Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Haunt"
The meaning of "Haunt" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит I ignored his haunts?
Are you sure it was “haunts” and not “taunts”?
I can’t make sense of it with that word, but a taunt is when someone tries to annoy you and by doing so incite you to act in a certain manner. Typically the goal is for you to lose your temper and attack them.
Below is a picture of Krillin from Dragon Ball-Z taunting someone (I think Freeza).
I can’t make sense of it with that word, but a taunt is when someone tries to annoy you and by doing so incite you to act in a certain manner. Typically the goal is for you to lose your temper and attack them.
Below is a picture of Krillin from Dragon Ball-Z taunting someone (I think Freeza).
Что значит ... it's haunted me ever since !?
That something bad that’s happened they still remember every detail of it to this day.
Что значит haunt?
to visit habitually or appear to frequently as a spirit or ghost: to haunt a house; to haunt a person
Что значит "haunt"?
Example sentences using "Haunt"
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@Shreosh thank you!
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thank you! =)
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Her face haunts me to this day. I was haunted by the fact she died right before my eyes. The feeling of this house has a haunting feeling. Not telling the truth haunted me for the rest of my life.
Synonyms of "Haunt" and their differences
В чем разница между haunt и ghost ?
"Haunt" is the verb for what a "ghost" is said to do. It means to repeatedly appear in a particular place.
В чем разница между haunt и persecute ?
- A ghost can haunt a person/place
- A person is 'haunted' by something if it's constantly on their mind, even if it's something that happened a long time ago. E.g. Rachel is haunted by what she said to Joseph before he died.
- 'Haunt' can also mean 'to cause persistent problems for' e.g. The city is haunted by years of government neglect and underfunding.
The definition of persecute is to subject someone to harsh and unfair treatment, usually because of their ethnicity or religious/political beliefs.
E.g. The Nazis persecuted the Jewish people.
- A ghost can haunt a person/place
- A person is 'haunted' by something if it's constantly on their mind, even if it's something that happened a long time ago. E.g. Rachel is haunted by what she said to Joseph before he died.
- 'Haunt' can also mean 'to cause persistent problems for' e.g. The city is haunted by years of government neglect and underfunding.
The definition of persecute is to subject someone to harsh and unfair treatment, usually because of their ethnicity or religious/political beliefs.
E.g. The Nazis persecuted the Jewish people.
В чем разница между I'm haunted by her. и I'm obsessed by her. и I'm entranced by her. и I'm attached by her. ?
"I'm haunted by her" = she's dead. now pulls my legs at night.
"I'm obsessed by her" = I need a hobby.
"I'm entranced by her." = I have a long attention span. I also need a hobby.
"I'm attached by her." = She has physically restrained me.
"I'm obsessed by her" = I need a hobby.
"I'm entranced by her." = I have a long attention span. I also need a hobby.
"I'm attached by her." = She has physically restrained me.
В чем разница между haunt и ghost ?
Well haunt is the action ghost is the subject
She was haunted by a ghost
She was haunted by a ghost
В чем разница между haunt и linger ?
'Linger' is when something stays behind after.
E.g. 'The smell lingered in the room'
'Haunt' is when something creepy or frightening scares someone.
E.g. 'The smell lingered in the room'
'Haunt' is when something creepy or frightening scares someone.
Translations of "Haunt"
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? haunt
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Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? haunt
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Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? haunt
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Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? haunt
Other questions about "Haunt"
Можно ли использовать слово "haunt" в предложении "Я часто посещаю это кафе" это звучит нормально?
Thank you big time
Пожалуйста, покажите как произносится I'll haunt you after I die..
Пожалуйста, покажите как произносится haunt.
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Пожалуйста, покажите как произносится haunt.
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