Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "E"
The meaning of "E" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит Seen on E!?
E! is a TV cable channel
so this clip or video first aired on E!
so this clip or video first aired on E!
Что значит E é isso, pessoal! Um beijo na teta esquerda e tchaaaaaaau!?
???And that's it, folks! A kiss on the left breast and tchaaaaaaau???...
Что значит 'E and 'er in prt sc?
It’s a short version of “he” and “her”. ‘E=he, ‘er=her
Что значит 5340 E Shadeland Ave., Suite 16 Indianapolis,Indiana 46220?
5340 = street number/block
East Shadelane Avenue = street name
Suite #16 = room#/suite# in building
Indianapolis = city name
Indiana = state name
46220 = US postal "zip" code
East Shadelane Avenue = street name
Suite #16 = room#/suite# in building
Indianapolis = city name
Indiana = state name
46220 = US postal "zip" code
Что значит A and E?
Accident and Emergency (at a hospital).
Example sentences using "E"
Покажите мне примеры предложений с E aí? como você está? como foi seu dia?.
How are you? How was your day?
In english, there is no equivalent to “E aí?”
In english, there is no equivalent to “E aí?”
Покажите мне примеры предложений с E eu vou cantar pelo mundo sendo o que eu sou e não vou nem parar.
Check the question to view the answer
Synonyms of "E" and their differences
В чем разница между I и E ?
What do you mean like in what context
В чем разница между É и E ?
En ingles, generalmente no hay palabras con é, solo e. Hay un pocas palabras que son de otros lenguas, como "fiancée," pero normalmente sólo usamos "e"
Translations of "E"
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? How many E's?
what's the abbreviation of E's?
How many E is???
Is this right?
what's the abbreviation of E's?
How many E is???
Is this right?
While "How many E is" mean there are many of E so you're asking how many of them.
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? E aí?!
Depende do que você quer dizer.
Se você quer falar, por exemplo, “oi, e aí?”, você pode dizer “hey, what’s up?”
Se for no sentido de “E aí? Como foi a prova?” você pode falar “And? How did it go?” ou “So? How did it go?”
Se for no sentido do diálogo:
“Eu vi uma pessoa hoje...”
“E aí?”
Nesse caso o sentido é de “o que aconteceu depois?”, você pode falar “and then what?”
“I saw a person today...”
“Ok, and then what?”
Se você quer falar, por exemplo, “oi, e aí?”, você pode dizer “hey, what’s up?”
Se for no sentido de “E aí? Como foi a prova?” você pode falar “And? How did it go?” ou “So? How did it go?”
Se for no sentido do diálogo:
“Eu vi uma pessoa hoje...”
“E aí?”
Nesse caso o sentido é de “o que aconteceu depois?”, você pode falar “and then what?”
“I saw a person today...”
“Ok, and then what?”
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? From the "E", to the "X", to the "C-E-P", to the "T", to the "I", to the "O-N-A-L" From the "E", to the "X", to the "C-E-P", to the "T", to the "I", to the "O-N-A-L"
Spelling words out like this is very common in rap and hip-hop, and sometimes in pop songs too
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? 田中さんからのメールを受け取りました。Eメールの私の名前の下をご覧ください。
Oh, that's what you meant!
"below my signature" makes it even clearer.
Now that I know what you meant, I would probably have changed my original translation to:
"I received an email from Mr. Tanaka. Please see its contents below my signature in this email."
But you could also say:
"I received an email from Mr. Tanaka, and I have pasted the the email below my signature. Please take a look at it."
"below my signature" makes it even clearer.
Now that I know what you meant, I would probably have changed my original translation to:
"I received an email from Mr. Tanaka. Please see its contents below my signature in this email."
But you could also say:
"I received an email from Mr. Tanaka, and I have pasted the the email below my signature. Please take a look at it."
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? E tem como não sorrir quando me lembro de você?
And how can I not smile when I remember you?
Other questions about "E"
Why "THAT" should into (E)?
because the phrase is.. "NOW THAT THEY ARE LOSING THEIR ...".
(for us -- the phrase "NOW THAT", usually puts those 2 words together).
(for us -- the phrase "NOW THAT", usually puts those 2 words together).
What does “on E!” Mean?
On empty. His gas was running low.
What do "E bay" and "one of a kind" in this conversation mean?
A "That suits is amazing"
B "Thank you very much. It's from Italy"
A "Maybe I should get one"
B "Good luck. One of a kind"
A "E bay"
A "That suits is amazing"
B "Thank you very much. It's from Italy"
A "Maybe I should get one"
B "Good luck. One of a kind"
A "E bay"
@massive Maybe A was asking IF he could buy the suit from Ebay. That is my guess
I just got an E mail from you guys this says
I deserve to get four thousand millions dollers. это звучит нормально?
I deserve to get four thousand millions dollers. это звучит нормально?
For the first part: “I just got an email from you guys THAT says:”
For the second part: You cannot say “Four thousand million dollars.” Do you have it in number form? I can write it for you.
For the second part: You cannot say “Four thousand million dollars.” Do you have it in number form? I can write it for you.
when you write E mail ‘I am colleague of mr **’or "this is colleague of mr **" which one is better
"I am a colleague of Mr.*** " would be better , because sometime if you use "this is" people can misunderstands it as if youre asking if they are the colleague.
Meanings and usages of similar words and phrases
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