Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Estimation"
The meaning of "Estimation" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит in my estimation?
An "estimation" is an educated guess, so when someone makes an estimation they are making a guess influenced by useful information. "In my estimation", "by my estimation", and "according to my estimation" all mean the same thing, which is that the statement after is an estimation the person made. "Estimation" is usually used in science and math, but is not limited to it.
-In my estimation, the weather will continue to cool down.
(Maybe because it is fall or winter, or maybe because the weather has been cooling down recently, the speaker estimates that the weather will continue to cool down.)
(I hope this helped and wasn't too confusing!)
-In my estimation, the weather will continue to cool down.
(Maybe because it is fall or winter, or maybe because the weather has been cooling down recently, the speaker estimates that the weather will continue to cool down.)
(I hope this helped and wasn't too confusing!)
Что значит estimation?
A round about figure
Что значит fairly rough estimations?
It means that it is the best description that you can give without measuring it. A common example would be:
Builder: I'll give you a fairly rough estimate for the work, but it might change after I see what needs to be done.
Builder: I'll give you a fairly rough estimate for the work, but it might change after I see what needs to be done.
Synonyms of "Estimation" and their differences
В чем разница между estimation и assessment ?
Estimation is an approximate amount "Our estimation for repair is $400". An assessment is a judgement on the condition of something. "I need an assessment done on my house to see how much it is worth"
В чем разница между estimation и estimate ?
both can be used as a noun, however, "estimation" is ONLY a noun, while "estimate" can be used as both. Examples: "I gave him an estimate of the cost" "I gave him an estimation of the cost" "I estimated the cost for him"
В чем разница между estimation и projection ?
They mean roughly the same thing, except that Projection is about what will occur in the future, and has a more business feel.
Translations of "Estimation"
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? estimation
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Other questions about "Estimation"
31. I have been making an estimation for the plan, which I will do initial mechanical check and request subcontractor for further repair. это звучит нормально?
× 31. I have been making an estimation for the plan, which I will do initial mechanical check and request subcontractor for further repair.
✓ 31. I have been making an estimation for the plan, in which I will do the initial mechanical check, but request for the subcontractor to do further repair.
✓ 31. I have been making an estimation for the plan, in which I will do the initial mechanical check, but request for the subcontractor to do further repair.
The estimation of the ground penetrating radar (GPR) wave velocity underground is the base of calculating depth of objects and synthetic aperture imaging. это звучит нормально?
I would say “the base for calculating depth” instead of “the base of calculating depth”
1. The estimation of the ground penetrating radar (GPR) wave velocity underground is the base of calculating depth of objects and synthetic aperture imaging.
2. The estimation of the ground penetrating radar (GPR) wave velocity underground is the base for calculating depth of objects and synthetic aperture imaging.
As for "base of" and "base for", which one is correct?
I think both sentences are correct.
2. The estimation of the ground penetrating radar (GPR) wave velocity underground is the base for calculating depth of objects and synthetic aperture imaging.
As for "base of" and "base for", which one is correct?
I think both sentences are correct.
They are both correct.
In my estimations, I guess this is the cause of the problem. это звучит нормально?
Instead of " In my estimations " I think " According to my estimations " would sound better.
Also, the word " estimations " doesn't really sound correct for this sentence. You may want to say:
1) According to my calculations, I think this is the cause of the problem ". or
2) "According to my research, ....."
3) " According to my studies,...."
If you're trying to say that you found a mistake in your estimations, and that you've found the cause for that mistake, then I think it sounds fine.👍
Also, the word " estimations " doesn't really sound correct for this sentence. You may want to say:
1) According to my calculations, I think this is the cause of the problem ". or
2) "According to my research, ....."
3) " According to my studies,...."
If you're trying to say that you found a mistake in your estimations, and that you've found the cause for that mistake, then I think it sounds fine.👍
I have already pushed them to get the estimation, but they have not replied me yet. это звучит нормально?
"I've already pushed them for the estimation, but they haven't replied to me yet."
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