はしたくない это звучит нормально?
Even if I had to depend monetarily, I do not want to depend mentally.
Good luck!
Good luck!
It all depends on how I do. это звучит нормально?
맞아요😊 You could also say 'It all depends on how well I do' To me that sounds a bit more natural
It depends on what did you eat then. это звучит нормально?
"It depends on what you ate, then."
It depends on where you live in
It depends on where you live
это звучит нормально?
It depends on where you live
это звучит нормально?
"It depends on where you live."
"It depends on where you live."
She depends on me.
I am being depended on by her. это звучит нормально?
I am being depended on by her. это звучит нормально?
However, the first phrase sounds more natural than the other.
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