Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Finally"
The meaning of "Finally" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит finally ?
Что значит i finally caved and brought some work home.?
It means I gave in, relented to bringing work home after you probably promised yourself or someone you would not.
Что значит finally?
At last
Example sentences using "Finally"
Покажите мне примеры предложений с finally.
- I finally finished my homework!
- Finally he answer my text..
- I finally understand what she meant.
- Finally he answer my text..
- I finally understand what she meant.
Покажите мне примеры предложений с I finally .
I finally did it.
I finally caught up with the latest episode.
I finally finished all my homework.
I finally caught up with the latest episode.
I finally finished all my homework.
Покажите мне примеры предложений с finally(できれば日本語訳もつけてもらえると助かります).
"You finally got here. Why were you so late?"
"I'm so glad this trip is finally over."
"I finally got my package today!"
"I'm so glad this trip is finally over."
"I finally got my package today!"
Покажите мне примеры предложений с finally .
Example "Finally, the rain has stopped." "At least we have an answer on this issue finally." Finally can be used at the beginning and end of sentences, depending on the situation. Hopefully this helps!
Synonyms of "Finally" and their differences
В чем разница между finally и eventually ?
These words are both very similar. But ‘eventually’ can also be used to look into the future- e.g “eventually I want to get married”. ‘Finally’ can not be used this way (“finally I want to get married” is a bit unnatural)
To emphasise that something has taken a very long time to happen, finally is better to use
“He finally won! (After a very long time of trying to do so)”
“Eventually I will learn Japanese” (<— looking into the future)
To emphasise that something has taken a very long time to happen, finally is better to use
“He finally won! (After a very long time of trying to do so)”
“Eventually I will learn Japanese” (<— looking into the future)
В чем разница между finally и eventually ?
"I finally got a cat." Meaning, after a long time, or of waiting, i got a cat. "I will get a cat eventually." Meaning, sometime in the future i will get a cat.
В чем разница между finally и eventually ?
Finally and eventually both mean that it was a long time before something happened but eventually could also mean it could happen in the future as well
В чем разница между finally и at first ?
Finally I can go to the bathroom. At first I thought it was a girl!
В чем разница между after all и finally ?
비슷비슷하고 둘다 본인의 꿈이 결국 이루어졌단 표현인데 근소한 차이가 좀 있습니다.
(Looks like) my dream came true after all. 라고 하면은 살짝 *우연히* 또는 *오히려* 내 꿈이 이루어졌네 라는 느낌입니다.
I guess it's not so bad after all.
오히려 먹을 만하네.
Hey, you (actually) aren't that bad after all!
야! 너는 오히려 정말 잘 하네?
My dream finally came true. 라고 하면은 얼마 전까지는 자기 꿈이 이루어지게 하기 위해서 본인이 애를 많이 쓰고 있었는데 이제는 *드디어* 내 꿈이 이루어졌어! 라는 느낌입니다. 게다가 이전의 문장에 보통 'After' 란 단어가 있어요.
After all these years, my dream has finally come true!
이제야 내 꿈이 드디어 이루어졌어!
After training hard for months, I finally completed my first marathon.
몇 개월 동안 열심히 훈련했는데 나는 드디어 처음 마라톤을 완주했어.
즉 After ㅇㅇ, I finally ㅇㅇ 라는 것은 애를 많이 썼지만 보람이 있어서 기분이 너무 좋다고 아주 흔히 쓰이는 표현입니다.
도움이 되기를 😃
만약 잘못 썼다면 죄송합니다.
(Looks like) my dream came true after all. 라고 하면은 살짝 *우연히* 또는 *오히려* 내 꿈이 이루어졌네 라는 느낌입니다.
I guess it's not so bad after all.
오히려 먹을 만하네.
Hey, you (actually) aren't that bad after all!
야! 너는 오히려 정말 잘 하네?
My dream finally came true. 라고 하면은 얼마 전까지는 자기 꿈이 이루어지게 하기 위해서 본인이 애를 많이 쓰고 있었는데 이제는 *드디어* 내 꿈이 이루어졌어! 라는 느낌입니다. 게다가 이전의 문장에 보통 'After' 란 단어가 있어요.
