Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Organizer"

The meaning of "Organizer" in various phrases and sentences

Other questions about "Organizer"

Q: I'm used to be an organizer of our dance team, and for some reasons I was kicked off. I'm no longer a organizer member. Today, the organizers are going to look for a best place to shoot a video. But they invited another team member who is not an organizer member. And that guy is a friend of the organizers, so probably that's why he is invited, but it makes me uncomfortable. Although I used to be a organizer, but I am not invited. I'm one year older than the other organizer members. So probably that's why I'm not. If I were in the organizers meeting, the other members would use the polite way of saying to me. It is a pain in the neck for them. это звучит нормально?

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