Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Homeland"
The meaning of "Homeland" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит I’ll bless my homeland?
Hmm, I’m not sure. Can you provide more sentences of context? To bless usually means to say a prayer, so it could mean “I’ll pray for good fortune for my homeland.”
Что значит I'm caught up on homeland?
Homeland is an American TV drama. The person is saying that they have seen all of the episodes and are up to date on the story.
Synonyms of "Homeland" and their differences
В чем разница между homeland и hometown ?
В чем разница между homeland и hometown ?
Hometown doesn't mean the capital but where you live. For example, if you are from Istanbul, you would say, my hometown is Istanbul (which is not the capital) and homeland is Turkey!
В чем разница между homeland и motherland ?
what word of these do u see often?
В чем разница между homeland и fatherland и country ?
Homeland- 고향 (place you were born)
fatherland/motherland- 조국 / 나라 (country)
fatherland/motherland- 조국 / 나라 (country)
Translations of "Homeland"
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? But at homeland her father and his "right hand" John-girl's childhood friend are waiting for her.
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Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? want different between homeland and hometown
Homeland - country or area you were born
Hometown- town you were born or town you grew up in
Hometown- town you were born or town you grew up in
Other questions about "Homeland"
I'm outright decided to migrate from my homeland. The way how things are going through our everyday life really bothers me. I even can't watch TV without thinking about how people could made this awful choice. And the recent happenings was the last straw. это звучит нормально?
× I'm outright decided to migrate from my homeland.
✓ I have decided outright to migrate from my homeland.
× The way how things are going through our everyday life really bothers me. I even can't watch TV without thinking about how people could made this awful choice.
✓ The way things are going in everyday life really bothers me. I even can't watch TV without thinking about how people could have made this awful choice.
× And the recent happenings was the last straw.
✓ And the recent event was the last straw.
✓ I have decided outright to migrate from my homeland.
× The way how things are going through our everyday life really bothers me. I even can't watch TV without thinking about how people could made this awful choice.
✓ The way things are going in everyday life really bothers me. I even can't watch TV without thinking about how people could have made this awful choice.
× And the recent happenings was the last straw.
✓ And the recent event was the last straw.
I am watching homeland on netflix and I have a question.
Walden's just floating my name.
What does "float someone's name" exactly mean? I googled it but I can't find the answer.
Walden's just floating my name.
What does "float someone's name" exactly mean? I googled it but I can't find the answer.
That could be used in some situations- to "float" something can mean to bring up an idea, suggestion, possibility, etc to see what people think of it. So I guess you could use that with someone's name. For example, if a business were looking for a new manager, and you wanted to suggest that the boss hire your friend, you could say that you "floated his name" by bringing it up to the boss.
This is my homeland / hometown / Fatherland / Motherland ...
What would a native local say regarding his country?
What would a native local say regarding his country?
I would usually say “This is my hometown”
When I think about my homeland, Korea, it's unfortunate to have crazy neighbor countries, as North Korea, Japan and China. It makes us Koreans suffocating.
Is this correct?
Is this correct?
When I think about my homeland, Korea, it's unfortunate to have such crazy neighbor countries as North Korea, Japan and China. It makes us Koreans feel suffocated.
🙏 I imagine it's really intense 😁
When I think about my homeland, Korea, it's unfortunate to have such crazy neighbor countries as North Korea, Japan and China. It makes us Koreans feel suffocated.
🙏 I imagine it's really intense 😁
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