Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Email"

Example sentences using "Email"

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Q: I would appreciate it if you could correct this as soon as possible!

This is an email to ask university staff for studying abroad.

I am 〇〇 from (my university name). I am looking forward to studying at〇〇.

I am writing this email to ask about the application I submitted and the offer letter in reply. I would like to ask you the following questions.
1 Is it not my application category for one year?
I am going to study at〇〇 but the offer letter says””Semester1 of the academic year. If I applied only for semester 1 on the online application form,I would like you to correct it to one year and issue the revised offer letter.
2 What should I do about tuition fees and dormitory?
There is no tuition or dormitory information in the offer letter. I plan to stay in a university I dormitory.

I am looking for your response.


Q: I send emails to my customers at different times.
Some of my coworkers would check their location time and based on that would write
Good morning or Good afternoon

I wonder how about always writing just ''Hello'' or "Hey there"

What do you think as an American❔?
Does it make a difference the way of greetings listed above? 🙂

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