Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Level"
The meaning of "Level" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит I stooped to your level ?
Example sentences using "Level"
Покажите мне примеры предложений с next level
(what is the meaning of “next level”?
Is it same to “another level”?
I wonder difference this two words
and I also wanna know the sentence “I wonder difference this two words” is correct
if I have a error, please fix the sentence.
(what is the meaning of “next level”?
Is it same to “another level”?
I wonder difference this two words
and I also wanna know the sentence “I wonder difference this two words” is correct
if I have a error, please fix the sentence.
Synonyms of "Level" and their differences
В чем разница между I could realize I needed to improve my English levels. и I was able to realize I needed to improve my English levels. ?
В чем разница между high levels of и a high level of ?
Translations of "Level"
Other questions about "Level"
The level test takes place every three month and it will decide whether they retake the same class or move up a level. это звучит нормально?
You both made the next level
You both got to the next level
Are both correct and the same?
You both got to the next level
Are both correct and the same?
they take a level test once every three months to decide to get them to the upper level or retake the same course. I actually want to keep my students because I got into this branch first and am just used to it.. so I don't want any changes.. but at the same time, I want myself to be okay with some chances..
cuz if the director gives me another class then maybe there will be a reason behind why the changes happen../under the school circumstances so.. just wanna take it as it is. / follow her decisions. это звучит нормально?
they take a level test once every three months to decide to get them to the upper level or retake the same course. I actually want to keep my students because I got into this branch first and am just used to it.. so I don't want any changes.. but at the same time, I want myself to be okay with some chances..
cuz if the director gives me another class then maybe there will be a reason behind why the changes happen../under the school circumstances so.. just wanna take it as it is. / follow her decisions. это звучит нормально?
How much levels should I archive?
I’m an English learner.
I have spent numerous times and money for studying English, although now I still can’t use English enough I need.
I got high score of English test, but I still can’t speak even like a 4years kids!!!!!
How far this long way?
Actually my daily life doesn’t need to understand English.
I think learning is part of the improvement of life, however, I’m not sure I can continue. это звучит нормально?
I’m an English learner.
I have spent numerous times and money for studying English, although now I still can’t use English enough I need.
I got high score of English test, but I still can’t speak even like a 4years kids!!!!!
How far this long way?
Actually my daily life doesn’t need to understand English.
I think learning is part of the improvement of life, however, I’m not sure I can continue. это звучит нормально?
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