Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Impractical"
The meaning of "Impractical" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит uterly impractical ?
completamente impracticable
muy poco práctico
muy poco práctico
Example sentences using "Impractical"
Покажите мне примеры предложений с impractical.
"The tutor's teaching methods were impractical" "Don't use a pen in math class. It's impractical" "It is impractical to mix honey with vinegar" I can't think of many sentences but I hope these help :)
Покажите мне примеры предложений с impractical.
This is an impractical task.
The teacher uses an impractical method of teaching.
The teacher uses an impractical method of teaching.
Synonyms of "Impractical" and their differences
В чем разница между impractical и impracticable ?
Impractical: not recommended; unwise to do
Impracticable: impossible to do
(I’ll be honest, I have not heard “impracticable” used that often.)
Impracticable: impossible to do
(I’ll be honest, I have not heard “impracticable” used that often.)
В чем разница между impractical и unrealistic ?
They usually can be both used for the same thing but there is a slight difference.
impractical is used when things are are not logical. (Things that don't go make sense)
"A very large dog can not live in a small apartment complex, it's impractical"
"it's impractical for me to do the hang clothes out on a rainy day"
unrealistic is used for things that cannot happen in life. (it is an more of an informal word)
"My mom said it's unrealistic for me to become a Doctor because I don't like to study"
"it's unrealistic for me to go to live on the moon"
When in doubt use unrealistic, It is a more common word.
impractical is used when things are are not logical. (Things that don't go make sense)
"A very large dog can not live in a small apartment complex, it's impractical"
"it's impractical for me to do the hang clothes out on a rainy day"
unrealistic is used for things that cannot happen in life. (it is an more of an informal word)
"My mom said it's unrealistic for me to become a Doctor because I don't like to study"
"it's unrealistic for me to go to live on the moon"
When in doubt use unrealistic, It is a more common word.
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