Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Employ"
The meaning of "Employ" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит employ?
in this context, employ would mean indicate or give said value.
"the boss employed new measures for the employees."
"Octal and hexadecimal numeration system, similarily, give/put 8 and 16 as their bases respectively."
"the boss employed new measures for the employees."
"Octal and hexadecimal numeration system, similarily, give/put 8 and 16 as their bases respectively."
Что значит employing(in here)?
Thank you so much
you're my hero!!!
you're my hero!!!
Что значит to employ?
Two main meanings. The first is to use. The second is to give someone a job.
Что значит he employs me?
so can I say ..
they employed me to be his bodyguard
they employed me to be his bodyguard
Example sentences using "Employ"
Покажите мне примеры предложений с employed.
He didn't stay employed long.
I'm currently not employed.
I'm currently employed with Google and live in California.
Were you employed in the past three years?
Why aren't you employed yet?
Yes, I'm employed.
When you get employed, let me know, then I'll consider giving you a loan.
The guy she met wasn't employed and was looking for a sugar mama.
I'm currently not employed.
I'm currently employed with Google and live in California.
Were you employed in the past three years?
Why aren't you employed yet?
Yes, I'm employed.
When you get employed, let me know, then I'll consider giving you a loan.
The guy she met wasn't employed and was looking for a sugar mama.
Покажите мне примеры предложений с employ.
I employed her last week.
It will be a good choice to employ Daniel.
It will be a good choice to employ Daniel.
Покажите мне примеры предложений с employing.
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Покажите мне примеры предложений с employ .
"She wants to employ him"
"She'd like to be employed"
"She'd like to be employed"
Покажите мне примеры предложений с employ.
Please employ me cousin at your company.
They will only employ you if you meet their criteria.
They will only employ you if you meet their criteria.
Synonyms of "Employ" and their differences
В чем разница между employ и deploy ?
To "employ" means to hire someone to perform a job.
To "deploy" means to send people (or deliver resources) somewhere in order to accomplish a particular goal.
To "deploy" means to send people (or deliver resources) somewhere in order to accomplish a particular goal.
В чем разница между employ и hire ?
These have very similar meaning.
Example: I want to employ her, I want to hire him. I will employ her, I want to hire him. However “hire” is more likely to be used by a company looking for employees. Example: a sign may be put up in a business saying “looking to hire [job position]” hope this helps
Example: I want to employ her, I want to hire him. I will employ her, I want to hire him. However “hire” is more likely to be used by a company looking for employees. Example: a sign may be put up in a business saying “looking to hire [job position]” hope this helps
В чем разница между employ и hire ?
employ is on going hire is just the moment when you get the person to work for you
В чем разница между employed и engaged ?
In this sentence, he is saying he thought the person had another job (employed = someone has hired you).
Engaged does mean you have agreed to marry someone, but it also has a second meaning. The second meaning is just "busy with something".
"I thought someone had hired you to work elsewhere, or else you were just busy with something."
Engaged does mean you have agreed to marry someone, but it also has a second meaning. The second meaning is just "busy with something".
"I thought someone had hired you to work elsewhere, or else you were just busy with something."
В чем разница между employ и hire ?
"to employ somebody" = to give somebody a job for payment.
There are two main differences between "employ" and "hire":
1. People:
- [mainly US English] "to hire somebody" = to employ somebody.
2. Things:
- "to hire something" = to borrow something for payment, e.g. "She hired a room for the conference."
- [formal] "to employ something" = to use something for a purpose, e.g. "Jackie Chan employs his skill in martial arts to earn a living as an actor and director."
There are two main differences between "employ" and "hire":
1. People:
- [mainly US English] "to hire somebody" = to employ somebody.
2. Things:
- "to hire something" = to borrow something for payment, e.g. "She hired a room for the conference."
- [formal] "to employ something" = to use something for a purpose, e.g. "Jackie Chan employs his skill in martial arts to earn a living as an actor and director."
Translations of "Employ"
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? employ
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? employed
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Other questions about "Employ"
"employed" can be rephrased as "adopted"?
within this context yes.
employed это звучит нормально?
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