Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Glove"
The meaning of "Glove" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит For them, the gloves were off.?
It means: no more Mister Nice Guy.
Do you know that expression?
It means (for them) they will no longer pull any punches, from now on it's war.
Do you know that expression?
It means (for them) they will no longer pull any punches, from now on it's war.
Что значит glove?
Glove is a material you put over your hand either during cold seasons, when making food or during surgery. It can be made from wool, cotton or latex
Что значит hang up the gloves?
it's an expression that means "quit" "give up" or "retire"
It phrase comes from when boxers decide to quit boxing. They have to hang up their gloves and put them away.
It phrase comes from when boxers decide to quit boxing. They have to hang up their gloves and put them away.
Что значит "white glove service"?
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Synonyms of "Glove" and their differences
В чем разница между gloves и mittens ?
"Mittens" are usually made of thicker material, like wool, to be very warm. "Gloves" can be any size, meaning even the rubber surgical gloves that doctors use, or gloves you use when riding a bike or driving a car.
В чем разница между Teach me glove and mitt difference, please.
и Five fingers separated is the glove?
To take hot things is the mitt?
и Five fingers separated is the glove?
To take hot things is the mitt?
“Glove” mean with fingers, and “mitt/mitten” means without.
To hold hot things, it is only called an “oven mitt”. We never say “oven glove.”
To hold hot things, it is only called an “oven mitt”. We never say “oven glove.”
В чем разница между anti-slip gloves и skidproof gloves и non-slip gloves и antiskid gloves ?
They are all basically the same.
В чем разница между gloves и mittens ?
Gloves are use for jobs and hobbies.
Mittens are used only for winter or when you feel cold.
Mittens are used only for winter or when you feel cold.
В чем разница между I put my gloves on. и I put on my gloves. ?
"I put my gloves on" is past tense. So it already happened.
"I put on my gloves" can either be past or present, depending on your tone.
If you want to talk in past tense, "I put my gloves on" sounds more natural
"I put on my gloves" can either be past or present, depending on your tone.
If you want to talk in past tense, "I put my gloves on" sounds more natural
Translations of "Glove"
Как сказать на Английском (британский вариант)? It is gloves
They are gloves
What option is correct?
They are gloves
What option is correct?
They are gloves (gloves are plural in English)
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? how do you say gloves
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Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? glove to wash dishes
Dishwashing gloves or cleaning gloves :-)
Как сказать на Английском (британский вариант)? gloves hamesa 2 (pair)milte hai
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Other questions about "Glove"
The gloves are very important when it comes to winter. это звучит нормально?
You can also say "When winter comes, gloves are very important" or "In winter, gloves are very important". 😊😊😊
It's cold outside. When you go out, you have to wear glove and mask. это звучит нормально?
"It's cold outside. When you go out, you have to wear gloves and a mask."
Wait. Where's my glove? Oh, no. I left it somewhere again? I lost gloves 3 times in this winter. I'm really slipping! это звучит нормально?
Instead of "I lost gloves 3 times in this winter" it'd be more natural to say "I lost my gloves 3 times this winter". Other than that it sounds natural.
We have run out of gloves. это звучит нормально?
Run is 100% correct... Come on people.
*After checking this question again, some previous replies have been deleted.
*After checking this question again, some previous replies have been deleted.
I can't put on my boxing gloves without first winding a band around my hands all the up to the wrists. это звучит нормально?
It is correct now. You could also say "wrap" instead of "wind" or "wrapping" instead of "winding"
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