After all these years, my dream has finally come true!
이제야 내 꿈이 드디어 이루어졌어!
After training hard for months, I finally completed my first marathon.
몇 개월 동안 열심히 훈련했는데 나는 드디어 처음 마라톤을 완주했어.
즉 After ㅇㅇ, I finally ㅇㅇ 라는 것은 애를 많이 썼지만 보람이 있어서 기분이 너무 좋다고 아주 흔히 쓰이는 표현입니다.
도움이 되기를 😃
만약 잘못 썼다면 죄송합니다.
Translations of "Finally"
Как сказать на Английском (британский вариант)? i finally understood or i have finally understood
There’s a little difference between them
when you add ‘have’, it means you are describing an experience in general, without specifying the time when it happened; have+ past tense is more commonly used with + just: ‘i have just understood now’ for example
Also, when you say ‘i have finally understood’, it sounds a little dramatic
So ‘i finally understand’ is more used and better for most situations
when you add ‘have’, it means you are describing an experience in general, without specifying the time when it happened; have+ past tense is more commonly used with + just: ‘i have just understood now’ for example
Also, when you say ‘i have finally understood’, it sounds a little dramatic
So ‘i finally understand’ is more used and better for most situations
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? finally
Check the question to view the answer
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? finally
Check the question to view the answer
Как сказать на Английском (британский вариант)? finally
Check the question to view the answer
Other questions about "Finally"
What does "well i finally have my mac pro the way i had it exactly with arch linux" mean?
well i finally have my mac pro the way i had it exactly with arch linux
that also includes my last real gripe: 2d acceleration is on my geforce 8800 gt instead of my radeon r7 250
well i finally have my mac pro the way i had it exactly with arch linux
that also includes my last real gripe: 2d acceleration is on my geforce 8800 gt instead of my radeon r7 250
This means the speaker has their computer (a Macbook Pro) back the way the speaker likes it. Arch Linux I think is a software. So the computer probably got an update with new software that the speaker didn't like.
The other stuff in the second paragraph is related to performance of the computer I think? I don't know a lot about computerware, but the person is saying they have fixed their other problem (gripe) too.
The other stuff in the second paragraph is related to performance of the computer I think? I don't know a lot about computerware, but the person is saying they have fixed their other problem (gripe) too.
I can FINALLY get my own life back, finally, after six months of suffering from relationship troubles with online trolls and online bullying. это звучит нормально?
Two ways to fix:
1. You can remove "own." Split into two sentences.
"I can FINALLY get my life back! Six months of suffering from relationship troubles with online trolls and online bullying is finally over."
^^^this is okay, but "with online trolls" makes this a very wordy, long sentence.
"I can FINALLY get my (own) life back! Six months of suffering from relationship troubles and online bullying is finally over."
2.Change order. I also changed "own" to "old" to get a similar effect, but using more typical phrasing.
"After six months of suffering from relationship troubles with online trolls and online bullying, I can FINALLY get my old life back.
1. You can remove "own." Split into two sentences.
"I can FINALLY get my life back! Six months of suffering from relationship troubles with online trolls and online bullying is finally over."
^^^this is okay, but "with online trolls" makes this a very wordy, long sentence.
"I can FINALLY get my (own) life back! Six months of suffering from relationship troubles and online bullying is finally over."
2.Change order. I also changed "own" to "old" to get a similar effect, but using more typical phrasing.
"After six months of suffering from relationship troubles with online trolls and online bullying, I can FINALLY get my old life back.
Wow finally i caught a cold with fantastic spring weather . Many people around me had caught a cold but i didn't get it but now i can not believe i cought a cold on this sunny day это звучит нормально?
Wow I can't believe I didn't catch a cold until now that the weather is sunny and beautiful. I didn't get sick when everyone was sick with the cold, but now I am, ugh!
Many ways of saying things but this is more natural. Sorry.
Many ways of saying things but this is more natural. Sorry.
i finally went here!!! это звучит нормально?
I finally went there
It looks like i finally found my Valentine это звучит нормально?
"It looks like I've finally found my Valentine."
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