Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Hoe"
The meaning of "Hoe" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит hoes mad?
As this is written. It is most likely a highly insulting third person comment. Hoe/s is slang for prostitute. So the speaker is talking about a woman as if she is not there. They are saying she is an angry prostitute.
Что значит hoes?
An impolite term for women/girls, implying they have sex a lot/for money.
Noun: A garden tool
Verb: To work with the garden tool named the same
It would depend on context, but the slang definition is heard more frequently nowadays. If you could give the context for when you heard/came across it, I could let you know which definition it is in that case.
An impolite term for women/girls, implying they have sex a lot/for money.
Noun: A garden tool
Verb: To work with the garden tool named the same
It would depend on context, but the slang definition is heard more frequently nowadays. If you could give the context for when you heard/came across it, I could let you know which definition it is in that case.
Что значит hoes?
I understand that. My email is Later today we can discuss ways for you to possibly meet my English speaking friends. I must leave now. Goodbye.
Что значит hoe ?
Depends,it can mean prostitute or the thing that you use to plant seeds in the ground
Что значит hoe?
another word for slut :(
Example sentences using "Hoe"
Покажите мне примеры предложений с only to do
Please tell me hoe to use "only to do" in English sentence..
Please tell me hoe to use "only to do" in English sentence..
The fact he received so much support only to do something like that, is quite disappointing.
I went to the store only to find that I didn't have my wallet on me.
The fact he received so much support only to do something like that, is quite disappointing.
I went to the store only to find that I didn't have my wallet on me.
Покажите мне примеры предложений с hoes.
hoes the insult
Покажите мне примеры предложений с hoe.
"I use a hoe to garden."
Synonyms of "Hoe" and their differences
В чем разница между hoe и weed ?
hoe is a garden tool
weed is a wild plant growing where it is not wanted
weed is a wild plant growing where it is not wanted
В чем разница между hoe и bitch ?
I’m pretty sure that ho is slang for whore.
В чем разница между hoe и slut ?
Hoe is a tool that you use for farming. I think you meant ho which is a slang for whore. Slut is someone that would sleep with any guy she likes without getting paid (usually). Whore or ho is a prostitute.
В чем разница между hoes и bitches и bro's before hoes ?
They're are both slang terms but very different.
These days, "hoes and bitches" probably refers to women in general. Although you should be very careful who you say this to because "hoes" is slang for "whores" which means prostitute and bitches is, you know, pretty much an insult in every culture. But sometimes people will say this to jokingly refer to friends or other people they know well.
Bros before hoes means that you should consider your male friends (bros) more important than females (hoes). It's kind of an older expression (I haven't heard it said seriously since the mid-2000's). An example of this is
"I know it's your 1 year anniversary with Bianca but we should go watch the Big Sports Game and Joe's Sports Bar. Bros before hoes, dude."
These days, "hoes and bitches" probably refers to women in general. Although you should be very careful who you say this to because "hoes" is slang for "whores" which means prostitute and bitches is, you know, pretty much an insult in every culture. But sometimes people will say this to jokingly refer to friends or other people they know well.
Bros before hoes means that you should consider your male friends (bros) more important than females (hoes). It's kind of an older expression (I haven't heard it said seriously since the mid-2000's). An example of this is
"I know it's your 1 year anniversary with Bianca but we should go watch the Big Sports Game and Joe's Sports Bar. Bros before hoes, dude."
В чем разница между hoe и bitch
You usually call someone a bitch if they are rude or mean and you usually call someone a hoe if they date a lot of people or wear inappropriate clothing
Translations of "Hoe"
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? hoe to say it in English
How to say it in English
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? hoe do you say I want to find my way to the train station
Check the question to view the answer
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? hoe zeg ik ik moet mijn rijbewijs halen
“I need to get my license”
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? hoes
Check the question to view the answer
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? hoe
Check the question to view the answer
Other questions about "Hoe"
What does 'These hoes can hop on Spirit Airlines about it' in the following:
If anybody is jealous of his success, they can leave on the next airplane out of the city. Of course, since they're haters, they probably can't afford anything nicer than Spirit Airlines.
hoe shoul I form these sentences in the passive?
They collect the information from retail outlets and they enter it on the database.
An unidentified person has vandalised the lift in our block
The ancient Egyptians were superb stonemasons.
People hardly ever see foxes in daylight
Sarah was having a bath when the phone rang
They collect the information from retail outlets and they enter it on the database.
An unidentified person has vandalised the lift in our block
The ancient Egyptians were superb stonemasons.
People hardly ever see foxes in daylight
Sarah was having a bath when the phone rang
The information has been collected from... and entered into...
The lift has been vandalized by an unidentified person.
Foxes are hardly ever seen in daylight.
Sentences 3 and 5 cannot be turned into passive-voice sentences.
The lift has been vandalized by an unidentified person.
Foxes are hardly ever seen in daylight.
Sentences 3 and 5 cannot be turned into passive-voice sentences.
I need a hoe to dig some soil это звучит нормально?
Your sentence could be taken two ways. lol
stupid hoe это звучит нормально?
It sounds like you're saying "cow" and not "hoe"? "Hoe" is pronounced like "ho".
Here's the pronunciation haha
Here's the pronunciation haha
hoe can I pronunce "S" following by "TH"?
I can't do this!
I can't do this!
Can you give me an example and I will record myself pronouncing it for you
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