Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Handicapped"
The meaning of "Handicapped" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит handicapped?
Usually it means some part of their body does not work properly. Like legs, mind, eyes, ears.
Example sentences using "Handicapped"
Покажите мне примеры предложений с handicapped .
“Grace is in a wheelchair, so she is handicapped.”
“Tom is allowed to have a handicapped sign on his car because he has cancer.”
“Julio just has depression, he’s not handicapped.”
“Tom is allowed to have a handicapped sign on his car because he has cancer.”
“Julio just has depression, he’s not handicapped.”
Покажите мне примеры предложений с handicapped and disabled.
a special school for handicapped children
facilities for disabled people
a special school for handicapped children
facilities for disabled people
Synonyms of "Handicapped" and their differences
В чем разница между handicapped и disabled ?
Honestly speaking, there isn’t a huge difference between the term used for parking lots, and they are used interchangeably.
I would personally think that “handicapped” can sound more offensive than “disabled” so it may be better to name it as a “disabled parking lot”.
I would personally think that “handicapped” can sound more offensive than “disabled” so it may be better to name it as a “disabled parking lot”.
В чем разница между physically handicapped и physically challenged ?
The mean the same thing. Some people feel that it is more polite to say "challenged" than "handicapped".
В чем разница между handicapped и disabled и physically challenged ?
Handicapped is when more when you have a broken bone, and cant walk, something that makes it challenging for you to walk
Disabled is when both your senses, mental condition, and physical movement is limited
Physically challenged is when one has a problem with their body that makes it difficult fro them to do things that other people can do easily
Disabled is when both your senses, mental condition, and physical movement is limited
Physically challenged is when one has a problem with their body that makes it difficult fro them to do things that other people can do easily
В чем разница между handicapped person и disabled persons и which is better? ?
Disabled is the most acceptable word right now.
В чем разница между "handicapped" и "handicapable" ?
I've never seen handicapable, but someone who is handicapped has a disability (can't walk, can't see, etc), if someone is handicapable it would mean that they could become handicapped
Translations of "Handicapped"
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? handicapped
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Other questions about "Handicapped"
Пожалуйста, покажите как произносится handicapped.
thank you so much!
I’m a mental/mentally handicapped person это звучит нормально?
“I’m a mentally handicapped person.”
“I’m mentally handicapped.”
“I’m mentally handicapped.”
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